Linda Bowns

University of Nottingham, Nottingham, England, United Kingdom 
Vision, Motion
"Linda Bowns"
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Bowns L. (2018) Motion estimation: A biologically inspired model. Vision Research. 150: 44-53
Bowns L, Beaudot WHA. (2017) Measuring Early Cortical Visual Processing in the Clinic. I-Perception. 8: 2041669517702915
Bowns L. (2013) An explanation of why component contrast affects perceived pattern motion. Vision Research. 86: 1-5
Bowns L. (2011) Taking the energy out of spatio-temporal energy models of human motion processing: the Component Level Feature Model. Vision Research. 51: 2425-30
Bowns L, Barlow HB. (2011) Perceived motion is influenced by random dynamic information. Perception. 40: 135-42
Bowns L, Beckett AJ. (2010) An independent effect of spatial frequency on motion integration reveals orientation resolution. Vision Research. 50: 1445-51
Bowns L. (2010) The component level feature model of motion: Completed Journal of Vision. 9: 663-663
Bowns L, Barlow H. (2010) Spatial frequency spectra of random dynamic glass patterns predict perceived motion direction Journal of Vision. 7: 1008-1008
Bowns L. (2006) 'Squaring' is better at predicting plaid motion than the vector average or intersection of constraints. Perception. 35: 469-81
Aaen-Stockdale C, Bowns L. (2006) Motion-detection thresholds for first- and second-order gratings and plaids. Vision Research. 46: 925-31
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