People with institution matching "New York University": Advanced Search
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Janna Maria Aarse (Info) New York University Spatial navigation, learning and memory JannaAarse 2020‑06‑09 Sim
Jayeeta Basu (Info) Columbia Synaptic Transmission, Plasticity, Munc13, HCN Jayeeta 2008‑04‑28 Sim
Beatrice Beebe (Info) Columbia Infant attachment Lauren174 2009‑07‑02 Sim
Baruj Benacerraf (Info) Harvard Medical School Immunology jandh 2015‑04‑26 Sim
Susan L. Benear (Info) Temple University, NYU human memory, memory development, learning susanbenear 2019‑02‑05 Sim
Jonathan I. Benichov (Info) CUNY, FU Berlin, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, Leiden Avian Neurobiology, Vocal Communication jonathanbenichov 2015‑10‑10 Sim
Josie Benitez (Info) NYU cognitive development, social cognition, stereotype transmission, generic language josiebenitez 2022‑04‑05 Sim
Aenne A. Brielmann (Info) University of Konstanz, New York University, MPI for Biological Cybernetics, University of Tübingen mspering 2014‑12‑19 Sim
György Buzsáki (Info) NYU, Rutgers, New Brunswick memory, systems, oscillations, hippocampus Buzsaki 2006‑10‑23 Sim
Marisa Carrasco (Info) NYU attention, visual psychophysics mspering 2007‑10‑15 Sim
Sixuan Chen (Info) Brown, New York University Spatial Navigation, Uncertainty, Perception sixuan830 2021‑08‑30 Sim
Anne Draelos (Info) Duke, Duke hawkwings 2019‑09‑11 Sim
Melanie Druart (Info) NYU Langone Neuroscience MelDruart 2023‑12‑27 Sim
Jeffrey C. Erlich (Info) Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL, New York University Shanghai, Princeton Neuroscience Institute decision-making, quantitative models brian 2006‑04‑04 Sim
Michael Donald Evans (Info) NYU psychology, cognition evans2md 2020‑10‑02 Sim
Rania Jamil Ezzo (Info) NYU rezzo 2024‑08‑05 Sim
Antonio Fernandez (Info) NYU Attention, Visual perception, Visual Neuroscience antoniofs23 2021‑11‑16 Sim
Theodore M Fisher (Info) NYU Center For Neural Science Neuroimmunology Theodore.Fisher 2023‑04‑27 Sim
Paul W Frazel (Info) NYU Medical School Molecular neuroscience, Autism, Genetics, CRISPR, Developmental Disorders PaulFrazel92 2017‑10‑08 Sim
Shashank Gandhi (Info) Caltech, New York University, Hubrecht Institute Neural crest, Developmental Biology shashank.gandhi 2021‑02‑16 Sim
Jonathan Gould (Info) New York University Jake_Joseph 2023‑12‑02 Sim
Todd M. Gureckis (Info) NYU Computational modeling, learning, categorization rgoldsto 2007‑10‑12 Sim
David J. Halpern (Info) Penn memory, cognitive neuroscience dhalpern 2023‑10‑03 Sim
Eric L. Hargreaves (Info) New York University (NYU), Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Jersey Shore University Medical Center - Hackensack Meridian Health Network Learning and Memory, Parkinson's Disease, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) ericlhargreaves 2007‑06‑26 Sim
Catherine Hartley (Info) NYU neurostudent 2007‑04‑24 Sim
David J. Heeger (Info) NYU Computational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Visual Neuroscience david 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Marc M Himmelberg (Info) NYU visual neuroscience marchimmelberg 2020‑10‑16 Sim
Syaheed B. Jabar (Info) University of Waterloo, New York University Probability, Priors, Expectations, Visual Perception, Visual Working Memory, Decision-Making SyaheedJabar 2018‑04‑18 Sim
Roozbeh Kiani (Info) NYU Neural mechanisms of decision making david 2005‑09‑08 Sim
Dongjae Kim (Info) NYU computational neuroscience, reinforcement learning 2020‑08‑20 Sim
Minjung Kim (Info) Cambridge Vision, colour perception, material perception, lighting rfmurray 2009‑09‑02 Sim
Kathleen W Kinnally (Info) New York University pablufu 2020‑09‑08 Sim
Eric Klann (Info) NYU Hippocampal plasticity and memory eklann 2005‑11‑22 Sim
George S. Klein (Info) Menniger Clinic and University of Kansas Psychoanalysis soheepark38 2009‑04‑09 Sim
Pavlos Kollias (Info) Stanford, Princeton, NYU, Google Language Modeling, Cognitive Control, Working Memory, Decision Making Markov 2015‑03‑01 Sim
So Yeon Koo (Info) NYU, Weill Cornell Medicine soyeonkoo 2020‑10‑22 Sim
Shafi Kuchay (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago HL 2017‑10‑12 Sim
Alessandro La Chioma (Info) New York University lachioma 2020‑03‑02 Sim
Michael S. Landy (Info) NYU hanks 2005‑10‑26 Sim
