People with institution matching "International Business Machines Corporation": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Guillermo Cecchi (Info) IBM Computational Neuroscience shildough 2006‑01‑10 Sim
Matthew Cheely (Info) IBM timmer 2009‑12‑28 Sim
Baihan Lin (Info) Columbia, University of Washington Reinforcement learning, Natural language processing, Human-computer interaction, Computational neuroscience, Bioinformatics doerlbh 2016‑10‑26 Sim
B. Shiva Kumar (Info) Yale, IBM High energy physics jandh 2016‑03‑19 Sim
Mariano Sigman (Info) Universidad de Buenos Aires hayden 2005‑08‑08 Sim
Viswanath Srikanth (Info) IBM jmarshall 2011‑09‑04 Sim
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