Jennifer L. Mohn
Affiliations: | 2014- | University of California, Davis, Davis, CA |
"Jennifer Mohn"Mean distance: 15.15 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorJames A. Demas | research assistant | 2011-2014 | St. Olaf College |
Mitchell Sutter | grad student | 2015-2021 | UC Davis |
Santiago Jaramillo | post-doc | 2021- | University of Oregon |
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Horrocks M, Mohn JL, Jaramillo S. (2024) The serotonergic psychedelic DOI impairs deviance detection in the auditory cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology |
Horrocks M, Mohn JL, Jaramillo S. (2024) The serotonergic psychedelic DOI impairs deviance detection in the auditory cortex. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology |
Mohn JL, Baese-Berk MM, Jaramillo S. (2023) Selectivity to acoustic features of human speech in the auditory cortex of the mouse. Hearing Research. 441: 108920 |
Mohn JL, Baese-Berk MM, Jaramillo S. (2023) Selectivity to acoustic features of human speech in the auditory cortex of the mouse. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology |
Nardoci MB, Lakunina AA, Henderling DC, et al. (2022) Sound-Evoked Responses of Distinct Neuron Classes from the Tail of the Striatum. Eneuro. 9 |
Mohn JL, Downer JD, O'Connor KN, et al. (2021) Choice-related activity and neural encoding in primary auditory cortex and lateral belt during feature selective attention. Journal of Neurophysiology |