People with institution matching "NIDDK, NIH": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Norman Huang (Info) AbbVie CNS, Pain, Infectious Diseases nhuang 2014‑06‑28 Sim
Kenneth A. Jacobson (Info) NIDDK, NIH GPCRs, adenosine, P2 receptors kajacobs 2009‑11‑01 Sim
Todd D. McIntyre (Info) Biopharmaceutical industry Neuroscience, neuroimmunology, neurology, neurogenetics, psychiatry, alcohol genetics, anxiety, anesthetics, pain TDMcIntyre 2014‑08‑24 Sim
Kenner C. Rice (Info) NIDA medicinal chemistry, drugs of abuse wfanteg 2010‑03‑30 Sim
Yoshitatsu Sei (Info) NIDDK Neuroendocrine seiy 2014‑06‑10 Sim
Phil Skolnick (Info) NIH anxiolytic drugs, GABA Receptors, glutamate, benzodiazepines, antidepressants, NMDA receptor iapaul 2014‑04‑21 Sim
Ramon Trullas (Info) CSIC/IDIBAPS/CIBERNED Neurodegeneration rtrullas 2014‑06‑11 Sim
Ben Avi Weissman (Info) Hebrew University PiotrPopik 2014‑06‑11 Sim
Li-Ming Zhou (Info) Glycopep Chemicals, Inc. cancer, photodynamic therapy, formulation lmzhou 2017‑03‑16 Sim
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