Aman Ullah

2011 Physics  Ohio University, Athens, OH, United States 
"Aman Ullah"
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Peter Jung grad student 2011 Ohio University
 (Computational Modeling of Channels Clustering Effects on Calcium Signaling during Oocyte Maturation.)
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Alvarez JAE, Jafri MS, Ullah A. (2023) Local Control Model of a Human Ventricular Myocyte: An Exploration of Frequency-Dependent Changes and Calcium Sparks. Biomolecules. 13
Hoang-Trong TM, Ullah A, Lederer WJ, et al. (2021) A Stochastic Spatiotemporal Model of Rat Ventricular Myocyte Calcium Dynamics Demonstrated Necessary Features for Calcium Wave Propagation. Membranes. 11
Hoang-Trong MT, Ullah A, Lederer WJ, et al. (2021) Cardiac Alternans Occurs through the Synergy of Voltage- and Calcium-Dependent Mechanisms. Membranes. 11
King JR, Ullah A, Bak E, et al. (2018) Ionotropic and metabotropic mechanisms of allosteric modulation of α7 nicotinic receptor intracellular calcium. Molecular Pharmacology
Ullah G, Ullah A. (2016) Mode switching of Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor channel shapes the Spatiotemporal scales of Ca(2+) signals. Journal of Biological Physics
Hoang-Trong TM, Ullah A, Jafri MS. (2015) Calcium Sparks in the Heart: Dynamics and Regulation. Research and Reports in Biology. 6: 203-214
Ullah A, Jung P, Ullah G, et al. (2014) The role of IP3 receptor channel clustering in Ca2+ wave propagation during oocyte maturation. Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science. 123: 83-101
Ullah A, Hoang-Trong TM, Williams GS, et al. (2014) A Small Number of Cells is Sufficient to Trigger a Cardiac Arrhythmia: Stochastic Computational Studies Biophysical Journal. 106: 112a
Ullah A, Hoang Trong MT, Williams GS, et al. (2014) Critical Requirements for the Initiation of a Cardiac Arrhythmia in Heart: Cell Number Biophysical Journal. 106: 431a
Ullah A, Jung P, Ullah G, et al. (2014) The role of IP3 Receptor channel clustering in Ca2 + wave propagation during oocyte maturation Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science. 123: 83-101
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