Johannes Dichgans - Publications

University of Freiburg, Neurology Hospital, Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany 

64 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2004 Burk K, Globas C, Wahl T, Bühring U, Dietz K, Zuhlke C, Luft A, Schulz JB, Voigt K, Dichgans J. MRI-based volumetric differentiation of sporadic cerebellar ataxia. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 127: 175-81. PMID 14570820 DOI: 10.1093/brain/awh013  0.306
2002 Herrlinger U, Felsberg J, Küker W, Bornemann A, Plasswilm L, Knobbe CB, Strik H, Wick W, Meyermann R, Dichgans J, Bamberg M, Reifenberger G, Weller M. Gliomatosis cerebri: molecular pathology and clinical course. Annals of Neurology. 52: 390-9. PMID 12325066 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.10297  0.31
2002 Kastrup A, Schulz JB, Mader I, Dichgans J, Küker W. Diffusion-weighted MRI in patients with symptomatic internal carotid artery disease. Journal of Neurology. 249: 1168-74. PMID 12242534 DOI: 10.1007/S00415-002-0793-2  0.314
2002 Abele M, Bürk K, Schöls L, Schwartz S, Besenthal I, Dichgans J, Zühlke C, Riess O, Klockgether T. The aetiology of sporadic adult-onset ataxia. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 125: 961-8. PMID 11960886 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/Awf107  0.325
2001 Bürk K, Bösch S, Müller CA, Melms A, Zühlke C, Stern M, Besenthal I, Skalej M, Ruck P, Ferber S, Klockgether T, Dichgans J. Sporadic cerebellar ataxia associated with gluten sensitivity. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 124: 1013-9. PMID 11335703 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/124.5.1013  0.347
2000 Schmidt F, Wick W, Herrlinger U, Dichgans J, Weller M. Treosulfan chemotherapy for recurrent malignant glioma. Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 49: 231-4. PMID 11212902 DOI: 10.1023/A:1006496831144  0.313
2000 Abele M, Schulz JB, Bürk K, Topka H, Dichgans J, Klockgether T. Evoked potentials in multiple system atrophy (MSA). Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 101: 111-5. PMID 10685858 DOI: 10.1034/j.1600-0404.2000.101002111.x  0.307
1999 Bürk K, Fetter M, Abele M, Laccone F, Brice A, Dichgans J, Klockgether T. Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia type I: oculomotor abnormalities in families with SCA1, SCA2, and SCA3. Journal of Neurology. 246: 789-97. PMID 10525976 DOI: 10.1007/S004150050456  0.333
1999 Topka H, Mescheriakov S, Boose A, Kuntz R, Hertrich I, Seydel L, Dichgans J, Rothwell J. A cerebellar-like terminal and postural tremor induced in normal man by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 122: 1551-62. PMID 10430838 DOI: 10.1093/brain/122.8.1551  0.316
1999 Boose A, Dichgans J, Topka H. Deficits in phasic muscle force generation explain insufficient compensation for interaction torque in cerebellar patients. Neuroscience Letters. 261: 53-6. PMID 10081925 DOI: 10.1016/S0304-3940(98)01013-1  0.342
1999 Schulz JB, Skalej M, Wedekind D, Luft AR, Abele M, Voigt K, Dichgans J, Klockgether T. Magnetic resonance imaging-based volumetry differentiates idiopathic Parkinson's syndrome from multiple system atrophy and progressive supranuclear palsy. Annals of Neurology. 45: 65-74. PMID 9894879 DOI: 10.1002/1531-8249(199901)45:1<65::Aid-Art12>3.0.Co;2-1  0.316
1998 Karnath HO, Niemeier M, Dichgans J. Space exploration in neglect. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 121: 2357-67. PMID 9874486 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/121.12.2357  0.321
1998 Anastasopoulos D, Haslwanter T, Fetter M, Dichgans J. Smooth pursuit eye movements and otolith-ocular responses are differently impaired in cerebellar ataxia. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 121: 1497-505. PMID 9712011 DOI: 10.1093/brain/121.8.1497  0.353
1998 Topka H, Konczak J, Schneider K, Boose A, Dichgans J. Multijoint arm movements in cerebellar ataxia: abnormal control of movement dynamics. Experimental Brain Research. 119: 493-503. PMID 9588784 DOI: 10.1007/S002210050365  0.3
1998 Topka H, Konczak J, Dichgans J. Coordination of multi-joint arm movements in cerebellar ataxia: analysis of hand and angular kinematics. Experimental Brain Research. 119: 483-92. PMID 9588783 DOI: 10.1007/S002210050364  0.312
