Similar researchers to Peter Århem: Advanced Search
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Peter Århem (Info) Karolinska hugozeberg 2010‑04‑27 Sim
George T Bonheyo (Info) PNNL (Microtree) biodefense; geomicrobiology; biofouling; synthetic biology and biomaterials GTBonheyo 2020‑04‑23 Sim(0.33)
Katherine Wynne-Edwards (Info) Princeton Thorfinn 2010‑02‑20 Sim(0.34)
Jennifer J. Summerfield (Info) UCL Memory jensummerfield 2007‑10‑16 Sim(0.35)
Julien Toulouse (Info) Sorbonne Université (Chemistry Tree) Electronic-structure theory jppiquem 2013‑05‑21 Sim(0.35)
Sophie Laurent (Info) University of Mons (UMONS, Belgium) (Physics Tree) osandre 2020‑09‑05 Sim(0.35)
Robert M. Bilder (Info) UCLA neuropsychology, schizophrenia, neuroimaging bilder 2006‑09‑02 Sim(0.38)
Xin Tang (Info) Penn State Gongchenpsu 2012‑10‑10 Sim(0.39)
Katie Wiggins-Dohlvik (Info) Baylor Scott and White, Children's Hospital Colorado, University of Oklahoma College of Medicine btharakan 2015‑02‑25 Sim(0.4)
Suzanne Khalil (Info) Psychology and Art mmcbeath 2009‑10‑07 Sim(0.41)
Madhuri Sudan (Info) UCLA (Epi Tree) Epidemiology, Public Health pq 2016‑03‑08 Sim(0.42)
Flávia Viana Santa-Cecília (Info) Universidade de São Paulo (Ribeirão Preto) IsaacFG13 2022‑12‑01 Sim(0.42)
Frank Moss (Info) University of Missouri Nonlinear dynamics dtakeshita 2009‑06‑12 Sim(0.43)
Anis Contractor (Info) Northwestern gtswanson 2010‑12‑30 Sim(0.43)
David D. Celantano (Info) Johns Hopkins (Epi Tree) Epidemiology pq 2016‑01‑27 Sim(0.43)
Stanley Coren (Info) UBC Perception jenns 2009‑09‑12 Sim(0.46)
Christine Boylan (Info) Penn ceboylan 2010‑04‑03 Sim(0.47)
Jennifer Laura Lee (Info) NYU weiji 2018‑10‑20 Sim(0.47)
Yael Amitai (Info) Ben Gurion University fin 2007‑08‑18 Sim(0.49)
James C. Charity (Info) Harvard (Microtree) Microbiology Biology, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑25 Sim(0.49)
Gerald S. Hecht (Info) Southern University and A&M College Prenatal Cocaine Exposure, Animal Model, Sex Differences Hecht 2009‑03‑03 Sim(0.49)
Madhuri Kango-Singh (Info) University of Dayton (FlyTree) Growth and Patterning amitsingh60 2008‑12‑13 Sim(0.5)
Panaya Kotchaplai (Info) Chulalongkorn University (E-Tree) eakalak 2022‑02‑25 Sim(0.5)
Martin E. Nau (Info) Henry M Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, (Computational Biology Tree) konrad 2010‑11‑11 Sim(0.5)
Jennifer L. Stockdill (Info) Wayne State (Chemistry Tree) Organic Chemistry stockdill 2013‑01‑03 Sim(0.5)
Manfred Spitzer (Info) University of Ulm quirl 2007‑01‑16 Sim(0.51)
Yu Wang (Info) Queen's University, Canada (Chemistry Tree) polymer science dawangyu1900 2016‑01‑12 Sim(0.52)
Dennis F. Kinsey (Info) Syracuse (PoliSci Tree) Mass Communications, International Relations, General pq 2016‑05‑29 Sim(0.52)
Claudia Clopath (Info) Imperial College London rjolivet 2007‑07‑10 Sim(0.53)
Daria Lazarenko (Info) University of Akron (E-Tree) hjp20 2022‑03‑02 Sim(0.53)
Ralph L. Holloway (Info) Columbia Brain evolution kathleen 2005‑03‑26 Sim(0.53)
Gerald T. Finnerty (Info) King's College fin 2007‑08‑18 Sim(0.53)
Paolo F. Nichelli (Info) Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia Cognitive Neuroscience Nichelli 2014‑04‑28 Sim(0.53)
Penny L. Pennington (Info) Texas A & M (SocTree) Agricultural Education, Sociology of Education pq 2016‑05‑15 Sim(0.54)
Barry C. Ames (Info) University of Pittsburgh (PoliSci Tree) General pq 2016‑05‑24 Sim(0.54)
G. Bruce Henning (Info) Oxford fj 2007‑01‑16 Sim(0.54)
Lubica Kubikova (Info) Inst of Animal Biochem & Genetics birdsong kubikova 2007‑07‑10 Sim(0.54)
Russell Adams (Info) University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center npg 2019‑07‑18 Sim(0.54)
Lim Chee Liew (Info) La Trobe University (Plant Biology Tree) Single-cell RNA-seq; seed germination; seed dormancy LLiew 2024‑07‑02 Sim(0.54)
Martin Daly (Info) University of Toronto altayals 2012‑08‑21 Sim(0.54)
David C. Van Essen (Info) Washington University, Caltech Visual system hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim(0.55)
Cameron P. Anderson (Info) UC Berkeley Emotion pq 2015‑10‑08 Sim(0.55)
Matthew A. Wolf (Info) Yale (LinguisTree) jjmccart 2010‑08‑19 Sim(0.55)
John Miller Lawrence (Info) University of South Florida (Chemistry Tree) Marine Physiological Ecology jandh 2018‑05‑01 Sim(0.55)
Kasra Manoocheri (Info) New York University, Center for Neural Science kmanoocheri 2017‑09‑07 Sim(0.56)
Martha L. Escobar (Info) Psychology, UNAM learning and memory olgars 2007‑04‑29 Sim(0.56)
Ajay B. Satpute (Info) Columbia Social Cognitive Neuroscience asatpute 2006‑08‑27 Sim(0.56)
Robin S. Chapman (Info) UW Madison (CSD Tree) language and cognitive development in children and adolescents with Down syndrome sgrubb 2014‑08‑22 Sim(0.57)
Thomas M. Fischer (Info) Wayne State Learning and Memory, Invertebrate Neuroscience rcalinjageman 2006‑10‑15 Sim(0.57)
Adrienne P. Felt (Info) UC Berkeley (Computer Science Tree) Security (SEC) pq 2016‑01‑11 Sim(0.57)
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