David L. Van Valkenburg

University Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia, Australia 
Auditory Perception
"David Van Valkenburg"
Mean distance: 16.17 (cluster 23)


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Patrick J. Bennett research assistant 1990-1995 University of Toronto
Allison B. Sekuler research assistant 1990-1995 University of Toronto
Anne Treisman research assistant 1995-1996 Princeton
Michael Kubovy grad student 1997-2004 UVA
 (Toward the quantification of auditory stream segregation.)
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Cook LA, Van Valkenburg DL, Badcock DR. (2011) Predictability affects the perception of audiovisual synchrony in complex sequences. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 73: 2286-97
Cook LA, Van Valkenburg DL. (2009) Audio-visual organisation and the temporal ventriloquism effect between grouped sequences: evidence that unimodal grouping precedes cross-modal integration. Perception. 38: 1220-33
Van Valkenburg D, Kubovy M. (2003) In defense of the theory of indispensable attributes. Cognition. 87: 225-33
Strother L, Van Valkenburg D, Kubovy M. (2003) Toward a psychophysics of perceptual organization using multistable stimuli and phenomenal reports Axiomathes. 13: 283-302
Kubovy M, Van Valkenburg D. (2001) Auditory and visual objects. Cognition. 80: 97-126
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