People with institution matching "SUNY Downstate Medical Center":
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Charles K. Abrams (Info) |
Albert Einstein |
dbseyler |
2010‑04‑29 |
Sim |
Juan Marcos Alarcon (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
christiennegd |
2018‑10‑23 |
Sim |
Robert G Alexander (Info) |
SUNY Stony Brook, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, New York Institute of Technology |
Visual Search, Fixational Eye Movements, Perceptual Expertise, Skill Acquisition, Medical Image Perception |
rgalexander |
2010‑11‑02 |
Sim |
Sergio Angulo (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
Alzheimer's Disease, Calcium Dynamics |
slanguloc |
2011‑01‑30 |
Sim |
Gloria Patricia Baena-Caldas (Info) |
Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia) AND SUNY Downstate Medical Center (Brooklyn, NY, United States) |
Stroke; Alzheimer´s disease; Learning and memory; Hippocampus |
gpbaena1 |
2022‑10‑20 |
Sim |
Peter Bergold (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
Traumatic brain injury, neurodegeneration |
pbergold |
2010‑01‑07 |
Sim |
Kevin Bolding (Info) |
Monell Chemical Senses Center |
scouser |
2022‑03‑14 |
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William J. Brunken (Info) |
Boston College, Mass General Hospital and Harvard University, Tufts Medical School, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, SUNY Upstate Medical University |
Retina, Development, Pharmacology |
wjbrunken |
2009‑09‑11 |
Sim |
Efrain Cepeda-Prado (Info) |
University of Magdeburg |
Neurophysiology, synaptic plasticity, neuroprotection |
EC |
2016‑03‑09 |
Sim |
Pratik Yashvant Chhatbar (Info) |
MUSC, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Duke Medical School, MUSC |
neuromodulation in stroke rehabilitation; In vivo two-photon imaging of visual cortex; sensorimotor neuroprosthetics using microelectrode arrays in non-human primates |
joey199us |
2011‑06‑10 |
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Angel Cinelli (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
olfaction |
bmsalzberg |
2010‑01‑28 |
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Christopher L. Coe (Info) |
UW Madison |
psychoneuroimmunology, stress, intestinal microflora |
kinsey |
2014‑06‑03 |
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John F. Crary (Info) |
Mount Sinai School of Medicine |
Neuropathology |
jfcrary |
2015‑02‑02 |
Sim |
Leandro L. Di Stasi (Info) |
University of Granada |
LLDiStasi |
2015‑09‑06 |
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Marcello DiStasio (Info) |
Cornell, Yale School of Medicine, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's and Boston Children's Hospitals, Harvard Medical School |
joey199us |
2011‑06‑10 |
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Salvador Dura-Bernal (Info) |
SUNY Downstate |
Computational Neuroscience |
salvi82 |
2013‑12‑12 |
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David H. Farb (Info) |
Boston University |
Molecular physiology of benzodiazepines and other ion channel modulators; GABA(A) receptor structure-function; NMDA receptor structure and function; neuroactive steroids |
teissere |
2008‑05‑14 |
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Arman Fesharaki-Zadeh (Info) |
Yale |
Neuroscience, neurodegenerative diseases |
armanfe |
2019‑05‑02 |
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Rafael E Flores-Obando (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University |
Cellular communication, neurovascular interactions, memory |
efloresnica |
2018‑05‑09 |
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Terrell T. Gibbs (Info) |
Boston University |
pharmacology, neurotransmission |
dfarb |
2010‑01‑27 |
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Christienne Gonzales Damatac (Info) |
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour |
mbaxter |
2017‑03‑21 |
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Alejandro Ivan Hernandez (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
Learning and memory, hippocampus, PKM |
homerk |
2008‑03‑25 |
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Frederic Kavaler (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
angelo |
2014‑02‑27 |
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Clifford Kentros (Info) |
University of Oregon |
Systems Neuroscience |
devdeep |
2008‑06‑21 |
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Artak V Khachatryan (Info) |
Karolinska, SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
igc |
2021‑10‑31 |
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John L. Kubie (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
sparft |
2016‑08‑16 |
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Arjun Kumar (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
Pain System |
Xyph111 |
2013‑02‑12 |
Sim |
Jenny Libien (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
homerk |
2008‑03‑25 |
Sim |
Stephen L. Macknik (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
visual system, olfactory system, imaging, electrophysiology |
macknik |
2008‑08‑14 |
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Susana Martinez-Conde (Info) |
Barrow Neurological Institute, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, UCL, Harvard Medical School |
visual system, vision, perception, eye movements, consciousness, awareness, art, illusions |
smconde |
2007‑04‑19 |
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Joao Vitor da Silva Moreira (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
Computational Neuroscience |
joaovvitor |
2021‑03‑11 |
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Herman Moreno (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
Alzheimer's Disease, Calcium Dynamics, Brain metabolism |
slanguloc |
2011‑01‑30 |
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Robert U. Muller (Info) |
SUNY Brooklyn |
bnjclk |
2007‑03‑04 |
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Samuel A. Neymotin (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Yale School of Medicine, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brown, Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, NYU School of Medicine, NY |
Computational Neuroscience |
samnemo |
2011‑02‑20 |
Sim |
Moreye Nusbaum (Info) |
Penn, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Graduate Hospital, Air Force, Graduate Hospital of The University of Pennsylvania, Graduate Hospital, Presbyterian Hospital, University of Pennsylvania |
mfn007 |
2017‑08‑27 |
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Katherine L. Perkins (Info) |
SUNY Downstate |
Electrophysiology; hippocampal interneurons; epilepsy; depolarizing GABA |
sldrx |
2009‑03‑02 |
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German Alfonso Pinzon-Duarte (Info) |
Retina, development |
wjbrunken |
2009‑09‑11 |
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Matthew J Regier (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
mjtrigger |
2019‑10‑04 |
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Leonard A. Rosenblum (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
Interc |
2022‑01‑31 |
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Todd C. Sacktor (Info) |
SUNY Downstate |
Hippocampus, plasticity, PKMzeta |
aharris |
2006‑10‑19 |
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Alejandro Salah (Info) |
NYU School of Medicine |
Epilepsy, EEG, Electrophysiology, Autism, MEG |
asnyc75 |
2011‑12‑06 |
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Susan Schwartz-Giblin (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
neuroendocrinology of reproductive behavior |
susantoby |
2021‑03‑05 |
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Susan Schwartz-Giblin (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
GABA | |
2007‑05‑12 |
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Peter A. Serrano (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
Learning and memory, hippocampus, LTP, autism |
homerk |
2008‑03‑25 |
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Charles Yanping Shao (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
george.perry |
2010‑07‑30 |
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Fraser T. Sparks (Info) |
Columbia |
Hippocampus & Memory systems |
sparft |
2006‑04‑11 |
Sim |
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