George M. Slavich

University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
Life stress, depression
"George Slavich"
Mean distance: 19.15 (cluster 15)


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Ian H. Gotlib research assistant 1997-2001 Stanford
Scott M. Monroe grad student 2001-2006 University of Oregon
 (Cognitive mechanisms of stress sensitization.)
Naomi I. Eisenberger post-doc 2009- UCLA
Margaret E. Kemeny post-doc 2007-2009 UCSF


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Diego Pizzagalli collaborator 2006- UCSF
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Gilgoff R, Mengelkoch S, Elbers J, et al. (2024) The Stress Phenotyping Framework: A multidisciplinary biobehavioral approach for assessing and therapeutically targeting maladaptive stress physiology. Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 27: 2327333
Alley JC, Moriarity DP, Figueroa MB, et al. (2024) Characterizing the hierarchical depression phenotype in sexually diverse individuals. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 173: 157-162
Mengelkoch S, Slavich GM. (2024) Sex Differences in Stress Susceptibility as a Key Mechanism Underlying Depression Risk. Current Psychiatry Reports. 26: 157-165
Ahn S, Kim S, Zhang H, et al. (2024) Lifetime adversity predicts depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment in a nationally representative sample of older adults in the United States. Journal of Clinical Psychology
Palamarchuk IS, Slavich GM, Vaillancourt T, et al. (2023) Stress-related cellular pathophysiology as a crosstalk risk factor for neurocognitive and psychiatric disorders. Bmc Neuroscience. 24: 65
Shields GS, Vinograd M, Bui T, et al. (2023) Heightened neural activity and functional connectivity responses to social rejection in female adolescents at risk for depression: Testing the social signal transduction theory of depression. Journal of Affective Disorders
Moriarity DP, Mengelkoch S, Slavich GM. (2023) Incorporating causal inference perspectives into psychoneuroimmunology: A simulation study highlighting concerns about controlling for adiposity in immunopsychiatry. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
Clayton MG, Nelson BW, Giletta M, et al. (2023) Interpersonal Life Stress and Inflammatory Reactivity as Prospective Predictors of Suicide Attempts in Adolescent Females. Research On Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
Burani K, Brush CJ, Shields GS, et al. (2022) Cumulative lifetime acute stressor exposure interacts with reward responsiveness to predict longitudinal increases in depression severity in adolescence. Psychological Medicine. 53: 4507-4516
Moriarity DP, Slavich GM, Alloy LB, et al. (2022) Hierarchical Inflammatory Phenotypes of Depression: A Novel Approach Across Five Independent Samples and 27,730 Adults. Biological Psychiatry. 93: 253-259
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