1998 Herrlinger U, Schabet M, Clemens M, Kortmann RD, Petersen D, Will BE, Meyermann R, Dichgans J. Clinical presentation and therapeutic outcome in 26 patients with primary CNS lymphoma. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 97: 257-64. PMID 9576641 DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0404.1998.Tb00647.X  0.312
1997 Abele M, Bürk K, Andres F, Topka H, Laccone F, Bösch S, Brice A, Cancel G, Dichgans J, Klockgether T. Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia type I. Nerve conduction and evoked potential studies in families with SCA1, SCA2 and SCA3. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 120: 2141-8. PMID 9448569 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/120.12.2141  0.32
1997 Rosin R, Topka H, Dichgans J. Gait initiation in Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 12: 682-90. PMID 9380048 DOI: 10.1002/mds.870120509  0.321
1997 Konczak J, Ackermann H, Hertrich I, Spieker S, Dichgans J. Control of repetitive lip and finger movements in Parkinson's disease: influence of external timing signals and simultaneous execution on motor performance. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 12: 665-76. PMID 9380046 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.870120507  0.311
1997 Schabet M, Herrlinger U, Weller M, Barnberg M, Clemens R, Dichgans J. [New developments in diagnosis and therapy of primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the central nervous system]. Der Nervenarzt. 68: 298-308. PMID 9273459 DOI: 10.1007/s001150050128  0.31
1997 Bürk K, Fetter M, Skalej M, Laccone F, Stevanin G, Dichgans J, Klockgether T. Saccade velocity in idiopathic and autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 62: 662-4. PMID 9219762 DOI: 10.1136/Jnnp.62.6.662  0.316
1997 Bürk K, Stevanin G, Didierjean O, Cancel G, Trottier Y, Skalej M, Abele M, Brice A, Dichgans J, Klockgether T. Clinical and genetic analysis of three German kindreds with autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia type I linked to the SCA2 locus. Journal of Neurology. 244: 256-61. PMID 9112595 DOI: 10.1007/S004150050081  0.322
1997 Herbst H, Ketabi A, Thier P, Dichgans J. Comparison of psychophysical and evoked potential methods in the detection of visual deficits in multiple sclerosis. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 104: 82-90. PMID 9076257 DOI: 10.1016/S0168-5597(96)95722-6  0.545
1997 Sommer N, Sigg B, Melms A, Weller M, Schepelmann K, Herzau V, Dichgans J. Ocular myasthenia gravis: response to long-term immunosuppressive treatment. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 62: 156-62. PMID 9048716 DOI: 10.1136/Jnnp.62.2.156  0.322
1996 Bürk K, Abele M, Fetter M, Dichgans J, Skalej M, Laccone F, Didierjean O, Brice A, Klockgether T. Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia type I clinical features and MRI in families with SCA1, SCA2 and SCA3. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 119: 1497-505. PMID 8931575 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/119.5.1497  0.353
1996 Misslisch H, Tweed D, Fetter M, Dichgans J, Vilis T. Interaction of smooth pursuit and the vestibuloocular reflex in three dimensions. Journal of Neurophysiology. 75: 2520-32. PMID 8793761 DOI: 10.1152/Jn.1996.75.6.2520  0.697
1996 Pulvermüller F, Lutzenberger W, Müller V, Mohr B, Dichgans J, Birbaumer N. P3 and contingent negative variation in Parkinson's disease. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 98: 456-67. PMID 8763505 DOI: 10.1016/0013-4694(96)95537-6  0.32
1996 Karnath HO, Fetter M, Dichgans J. Ocular exploration of space as a function of neck proprioceptive and vestibular input--observations in normal subjects and patients with spatial neglect after parietal lesions. Experimental Brain Research. 109: 333-42. PMID 8738380 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00231791  0.312
1996 Wild B, Klockgether T, Dichgans J. Acceleration deficit in patients with cerebellar lesions. A study of kinematic and EMG-parameters in fast wrist movements. Brain Research. 713: 186-91. PMID 8724990 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(95)01514-0  0.334
1996 Gerloff C, Altenmuller E, Dichgans J. Disintegration and reorganization of cortical motor processing in two patients with cerebellar stroke. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 98: 59-68. PMID 8689996 DOI: 10.1016/0013-4694(95)00204-9  0.301
