People with institution matching "New York University":
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Janna Maria Aarse (Info) |
New York University |
Spatial navigation, learning and memory |
JannaAarse |
2020‑06‑09 |
Sim |
Jayeeta Basu (Info) |
Columbia |
Synaptic Transmission, Plasticity, Munc13, HCN |
Jayeeta |
2008‑04‑28 |
Sim |
Beatrice Beebe (Info) |
Columbia |
Infant attachment |
Lauren174 |
2009‑07‑02 |
Sim |
Baruj Benacerraf (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
Immunology |
jandh |
2015‑04‑26 |
Sim |
Susan L. Benear (Info) |
Temple University, NYU |
human memory, memory development, learning |
susanbenear |
2019‑02‑05 |
Sim |
Jonathan I. Benichov (Info) |
CUNY, FU Berlin, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, Leiden |
Avian Neurobiology, Vocal Communication |
jonathanbenichov |
2015‑10‑10 |
Sim |
Josie Benitez (Info) |
cognitive development, social cognition, stereotype transmission, generic language |
josiebenitez |
2022‑04‑05 |
Sim |
Aenne A. Brielmann (Info) |
University of Konstanz, New York University, MPI for Biological Cybernetics, University of Tübingen |
mspering |
2014‑12‑19 |
Sim |
György Buzsáki (Info) |
NYU, Rutgers, New Brunswick |
memory, systems, oscillations, hippocampus |
Buzsaki |
2006‑10‑23 |
Sim |
Marisa Carrasco (Info) |
attention, visual psychophysics |
mspering |
2007‑10‑15 |
Sim |
Sixuan Chen (Info) |
Brown, New York University |
Spatial Navigation, Uncertainty, Perception |
sixuan830 |
2021‑08‑30 |
Sim |
Anne Draelos (Info) |
Duke, Duke |
hawkwings |
2019‑09‑11 |
Sim |
Melanie Druart (Info) |
NYU Langone |
Neuroscience |
MelDruart |
2023‑12‑27 |
Sim |
Jeffrey C. Erlich (Info) |
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL, New York University Shanghai, Princeton Neuroscience Institute |
decision-making, quantitative models |
brian |
2006‑04‑04 |
Sim |
Michael Donald Evans (Info) |
psychology, cognition |
evans2md |
2020‑10‑02 |
Sim |
Rania Jamil Ezzo (Info) |
rezzo |
2024‑08‑05 |
Sim |
Antonio Fernandez (Info) |
Attention, Visual perception, Visual Neuroscience |
antoniofs23 |
2021‑11‑16 |
Sim |
Theodore M Fisher (Info) |
NYU Center For Neural Science |
Neuroimmunology |
Theodore.Fisher |
2023‑04‑27 |
Sim |
Paul W Frazel (Info) |
NYU Medical School |
Molecular neuroscience, Autism, Genetics, CRISPR, Developmental Disorders |
PaulFrazel92 |
2017‑10‑08 |
Sim |
Shashank Gandhi (Info) |
Caltech, New York University, Hubrecht Institute |
Neural crest, Developmental Biology |
shashank.gandhi |
2021‑02‑16 |
Sim |
Jonathan Gould (Info) |
New York University |
Jake_Joseph |
2023‑12‑02 |
Sim |
Todd M. Gureckis (Info) |
Computational modeling, learning, categorization |
rgoldsto |
2007‑10‑12 |
Sim |
David J. Halpern (Info) |
Penn |
memory, cognitive neuroscience |
dhalpern |
2023‑10‑03 |
Sim |
Eric L. Hargreaves (Info) |
New York University (NYU), Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Jersey Shore University Medical Center - Hackensack Meridian Health Network |
Learning and Memory, Parkinson's Disease, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) |
ericlhargreaves |
2007‑06‑26 |
Sim |
Catherine Hartley (Info) |
neurostudent |
2007‑04‑24 |
Sim |
David J. Heeger (Info) |
Computational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Visual Neuroscience |
david |
2005‑01‑17 |
Sim |
Marc M Himmelberg (Info) |
visual neuroscience |
marchimmelberg |
2020‑10‑16 |
Sim |
Syaheed B. Jabar (Info) |
University of Waterloo, New York University |
Probability, Priors, Expectations, Visual Perception, Visual Working Memory, Decision-Making |
SyaheedJabar |
2018‑04‑18 |
Sim |
Roozbeh Kiani (Info) |
Neural mechanisms of decision making |
david |
2005‑09‑08 |
Sim |
Dongjae Kim (Info) |
computational neuroscience, reinforcement learning | |
2020‑08‑20 |
Sim |
Minjung Kim (Info) |
Cambridge |
Vision, colour perception, material perception, lighting |
rfmurray |
2009‑09‑02 |
Sim |
Kathleen W Kinnally (Info) |
New York University |
pablufu |
2020‑09‑08 |
Sim |
Eric Klann (Info) |
Hippocampal plasticity and memory |
eklann |
2005‑11‑22 |
Sim |
George S. Klein (Info) |
Menniger Clinic and University of Kansas |
Psychoanalysis |
soheepark38 |
2009‑04‑09 |
Sim |
Pavlos Kollias (Info) |
Stanford, Princeton, NYU, Google |
Language Modeling, Cognitive Control, Working Memory, Decision Making |
Markov |
2015‑03‑01 |
Sim |
So Yeon Koo (Info) |
NYU, Weill Cornell Medicine |
soyeonkoo |
2020‑10‑22 |
Sim |
Shafi Kuchay (Info) |
University of Illinois, Chicago |
HL |
2017‑10‑12 |
Sim |
Alessandro La Chioma (Info) |
New York University |
lachioma |
2020‑03‑02 |
Sim |
Michael S. Landy (Info) |
hanks |
2005‑10‑26 |
Sim |
Uri Laserson (Info) |
