People with institution matching "Carleton University":
Advanced Search
Name |
Institution |
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Added by |
Date |
Alfonso Abizaid (Info) |
Yale |
Neuroscience |
zepieton |
2006‑04‑18 |
Sim |
Arash Ahmadi (Info) |
Carleton University |
Neuromorphic |
aahmadi70 |
2023‑09‑27 |
Sim |
Douglas L. Altshuler (Info) |
UC Riverside, UBC |
animal flight, biomechanics, motor control, visual guidance, visual neuroscience |
daltshuler |
2008‑12‑27 |
Sim |
Hymie Anisman (Info) |
Carleton University |
Stress |
ddf |
2006‑04‑10 |
Sim |
Hynie Anisman (Info) |
Carleton University |
Behavioral Psychology |
pq |
2016‑06‑20 |
Sim |
Kimberly Arbeau (Info) |
University of Manitoba |
Developmental Psychopathology |
krubin |
2010‑12‑22 |
Sim |
Marie-Claude Audet (Info) |
Carleton University |
Stress |
Sonia Goulet |
2009‑07‑03 |
Sim |
Julian Barling (Info) |
Queen's University, Canada |
General Business Administration, Industrial Psychology |
pq |
2016‑06‑20 |
Sim |
Carol Ann Barnes (Info) |
University of Arizona |
hippocampus, memory, & aging |
cyneric |
2005‑02‑16 |
Sim |
Lindsay Berrigan (Info) |
St. Francis Xavier University |
cognitive neuropsychology, multiple sclerosis, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder |
lberrigan |
2018‑05‑02 |
Sim |
Hafida El Bilali (Info) |
Carleton University |
timpatterson |
2017‑01‑08 |
Sim |
Drew Blackmore (Info) |
Carleton University |
neurotreejimmyd |
2016‑08‑05 |
Sim |
Kelley Blanchette (Info) |
Carleton University |
Experimental Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Criminology and Penology |
pq |
2016‑05‑31 |
Sim |
Ian David Blum (Info) |
Johns Hopkins Medical School |
Biological Rhythms, Sleep, Arousal |
iblum |
2011‑04‑21 |
Sim |
Robert E.A. Boudreau (Info) |
Carleton University |
timpatterson |
2017‑01‑08 |
Sim |
Luc J. Boulay (Info) |
Carleton University |
Experimental Psychology, Mental Health, Pharmacology |
pq |
2016‑06‑11 |
Sim |
Wayne G. Brake (Info) |
Concordia University Montreal |
developmental neurobiology |
wbrake |
2006‑04‑10 |
Sim |
Vincent Breault (Info) |
Carleton University |
neurotreejimmyd |
2016‑08‑05 |
Sim |
Karen Brebner (Info) |
St. Francis Xavier University |
2009‑01‑01 |
Sim |
Grant E. Brown (Info) |
Concordia University Montreal |
Predator-prey, fish ecology, behaivoural ecology, cognitive ecology |
grantbrown |
2024‑03‑06 |
Sim |
Aaron James Burke (Info) |
Carleton University |
Central Auditory System |
1a2bthreesee |
2011‑08‑30 |
Sim |
Gabriel Edwin Byczynski (Info) |
Trinity College Dublin (University of Dublin) (Ireland) |
Stimulation Cognition |
Byczynsg |
2024‑01‑12 |
Sim |
Shaina Cahill (Info) |
Carleton University |
ghrelin, learning, memory |
mholahan |
2013‑07‑19 |
Sim |
zeynep ozlem cankaya (Info) |
MacEwan University |
ocankaya |
2018‑05‑25 |
Sim |
Evanne J. Casson (Info) |
Carleton University |
Experimental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Gerontology |
pq |
2016‑06‑20 |
Sim |
Kathleen Chandler (Info) |
Carleton University |
Astrocytes, stem cells |
Kathleenchandler |
2016‑10‑31 |
Sim |
Melissa Chee (Info) |
Carleton University |
arshadk |
2020‑05‑23 |
Sim |
James J. Cheetham (Info) |
Carleton University |
Neurotransmitter Release, synapsin, synaptic vesicles |
JJCheetham |
2008‑09‑22 |
Sim |
Rachel Comba (Info) |
