Michael A. Lexa

2008 Rice University, Houston, TX 
"Michael Lexa"
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Don H. Johnson grad student 2008 Rice University
 (Sequential quantization for classification: The impact of structure and nonparametric estimates.)
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Lexa MA, Johnson DH. (2008) Distributed structures, sequential optimization, and quantization for detection Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing. 56: 1740-1745
Lexa MA, Johnson DH. (2007) Joint optimization of distributed broadcast quantization systems for classification Data Compression Conference Proceedings. 363-372
Lexa MA, Rozell CJ, Sinanović S, et al. (2004) To cooperate or not to cooperate: Detection strategies in sensor networks Icassp, Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 3: III841-III844
Lexa MA, Johnson DH. (2003) An information processing approach to distributed detection Ieee Workshop On Statistical Signal Processing Proceedings. 2003: 379-382
Lexa MA, Johnson DH. (2003) Optimizing binary decision systems by manipulating transmission intervals Proceedings - 7th International Symposium On Signal Processing and Its Applications, Isspa 2003. 2: 339-342
Lexa MA, Johnson DH. (2002) Information processing ability of binary detectors and block decoders Proceedings of 2002 Ieee 10th Digital Signal Processing Workshop, Dsp 2002 and 2nd Signal Processing Education Workshop, Spe 2002. 11-15
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