Similar researchers to Julien Delezie:
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Julien Delezie (Info) |
Strasbourg |
doc_fr |
2016‑12‑07 |
Sim |
Michael Wai Kiang (Info) |
pq |
2015‑08‑11 |
Sim(0.07) |
Lindsey A. Larocque (Info) |
University of South Carolina (Physics Tree) |
Civil Engineering |
pq |
2016‑03‑13 |
Sim(0.09) |
James J. Lingane (Info) |
Harvard (Chemistry Tree) |
jandh |
2011‑09‑06 |
Sim(0.09) |
James A. Resch (Info) |
Texas A & M |
Counseling Psychology, Gifted Education, Public Health, Special Education |
pq |
2016‑07‑31 |
Sim(0.1) |
Kathryn L. McCabe (Info) |
University of Washington |
developmental neurobiology |
pq |
2015‑11‑11 |
Sim(0.1) |
Laura Downie (Info) |
University of Melbourne |
algis |
2015‑07‑13 |
Sim(0.11) |
Roger A Pedersen (Info) |
Cambridge (Cell & Gene Therapy Tree) |
Regenerative Medicine, embryonic stem cells |
lukhvdb |
2013‑07‑24 |
Sim(0.11) |
Jérôme Waser (Info) |
EPFL (Chemistry Tree) |
tarselli |
2015‑07‑05 |
Sim(0.12) |
Aviva Philipp-Muller (Info) |
Ohio State |
stevenra |
2017‑01‑10 |
Sim(0.13) |
Xiaoyin Sun (Info) |
University of Cincinnati |
flyingred |
2011‑12‑20 |
Sim(0.13) |
Kun Ding (Info) |
HKUST (Physics Tree) |
hkust |
2017‑06‑10 |
Sim(0.13) |
Anne Dolbecq (Info) |
Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University (Chemistry Tree) |
connectingresearchers |
2019‑06‑12 |
Sim(0.13) |
Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos (Info) |
Louisiana State (Physics Tree) |
Mechanical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics |
pq |
2016‑05‑18 |
Sim(0.14) |
Kimberly A. Rickert (Info) |
UW Madison (Chemistry Tree) |
materials science |
pq |
2015‑11‑13 |
Sim(0.14) |
Andrew Mattarella-Micke (Info) |
Stanford |
mattare2 |
2012‑12‑10 |
Sim(0.14) |
Marta Francisco (Info) |
UC Davis (Chemistry Tree) |
kliebenstein |
2017‑07‑25 |
Sim(0.14) |
Aaron A. King (Info) |
University of Michigan (Theoretical Ecology Tree) |
kcudding |
2014‑05‑27 |
Sim(0.14) |
Ivan Aprahamian (Info) |
Dartmouth (Chemistry Tree) |
i) novel molecular machines and switches, and ii) lithium-containing and -pillared carbon based materials (CBMs) |
jandh |
2012‑12‑12 |
Sim(0.14) |
Margaret E.M. Tolbert (Info) |
Argonne National Laboratory (Chemistry Tree) |
Educational Programs |
jandh |
2013‑11‑27 |
Sim(0.15) |
Resit Canbeyli (Info) |
Bogazici University |
Biological rhythms, hemispheric asymmetries, Animal models in depression / learned helplessness and dementia |
giannigunes |
2013‑08‑10 |
Sim(0.15) |
James Avery Sauls (Info) |
Northwestern (Physics Tree) |
Theoretical Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Information, Condensed Matter, Nuclear Astrophysics |
Hesselberg |
2013‑11‑23 |
Sim(0.15) |
Sharmin Ghaznavi (Info) |
Yale |
david |
2015‑06‑19 |
Sim(0.15) |
Danielle N. Jarvis (Info) |
USC (Biomechanics Tree) |
307823150 |
2020‑08‑03 |
Sim(0.15) |
Philippe Koch (Info) |
Université de Liège (Music Tree) |
Violin |
tylerz |
2011‑09‑16 |
Sim(0.16) |
Diana J. Kim (Info) |
