Nick A. Guagliardo, Ph.D. - Publications

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
taste, development, feeding

13 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 DeLalio LJ, Masati E, Mendu S, Ruddiman CA, Yang Y, Johnstone SR, Milstein JA, Keller TCS, Weaver RB, Guagliardo NA, Best AK, Ravichandran KS, Bayliss DA, Sequeira-Lopez MLS, Sonkusare SN, et al. PANNEXIN 1 CHANNELS IN RENIN-EXPRESSING CELLS INFLUENCE RENIN SECRETION AND BLOOD PRESSURE HOMEOSTASIS. Kidney International. PMID 32446934 DOI: 10.1016/J.Kint.2020.04.041  0.367
2020 Guagliardo NA, Klein PM, Gancayco CA, Lu A, Leng S, Makarem RR, Cho C, Rusin CG, Breault DT, Barrett PQ, Beenhakker MP. Angiotensin II induces coordinated calcium bursts in aldosterone-producing adrenal rosettes. Nature Communications. 11: 1679. PMID 32245948 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-020-15408-4  0.303
2019 Guagliardo NA, Yao J, Stipes EJ, Cechova S, Le TH, Bayliss DA, Breault DT, Barrett PQ. Adrenal Tissue-Specific Deletion of TASK Channels Causes Aldosterone-Driven Angiotensin II-Independent Hypertension. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979). 73: 407-414. PMID 30580687 DOI: 10.1161/Hypertensionaha.118.11962  0.326
2019 Guagliardo N, Yao J, Stipes E, Cechova S, Le T, Bayliss D, Breault D, Barrett P. SAT-363 Deletion of TASK Channels Selectively from the Zona Glomerulosa Causes Mild Angiotensin II-Independent Hyperaldosteronism with Elevated Blood Pressure in Mice Journal of the Endocrine Society. 3. DOI: 10.1210/Js.2019-Sat-363  0.304
2016 Barrett PQ, Guagliardo NA, Klein PM, Hu C, Breault DT, Beenhakker MP. Role of voltage-gated calcium channels in the regulation of aldosterone production from zona glomerulosa cells of the adrenal cortex. The Journal of Physiology. PMID 26845064 DOI: 10.1113/Jp271896  0.315
2013 Freedman BD, Kempna PB, Carlone DL, Shah MS, Guagliardo NA, Barrett PQ, Gomez-Sanchez CE, Majzoub JA, Breault DT. Adrenocortical zonation results from lineage conversion of differentiated zona glomerulosa cells. Developmental Cell. 26: 666-73. PMID 24035414 DOI: 10.1016/J.Devcel.2013.07.016  0.304
2012 Hu C, Rusin CG, Tan Z, Guagliardo NA, Barrett PQ. Zona glomerulosa cells of the mouse adrenal cortex are intrinsic electrical oscillators. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 122: 2046-53. PMID 22546854 DOI: 10.1172/Jci61996  0.305
2012 Guagliardo NA, Yao J, Hu C, Schertz EM, Tyson DA, Carey RM, Bayliss DA, Barrett PQ. TASK-3 channel deletion in mice recapitulates low-renin essential hypertension. Hypertension. 59: 999-1005. PMID 22493079 DOI: 10.1161/Hypertensionaha.111.189662  0.337
2011 Guagliardo NA, Yao J, Bayliss DA, Barrett PQ. TASK channels are not required to mount an aldosterone secretory response to metabolic acidosis in mice. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 336: 47-52. PMID 21111026 DOI: 10.1016/J.Mce.2010.11.017  0.338
2009 Guagliardo NA, West KN, McCluskey LP, Hill DL. Attenuation of peripheral salt taste responses and local immune function contralateral to gustatory nerve injury: effects of aldosterone. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 297: R1103-10. PMID 19675282 DOI: 10.1152/Ajpregu.00219.2009  0.545
2008 Davies LA, Hu C, Guagliardo NA, Sen N, Chen X, Talley EM, Carey RM, Bayliss DA, Barrett PQ. TASK channel deletion in mice causes primary hyperaldosteronism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: 2203-8. PMID 18250325 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0712000105  0.358
2007 Guagliardo NA, Hill DL. Fungiform taste bud degeneration in C57BL/6J mice following chorda-lingual nerve transection. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 504: 206-16. PMID 17626272 DOI: 10.1002/Cne.21436  0.506
2004 Farbman AI, Guagliardo N, Sollars SI, Hill DL. Each sensory nerve arising from the geniculate ganglion expresses a unique fingerprint of neurotrophin and neurotrophin receptor genes. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 78: 659-67. PMID 15495212 DOI: 10.1002/Jnr.20297  0.539
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