Judy K. Brunso-Bechtold

"Judy Brunso-Bechtold"
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Franklin SR, Brunso-Bechtold JK, Henkel CK. (2008) Bilateral cochlear ablation in postnatal rat disrupts development of banded pattern of projections from the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus to the inferior colliculus. Neuroscience. 154: 346-54
Fuentes-Santamaría V, Alvarado JC, Henkel CK, et al. (2007) Cochlear ablation in adult ferrets results in changes in insulin-like growth factor-1 and synaptophysin immunostaining in the cochlear nucleus. Neuroscience. 148: 1033-47
Henkel CK, Keiger CJ, Franklin SR, et al. (2007) Development of banded afferent compartments in the inferior colliculus before onset of hearing in ferrets. Neuroscience. 146: 225-35
Franklin SR, Brunso-Bechtold JK, Henkel CK. (2006) Unilateral cochlear ablation before hearing onset disrupts the maintenance of dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus projection patterns in the rat inferior colliculus. Neuroscience. 143: 105-15
Brunso-Bechtold JK, Evans SD, Henkel CK. (2006) Synaptogenesis in the inferior colliculus of the pre-hearing postnatal ferret. Hearing Research. 218: 1-4
Alvarado JC, Fuentes-Santamaria V, Franklin SR, et al. (2005) Unilateral cochlear ablation in adult ferrets results in upregulation in calretinin immunostaining in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus. Neuroscience. 136: 957-69
Fuentes-Santamaria V, Alvarado JC, Taylor AR, et al. (2005) Quantitative changes in calretinin immunostaining in the cochlear nuclei after unilateral cochlear removal in young ferrets. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 483: 458-75
Brunso-Bechtold JK, Henkel CK. (2005) Development of auditory afferents to the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus The Inferior Colliculus. 537-558
Alvarado JC, Fuentes-Santamaria V, Henkel CK, et al. (2004) Alterations in calretinin immunostaining in the ferret superior olivary complex after cochlear ablation. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 470: 63-79
Henkel CK, Fuentes-Santamaria V, Alvarado JC, et al. (2003) Quantitative measurement of afferent layers in the ferret inferior colliculus: DNLL projections to sublayers. Hearing Research. 177: 32-42
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