Carleton University |
development, memory, hippocampus |
mholahan |
2013‑08‑11 |
Sim |
Steven James Cooke (Info) |
Carleton University |
flaxorca |
2016‑02‑15 |
Sim |
Robert Coplan (Info) |
Carleton University |
Social development; social withdrawal |
krubin |
2010‑12‑18 |
Sim |
Tara L. Crowder Skarpaas (Info) |
NeuroPace Inc |
Neurostimulation, Epilepsy, electrophysiology, neuroplasticity |
tskarpaas |
2013‑10‑03 |
Sim |
Amedeo D'Angiulli (Info) |
Carleton University |
Byczynsg |
2024‑07‑16 |
Sim |
Roslyn Dakin (Info) |
UBC, Carleton University |
daltshuler |
2020‑11‑27 |
Sim |
Andrew P. Dalby (Info) |
Carleton University |
timpatterson |
2017‑01‑08 |
Sim |
Tina Daniels (Info) |
Carleton University |
Developmental Psychology; bullying |
krubin |
2010‑12‑16 |
Sim |
Chad Danyluck (Info) |
University of Toronto |
page-gould |
2019‑04‑25 |
Sim |
Jim Davies (Info) |
Carleton University |
Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence |
neurotreejimmyd |
2008‑09‑11 |
Sim |
Parnell Davis-MacNevin (Info) |
Carleton University |
addiciton, dopamine, operant conditioning |
mholahan |
2012‑12‑03 |
Sim |
Jeff W. Dawson (Info) |
Carleton University |
Neuroethology, biomechanics, insect flight |
robertrm |
2007‑10‑04 |
Sim |
Robert de Bruijn (Info) |
Carleton University |
michaelromero |
2014‑01‑10 |
Sim |
Kendra D. Delveaux (Info) |
Carleton University |
Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology |
pq |
2017‑04‑13 |
Sim |
Diana DeStefano (Info) |
Carleton University |
Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology |
pq |
2017‑04‑13 |
Sim |
Angela Dionisi (Info) |
Carleton University |
julianbarling |
2024‑01‑11 |
Sim |
Linda Duxbury (Info) |
Carleton University |
Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Clinical Psychology |
pq |
2016‑05‑30 |
Sim |
Chris Elvidge (Info) |
Carleton University |
grantbrown |
2024‑03‑06 |
Sim |
Joshua T Emmerson (Info) |
Carleton University, McGill, Washington University in St. Louis, |
Dementia, Alzheimers disease, tauopathies, neurodegeneration |
nafisa |
2020‑04‑16 |
Sim |
Leanne Findlay (Info) |
Statistics Canada |
Developmental Psychology |
krubin |
2010‑12‑22 |
Sim |
Derek Fisher (Info) |
Mount Saint Vincent University |
Schizophrenia, Nicotine, ERPs, EEG, Cogntion |
derekfisher |
2014‑05‑21 |
Sim |
Darlene D. Francis (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Stress & Development |
ddf |
2006‑04‑10 |
Sim |
Peter Fried (Info) |
Carleton University |
drugs and development |
cyneric |
2005‑02‑19 |
Sim |
James Howard Fullard (Info) |
University of Toronto |
bat-insect interactions, neuroethology |
jeff_w_dawson |
2007‑10‑20 |
Sim |
Eder Gambeta (Info) |
Federal University of Parana, University of Calgary, Carleton University |
Pain, voltage-gated calcium channels, trigeminal neuralgia |
egambeta |
2023‑12‑20 |
Sim |
Julie Eva Gibb (Info) |
Carleton University |
Stress; Depression; Cytokines |
jgibb |
2008‑06‑04 |
Sim |
Mary L. Gick (Info) |
Carleton University |
Social Psychology, Public Health |
pq |
2016‑06‑20 |
Sim |
Janice Glasgow (Info) |
Queens University |
artificial Intelligence, computer science, bioinformatics |
neurotreejimmyd |
2008‑09‑11 |
Sim |
Paul Greengard (Info) |
Yale School of Medicine, Geigy Research Labratories, Yale, Rockefeller |
