People with institution matching "Carnegie Institute": Advanced Search | |||||
Name | Institution | Area | Added by | Date | Donald D. Brown (Info) | Carnegie Institution of Washington | hormone signaling, amphibian development | gpot9883 | 2006‑09‑24 | Sim | Leo A. Finzi (Info) | Carnegie Institute of Technology | ajbrock | 2020‑02‑17 | Sim | Fritz J. Friedlaender (Info) | Purdue | ajbrock | 2020‑01‑13 | Sim | Fernand R. Gobet (Info) | Brunel University | expertise, computational modelling, acquisition of language | fernand | 2007‑04‑12 | Sim | Tasuku Honjo (Info) | Osaka University Medical School, Kyoto University | Molecular Immunology | dufay | 2016‑12‑20 | Sim | Allen Newell (Info) | Carnegie Mellon | computational modeling, Soar | humean | 2008‑03‑25 | Sim | Peter Okkema (Info) | University of Illinois, Chicago | Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology | pq | 2016‑05‑23 | Sim | Richard E. Pagano (Info) | dufay | 2016‑12‑20 | Sim | Pernille Rørth (Info) | Temasek Life Sciences Labs | testtest | 2009‑02‑18 | Sim | Herbert A. Simon (Info) | Carnegie Mellon | Artificial intelligence | zhimbo | 2007‑10‑30 | Sim | Catherine C. Thompson (Info) | CCThompson Consulting | thyroid hormone, hairless gene | gpot9883 | 2006‑09‑24 | Sim | Yixian Zheng (Info) | Johns Hopkins | Cell biology | slizarraga | 2007‑05‑20 | Sim |
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