People with institution matching "Trento University": Advanced Search
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Davide Bassi (Info) Trento University gdemarchi 2021‑04‑08 Sim
Stefania Bracci (Info) KU Leuven hans.opdebeeck 2018‑02‑27 Sim
Gianpaolo Demarchi (Info) University of Salzburg MEG, Source Analysis, Brain Stimulation, Auditory Neuroscience, Neuroimaging, gdemarchi 2018‑07‑06 Sim
Alessandro Grecucci (Info) University of Trento, Italy affective neuroscience alegrecucci 2017‑04‑28 Sim
Hans Op de Beeck (Info) KU Leuven visual and cognitive neuroscience nkanwisher 2006‑10‑01 Sim
Edoardo Pappaianni (Info) University of Trento, Italy alegrecucci 2017‑04‑28 Sim
Roma Siugzdaite (Info) Ghent University Neuroimaging, laterality, autism, neurodevelopmental disorders, brain connectivity, GNM Rsiugzda 2018‑02‑20 Sim
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