neurological and psychiatric disorders, neuro- and psychoactive drugs |
hayden |
2005‑01‑26 |
Sim |
Braden Gregory (Info) |
Carleton University |
timpatterson |
2021‑12‑20 |
Sim |
Julia A. Grummisch (Info) |
University of Regina, Vancouver Coastal Health |
Clinical Psychology, Clinical Neuropsychology, Neuroscience |
jgrummisch |
2017‑07‑17 |
Sim |
Shawn Paul Hayley (Info) |
Carleton University |
jaseguin |
2008‑06‑04 |
Sim |
Zhigang He (Info) |
Harvard |
Axon regeneration |
Mch777 |
2008‑11‑17 |
Sim |
Andrea L. Hebb (Info) |
Carleton University |
Behavioral Psychology, Animal Physiology Biology, Physiological Psychology, Pharmacology |
pq |
2016‑05‑30 |
Sim |
Kim Hellemans (Info) |
Carleton University |
Behavioural neuroscience |
bje10 |
2008‑03‑22 |
Sim |
Michael E. Hildebrand (Info) |
University of Toronto |
ion channels, pain |
mikehildebrand |
2011‑03‑21 |
Sim |
Matthew R. Holahan (Info) |
Carleton University |
learning, memory, concussion, Parkinson's disease, development |
rekart |
2008‑03‑21 |
Sim |
Wendy E. Hovdestad (Info) |
Carleton University |
Clinical Psychology |
pq |
2016‑05‑30 |
Sim |
Peter L. Hurd (Info) |
University of Alberta. Edmonton |
mmoscick |
2016‑08‑23 |
Sim |
Jill Irwin (Info) |
Queen's |
canoe |
2010‑06‑22 |
Sim |
Nafisa M. Jadavji (Info) |
Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ, Carleton University |
Folate, neurodegeneration |
nafisa |
2015‑04‑30 |
Sim |
Adam Jones-Delcorde (Info) |
University of Ottawa |
mholahan |
2009‑10‑14 |
Sim |
Owen P. Kelly (Info) |
Carleton University |
Behavioral Psychology |
pq |
2016‑06‑21 |
Sim |
Ahmed A. Khalil (Info) |
Charité Berlin |
nafisa |
2015‑04‑30 |
Sim |
Arshad M. Khan (Info) |
UT El Paso |
brain mapping, motivated behaviors, neuroendocrine systems, ingestive behaviors, energy balance, signal transduction, MAP kinases, Src kinases, NMDA receptors, catecholaminergic systems, hypoglycemia |
arshadk |
2007‑05‑13 |
Sim |
Robert Knights (Info) |
Carleton University |
clinical child psychology, neuropsychology |
callietyner |
2010‑03‑22 |
Sim |
Verner Knott (Info) |
University of Ottawa |
Nicotine, ERPs, EEG, Schizophrenia, Cognition, Clinical Psychology |
derekfisher |
2014‑05‑21 |
Sim |
C Kristiansen (Info) |
Carleton University |
Clinical Psychology |
pq |
2016‑05‑30 |
Sim |
Connie M. Kristiansen (Info) |
Carleton University |
Personality Psychology, Women's Studies |
pq |
2016‑06‑10 |
Sim |
C M. Kristianson (Info) |
Carleton University |
Social Psychology, Personality Psychology |
pq |
2016‑05‑30 |
Sim |
Daniel G. Lagace-Seguin (Info) |
Mount Saint Vincent University |
Developmental Psychology |
krubin |
2010‑12‑22 |
Sim |
Laurie Laird (Info) |
Carleton University |
garethrurak |
2017‑11‑29 |
Sim |
Stan S. Lee (Info) |
Carleton University |
Experimental Psychology |
pq |
2016‑05‑30 |
Sim |
Jo-Anne LeFevre (Info) |
Carleton University |
dws |
2009‑03‑19 |
Sim |
David Pierre Leibovitz (Info) |
Carleton University |
Cognitive Science, Computational Modeling, Visual processing, Emergic Approach, WikiSilo |
dpleibovitz |
2012‑06‑10 |
Sim |
Liya Ma (Info) |
Carleton University, UBC, Western University |
Prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, cognitive control, executive functions, eye movements, electrophysiology, calcium imaging, rodents, non-human primates |
mariapsyche |
2007‑07‑11 |