djkim |
2013‑04‑08 |
Sim(0.16) |
Beth Knapp-Reed (Info) |
University of Michigan (Chemistry Tree) |
tarselli |
2015‑07‑05 |
Sim(0.16) |
Eric G. Adelberger (Info) |
University of Washington (Physics Tree) |
gravitational physics, nuclear astrophysics, low-energy tests of fundamental symmetrics, and nuclear structure |
jandh |
2015‑10‑09 |
Sim(0.16) |
Julie C. Schlenker (Info) |
Harvard (Chemistry Tree) |
Environmental Chemistry |
pq |
2015‑09‑27 |
Sim(0.16) |
Jim Staunton (Info) |
Cambridge (Physics Tree) |
connectingresearchers |
2020‑10‑06 |
Sim(0.16) |
Kang Cai (Info) |
Tsinghua University (Physics Tree) |
gllong |
2021‑07‑03 |
Sim(0.16) |
Caitlin S Smukowski Heil (Info) |
NCSU (Evolution Tree) |
mafnoor |
2011‑06‑22 |
Sim(0.16) |
Alexander L. MacKinnon (Info) |
University of Glasgow (Physics Tree) |
ChristinaBurge |
2018‑11‑02 |
Sim(0.16) |
Amauri José Keslarek (Info) |
(Chemistry Tree) |
aherzog |
2012‑08‑18 |
Sim(0.16) |
Janice L. Wong (Info) |
UC Irvine (Chemistry Tree) |
Chemical Biology , Inorganic and Organometallic |
pq |
2015‑11‑15 |
Sim(0.16) |
Khin Yong Lam (Info) |
Nanyang Technological University (E-Tree) |
jingjieyeo |
2018‑12‑19 |
Sim(0.17) |
Murray R. Gray (Info) |
University of Alberta (Chemistry Tree) |
properties of heavy oil and bitumen materials |
tarselli |
2015‑09‑06 |
Sim(0.17) |
Richard A. Klein (Info) |
UF Gainesville, Université Grenoble Alpes |
Replication, Reproducibility, Open Science, Implicit Associations |
raklein |
2018‑02‑16 |
Sim(0.17) |
Christophe Mulle (Info) |
Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience, Bordeaux |
Marilena79 |
2020‑05‑02 |
Sim(0.17) |
Marco Agostoni (Info) |
UC Berkeley (PhycoTree) |
| |
2018‑07‑07 |
Sim(0.17) |
Martin L. Tombari (Info) |
University of Texas |
jkmanis |
2017‑06‑18 |
Sim(0.17) |
Maureen A. Wimsatt (Info) |
University of Maryland |
Developmental Psychology |
krubin |
2015‑01‑18 |
Sim(0.17) |
Kevin Ivers (Info) |
University of Houston |
gmusial |
2018‑07‑13 |
Sim(0.17) |
Iraj Ganjian (Info) |
Lehman College (Chemistry Tree) |
Carbohydrates, Organoselenides |
tarselli |
2015‑09‑03 |
Sim(0.17) |
Soohyun Lee (Info) |
shlee1009 |
2014‑04‑16 |
Sim(0.17) |
Ronald D. Gorham (Info) |
UC Riverside (BME Tree) |
Biomedical Engineering, General Biophysics, Bioinformatics Biology, Pharmacy |
pq |
2016‑02‑07 |
Sim(0.17) |
Gareth Jones (Info) |
School of Biological Sciences (Evolution Tree) |
hgoerlitz |
2018‑06‑20 |
Sim(0.17) |
Thomas (Tom) Walz (Info) |
Harvard Medical School (Cell Biology Tree) |
Structural Biology |
2013‑03‑24 |
Sim(0.17) |
Karsten Meyer (Info) |
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Chemistry Tree) |
organic synthesis of new chelating ligands and their transition and actinide metal coordination complexes |
jandh |
2013‑02‑17 |
Sim(0.18) |
Matthew B Ruby (Info) |
La Trobe University (Australia) (PsychTree) |
Culture, Food, Well-being |
mbruby |
2020‑07‑15 |
Sim(0.18) |
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