Scott Yuzwa

University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
"Scott Yuzwa"
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Dittmann NL, Torabi P, Watson AES, et al. (2023) Culture Protocol and Transcriptomic Analysis of Murine SVZ NPCs and OPCs. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports
Jeong D, Lozano Casasbuenas D, Gengatharan A, et al. (2020) LRIG1-Mediated Inhibition of EGF Receptor Signaling Regulates Neural Precursor Cell Proliferation in the Neocortex. Cell Reports. 33: 108257
Toma JS, Karamboulas K, Carr MJ, et al. (2020) Peripheral Nerve Single Cell Analysis Identifies Mesenchymal Ligands that Promote Axonal Growth. Eneuro
Storer MA, Mahmud N, Karamboulas K, et al. (2019) Acquisition of a Unique Mesenchymal Precursor-like Blastema State Underlies Successful Adult Mammalian Digit Tip Regeneration. Developmental Cell
Carr MJ, Toma JS, Johnston APW, et al. (2018) Mesenchymal Precursor Cells in Adult Nerves Contribute to Mammalian Tissue Repair and Regeneration. Cell Stem Cell
Zahr SK, Yang G, Kazan H, et al. (2018) A Translational Repression Complex in Developing Mammalian Neural Stem Cells that Regulates Neuronal Specification. Neuron
Yuzwa SA, Borrett MJ, Innes BT, et al. (2017) Developmental Emergence of Adult Neural Stem Cells as Revealed by Single-Cell Transcriptional Profiling. Cell Reports. 21: 3970-3986
Voronova A, Yuzwa SA, Wang BS, et al. (2017) Migrating Interneurons Secrete Fractalkine to Promote Oligodendrocyte Formation in the Developing Mammalian Brain. Neuron. 94: 500-516.e9
Ravindran E, Hu H, Yuzwa SA, et al. (2017) Homozygous ARHGEF2 mutation causes intellectual disability and midbrain-hindbrain malformation. Plos Genetics. 13: e1006746
Yuzwa SA, Miller FD. (2017) Deciphering cell-cell communication in the developing mammalian brain. Neurogenesis (Austin, Tex.). 4: e1286425
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