Karen K. Glendenning

Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United States 
auditory system, comparative and developmental neuroanatomy
"Karen Glendenning"
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Glendenning KK. (2003) Distribution of muscimol, QNB, and 5HT binding in the vertebrate diencephalon: a comparative study of eight mammals and three non-mammals. Microscopy Research and Technique. 62: 247-61
Sutherland DP, Masterton RB, Glendenning KK. (1998) Role of acoustic striae in hearing: reflexive responses to elevated sound-sources. Behavioural Brain Research. 97: 1-12
Stasiak M, Glendenning KK. (1998) Lack of projections from medial geniculate body to suprasylvian cortex in cat: a study with horseradish peroxidase. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis. 58: 177-88
Sutherland DP, Glendenning KK, Masterton RB. (1998) Role of acoustic striae in hearing: discrimination of sound-source elevation. Hearing Research. 120: 86-108
Glendenning KK, Hutson KA. (1998) Lack of topography in the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. Microscopy Research and Technique. 41: 298-312
Glendenning KK, Masterton RB. (1998) Comparative morphometry of mammalian central auditory systems: variation in nuclei and form of the ascending system. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 51: 59-89
Glendenning K. (1998) Acoustical Signal Processing in the Central Auditory System Trends in Neurosciences. 21: 498-499
Masterton RB, Granger EM, Glendenning KK. (1994) Role of acoustic striae in hearing: mechanism for enhancement of sound detection in cats. Hearing Research. 73: 209-22
Masterton RB, Granger EM, Glendenning KK. (1992) Psychoacoustical contribution of each lateral lemniscus. Hearing Research. 63: 57-70
Glendenning KK, Baker BN, Hutson KA, et al. (1992) Acoustic chiasm V: inhibition and excitation in the ipsilateral and contralateral projections of LSO. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 319: 100-22
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