Colin Sullivan
Affiliations: | University of Sydney, Camperdown, New South Wales, Australia |
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Milross MA, Norman MB, Wilson M, et al. (2021) Measurement of crackles during sleep may have a role to play in titration of positive airway pressure (PAP) modalities in heart failure. Sleep Medicine: X. 3: 100034 |
D'Souza B, Norman M, Sullivan CE, et al. (2020) TcCO2 changes correlate with partial obstruction in children suspected of sleep disordered breathing. Pediatric Pulmonology |
Daly A, Robertson A, Bobek G, et al. (2018) Sleep disordered breathing controlled by CPAP and sFlt-1 in a pregnant patient with chronic hypertension: Case report and literature review. Obstetric Medicine. 11: 32-34 |
Castro-Codesal ML, Dehaan K, Featherstone R, et al. (2017) Long-term non-invasive ventilation therapies in children: A scoping review. Sleep Medicine Reviews |
Carter JR, Fonkoue IT, Grimaldi D, et al. (2016) Positive airway pressure improves nocturnal beat-to-beat blood pressure surges in obesity hypoventilation syndrome with obstructive sleep apnea. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. ajpregu.00516.2015 |
Norman MB, Middleton S, Erskine O, et al. (2014) Validation of the Sonomat: a contactless monitoring system used for the diagnosis of sleep disordered breathing. Sleep. 37: 1477-87 |
Blyton DM, Skilton MR, Edwards N, et al. (2013) Treatment of sleep disordered breathing reverses low fetal activity levels in preeclampsia. Sleep. 36: 15-21 |
Norman MB, Middleton S, Sullivan CE. (2011) The use of epochs to stage sleep results in incorrect computer-generated AHI values. Sleep & Breathing = Schlaf & Atmung. 15: 385-92 |
Johnson PL, Popa DA, Prisk GK, et al. (2010) Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation during sleep at 3800 m: Relationship to acute mountain sickness and sleeping oxyhaemoglobin saturation. Respirology (Carlton, Vic.). 15: 277-82 |
Johnson PL, Edwards N, Burgess KR, et al. (2010) Sleep architecture changes during a trek from 1400 to 5000 m in the Nepal Himalaya. Journal of Sleep Research. 19: 148-56 |