Carrie M. McDonald - Publications

University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 

23 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Unnikrishnan S, Yip AT, Qian AS, Salans MA, Yu JD, Huynh-Le MP, Reyes A, Stasenko A, McDonald C, Kaner R, Crawford JR, Hattangadi-Gluth JA. Neurocognitive Outcomes in Multiethnic Pediatric Brain Tumor Patients Treated With Proton Versus Photon Radiation. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. PMID 37539987 DOI: 10.1097/MPH.0000000000002724  0.62
2023 Salans M, Karunamuni R, Unnikrishnan S, Qian A, Connor M, Gudipati S, Yip A, Huynh-Le MP, Tibbs M, Reyes A, Stasenko A, Schadler A, McDonald C, Hattangadi-Gluth J. Microstructural cerebellar injury independently associated with processing speed in adult primary brain tumor patients: Implications for cognitive preservation. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. PMID 37414262 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.06.013  0.642
2023 Unnikrishnan S, Karunamuni R, Salans MA, Gudipati S, Qian AS, Yu J, Connor M, Huynh-Le MP, Tibbs MD, Hermann G, Reyes A, Stasenko A, Seibert TM, McDonald C, Hattangadi-Gluth JA. Dose-dependent atrophy in bilateral amygdalae and nuclei after brain radiotherapy: Association with mood and memory outcomes on a longitudinal clinical trial. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. PMID 37230430 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.05.026  0.627
2023 Connor M, Salans M, Karunamuni R, Unnikrishnan S, Huynh-Le MP, Tibbs M, Qian A, Reyes A, Stasenko A, McDonald C, Moiseenko V, El-Naqa I, Hattangadi-Gluth J. Fine Motor Skill Decline after Brain RT - A Multivariate Normal Tissue Complication Probability Study of a Prospective Trial. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. PMID 37150258 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.04.033  0.598
2023 Salans M, Houri J, Karunamuni R, Hopper A, Delfanti R, Seibert TM, Bahrami N, Sharifzadeh Y, McDonald C, Dale A, Moiseenko V, Farid N, Hattangadi-Gluth JA. The relationship between radiation dose and bevacizumab-related imaging abnormality in patients with brain tumors: A voxel-wise normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) analysis. Plos One. 18: e0279812. PMID 36800342 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0279812  0.301
2020 Hermann B, Conant LL, Cook CJ, Hwang G, Garcia-Ramos C, Dabbs K, Nair VA, Mathis J, Bonet CNR, Allen L, Almane DN, Arkush K, Birn R, DeYoe EA, Felton E, ... ... McDonald C, et al. Network, clinical and sociodemographic features of cognitive phenotypes in temporal lobe epilepsy. Neuroimage. Clinical. 27: 102341. PMID 32707534 DOI: 10.1016/J.Nicl.2020.102341  0.6
2019 Tibbs M, Huynh-Le M, Reyes A, Macari A, Karunamuni R, Tringale K, Burkeen J, Marshall D, McDonald C, Hattangadi-Gluth J. Longitudinal Analysis of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms as Independent Predictors of Neurocognitive Function: Prospective Trial of Brain Tumor Patients Receiving Radiotherapy [RT] International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics. 105: S80. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijrobp.2019.06.543  0.627
2019 Tibbs M, Huynh-Le M, Reyes A, Macari A, Karunamuni R, Tringale K, Burkeen J, Marshall D, McDonald C, Hattangadi-Gluth J. Microstructural Injury to Perisylvian White Matter Predicts Language Decline after Brain Radiotherapy [RT]: Quantitative Analysis of a Prospective Trial International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics. 105: S79-S80. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijrobp.2019.06.542  0.632
2019 Huynh-Le M, Tibbs M, Karunamuni R, Tringale K, Reyes A, Connor M, Moiseenko V, McDonald C, Hattangadi-Gluth J. Diffusion Imaging Biomarkers of Corpus Callosum Injury and Dose-Dependent Volumetric Changes Correlate with Attention and Processing Speed Changes after Brain Radiotherapy International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics. 105: S79. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijrobp.2019.06.541  0.628
2018 Gleichgerrcht E, Munsell B, Bhatia S, Vandergrift WA, Rorden C, McDonald C, Edwards J, Kuzniecky R, Bonilha L. Deep learning applied to whole-brain connectome to determine seizure control after epilepsy surgery. Epilepsia. PMID 30098002 DOI: 10.1111/Epi.14528  0.305
2018 Houri J, Connor M, Karunamuni R, McDonald C, Seibert T, White N, Pettersson N, Dale A, Hattangadi-Gluth J, Moiseenko V. PV-0313: Tract-Crawler: A Computational Tool to Analyze Regional White Matter Dose Effects after Brain RT Radiotherapy and Oncology. 127: S164-S165. DOI: 10.1016/S0167-8140(18)30623-6  0.372