1995 Spieker S, Schulz JB, Petersen D, Fetter M, Klockgether T, Dichgans J. Fixation instability and oculomotor abnormalities in Friedreich's ataxia. Journal of Neurology. 242: 517-21. PMID 8530980 DOI: 10.1007/BF00867423  0.354
1994 Fetter M, Klockgether T, Schulz JB, Faiss J, Koenig E, Dichgans J. Oculomotor abnormalities and MRI findings in idiopathic cerebellar ataxia. Journal of Neurology. 241: 234-41. PMID 8195823 DOI: 10.1007/BF00863774  0.338
1994 Schulz JB, Klockgether T, Petersen D, Jauch M, Müller-Schauenburg W, Spieker S, Voigt K, Dichgans J. Multiple system atrophy: natural history, MRI morphology, and dopamine receptor imaging with 123IBZM-SPECT. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 57: 1047-56. PMID 8089667 DOI: 10.1136/jnnp.57.9.1047  0.314
1994 Thier P, Erickson RG, Dichgans J. A cortical substrate for motion perception during self-motion Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 17: 335. DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X00034907  0.495
1993 Diener HC, Bacher M, Guschlbauer B, Thomas C, Dichgans J. The coordination of posture and voluntary movement in patients with hemiparesis. Journal of Neurology. 240: 161-7. PMID 8482989 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00857522  0.338
1993 Wüllner U, Klockgether T, Petersen D, Naegele T, Dichgans J. Magnetic resonance imaging in hereditary and idiopathic ataxia. Neurology. 43: 318-25. PMID 8437696 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.43.2.318  0.323
1993 Klockgether T, Döller G, Wüllner U, Petersen D, Dichgans J. Cerebellar encephalitis in adults. Journal of Neurology. 240: 17-20. PMID 8380845 DOI: 10.1007/BF00838440  0.313
1993 Wild B, Dichgans J. Cerebellar ataxia in ataxic hemiparesis? A kinematic and EMG analysis. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 8: 363-6. PMID 8341304 DOI: 10.1002/mds.870080321  0.333
1992 Liedtke W, Weller M, Wiethölter H, Dichgans J. Immunological abnormalities in the tears of multiple sclerosis patients. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 85: 228-30. PMID 1575010 DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0404.1992.Tb04034.X  0.302
1992 Tweed D, Fetter M, Andreadaki S, Koenig E, Dichgans J. Three-dimensional properties of human pursuit eye movements. Vision Research. 32: 1225-38. PMID 1455697 DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(92)90217-7  0.612
1992 Diener HC, Dichgans J, Guschlbauer B, Bacher M, Rapp H, Klockgether T. The coordination of posture and voluntary movement in patients with cerebellar dysfunction. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 7: 14-22. PMID 1313542 DOI: 10.1002/mds.870070104  0.311
1992 Thier P, Dichgans J, Grote EH. Die zervikale spondylotische Myelopathie Aktuelle Neurologie. 19: 119-131. DOI: 10.1055/S-2007-1018055  0.427
1991 Thier P, Bachor A, Faiss J, Dichgans J, Koenig E. Selective impairment of smooth-pursuit eye movements due to an ischemic lesion of the basal pons. Annals of Neurology. 29: 443-8. PMID 1929215 DOI: 10.1002/ana.410290419  0.561
1991 Klockgether T, Petersen D, Grodd W, Dichgans J. Early onset cerebellar ataxia with retained tendon reflexes. Clinical, electrophysiological and MRI observations in comparison with Friedreich's ataxia. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 114: 1559-73. PMID 1884166 DOI: 10.1093/BRAIN/114.4.1559  0.357
1991 Diener HC, Horak F, Stelmach G, Guschlbauer B, Dichgans J. Direction and amplitude precuing has no effect on automatic posture responses. Experimental Brain Research. 84: 219-23. PMID 1855560 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00231777  0.31
1990 Klockgether T, Schroth G, Diener HC, Dichgans J. Idiopathic cerebellar ataxia of late onset: natural history and MRI morphology. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 53: 297-305. PMID 2341843 DOI: 10.1136/Jnnp.53.4.297  0.323
1990 Takahashi S, Fetter M, Koenig E, Dichgans J. The clinical significance of head-shaking nystagmus in the dizzy patient. Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 109: 8-14. PMID 2309563 DOI: 10.3109/00016489009107409  0.338
