People with institution matching "Constantinople": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Georgius Acropolites (Info) University of Constantinople History tcoderre 2007‑09‑18 Sim
Libanius of Antioch (Info) Exegetical school in Antioch rex28 2015‑12‑30 Sim
Sopater of Apamea (Info) school of Apameia rex28 2015‑12‑30 Sim
Nicetas Byzantius (Info) tcoderre 2009‑05‑14 Sim
Basil of Caesarea (Info) monastic school of Carterius and Diodorus rex28 2015‑12‑30 Sim
Manuel Chrysoloras (Info) University of Florence, Constantinople Greek, humanism tcoderre 2007‑07‑19 Sim
Anna Comnena (Info) Constantinople history david 2009‑07‑18 Sim
Pietro d'Abano (Info) University of Padua medicine, philosophy, astrology jandh 2013‑08‑04 Sim
Guarino da Verona (Info) University of Padua, University of Ferrara philosophy, Greek tcoderre 2007‑06‑21 Sim
Michael of Ephesus (Info) University of Constantinople On Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics 10 with Themistius: On Virtue PatricioV-A 2021‑01‑24 Sim
Constantine the Great (Info) Collegium Pontificum, University of Constantinople rex28 2015‑12‑30 Sim
Nicephorus Gregoras (Info) Constantinople Theology, Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑13 Sim
Michael Italikos (Info) Philippopolis Philosophy, medicine tcoderre 2007‑09‑18 Sim
John Mauropous (Info) University of Constantinople tcoderre 2007‑11‑13 Sim
Gregory of Nazianzus (Info) Athens School of Rhetoric, Patriarchate school, Constantinople rex28 2015‑12‑30 Sim
Theodoros Prodromos (Info) Patriarchate school, Constantinople Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑18 Sim
Stephanos Skylitzes (Info) Trebizond, Constantinople Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑18 Sim
Theodore of Smyrna (Info) University of Constantinople philosophy tcoderre 2007‑11‑13 Sim
John Xiphilinus (Info) University of Constantinople tcoderre 2008‑02‑12 Sim
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