Sim |
Dan Madularu (Info) |
McGill University Douglas Mental Health University Institute |
Functional Imaging |
mholahan |
2010‑10‑20 |
Sim |
Maha Mahdi (Info) |
Carleton University |
mholahan |
2016‑04‑06 |
Sim |
Alaa Makki (Info) |
Carleton University |
neurotreejimmyd |
2021‑06‑25 |
Sim |
Emily N. Mangano (Info) |
Carleton University |
Parkinson's disease, neuroinflammation |
emilymangano |
2008‑06‑04 |
Sim |
Kimberly Matheson (Info) |
Carleton University |
Social Psychology, Women's Studies, Personality Psychology |
pq |
2016‑05‑30 |
Sim |
Can Mekik (Info) |
neurotreejimmyd |
2016‑11‑12 |
Sim |
Michelle L. Melia-Gordon (Info) |
Carleton University |
Personality Psychology, Women's Studies |
pq |
2016‑05‑30 |
Sim |
Meagan Milton (Info) |
Carleton University |
meagan.milton |
2021‑01‑22 |
Sim |
Steven A. Murphy (Info) |
Carleton University |
Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Clinical Psychology |
pq |
2016‑05‑30 |
Sim |
Lauren Murray (Info) |
Carleton University |
nafisa |
2020‑04‑16 |
Sim |
Nawaf A. Nasser (Info) |
Carleton University |
timpatterson |
2021‑12‑20 |
Sim |
Katherine M Newman (Info) |
York University |
RSFC, fMRI, genomics, network modulation, TMS |
kmnewman |
2024‑06‑03 |
Sim |
Thao Nguyen-Tran (Info) |
University of Ottawa |
Chemistry, Biochemistry, Neuroscience, Mass Spectrometry, Alzheimer's Disease |
asecretwind |
2015‑12‑05 |
Sim |
Jeremy Nichols (Info) |
Carleton University |
mholahan |
2009‑10‑14 |
Sim |
Christian V Ouellet (Info) |
Queens University, Carleton University |
Astroparticle Physics |
McDonald_Institute |
2020‑03‑19 |
Sim |
Elizabeth Page-Gould (Info) |
Intergroup Relations |
jandh |
2019‑09‑25 |
Sim |
Bruce Pappas (Info) |
Carleton University |
behavioral neuroscience |
wbrake |
2006‑04‑10 |
Sim |
Shelley Parlow (Info) |
Carleton University |
Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology |
pq |
2016‑06‑20 |
Sim |
Roy Timothy (Tim) Patterson (Info) |
Carleton University |
micropaleontology, paleoceanography, paleolimnology, paleoclimatology |
timpatterson |
2017‑01‑08 |
Sim |
Jacqueline L. Power (Info) |
Carleton University |
Management Business Administration, Gerontology |
pq |
2016‑05‑30 |
Sim |
Kavita Prakask (Info) |
Heritage College |
Developmental Psychology |
krubin |
2010‑12‑22 |
Sim |
Lyne Racette (Info) |
Carleton University |
Experimental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Gerontology |
pq |
2016‑06‑21 |
Sim |
Sean Riley (Info) |
Carleton University |
neurotreejimmyd |
2020‑10‑25 |
Sim |
David C. S. Roberts (Info) |
Wake Forest School of Medicine |
Neurobiology of Drug Addiction |
cbm12 |
2007‑09‑25 |
Sim |
Byron P. Rourke (Info) |
University of Windsor |
Developmental and Child-Clinical Neuropsychology; Neuropsychology of Learning Disabilities; Traumatic Brain Injury in Children and Adults |
callietyner |
2010‑03‑22 |
Sim |
Christopher N. Rowley (Info) |
MUN, Carleton University |
computational chemistry, biophysics, quantum chemistry, theoretical chemistry, statistical thermodynamics, molecular dynamics |
cnrowley |
2015‑07‑04 |
Sim |
Gareth M Rurak (Info) |
Carleton University, Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine |
Astroglia & Development |
garethrurak |
2016‑10‑31 |
Sim |
Matti J. Saari (Info) |
Nipissing University |
develpomental brain plasticity |
