Patrick R. Gill - Publications

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 

22 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2015 Sivaramakrishnan S, Wang A, Gill P, Molnar A. Design and Characterization of Enhanced Angle Sensitive Pixels Ieee Transactions On Electron Devices. DOI: 10.1109/Ted.2015.2432715  0.468
2012 Gill PR, Lee C, Sivaramakrishnan S, Molnar A. Robustness of planar Fourier capture arrays to colour changes and lost pixels Journal of Instrumentation. 7. DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/7/01/C01061  0.483
2012 Molnar A, Wang A, Gill P. CMOS angle sensitive pixels for 3-D imaging Applied Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology, Aio 2012. JW4A.2.  0.371
2012 Gill PR, Molnar A. Scaling properties of well-tiled PFCAs Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, Cosi 2012. JW3A.3.  0.363
2012 Gill PR, Molnar A. Scaling properties of well-tiled PFCAs Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, Cosi 2012. JW3A.3.  0.363
2011 Gill PR, Lee C, Lee DG, Wang A, Molnar A. A microscale camera using direct Fourier-domain scene capture. Optics Letters. 36: 2949-51. PMID 21808368 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.36.002949  0.487
2011 Gill PR, Mizumori SJ, Smith DM. Hippocampal episode fields develop with learning. Hippocampus. 21: 1240-9. PMID 20665593 DOI: 10.1002/hipo.20832  0.334
2011 Gill PR, Wang A, Molnar A. The in-crowd algorithm for fast basis pursuit denoising Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing. 59: 4595-4605. DOI: 10.1109/Tsp.2011.2161292  0.43
2011 Wang A, Gill PR, Molnar A. An angle-sensitive CMOS imager for single-sensor 3D photography Digest of Technical Papers - Ieee International Solid-State Circuits Conference. 412-413. DOI: 10.1109/ISSCC.2011.5746375  0.383
2011 Sivaramakrishnan S, Wang A, Gill PR, Molnar A. Enhanced angle sensitive pixels for light field imaging Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, Iedm. 8.6.1-8.6.4. DOI: 10.1109/IEDM.2011.6131516  0.396
2010 Gastpar MC, Gill PR, Huth AG, Theunissen FE. Anthropic Correction of Information Estimates and Its Application to Neural Coding. Ieee Transactions On Information Theory / Professional Technical Group On Information Theory. 56: 890-900. PMID 26900172 DOI: 10.1109/Tit.2009.2037053  0.603
2010 Amin N, Gill P, Theunissen FE. Role of the zebra finch auditory thalamus in generating complex representations for natural sounds. Journal of Neurophysiology. 104: 784-98. PMID 20554842 DOI: 10.1152/jn.00128.2010  0.738
2010 Gastpar MC, Gill PR, Huth AG, Theunissen FE. Anthropic correction of information estimates and its application to neural coding Ieee Transactions On Information Theory. 56: 890-900. DOI: 10.1109/TIT.2009.2037053  0.545
2010 Wang A, Gill PR, Molnar A. Fluorescent imaging and localization with angle sensitive pixel arrays in standard CMOS Proceedings of Ieee Sensors. 1706-1709. DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2010.5689914  0.377
2009 Wang A, Gill P, Molnar A. Light field image sensors based on the Talbot effect. Applied Optics. 48: 5897-905. PMID 19881658 DOI: 10.1364/Ao.48.005897  0.482
2009 Woolley SM, Gill PR, Fremouw T, Theunissen FE. Functional groups in the avian auditory system. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 29: 2780-93. PMID 19261874 DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2042-08.2009  0.718
2009 Wang A, Gill P, Molnar A. Light field image sensors based on the Talbot effect Applied Optics. 48: 5897-5905. DOI: 10.1364/AO.48.005897  0.403
2009 Wang A, Gill P, Molnar A. Angle sensitive pixels in CMOS for lensless 3D imaging Proceedings of the Custom Integrated Circuits Conference. 371-374. DOI: 10.1109/CICC.2009.5280840  0.371
2008 Gill P, Woolley SM, Fremouw T, Theunissen FE. What's that sound? Auditory area CLM encodes stimulus surprise, not intensity or intensity changes. Journal of Neurophysiology. 99: 2809-20. PMID 18287545 DOI: 10.1152/jn.01270.2007  0.72
2007 Cohen YE, Theunissen F, Russ BE, Gill P. Acoustic features of rhesus vocalizations and their representation in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 97: 1470-84. PMID 17135477 DOI: 10.1152/jn.00769.2006  0.669
2006 Gill P, Zhang J, Woolley SM, Fremouw T, Theunissen FE. Sound representation methods for spectro-temporal receptive field estimation. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 21: 5-20. PMID 16633939 DOI: 10.1007/s10827-006-7059-4  0.717
2006 Woolley SM, Gill PR, Theunissen FE. Stimulus-dependent auditory tuning results in synchronous population coding of vocalizations in the songbird midbrain. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 26: 2499-512. PMID 16510728 DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3731-05.2006  0.746
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