Uri Laserson (Info) New York University, Harvard & MIT, Cloudera, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Patch Biosciences genomics, immunology laserson 2021‑01‑08 Sim
Ryan MC Law (Info) MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK language, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive science ryanlaw 2022‑11‑14 Sim
Joseph E. LeDoux (Info) NYU, Weill Medical College Of Cornell Univ emotion, memory hayden 2005‑02‑18 Sim
Liujunli Li (Info) NYU frontal cortex, planning, spatial cognition jerlich 2024‑10‑10 Sim
Shane Antony Liddelow (Info) NYU School of Medicine glia, astrocytes, reactive astrocytes, blood-brain barrier, development shaneliddelow 2014‑12‑02 Sim
Rodolfo R. Llinás (Info) NYU channel physiology, cerebellum, thalamus, cortex, synaptic transmission, MEG, inferior olive, calcium currents david 2005‑01‑27 Sim
Michael A. Long (Info) NYU School of Medicine neural circuits and behavior hanks 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Wei Ji Ma (Info) NYU perception, decision-making, cognition weiji 2006‑03‑22 Sim
Alec Marantz (Info) NYU ckim25 2009‑02‑10 Sim
Andrea E. Martin (Info) Donders Center for Cognitive NeuroImaging, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NL, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NL, Edinburgh, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain, and Language, New York University, Hampshire College psycholinguistics, language processing, cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, computational modelling, neural oscillations bmcelree 2010‑03‑19 Sim
Saghar Mirbagheri (Info) University of Washington sagharm 2020‑04‑20 Sim
Irmak Olcaysoy Okten (Info) NYU Social Psychology masalci 2022‑03‑08 Sim
Pamela J Osborn Popp (Info) NYU pamop 2022‑03‑29 Sim
Kiran Pandey (Info) New York University Learning, Memory, Hippocampus, mRNA translation, Autophagy 2022‑11‑29 Sim
PABLO M PEIXOTO (Info) City University of New York - Baruch College mitochondrial physiology, mitochondrial signaling, mitochondrial ion channels pablufu 2020‑09‑08 Sim
Denis G. Pelli (Info) NYU Visual sensitivity, object recognition, crowding 2005‑09‑15 Sim
Ralph Emilio Peterson (Info) Northeastern University, Harvard Medical School, New York University systems neuroscience, ethology, behavior, auditory neuroscience, computational neuroscience ralphpeterson 2012‑11‑08 Sim
Simran Purokayastha (Info) NYU attention, perception, eye movements, Alzheimer's disease simpurokayastha 2020‑11‑09 Sim
Liina Pylkkanen (Info) NYU ceboylan 2010‑04‑03 Sim
Shannon Rashid (Info) New York University School of Medicine jayeetabasu 2024‑01‑07 Sim
Marjorie Rhodes (Info) University of Michigan, NYU conceptual development, language development pq 2015‑10‑11 Sim
Ece Sakalar (Info) New York University (NYU) thalamocortical connections, hippocampal oscillations EceSakalar 2024‑12‑13 Sim
Eliala Alice Salvadori (Info) Amsterdam Emotions, Child Development, Pedagogy, Psychometry Eliala 2024‑08‑14 Sim
David Michael Schneider (Info) NYU Behavior, hearing, circuits, predictions dms03006 2006‑03‑26 Sim
Robert M. Sears (Info) Yale rsteine 2006‑04‑29 Sim
Jonathan Z. Simon (Info) University of Maryland MEG, auditory system, computational neuroscience david 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Tanya Sippy (Info) NYU striatum, learning felixs 2006‑08‑28 Sim
Simón(e) D Sun (Info) CSHL, New York University (NYU) sds553 2020‑10‑05 Sim
William Tsai (Info) New York University - Steinhardt Yikai 2023‑04‑06 Sim
James S. Uleman (Info) NYU Implicit impressions of other people dongwonoh 2015‑09‑08 Sim
Jay Van Bavel (Info) NYU ijhaas 2013‑08‑26 Sim
Zhen Wei (Info) UT Austin visual system, computational neuroscience zhenwei 2023‑07‑06 Sim
Qihan Wu (Info) New York University Abrielmann 2021‑04‑23 Sim
Vivek Yadav (Info) Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey Deep Learning, Computational Cognitive Modeling, AI in Healthcare viveky23 2021‑03‑24 Sim
Kenichi Yuasa (Info) University of Tokyo, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, New York University (NYU) yukoyy 2015‑10‑26 Sim
Roland Zemla (Info) New York University School of Medicine jayeetabasu 2024‑01‑07 Sim
Chenghao Zhou (Info) New York University (NYU) decision making, neuroscience, psychology Chenghao.Zhou 2023‑01‑11 Sim
Ipshita Zutshi (Info) NYU Learning and Memory, Spatial Navigation ipshitazutshi 2016‑11‑21 Sim
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