People with institution matching "ICN, UCL": Advanced Search
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Vadim Axelrod (Info) Bar-Ilan vadim1508 2009‑07‑24 Sim
Jack De Havas (Info) ICN, UCL Motor control, involuntary movement, action awareness, motor learning, motor adaptation jdehavas 2017‑05‑09 Sim
Rachel N. Denison (Info) Boston University visual perception, attention, awareness, temporal dynamics in perception racheldenison 2011‑12‑07 Sim
Jörn Diedrichsen (Info) University of Wales Motor Control david 2005‑01‑25 Sim
Jon Driver (Info) UCL hayden 2005‑02‑20 Sim
Javid Jafari Farahani (Info) ICN, UCL Learning, decision making javid.farahani 2020‑10‑15 Sim
Lluis Fuentemilla (Info) ICN, UCL Fuentemilla 2009‑07‑18 Sim
Katja Kornysheva (Info) UCL fMRI, rTMS, rhythm and timing, audiomotor integration kornysheva 2009‑05‑08 Sim
Geraint Rees (Info) UCL consciousness, visual perception, MRI, machine learning, stroke, neurodegeneration kathleen 2005‑07‑25 Sim
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