Naoko Tanese

New York University, New York, NY, United States 
"Naoko Tanese"
Mean distance: 19.42 (cluster 6)
Cross-listing: Cell Biology Tree


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Stavros Giannakopoulos grad student 2001 NYU
Milo F. Vassallo grad student 2002 NYU
Jason Glen Lieberthal grad student 2008 NYU (Cell Biology Tree)
Jeffrey N. Savas grad student 2009 NYU
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Yu MS, Tanese N. (2017) Huntingtin Is Required for Neural But Not Cardiac/Pancreatic Progenitor Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells In vitro. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 11: 33
Culver BP, DeClercq J, Dolgalev I, et al. (2016) Huntington's Disease Protein Huntingtin Associates with its own mRNA. Journal of Huntington's Disease
Ma B, Tanese N. (2013) Combined FISH and immunofluorescent staining methods to co-localize proteins and mRNA in neurons and brain tissue. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1010: 123-38
Ma B, Savas JN, Chao MV, et al. (2012) Quantitative analysis of BDNF/TrkB protein and mRNA in cortical and striatal neurons using α-tubulin as a normalization factor. Cytometry. Part a : the Journal of the International Society For Analytical Cytology. 81: 704-17
Culver BP, Savas JN, Park SK, et al. (2012) Proteomic analysis of wild-type and mutant huntingtin-associated proteins in mouse brains identifies unique interactions and involvement in protein synthesis. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 287: 21599-614
Ma B, Savas JN, Yu MS, et al. (2011) Huntingtin mediates dendritic transport of β-actin mRNA in rat neurons. Scientific Reports. 1: 140
Mita P, Savas JN, Djouder N, et al. (2011) Regulation of androgen receptor-mediated transcription by RPB5 binding protein URI/RMP. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 31: 3639-52
Inoue H, Giannakopoulos S, Parkhurst CN, et al. (2011) Target genes of the largest human SWI/SNF complex subunit control cell growth. The Biochemical Journal. 434: 83-92
Ma B, Culver BP, Baj G, et al. (2010) Localization of BDNF mRNA with the Huntington's disease protein in rat brain. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 5: 22
Savas JN, Ma B, Deinhardt K, et al. (2010) A role for huntington disease protein in dendritic RNA granules. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285: 13142-53
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