preztwilliams |
2007‑08‑23 |
Sim |
Natalina Salmaso (Info) |
Carleton University |
corstar |
2010‑05‑14 |
Sim |
Mujahid A. Sani (Info) |
Carleton University |
neurotreejimmyd |
2021‑06‑25 |
Sim |
Sam Scott (Info) |
Carleton University |
Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology |
pq |
2016‑06‑11 |
Sim |
Julie Anne Seguin (Info) |
Victoria University |
Time Perception, Emotion |
jaseguin |
2008‑06‑03 |
Sim |
R Serin (Info) |
Carleton University |
Clinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology |
pq |
2016‑05‑30 |
Sim |
Talie Shalmon (Info) |
Carleton University |
neurotreejimmyd |
2016‑08‑05 |
Sim |
Stephanie A. Simard (Info) |
Carleton University |
Astroglia, Depression, Plasticity, Anxiety |
stephaniesimard |
2016‑10‑31 |
Sim |
Catherine Smith (Info) |
Carleton University |
environmental toxins, development, memory |
mholahan |
2014‑09‑09 |
Sim |
Patrice D. Smith (Info) |
Carleton University |
CNS survival and axon regeneration |
psmit075 |
2009‑05‑13 |
Sim |
J. Sterling Somers (Info) |
Carleton University |
neurotreejimmyd |
2016‑11‑12 |
Sim |
Hiroko Sotozaki (Info) |
Carleton University |
Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology |
pq |
2016‑06‑21 |
Sim |
Nicholas Spanos (Info) |
Carleton University |
BAhlgrim |
2019‑11‑02 |
Sim |
Linda Spence (Info) |
Carleton University |
Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology |
pq |
2017‑04‑13 |
Sim |
Robert J. Stainton (Info) |
Carleton University |
Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology |
pq |
2016‑06‑10 |
Sim |
Lew Steimach (Info) |
Carleton University |
Experimental Psychology |
pq |
2016‑05‑30 |
Sim |
Lew B. Stelmach (Info) |
Carleton University |
Experimental Psychology |
pq |
2016‑06‑20 |
Sim |
W. Dale Stevens (Info) |
Harvard University; NIMH/NIH |
Memory, Cognition, Perception, Neurocognitive Aging |
stevensd |
2008‑02‑01 |
Sim |
Cheryl Terrance (Info) |
University of North Dakota |
Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Personality Psychology |
pq |
2016‑06‑22 |
Sim |
Tom Tombaugh (Info) |
Carleton University |
Experimental Psychology, Mental Health, Pharmacology |
pq |
2016‑06‑10 |
Sim |
Nicolas Patrick Turrin (Info) |
Université Laval |
Neuroimmunology |
sabbat |
2007‑04‑05 |
Sim |
Michael O. Vertolli (Info) |
Carleton University |
neurotreejimmyd |
2020‑10‑25 |
Sim |
Elaine Waddington-Lamont (Info) |
Concordia University Montreal |
mverwey |
2011‑07‑18 |
Sim |
Brianne C. Wartman (Info) |
Carleton University |
remote memory |
mholahan |
2014‑07‑03 |
Sim |
Robert L. West (Info) |
Carleton University |
Cognitive modeling, Human-computer interfaces, Computer applications in Psychology |
dpleibovitz |
2013‑02‑16 |
Sim |
Cherami Wichman (Info) |
Department of Justice Canada |
krubin |
2010‑12‑22 |
Sim |
Bill Willmore (Info) |
Carleton University |
nafisa |
2020‑04‑16 |
Sim |
William G. Willmore (Info) |
Carleton University |
asecretwind |
2015‑12‑05 |
Sim |
Jayne E. Yack (Info) |
Carleton University |
neuroethology, insect hearing, vibrational communication |
jeff_w_dawson |
2007‑10‑20 |
Sim |
Robert Zacharko (Info) |
Carleton University |
Behavioral Psychology, Animal Physiology Biology, Physiological Psychology, Pharmacology |
pq |
2016‑05‑30 |
Sim |
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