People with institution matching "NIDDK, NIH":
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Norman Huang (Info) |
AbbVie |
CNS, Pain, Infectious Diseases |
nhuang |
2014‑06‑28 |
Sim |
Kenneth A. Jacobson (Info) |
GPCRs, adenosine, P2 receptors |
kajacobs |
2009‑11‑01 |
Sim |
Todd D. McIntyre (Info) |
Biopharmaceutical industry |
Neuroscience, neuroimmunology, neurology, neurogenetics, psychiatry, alcohol genetics, anxiety, anesthetics, pain |
TDMcIntyre |
2014‑08‑24 |
Sim |
Kenner C. Rice (Info) |
medicinal chemistry, drugs of abuse |
wfanteg |
2010‑03‑30 |
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Yoshitatsu Sei (Info) |
Neuroendocrine |
seiy |
2014‑06‑10 |
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Phil Skolnick (Info) |
anxiolytic drugs, GABA Receptors, glutamate, benzodiazepines, antidepressants, NMDA receptor |
iapaul |
2014‑04‑21 |
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Ramon Trullas (Info) |
Neurodegeneration |
rtrullas |
2014‑06‑11 |
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Ben Avi Weissman (Info) |
Hebrew University |
PiotrPopik |
2014‑06‑11 |
Sim |
Li-Ming Zhou (Info) |
Glycopep Chemicals, Inc. |
cancer, photodynamic therapy, formulation |
lmzhou |
2017‑03‑16 |
Sim |
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