Matthew Steely Peterson

George Mason University, Washington, DC 
Attention, Visual Perception, Memory, Aging
"Matthew Peterson"
Mean distance: 15.64 (cluster 15)


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James F. Juola grad student 1992-1997 George Mason
Arthur F. Kramer post-doc 1998-2002 UIUC


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Bobby Azarian grad student George Mason
Melissa A.B. Smith grad student George Mason
Eric J. Blumberg grad student 2011- George Mason
Sonia Bansal grad student 2012- George Mason
Jason H. Wong grad student 2004-2009 George Mason
Yi-Fang D. Tsai grad student 2005-2012 George Mason
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Mensen JM, Holland SB, Helton WS, et al. (2022) Prolonging the Response Movement Reduces Commission Errors in a High-Go, Low-No-Go Target Detection Task and Composite Metrics of Performance Miss This Effect. Human Factors. 187208221127945
Peterson M, Mead P, Kelly S, et al. (2022) Spatial context target relearning following a target relocation event: Not mission impossible. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Kelly S, Peterson MS, Joiner WM. (2019) The Spatiotemporal Influences of Bottom-up Input on double-step Saccade Planning Journal of Vision. 19: 84c
Nguyen RT, Peterson MS. (2019) Occlusion and object specific effects on visual search for complex objects Journal of Vision. 19: 314a
Esser-Adomako EG, Mead P, Kelly S, et al. (2019) Contextual Relearning Following Target Relocation in Visual Search Journal of Vision. 19: 200b
Peterson MS, Russell EL, De Los Santos E. (2019) Individual differences in attention switching speeds predict the magnitude of the attentional blink. Journal of Vision. 19: 108c
Peterson MS, Kelly SP, Blumberg EJ. (2018) Saccadic eye movements smear spatial working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance
Azarian B, Buzzell GA, Esser EG, et al. (2017) Averted body postures facilitate orienting of the eyes. Acta Psychologica. 175: 28-32
Rabbitt LR, Roberts DM, McDonald CG, et al. (2017) Neural activity reveals perceptual grouping in working memory. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology
Kelly S, Peterson M, Joiner W. (2017) The Spatial Separation of Movement Goals and Preparation Time Determines Single vs. Averaged Saccade Motor Plans Journal of Vision. 17: 905
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