Similar researchers to Brad Johnson: Advanced Search
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Brad N. Johnson (Info) UC Berkeley Olfaction kathleen 2005‑09‑15 Sim
Rehan Khan (Info) UC Berkeley JLand52 2005‑01‑26 Sim(0.1)
Noam Sobel (Info) Weizmann Institute Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑25 Sim(0.11)
Tyler S. Lorig (Info) Washington & Lee University Olfaction, physiological testing, EEG analysis Angaria 2005‑11‑11 Sim(0.17)
Julie A. Boyle (Info) McGill Olfaction jolen 2006‑10‑19 Sim(0.18)
Elizabeth A. Bremner (Info) UC Berkeley Olfaction kathleen 2005‑03‑28 Sim(0.21)
Johannes Frasnelli (Info) McGill Olfaction JLand52 2005‑08‑08 Sim(0.23)
Jelena Djordjevic (Info) McGill Olfaction frasnelli 2006‑09‑25 Sim(0.23)
Hadas Lapid (Info) Afeka College of Engineering Olfaction JLand52 2007‑05‑04 Sim(0.25)
Barry F. Sachs (Info) (Pediatric Surgery Tree) djweiner 2015‑02‑10 Sim(0.26)
Kevin P. Brown (Info) Yale (Evolution Tree) mikeblazanin 2018‑02‑26 Sim(0.26)
Cedric Manesse (Info) CRNL, CNRS, Lyon, France mben 2018‑02‑26 Sim(0.26)
Moustafa Bensafi (Info) CNRS Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑29 Sim(0.27)
Jean-Pierre P. Royet (Info) Universite Claude-Bernard Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑29 Sim(0.27)
William S. Cain (Info) UCSD Olfaction JLand52 2005‑10‑21 Sim(0.29)
Johan N. Lundstrom (Info) Karolinska Olfaction, Multisensory Perception JLand52 2005‑08‑08 Sim(0.29)
William S. Cain (Info) Department of Surgery, University of California, San Diego Chemosensory Perception jolen 2006‑10‑19 Sim(0.3)
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (Info) UCSD Neurology kathleen 2005‑10‑30 Sim(0.3)
Alan Robertson (Info) Edinburgh (FlyTree) tlturner 2010‑04‑18 Sim(0.3)
Michael Westerveld (Info) Yale School of Medicine UConnNeuro 2017‑04‑14 Sim(0.3)
Artin Arshamian (Info) Stockholm University marlar 2009‑03‑10 Sim(0.31)
Ronald Rensink (Info) UBC jenns 2009‑09‑12 Sim(0.31)
Sébastien Tanguy (Info) Université de caen (Physiology Academic Tree) doc_fr 2017‑01‑26 Sim(0.31)
Maurice Chastrette (Info) CNRS Lyon JLand52 2016‑08‑26 Sim(0.31)
James F. Crow (Info) UW Madison (Evolution Tree) Evolutionary Genetics rlrogers 2010‑08‑27 Sim(0.31)
Fanny Rinck (Info) CRNL, CNRS, Lyon, France mben 2018‑02‑26 Sim(0.31)
Rohit Kohli (Info) CCHMC Obesity, Fatty Liver Disease drkohlirohit 2010‑04‑07 Sim(0.31)
David K. Menon (Info) Cambridge Anaesthesia, Neuroscience makikasahara 2010‑03‑11 Sim(0.31)
Xiaokun Xu (Info) USC Human Vision xiaokunx 2009‑07‑27 Sim(0.31)
Brian Timney (Info) Western University visual perception steeves 2008‑06‑22 Sim(0.31)
Daniel Schoene (Info) University of New South Wales StuSmith2038 2014‑07‑09 Sim(0.32)
Hanna Heikkinen (Info) Aalto University Visual system, photoreceptors hannaNT 2011‑06‑01 Sim(0.32)
H.P. Zeigler (Info) Hunter College, CUNY Sensorimotor integration vkhatri 2009‑03‑01 Sim(0.32)
Haley (Brown) Stehulak (Info) University of Michigan (Chemistry Tree) alphote 2023‑12‑06 Sim(0.32)
Simo O. Pehkonen (Info) Masdar Institute (Chemistry Tree) environmental photochemistry, materials chemistry including corrosion chemistry and applied kinetics in environmental aquatic systems jandh 2014‑08‑10 Sim(0.32)
Yasuhiro Osaki (Info) Osaka University, Mount Sinai jmaruta 2017‑04‑26 Sim(0.32)
Johannes le Coutre (Info) Nestle Research Center kohla 2010‑04‑26 Sim(0.32)
Trygg Engen (Info) Brown olfaction jhayes 2006‑08‑01 Sim(0.32)
Hector Rieiro (Info) Barrow Neurological Institute Neuroscience, Engineering, Visual System, Olfactory System, cerebrovascular blood flow macknik 2009‑06‑07 Sim(0.33)
Susana Martinez-Conde (Info) Barrow Neurological Institute, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, UCL, Harvard Medical School visual system, vision, perception, eye movements, consciousness, awareness, art, illusions smconde 2007‑04‑19 Sim(0.33)
Rune Peter Lindstedt (Info) Imperial College London (Chemistry Tree) ewan.ewans 2018‑02‑19 Sim(0.33)
Daw-An Wu (Info) Harvard Pschophysics, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Vision dawanwu 2007‑10‑08 Sim(0.33)
Gregory M. Fosco (Info) Penn State amramos1214 2020‑03‑06 Sim(0.33)
Michael Bach (Info) University of Freiburg Vision, Clinical Electrophysiology, evoked potentials, EEG, visual acuity, contrast vision, illusions shein 2007‑03‑30 Sim(0.33)
Giovanni Berlucchi (Info) University of Verona hayden 2005‑01‑17 Sim(0.33)
Burton Rosner (Info) Penn feeding placenta 2006‑12‑15 Sim(0.33)
Deborah Saucier (Info) University of Lethbridge jdesouza 2007‑04‑20 Sim(0.33)
Michael Anthony Crognale (Info) University of Nevada, Reno Vision, Human factors david 2008‑06‑23 Sim(0.33)
Danielle Nachtigal (Info) The John B Pierce Laboratory Food Reward, Obesity, Taste DanaSmall 2007‑03‑21 Sim(0.33)
Jorge Otero-Millan (Info) Barrow Neurological Institute, Johns Hopkins Medical School, UC Berkeley Visual System, Eye Movements jorge7582 2009‑07‑04 Sim(0.34)
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