Christopher D Adam
Affiliations: | University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine |
Learning & Memory, Epilepsy, TBIGoogle:
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John A. Wolf | grad student | 2018-2024 | University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine |
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Ulyanova AV, Adam CD, Cottone C, et al. (2023) Hippocampal interneuronal dysfunction and hyperexcitability in a porcine model of concussion. Communications Biology. 6: 1136 |
Jgamadze D, Lim JT, Zhang Z, et al. (2023) Structural and functional integration of human forebrain organoids with the injured adult rat visual system. Cell Stem Cell. 30: 137-152.e7 |
Koch PF, Cottone C, Adam CD, et al. (2020) Traumatic Brain Injury Preserves Firing Rates but Disrupts Laminar Oscillatory Coupling and Neuronal Entrainment in Hippocampal CA1. Eneuro |
Qian X, Su Y, Adam CD, et al. (2020) Sliced Human Cortical Organoids for Modeling Distinct Cortical Layer Formation. Cell Stem Cell |
Ulyanova AV, Cottone C, Adam CD, et al. (2019) Multichannel Silicon Probes for Awake Hippocampal Recordings in Large Animals. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 13: 397 |
Ulyanova AV, Koch PF, Cottone C, et al. (2018) Electrophysiological Signature Reveals Laminar Structure of the Porcine Hippocampus. Eneuro. 5 |