People with institution matching "Cajal Institute, Madrid, Spain": Advanced Search | |||||
Name | Institution | Area | Added by | Date | Iratxe Ciriza (Info) | Cajal Institute, Madrid, Spain | nettleriver | 2018‑05‑09 | Sim | Luis Miguel GARCIA-SEGURA (Info) | Cajal Institute, Madrid, Spain | MDarnaudery | 2015‑04‑15 | Sim | Josué Garcia-Yague (Info) | Cajal Institute, Madrid, Spain | nettleriver | 2018‑05‑09 | Sim | Pablo Mendez (Info) | Cajal Institute, Madrid, Spain | nettleriver | 2018‑05‑08 | Sim | Amanda Sierra (Info) | Cajal Institute, Madrid, Spain, Rockefeller, SUNY Stony Brook, Baylor College of Medicine/Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience | Microglia, phagocytosis, inflammation, diseases, development, adult neurogenesis | nettleriver | 2018‑05‑08 | Sim | Sergio Veiga (Info) | Cajal Institute, Madrid, Spain | nettleriver | 2018‑05‑09 | Sim |
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