2018 Houri J, Karunamuni R, Connor M, Pettersson N, McDonald C, Farid N, White N, Dale A, Hattangadi-Gluth JA, Moiseenko V. Analyses of regional radiosensitivity of white matter structures along tract axes using novel white matter segmentation and diffusion imaging biomarkers Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology. 6: 39-46. DOI: 10.1016/J.Phro.2018.04.003  0.366
2018 Karunamuni R, Bahrami N, Tringale K, Burkeen J, McDonald C, Hattangadi-Gluth J. Neurocognitive Classification of Primary Brain Tumor Patients Prior to Radiation Therapy International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics. 102: e264-e265. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijrobp.2018.07.862  0.397
2018 Huynh-Le M, Tringale K, Karunamuni R, Marshall D, Burkeen J, Seibert T, Nguyen T, Moiseenko V, McDonald C, Hattangadi-Gluth J. Dosimetric Predictors of Cognitive Decline in Attention and Processing Speed after Fractionated Brain Radiation Therapy International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics. 102: S171. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijrobp.2018.07.038  0.376
2018 Tringale K, Nguyen T, Bahrami N, Marshall D, Leyden K, Karunamuni R, Seibert T, Gorman M, Connor M, Burkeen J, Piccioni D, Farid N, McDonald C, Hattangadi-Gluth J. Early Diffusion Imaging Biomarkers of Prefrontal Lobe White Matter Microstructural Damage are Associated with Executive Dysfunction Following Radiation Therapy in Patients with Primary Brain Tumors: A Prospective, Longitudinal Study International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics. 102: S169-S170. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijrobp.2018.07.034  0.43
2017 Connor M, Karunamuni R, McDonald C, Seibert T, White N, Moiseenko V, Bartsch H, Farid N, Kuperman J, Krishnan A, Dale A, Hattangadi-Gluth JA. Regional susceptibility to dose-dependent white matter damage after brain radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology : Journal of the European Society For Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. PMID 28460824 DOI: 10.1016/J.Radonc.2017.04.006  0.391
2017 Huynh-Le M, Tringale K, Karunamuni R, Seibert T, Nguyen T, McDonald C, Moiseenko V, Hattangadi-Gluth J. Radiation Dose to Temporal Lobes and Hippocampi as Predictors of Neurocognitive Decline: Normal Tissue Complication Probability (NTCP) Analysis of a Prospective Cohort Study International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics. 99: S166. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijrobp.2017.06.382  0.321
2017 Tringale K, Karunamuni R, Nguyen T, Seibert T, Leyden K, Uttarwar V, Murzin V, Marshall D, Simpson D, Sanghvi P, Moiseenko V, Gorman M, Farid N, White N, Dale A, ... McDonald C, et al. Diffusion Imaging Biomarkers of Regional White Matter Injury Correlate With Change in Executive Function and Processing Speed After Brain Radiation Therapy International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics. 99: S48. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijrobp.2017.06.123  0.405
2016 Pettersson N, Karunamuni R, Connor M, Moiseenko V, Dale A, Bartsch H, Brewer J, Krishnan A, Kuperman J, Hagler D, McDonald C, Farid N, White N, Hattangadi-Gluth J, Cervino L. SU-F-T-118: Characterization of Change in Fractional Anisotropy After Radiation Therapy: Does Nearby Disruption Predict for White Matter Damage? Medical Physics. 43: 3488-3489. PMID 28046689 DOI: 10.1118/1.4956254  0.314
2016 Connor M, Karunamuni R, McDonald C, White N, Pettersson N, Moiseenko V, Seibert T, Marshall D, Cervino L, Bartsch H, Kuperman J, Murzin V, Krishnan A, Farid N, Dale A, et al. Dose-dependent white matter damage after brain radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology : Journal of the European Society For Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. PMID 27776747 DOI: 10.1016/J.Radonc.2016.10.003  0.387
2015 Karunamuni R, Bartsch H, White N, Moiseenko V, Carmona R, Marshall D, Seibert T, McDonald C, Farid N, Krishnan A, Brewer J, Dale A, Hattangadi J. Dose-Dependent Cortical Thinning After Partial-Brain Radiation in Glioblastoma International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics. 93: S175. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijrobp.2015.07.421  0.387
2015 Marshall D, Karunamuni R, White N, McDonald C, Moiseenko V, Bartsch H, Seibert T, Farid N, Brewer J, Krishnan A, Dale A, Hattangadi J. Quantitative Analysis of Radiation Induced Microstructural Injury to White Matter and Hippocampus in Brain Tumor Patients International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics. 93: S97-S98. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijrobp.2015.07.233  0.423
2009 Cahn-Weiner DA, Wittenberg D, McDonald C. Everyday cognition in temporal lobe and frontal lobe epilepsy Epileptic Disorders. 11: 222-227. PMID 19713170 DOI: 10.1684/Epd.2009.0265  0.312
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