People with institution matching "INSERM U901": Advanced Search
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Yehezkel Ben-Ari (Info) INSERM U29/INMED epilepsy, GABAergic and glutamatergic networks, development, plasticity ackmn 2008‑02‑08 Sim
Pascale Chavis (Info) INMED/INSERM U901 andrewfscheyer 2016‑04‑08 Sim
Matthew T. Colonnese (Info) INSERM U901 Visual system, development, plasticity mcolonne 2008‑03‑31 Sim
Jerome Epsztein (Info) INMED/INSERM U901 JEpsztein 2013‑10‑02 Sim
Giua Gabriele (Info) INMED/INSERM U901 oliviermanzoni 2023‑08‑24 Sim
Ana R Inacio (Info) NIMH, NIH Systems Neuroscience inacioar 2019‑02‑10 Sim
Roustem Khazipov (Info) INMED, INSERM U901 inacioar 2019‑02‑10 Sim
Rustem Khazipov (Info) INMED, INSERM U901 GABA, GDP, development, hippocampus Khakhalin 2010‑12‑02 Sim
Olivier J. Manzoni (Info) INMED/INSERM U901 andrewfscheyer 2016‑04‑08 Sim
Henry G. Martin (Info) INSERM ubcneuro 2012‑09‑26 Sim
Andrew Scheyer (Info) The Chicago Medical School at RFUMS addiction, AMPAR plasticity, basal ganglia, mGluR tsengky 2013‑08‑26 Sim
Aurore Thomazeau (Info) INMED/INSERM U901 oliviermanzoni 2016‑07‑21 Sim
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