Patrick Z El-Khoury
Affiliations: | Previously at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Plasmonics, TERS, Chemical PhysicsGoogle:
"Patrick El-Khoury"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorAlexander N. Tarnovsky | grad student | Bowling Green State University (Chemistry Tree) | |
Vartkess Ara Apkarian | post-doc | UC Irvine (Chemistry Tree) | |
Wayne Hess | post-doc | PNNL |
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Obloy LM, El-Khoury PZ, Tarnovsky AN. (2022) Excited-State-Selective Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics and Photoisomerization of -4,4'-Azopyridine. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 13: 10863-10870 |
Borin VA, Matveev SM, Budkina DS, et al. (2016) Direct photoisomerization of CH2I2vs. CHBr3 in the gas phase: a joint 50 fs experimental and multireference resonance-theoretical study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp |
Ueltschi TW, Fischer SA, Aprà E, et al. (2016) Time-Domain Simulations of Transient Species in Experimentally Relevant Environments. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A |
El-Khoury PZ, Joseph S, Schapiro I, et al. (2013) Probing vibrationally mediated ultrafast excited-state reaction dynamics with multireference (CASPT2) trajectories. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 117: 11271-5 |
El-Khoury PZ, Hu D, Apkarian VA, et al. (2013) Raman scattering at plasmonic junctions shorted by conductive molecular bridges. Nano Letters. 13: 1858-61 |
Lee J, Perdue SM, Perez AR, et al. (2013) Orbiting orbitals: visualization of vibronic motion at a conical intersection. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 117: 11655-64 |
Banik M, El-Khoury PZ, Nag A, et al. (2012) Surface-enhanced Raman trajectories on a nano-dumbbell: transition from field to charge transfer plasmons as the spheres fuse. Acs Nano. 6: 10343-54 |
Mereshchenko AS, Pal SK, Karabaeva KE, et al. (2012) Photochemistry of monochloro complexes of copper(II) in methanol probed by ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 116: 2791-9 |
El-Khoury PZ, George L, Kalume A, et al. (2010) Characterization of iso-CF2I2 in frequency and ultrafast time domains. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 132: 124501 |
Hewa-Kasakarage NN, El-Khoury PZ, Tarnovsky AN, et al. (2010) Ultrafast carrier dynamics in type II ZnSe/CdS/ZnSe nanobarbells. Acs Nano. 4: 1837-44 |