People with institution matching "Los Alamos National Laboratory": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Hans Albrecht Bethe (Info) Universität Tübingen, Cornell Particle Theory hermanr 2010‑06‑08 Sim
Jean Challacombe (Info) UMN letou001 2017‑10‑12 Sim
Rajarshi Das (Info), IBM Research, Santa Fe Institute, LANL Reinforcement Learning, Cellular automata, Emergent Computation, Game Theory, Distributed Systems rajarshi.das 2022‑01‑10 Sim
Rob de Ruyter van Steveninck (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Visual system david 2005‑02‑05 Sim
Jeff A. Drocco (Info) LLNL jdrocco 2012‑06‑26 Sim
Michael R. Fitzsimmons (Info) Oak Ridge National Laboratory material science dagilbert 2016‑11‑14 Sim
Addis Fuhr (Info) UCLA sseifu 2019‑10‑10 Sim
James M. Hyman (Info) Tulane yijianglanl 2017‑02‑16 Sim
Yi Jiang (Info) Georgia State cancer, biophysics, mathematical modeling, eye, age related macular degeneration yijianglanl 2017‑02‑13 Sim
Sung Chan Jun (Info) Univ. of New Mexico, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), South Korea, LANL bpearlmutter 2015‑10‑07 Sim
Garrett T. Kenyon (Info) LANL computational neuroscience bartlettdmoore 2010‑05‑21 Sim
Brian J. Kirby (Info) NIST dagilbert 2016‑11‑14 Sim
Paul C. Letourneau (Info) UMN Neurobiology Biology pq 2016‑02‑09 Sim
Bartlett D. Moore IV (Info) McGovern Medical School - UT cognitive neuroscience DrYoda 2006‑03‑14 Sim
John B. Mott (Info) LANL snjoshi 2011‑12‑22 Sim
Stephen T. Neely (Info) Boys Town National Research Hospital Cochlear mechanics, Hearing snjoshi 2011‑12‑22 Sim
Dylan M Paiton (Info) New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, LANL, UC Berkeley, Universität Tübingen vision science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, visual neuroscience dpaiton 2020‑04‑28 Sim
Beth Perry (Info) LANL dpartridge 2015‑07‑21 Sim
Frederick Reines (Info) UC Irvine detection of the neutrino wtyiii 2011‑05‑18 Sim
Nikolai Sinitsyn (Info) LANL nemenman 2010‑07‑28 Sim
Pieter Swart (Info) LANL yijianglanl 2017‑02‑15 Sim
Han Wang (Info) USC Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Electronic Materials ZhihanZhang 2022‑02‑04 Sim
Pawel Weronski (Info) Polish Academy of Sciences yijianglanl 2017‑02‑15 Sim
Huan Zhao (Info) LANL ZhihanZhang 2022‑02‑04 Sim
Xin Zhou (Info) LANL yijianglanl 2017‑02‑15 Sim
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