People with institution matching "INSERM U862, Bordeaux, France": Advanced Search
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Thomas C Bienvenu (Info) INSERM U862, Bordeaux, France ThomasBienvenu 2018‑12‑22 Sim
Jean-Marie Cabelguen (Info) INSERM Motor control dimitriryczko 2009‑11‑04 Sim
cyril herry (Info) INSERM U862, Bordeaux, France behavioral neurophysiology cyrilh 2008‑10‑31 Sim
Marc Landry (Info) University of Bordeaux/CNRS Pain, neuropeptides, spinal cord, comorbidity dimitriryczko 2009‑11‑05 Sim
Frederic Nagy (Info) INSERM U862 spinal cord Derjean 2009‑11‑05 Sim
Dimitri Ryczko (Info) Université de Montréal Motor control dimitriryczko 2009‑11‑03 Sim
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