1990 Heide W, Fahle M, Koenig E, Dichgans J, Schroth G. Impairment of vertical motion detection and downgaze palsy due to rostral midbrain infarction. Journal of Neurology. 237: 432-40. PMID 2273413 DOI: 10.1007/BF00314736  0.552
1990 Fetter M, Zee DS, Koenig E, Dichgans J. Head-shaking nystagmus during vestibular compensation in humans and rhesus monkeys. Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 110: 175-81. PMID 2239204 DOI: 10.3109/00016489009122534  0.307
1989 Koenig E, Thron A, Schrader V, Dichgans J. Spinal arteriovenous malformations and fistulae: clinical, neuroradiological and neurophysiological findings. Journal of Neurology. 236: 260-6. PMID 2760642 DOI: 10.1007/BF00314453  0.32
1989 Diener HC, Dichgans J, Guschlbauer B, Bacher M, Langenbach P. Disturbances of motor preparation in basal ganglia and cerebellar disorders. Progress in Brain Research. 80: 481-8; discussion 47. PMID 2634284 DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(08)62247-5  0.309
1988 Wessel K, Diener HC, Dichgans J, Thron A. Cerebellar dysfunction in patients with bronchogenic carcinoma: clinical and posturographic findings. Journal of Neurology. 235: 290-296. PMID 3385445 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00314176  0.314
1988 Scholz E, Bacher M, Diener HC, Dichgans J. Twenty-four-hour tremor recordings in the evaluation of the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurology. 235: 475-84. PMID 3210053 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00314251  0.307
1988 Mai N, Bolsinger P, Avarello M, Diener HC, Dichgans J. Control of isometric finger force in patients with cerebellar disease. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 111: 973-98. PMID 3179693 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/111.5.973  0.308
1986 Scholz E, Diener HC, Dichgans J, Langohr HD, Schied W, Schupmann A. Incidence of peripheral neuropathy and cerebellar ataxia in chronic alcoholics Journal of Neurology. 233: 212-217. PMID 3018178 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00314021  0.305
1985 Diener HC, Ackermann H, Dichgans J, Guschlbauer B. Medium- and long-latency responses to displacements of the ankle joint in patients with spinal and central lesions. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 60: 407-416. PMID 2580691 DOI: 10.1016/0013-4694(85)91014-4  0.326
1984 Diener HC, Dichgans J, Bacher M, Guschlbauer B. Characteristic alterations of long-loop "reflexes" in patients with Friedreich's disease and late atrophy of the cerebellar anterior lobe. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 47: 679-685. PMID 6747644 DOI: 10.1136/Jnnp.47.7.679  0.338
1984 Diener HC, Dichgans J, Bacher M, Guschlbauer B. Improvement of ataxia in alcoholic cerebellar atrophy through alcohol abstinence. Journal of Neurology. 231: 258-262. PMID 6520618 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00313662  0.305
1984 Diener H, Dichgans J, Bacher M, Gompf B. Quantification of postural sway in normals and patients with cerebellar diseases Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 57: 134-142. PMID 6198154 DOI: 10.1016/0013-4694(84)90172-X  0.331
1983 Dichgans J. Characteristics of increased postural sway and abnormal long loop responses in patients with cerebellar diseases and parkinsonism Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 56: 68-74. DOI: 10.1016/0013-4694(83)92012-6  0.335
1978 Brandt T, Allum JHJ, Dichgans J. Computer Analysis of Optokinetic Nystagmus in Patients with Spontaneous Nystagmus of Peripheral Vestibular Origin Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 86: 115-122. PMID 696289 DOI: 10.3109/00016487809124727  0.303
1976 Allum JH, Graf W, Dichgans J, Schmidt CL. Visual-vestibular interactions in the vestibular nuclei of the goldfish. Experimental Brain Research. 26: 463-85. PMID 1087607 DOI: 10.1007/BF00238821  0.419
1973 Dichgans J, Schmidt CL, Graf W. Visual input improves the speedometer function of the vestibular nuclei in the goldfish. Experimental Brain Research. 18: 319-22. PMID 4769268 DOI: 10.1007/BF00234602  0.375
1969 Nauck B, Dichgans J, Jung R. [Different peak velocities of the rapid phases of optokinetic and vestibular nystagmus]. Pflã¼Gers Archiv : European Journal of Physiology. 312: R142-3. PMID 5307865  0.504
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