Similar researchers to Chao-Jun Li: Advanced Search
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Chao-Jun Li (Info) Stanford (Chemistry Tree) tarselli 2015‑07‑05 Sim
Shveta Malhotra (Info) UT Dallas pq 2015‑09‑09 Sim(0.06)
Mark A. Feitelson (Info) Temple University (Chemistry Tree) Virology Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology pq 2016‑06‑20 Sim(0.07)
Paul A. Wender (Info) Stanford (Chemistry Tree) Organic, Organometallic, Bioorganic, and Medicinal Chemistry jandh 2011‑11‑04 Sim(0.07)
Miao Yang (Info) SIOC,CAS (Chemistry Tree) guoqinx 2019‑04‑25 Sim(0.07)
Cristina Nevado (Info) Universität Zürich (Chemistry Tree) organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, catalysis jonlam 2015‑01‑26 Sim(0.07)
Marcel Bertrand (Info) Marseille-Aix University, France (Chemistry Tree) tarselli 2015‑08‑30 Sim(0.07)
T. William Donnelly (Info) MIT (Physics Tree) Theoretical physics jandh 2015‑10‑24 Sim(0.07)
Yoichiro Kuninobu (Info) Kyushu University (Chemistry Tree) laureanilies 2017‑08‑15 Sim(0.07)
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Roy Patterson (Info) Cambridge Auditory perception snjoshi 2011‑12‑22 Sim(0.08)
Jiabin Zhang (Info) UW Madison Learning and Memory JiabinZhang 2013‑10‑23 Sim(0.08)
Alan G. Darvill (Info) University of Georgia (Chemistry Tree) Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑12 Sim(0.08)
Jie Zhou (Info) Columbia (Cell Biology Tree) Motor proteins, adenovirus zhouj 2013‑10‑09 Sim(0.08)
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Tony Swain (Info) Boston University (Evolution Tree) jcs 2013‑10‑30 Sim(0.08)
Sarah Swanson (Info) UC Berkeley (Plant Biology Tree) ycymro 2019‑12‑18 Sim(0.08)
Maria Gomes (Info) The University of Missouri (Chemistry Tree) tarselli 2015‑09‑05 Sim(0.08)
Wang Hong Yu (Info) Shandong Normal University (Chemistry Tree) photothermal therapy, Photoredox catalysis why 2018‑10‑28 Sim(0.09)
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Thomas G. Brown (Info) Rochester (Physics Tree) Polarization, optics jtschultz 2013‑06‑20 Sim(0.09)
Jesus Munoz-Estrada (Info) Albany Medical College of Union University ferlar 2020‑07‑19 Sim(0.09)
Craig Joseph Ceol (Info) University of Massachusetts Medical School (GenetiTree) Molecular Medicine jandh 2017‑08‑01 Sim(0.09)
Tommy Hennings (Info) UCSF (Chemistry Tree) mmcmanus 2021‑06‑26 Sim(0.09)
Gerrit Jacob de Vries (Info) VU Amsterdam (LinguisTree) Greek languague and literature jandh 2011‑07‑23 Sim(0.09)
Tayler D. Sheahan (Info) University of Pittsburgh taylersheahan09 2014‑06‑25 Sim(0.09)
Rob Knight (Info) UCSD (FlyTree) brynctaylor 2021‑05‑07 Sim(0.09)
Larry E. Overman (Info) UC Irvine (Chemistry Tree) synthesis of natural products jandh 2011‑08‑27 Sim(0.09)
Luke A. Groff (Info) University of Maine (Terrestrial Ecology Tree) lukegroff 2013‑09‑02 Sim(0.09)
Dawn Troast (Info) University of Utah (Chemistry Tree) tarselli 2016‑07‑16 Sim(0.09)
Ajay Chauhan (Info) IACS Kolkata (Chemistry Tree) Vigyaanik 2018‑06‑28 Sim(0.09)
Jason M. Cox (Info) University of Arizona (Chemistry Tree) synthesis of natural products, biological and medicinal chemistry pq 2016‑01‑01 Sim(0.09)
Masoud Shekarabi (Info) McGill (Montreal Neuorological Institute) Neurobiology of Diseases masoudsh 2018‑08‑11 Sim(0.09)
Karen E. Samis (Info) University of Prince Edward Island (Evolution Tree) jstinchcombe 2011‑09‑08 Sim(0.09)
John T. Welch (Info) SUNY Albany (Chemistry Tree) YDuan 2019‑04‑15 Sim(0.09)
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Jose Ramón Pedro (Info) University of Valencia (Chemistry Tree) cvila 2015‑07‑17 Sim(0.09)
Mercy Ndalila (Info) University of Tasmania (Terrestrial Ecology Tree) ozjimbob 2024‑07‑07 Sim(0.09)
Annabelle Goujon (Info) Besançon sjthorpe 2023‑06‑05 Sim(0.09)
Joan Btesh (Info) Cambridge Pain, hyperalgesia, trpv1 Jbtesh 2014‑10‑15 Sim(0.09)
Mirza Arfan Yawer (Info) University of Education, Lahore (Chemistry Tree) PeterLanger 2021‑02‑28 Sim(0.09)
Christian Alexander Raffensperger (Info) Chicago (History of History Tree) david 2015‑07‑06 Sim(0.09)
Yu-Chun Hsu (Info) National Yang-Ming University chouhung 2020‑05‑07 Sim(0.09)
Geoffrey Edward Coates (Info) University of Wyoming (Chemistry Tree) organometallic chemistry jandh 2011‑11‑16 Sim(0.09)
andrew J. metcalf (Info) Air Force Research Laboratories (E-Tree) Frequency combs, RF-photonics, microresonators, optoelectronics, EO combs metcalfa 2017‑01‑17 Sim(0.09)
Ichiro Moritani (Info) Osaka University (Chemistry Tree) jandh 2015‑09‑09 Sim(0.09)
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