Sabine Pauen
Affiliations: | 2012-2013 | Psychology | University of Heidelberg, Germany, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany |
"Sabine Pauen"Mean distance: 17.92 (cluster 15) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeMartin Zettersten | research assistant | 2012-2013 | University of Heidelberg, Germany |
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Pauen S, Bechtel-Kuehne S. (2016) How Toddlers Acquire and Transfer Tool Knowledge: Developmental Changes and the Role of Executive Functions. Child Development |
Hoehl S, Zettersten M, Schleihauf H, et al. (2014) The role of social interaction and pedagogical cues for eliciting and reducing overimitation in preschoolers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 122: 122-33 |
Höhle B, Pauen S, Hesse V, et al. (2014) Discrimination of rhythmic pattern at 4 months and language performance at 5 years: A longitudinal analysis of data from German-learning children Language Learning. 64: 141-164 |
Bechtel S, Jeschonek S, Pauen S. (2013) How 24-month-olds form and transfer knowledge about tools: the role of perceptual, functional, causal, and feedback information. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 115: 163-79 |
Schrauf C, Call J, Pauen S. (2011) The Effect of Plausible Versus Implausible Balance Scale Feedback on the Expectancies of 3- to 4-Year-Old Children Journal of Cognition and Development. 12: 518-536 |
Pauen S, Zauner N. (1999) Conceptual differentiation between people and mammals in preverbal children | Differenzieren Kinder im vorsprachlichen Alter zwischen Menschen und Säugetieren? Zeitschrift Fur Entwicklungspsychologie Und Padagogische Psychologie. 31: 78-85 |
Pauen S, Wilkening F. (1997) Children's analogical reasoning about natural phenomena. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 67: 90-113 |
Pauen S. (1996) Children's reasoning about the interaction of forces. Child Development. 67: 2728-42 |