Maxwell Myer Wintrobe, M.D., Ph.D.

1943-1965 Medicine University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 
Hematology, hereditary and metabolic disorders, cardiovascular research
"Maxwell Myer Wintrobe"

(1901 - 1986)

Mean distance: 22.63
Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree


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John Herr Musser grad student 1929 Tulane
 (The Erythrocyte in Man)


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G. Robert Greenberg post-doc 1945 University of Utah (Chemistry Tree)
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Lee GR, Cartwright GE, Wintrobe MM. (1968) Heme biosynthesis in copper deficient swine. Proceedings of the Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 127: 977-81
Marsh JC, Boggs DR, Cartwright GE, et al. (1967) Neutrophil kinetics in acute infection. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 46: 1943-53
Wintrobe MM. (1967) The John Phillips Memorial Lecture : Sideropenic and Sideremic Anemias. Annals of Internal Medicine. 66: 1045-1045
Lukens JN, Cartwright GE, Wintrobe MM. (1967) Plasma Iron in Pyridoxine-Deficient Swine. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 126: 654-657
CARTWRIGHT GE, WINTROBE MM. (1964) THE QUESTION OF COPPER DEFICIENCY IN MAN. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 15: 94-110
Haut A, Cartwright GE, Wintrobe MM. (1963) Studies on the Osmotic Resistance of Incubated Leptocytes. Annals of Internal Medicine. 58: 732-733
SCHWARTZ HC, GOUDSMIT R, HILL RL, et al. (1961) The biosynthesis of hemoglobin from iron, protoporphyrin and globin. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 40: 188-95
Zipursky A, Dempsey H, Markowitz H, et al. (1958) Studies on Copper Metabolism: XXIV. Hypocupremia in Infancy A.M.a. Journal of Diseases of Children. 96: 148-158
ATHENS JW, CARTWRIGHT GE, WINTROBE MM. (1958) Hematologic manifestations of lysine deficiency in swine Proceedings of the Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 97: 909-912
ASHENBRUCKER H, CARTWRIGHT GE, GOLDBERG A, et al. (1956) Studies on the biosynthesis of heme in vitro by avian erythrocytes Blood. 11: 821-833
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