Koray Kavukcuoglu, Ph.D. - Publications

2010 Computer Science New York University, New York, NY, United States 
machine learning, computational neuroscience, computer vision

24 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2019 Vinyals O, Babuschkin I, Czarnecki WM, Mathieu M, Dudzik A, Chung J, Choi DH, Powell R, Ewalds T, Georgiev P, Oh J, Horgan D, Kroiss M, Danihelka I, Huang A, ... ... Kavukcuoglu K, et al. Grandmaster level in StarCraft II using multi-agent reinforcement learning. Nature. PMID 31666705 DOI: 10.1038/S41586-019-1724-Z  0.435
2019 Jaderberg M, Czarnecki WM, Dunning I, Marris L, Lever G, Castañeda AG, Beattie C, Rabinowitz NC, Morcos AS, Ruderman A, Sonnerat N, Green T, Deason L, Leibo JZ, Silver D, ... ... Kavukcuoglu K, et al. Human-level performance in 3D multiplayer games with population-based reinforcement learning. Science (New York, N.Y.). 364: 859-865. PMID 31147514 DOI: 10.1126/Science.Aau6249  0.499
2018 Eslami SMA, Jimenez Rezende D, Besse F, Viola F, Morcos AS, Garnelo M, Ruderman A, Rusu AA, Danihelka I, Gregor K, Reichert DP, Buesing L, Weber T, Vinyals O, Rosenbaum D, ... ... Kavukcuoglu K, et al. Neural scene representation and rendering. Science (New York, N.Y.). 360: 1204-1210. PMID 29903970 DOI: 10.1126/Science.Aar6170  0.73
2018 Banino A, Barry C, Uria B, Blundell C, Lillicrap T, Mirowski P, Pritzel A, Chadwick MJ, Degris T, Modayil J, Wayne G, Soyer H, Viola F, Zhang B, Goroshin R, ... ... Kavukcuoglu K, et al. Vector-based navigation using grid-like representations in artificial agents. Nature. PMID 29743670 DOI: 10.1038/S41586-018-0102-6  0.76
2016 Graves A, Wayne G, Reynolds M, Harley T, Danihelka I, Grabska-Barwińska A, Colmenarejo SG, Grefenstette E, Ramalho T, Agapiou J, Badia AP, Hermann KM, Zwols Y, Ostrovski G, Cain A, ... ... Kavukcuoglu K, et al. Hybrid computing using a neural network with dynamic external memory. Nature. PMID 27732574 DOI: 10.1038/Nature20101  0.448
2016 Silver D, Huang A, Maddison CJ, Guez A, Sifre L, van den Driessche G, Schrittwieser J, Antonoglou I, Panneershelvam V, Lanctot M, Dieleman S, Grewe D, Nham J, Kalchbrenner N, Sutskever I, ... ... Kavukcuoglu K, et al. Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search. Nature. 529: 484-9. PMID 26819042 DOI: 10.1038/Nature16961  0.369
2015 Mnih V, Kavukcuoglu K, Silver D, Rusu AA, Veness J, Bellemare MG, Graves A, Riedmiller M, Fidjeland AK, Ostrovski G, Petersen S, Beattie C, Sadik A, Antonoglou I, King H, et al. Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning. Nature. 518: 529-33. PMID 25719670 DOI: 10.1038/Nature14236  0.531
2014 He Y, Kavukcuoglu K, Wang Y, Szlam A, Qi Y. Unsupervised feature learning by Deep Sparse Coding Siam International Conference On Data Mining 2014, Sdm 2014. 2: 902-910. DOI: 10.1137/1.9781611973440.103  0.742
2014 Mnih V, Heess N, Graves A, Kavukcuoglu K. Recurrent models of visual attention Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 3: 2204-2212.  0.339
2013 Sermanet P, Kavukcuoglu K, Chintala S, Lecun Y. Pedestrian detection with unsupervised multi-stage feature learning Proceedings of the Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 3626-3633. DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2013.465  0.791
2013 Mnih A, Kavukcuoglu K. Learning word embeddings efficiently with noise-contrastive estimation Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 0.376
2012 Collobert R, Kavukcuoglu K, Farabet C. Implementing neural networks efficiently Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 7700: 537-557. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-35289-8-28  0.322
2012 He Y, Qi Y, Kavukcuoglu K, Park H. Learning the dependency structure of latent factors Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 3: 2366-2374.  0.373
2011 Farabet C, LeCun Y, Kavukcuoglu K, Martini B, Akselrod P, Talay S, Culurciello E. Large-scale FPGA-based convolutional networks Scaling Up Machine Learning: Parallel and Distributed Approaches. 399-419. DOI: 10.1017/CBO9781139042918.020  0.52
2011 Collobert R, Weston J, Bottou L, Karlen M, Kavukcuoglu K, Kuksa P. Natural language processing (almost) from scratch Journal of Machine Learning Research. 12: 2493-2537.  0.329
2011 Henaff M, Jarrett K, Kavukcuoglu K, Lecun Y. Unsupervised learning of sparse features for scalable audio classification Proceedings of the 12th International Society For Music Information Retrieval Conference, Ismir 2011. 681-686.  0.793
2010 LeCun Y, Kavukcuoglu K, Farabet C. Convolutional networks and applications in vision Iscas 2010 - 2010 Ieee International Symposium On Circuits and Systems: Nano-Bio Circuit Fabrics and Systems. 253-256. DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS.2010.5537907  0.53
2010 Kavukcuoglu K, Sermanet P, Boureau YL, Gregor K, Mathieu M, LeCun Y. Learning convolutional feature hierarchies for visual recognition Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23: 24th Annual Conference On Neural Information Processing Systems 2010, Nips 2010 0.728
2009 Qi Y, Collobert R, Kuksa P, Kavukcuoglu K, Weston J. Combining labeled and unlabeled data with word-class distribution learning International Conference On Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings. 1737-1740. DOI: 10.1145/1645953.1646218  0.321
2009 Sermanet P, Kavukcuoglu K, LeCun Y. EBLearn: Open-source energy-based learning in C++ Proceedings - International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, Ictai. 693-697. DOI: 10.1109/ICTAI.2009.28  0.756
2009 Jarrett K, Kavukcuoglu K, Ranzato M, LeCun Y. What is the best multi-stage architecture for object recognition? Proceedings of the Ieee International Conference On Computer Vision. 2146-2153. DOI: 10.1109/ICCV.2009.5459469  0.725
2009 Kavukcuoglu K, Ranzato M, Fergus R, LeCun Y. Learning invariant features through topographic filter maps 2009 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, Cvpr Workshops 2009. 1605-1612. DOI: 10.1109/CVPRW.2009.5206545  0.768
2009 Hadsell R, Sermanet P, Ben J, Erkan A, Scoffier M, Kavukcuoglu K, Muller U, LeCun Y. Learning long-range vision for autonomous off-road driving Journal of Field Robotics. 26: 120-144. DOI: 10.1002/Rob.V26:2  0.706
2007 Hadsell R, Erkan A, Sermanet P, Ben J, Kavukcuoglu K, Muller U, LeCun Y. A multi-range vision strategy for autonomous offroad navigation Proceedings of the 13th Iasted International Conference On Robotics and Applications, Ra 2007 and Proceedings of the Iasted International Conference On Telematics. 457-463.  0.726
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