New York University, Harvard & MIT, Cloudera, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Patch Biosciences |
genomics, immunology |
laserson |
2021‑01‑08 |
Sim |
Ryan MC Law (Info) |
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK |
language, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive science |
ryanlaw |
2022‑11‑14 |
Sim |
Joseph E. LeDoux (Info) |
NYU, Weill Medical College Of Cornell Univ |
emotion, memory |
hayden |
2005‑02‑18 |
Sim |
Liujunli Li (Info) |
frontal cortex, planning, spatial cognition |
jerlich |
2024‑10‑10 |
Sim |
Shane Antony Liddelow (Info) |
NYU School of Medicine |
glia, astrocytes, reactive astrocytes, blood-brain barrier, development |
shaneliddelow |
2014‑12‑02 |
Sim |
Rodolfo R. Llinás (Info) |
channel physiology, cerebellum, thalamus, cortex, synaptic transmission, MEG, inferior olive, calcium currents |
david |
2005‑01‑27 |
Sim |
Michael A. Long (Info) |
NYU School of Medicine |
neural circuits and behavior |
hanks |
2005‑11‑04 |
Sim |
Wei Ji Ma (Info) |
perception, decision-making, cognition |
weiji |
2006‑03‑22 |
Sim |
Alec Marantz (Info) |
ckim25 |
2009‑02‑10 |
Sim |
Andrea E. Martin (Info) |
Donders Center for Cognitive NeuroImaging, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NL, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NL, Edinburgh, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain, and Language, New York University, Hampshire College |
psycholinguistics, language processing, cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, computational modelling, neural oscillations |
bmcelree |
2010‑03‑19 |
Sim |
Saghar Mirbagheri (Info) |
University of Washington |
sagharm |
2020‑04‑20 |
Sim |
Irmak Olcaysoy Okten (Info) |
Social Psychology |
masalci |
2022‑03‑08 |
Sim |
Pamela J Osborn Popp (Info) |
pamop |
2022‑03‑29 |
Sim |
Kiran Pandey (Info) |
New York University |
Learning, Memory, Hippocampus, mRNA translation, Autophagy | |
2022‑11‑29 |
Sim |
City University of New York - Baruch College |
mitochondrial physiology, mitochondrial signaling, mitochondrial ion channels |
pablufu |
2020‑09‑08 |
Sim |
Denis G. Pelli (Info) |
Visual sensitivity, object recognition, crowding | |
2005‑09‑15 |
Sim |
Ralph Emilio Peterson (Info) |
Northeastern University, Harvard Medical School, New York University |
systems neuroscience, ethology, behavior, auditory neuroscience, computational neuroscience |
ralphpeterson |
2012‑11‑08 |
Sim |
Simran Purokayastha (Info) |
attention, perception, eye movements, Alzheimer's disease |
simpurokayastha |
2020‑11‑09 |
Sim |
Liina Pylkkanen (Info) |
ceboylan |
2010‑04‑03 |
Sim |
Shannon Rashid (Info) |
New York University School of Medicine |
jayeetabasu |
2024‑01‑07 |
Sim |
Marjorie Rhodes (Info) |
University of Michigan, NYU |
conceptual development, language development |
pq |
2015‑10‑11 |
Sim |
Ece Sakalar (Info) |
New York University (NYU) |
thalamocortical connections, hippocampal oscillations |
EceSakalar |
2024‑12‑13 |
Sim |
Eliala Alice Salvadori (Info) |
Amsterdam |
Emotions, Child Development, Pedagogy, Psychometry |
Eliala |
2024‑08‑14 |
Sim |
David Michael Schneider (Info) |
Behavior, hearing, circuits, predictions |
dms03006 |
2006‑03‑26 |
Sim |
Robert M. Sears (Info) |
Yale |
rsteine |
2006‑04‑29 |
Sim |
Jonathan Z. Simon (Info) |
University of Maryland |
MEG, auditory system, computational neuroscience |
david |
2005‑01‑17 |
Sim |
Tanya Sippy (Info) |
striatum, learning |
felixs |
2006‑08‑28 |
Sim |
Simón(e) D Sun (Info) |
CSHL, New York University (NYU) |
sds553 |
2020‑10‑05 |
Sim |
William Tsai (Info) |
New York University - Steinhardt |
Yikai |
2023‑04‑06 |
Sim |
James S. Uleman (Info) |
Implicit impressions of other people |
dongwonoh |
2015‑09‑08 |
Sim |
Jay Van Bavel (Info) |
ijhaas |
2013‑08‑26 |
Sim |
Zhen Wei (Info) |
UT Austin |
visual system, computational neuroscience |
zhenwei |
2023‑07‑06 |
Sim |
Qihan Wu (Info) |
New York University |
Abrielmann |
2021‑04‑23 |
Sim |
Vivek Yadav (Info) |
Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey |
Deep Learning, Computational Cognitive Modeling, AI in Healthcare |
viveky23 |
2021‑03‑24 |
Sim |
Kenichi Yuasa (Info) |
University of Tokyo, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, New York University (NYU) |
yukoyy |
2015‑10‑26 |
Sim |
Roland Zemla (Info) |
New York University School of Medicine |
jayeetabasu |
2024‑01‑07 |
Sim |
Chenghao Zhou (Info) |
New York University (NYU) |
decision making, neuroscience, psychology |
Chenghao.Zhou |
2023‑01‑11 |
Sim |
Ipshita Zutshi (Info) |
Learning and Memory, Spatial Navigation |
ipshitazutshi |
2016‑11‑21 |
Sim |
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