Lale Evsen, Ph.D.

2004-2012 NIH (NIDCD) 
 2012-2018 Neuroscience Johns Hopkins University of School of Medicine 
 2021- National Institutes Health (NIH) 
"Lale Evsen"
Mean distance: 16.16 (cluster 6)
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Evsen L, Morris PJ, Thomas CJ, et al. (2023) Comparative Assessment and High-Throughput Drug-Combination Profiling of TEAD-Palmitoylation Inhibitors in Hippo Pathway Deficient Mesothelioma. Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland). 16
Evsen L, Li X, Zhang S, et al. (2020) miRNAs inhibit CHD7 expression and control auditory-sensory progenitor cell behavior in the developing inner ear. Development (Cambridge, England). 147
Evsen L, Zhang S, Doetzlhofer A. (2019) Let-7 miRNAs control auditory sensory progenitor behavior in the vertebrate inner ear Biorxiv
Evsen L, Doetzlhofer A. (2016) Gene Transfer into the Chicken Auditory Organ by In Ovo Micro-electroporation. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove
Evsen L, Sugahara S, Uchikawa M, et al. (2013) Progression of neurogenesis in the inner ear requires inhibition of Sox2 transcription by neurogenin1 and neurod1. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 33: 3879-90
Johnson J, Jinneman K, Stelma G, et al. (2004) Natural atypical Listeria innocua strains with Listeria monocytogenes pathogenicity island 1 genes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 70: 4256-66
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