Similar researchers to Ryuichi Nakajima: Advanced Search
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Ryuichi Nakajima (Info) Korea Institute of Science & Technology, Fujita Health University, Dalarna University, RIKEN Neuroscience ryo 2007‑03‑22 Sim
William C. Engeland (Info) UMN neuroendocrinology, stress, adrenal engel002 2006‑10‑24 Sim(0.14)
Stephan Gerhard (Info) Institute of Neuroinformatics of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich fruit fly, neural circuit reconstruction, microcircuitry unidesigner 2011‑09‑25 Sim(0.17)
Charan Ranganath (Info) UC Davis Memory JLand52 2005‑01‑26 Sim(0.2)
Michael Weliky (Info) Rochester vision daeyeol_lee 2005‑10‑11 Sim(0.2)
Yifat Prut (Info) Hebrew University Motor system; Spinal cord nulanovsky 2005‑12‑23 Sim(0.2)
R Meldrum Robertson (Info) Queen's University, Canada stress, central pattern generation, insect robertrm 2007‑10‑02 Sim(0.21)
Lin Fu (Info) UC Davis PET imaging fuliner 2007‑03‑22 Sim(0.22)
KyeongJin Kang (Info) SungKyunKwan University flyp 2009‑08‑05 Sim(0.23)
Jason W. Middleton (Info) University of Pittsburgh jmidd 2010‑08‑19 Sim(0.23)
Graham Jamieson (Info) University of New England (Hypnotree) dterhune 2014‑04‑19 Sim(0.23)
W Carl Kester (Info) Harvard (Econometree) Commerce-Business Economics, Banking Business Administration, Transportation, Management Business Administration pq 2016‑05‑12 Sim(0.24)
Maria Gabriella Signorini (Info) Politecnico di Milano fesposti1 2012‑04‑19 Sim(0.24)
Samuel Truett (Info) Univ. of New Mexico (History of History Tree) jacr 2011‑01‑08 Sim(0.24)
Nicolas Brunel (Info) Duke Computational neuroscience srdjan 2008‑04‑19 Sim(0.24)
Angelika Doetzlhofer (Info) Johns Hopkins Inner Ear Development ejgolden7 2010‑05‑28 Sim(0.25)
David Welch (Info) Brandeis (Chemistry Tree) phase transitions in colloidal suspensions pq 2015‑11‑29 Sim(0.25)
Richard S Steinberg (Info) Dept. of Economics and Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, IUPUI (Nonprofit Studies Tree) economics for nonprofit managers; public policy towards nonprofits, giving, and volunteering; modeling nonprofit objectives, constraints, and behaviors; behavioral economics of giving; empirical determinants of giving and volunteering rsteinbe 2018‑05‑22 Sim(0.25)
Lee Ross (Info) Stanford Social psychology nherrera 2010‑03‑04 Sim(0.26)
Lisa Feldman Barrett (Info) Northeastern University emotion barretli 2008‑04‑06 Sim(0.26)
T P. Feng (Info) hanks 2005‑11‑09 Sim(0.27)
Jian Zuo (Info) St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Hearing ex69 2011‑10‑08 Sim(0.27)
Harold Pinsker (Info) hayden 2005‑01‑26 Sim(0.27)
Thomas Peter Devereaux (Info) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (Physics Tree) scienceandreason 2013‑03‑22 Sim(0.28)
Martin Y. Peek (Info) Janelia Farm Drosophila Circuits and Behavior peekm 2014‑03‑12 Sim(0.28)
Alfred Newton Richards (Info) Penn Vascular pharmacology, biogenic amines CJM3 2009‑03‑12 Sim(0.28)
David J. Paulsen (Info) Duke Numerical Cognition dpaulsen 2008‑02‑06 Sim(0.28)
Eugene Leonard Pace (Info) Case Western (Chemistry Tree) jandh 2012‑05‑27 Sim(0.28)
Hakan Kucukdereli (Info) Duke Glial biology avicenna 2009‑11‑26 Sim(0.29)
Padmanabhan Paranji Pattabiraman (Info) Duke BDNF, Visual system, Synaptogenesis, Glauoma, Cytoskeletal signaling mechanism padhu 2008‑01‑30 Sim(0.29)
Louis F. Reichardt (Info) UCSF Neuronal development cab 2006‑03‑09 Sim(0.29)
Amy Lynne Shelton (Info) Johns Hopkins Spatial cognition, memory, individual differences ashelton501 2007‑01‑26 Sim(0.3)
Kenneth Kotovsky (Info) Carnegie Mellon Problem Solving dyurovsky 2008‑07‑30 Sim(0.3)
Francois Clarac (Info) CNRS-Marseille Neurophysiology & Behavior lobster 2007‑04‑01 Sim(0.3)
Patrick E. Rothwell (Info) UMN, Stanford, UMN, University of Wisonsin Addiction, Autism, Striatum, Synaptic plasticity homerk 2008‑03‑25 Sim(0.3)
Kai Yuan (Info) University of Science & Technology of China Cell Cycle yuankai 2007‑10‑19 Sim(0.3)
Roger A. Nicoll (Info) UCSF Neurobiology Penny 2005‑08‑03 Sim(0.3)
Stéphane F. Maison (Info) Harvard Medical School Hearing smaison 2010‑03‑04 Sim(0.3)
Alan G. Watts (Info) USC arshadk 2007‑05‑13 Sim(0.31)
Lukas Bruder (Info) University of Freiburg (Physics Tree) connectingresearchers 2019‑08‑03 Sim(0.31)
Zhigang Peng (Info) Georgia Tech (Physics Tree) Seismology afancat 2018‑09‑20 Sim(0.31)
Yael Shrager (Info) UCSD Cognitive Neuroscience, Learning and Memory yshrager 2006‑09‑01 Sim(0.31)
Evald Rosengren (Info) Lund University Catecholamines felloe 2007‑05‑23 Sim(0.31)
Simon W. Davis (Info) Duke memory, DTI legree17 2006‑12‑12 Sim(0.31)
Ching-Tien Su (Info) National Health Research Institute, Taiwan rhuganir 2009‑09‑02 Sim(0.31)
Richard W. Stremel (Info) University of Louisville (Physics Tree) Medical Biophysics, Animal Physiology Biology, Medicine and Surgery, Rehabilitation and Therapy pq 2016‑05‑15 Sim(0.31)
Matthew Leon (Info) hanks 2005‑10‑08 Sim(0.32)
Nathan Witthoft (Info) Stanford Vision and learning daviexfm 2009‑03‑02 Sim(0.32)
Tim Curran (Info) CU Boulder erp, memory frankmj 2006‑08‑20 Sim(0.32)
Ronald R. Seese (Info) UC Irvine, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Learning and memory, autism ronaldseese 2011‑09‑25 Sim(0.32)
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