Robert S. Hurley, MA, PhD - Publications

2005- Cognitive Neurology & Alzheimer's Disease Center Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
 2016- Psychology Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, United States 
Semantics, Language

24 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2019 Nelson MJ, Moeller S, Basu A, Christopher L, Rogalski EJ, Greicius M, Weintraub S, Bonakdarpour B, Hurley RS, Mesulam MM. Taxonomic Interference Associated with Phonemic Paraphasias in Agrammatic Primary Progressive Aphasia. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). PMID 31800048 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/Bhz258  0.507
2019 Bonakdarpour B, Hurley RS, Wang AR, Fereira HR, Basu A, Chatrathi A, Guillaume K, Rogalski EJ, Mesulam MM. Perturbations of language network connectivity in primary progressive aphasia. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. PMID 31530376 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cortex.2019.08.010  0.567
2019 Mesulam MM, Nelson MJ, Hyun J, Rader B, Hurley RS, Rademakers R, Baker MC, Bigio EH, Weintraub S. Preferential Disruption of Auditory Word Representations in Primary Progressive Aphasia With the Neuropathology of FTLD-TDP Type A. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology : Official Journal of the Society For Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology. 32: 46-53. PMID 30896577 DOI: 10.1097/Wnn.0000000000000180  0.681
2018 Hurley RS, Mesulam MM, Sridhar J, Rogalski EJ, Thompson CK. A nonverbal route to conceptual knowledge involving the right anterior temporal lobe. Neuropsychologia. PMID 29802865 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropsychologia.2018.05.019  0.486
2017 Bonakdarpour B, Rogalski EJ, Wang A, Sridhar J, Mesulam MM, Hurley RS. Functional Connectivity is Reduced in Early-Stage Primary Progressive Aphasia When Atrophy is not Prominent. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders. PMID 28288010 DOI: 10.1097/Wad.0000000000000193  0.394
2017 Bonakdarpour B, Hurley R, Wang A, Fereira H, Chatrathi A, Rogalski EJ, Mesulam M. Selective Perturbations Of Language Network Connectivity In Primary Progressive Aphasia Alzheimers & Dementia. 13. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2017.07.682  0.521
2016 Seckin M, Mesulam MM, Voss JL, Huang W, Rogalski EJ, Hurley RS. Am I looking at a cat or a dog? Gaze in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia is subject to excessive taxonomic capture. Journal of Neurolinguistics. 37: 68-81. PMID 26500393 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jneuroling.2015.09.003  0.704
2015 Seckin M, Mesulam MM, Rademaker AW, Voss JL, Weintraub S, Rogalski EJ, Hurley RS. Eye movements as probes of lexico-semantic processing in a patient with primary progressive aphasia. Neurocase. 1-11. PMID 25982291 DOI: 10.1080/13554794.2015.1045523  0.657
2015 Hurley RS, Bonakdarpour B, Wang X, Mesulam MM. Asymmetric connectivity between the anterior temporal lobe and the language network. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 27: 464-73. PMID 25244113 DOI: 10.1162/Jocn_A_00722  0.571
2015 Seckin M, Mesulam MM, Rademaker AW, Voss JL, Weintraub S, Rogalski EJ, Hurley RS. Eye movements as probes of lexico-semantic processing in a patient with primary progressive aphasia Neurocase. DOI: 10.1080/13554794.2015.1045523  0.605
2014 Olofsson JK, Hurley RS, Bowman NE, Bao X, Mesulam MM, Gottfried JA. A designated odor-language integration system in the human brain. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 34: 14864-73. PMID 25378154 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.2247-14.2014  0.545
2014 Mesulam MM, Rogalski EJ, Wieneke C, Hurley RS, Geula C, Bigio EH, Thompson CK, Weintraub S. Primary progressive aphasia and the evolving neurology of the language network. Nature Reviews. Neurology. 10: 554-69. PMID 25179257 DOI: 10.1038/Nrneurol.2014.159  0.577
2013 Mesulam MM, Wieneke C, Hurley R, Rademaker A, Thompson CK, Weintraub S, Rogalski EJ. Words and objects at the tip of the left temporal lobe in primary progressive aphasia. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 136: 601-18. PMID 23361063 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/Aws336  0.628
2012 Shim H, Hurley RS, Rogalski E, Mesulam MM. Anatomic, clinical, and neuropsychological correlates of spelling errors in primary progressive aphasia. Neuropsychologia. 50: 1929-35. PMID 22579708 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropsychologia.2012.04.017  0.631
2012 Hurley RS, Paller KA, Rogalski EJ, Mesulam MM. Neural mechanisms of object naming and word comprehension in primary progressive aphasia. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 32: 4848-55. PMID 22492040 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.5984-11.2012  0.702
2012 Shim H, Hurley R, Rogalski E, Mesulam M. Spelling Errors in Primary Progressive Aphasia (IN4-1.003) Neurology. 78: IN4-1.003-IN4-1.003. DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.78.1_Meetingabstracts.In4-1.003  0.558
2010 Couture SM, Penn DL, Losh M, Adolphs R, Hurley R, Piven J. Comparison of social cognitive functioning in schizophrenia and high functioning autism: more convergence than divergence. Psychological Medicine. 40: 569-79. PMID 19671209 DOI: 10.1017/S003329170999078X  0.491
2009 Hurley RS, Paller KA, Wieneke CA, Weintraub S, Thompson CK, Federmeier KD, Mesulam MM. Electrophysiology of object naming in primary progressive aphasia. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 29: 15762-9. PMID 20016092 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.2912-09.2009  0.677
2008 Piven J, Hurley R, Losh M, Parlier M, Steven Reznick J. Response to: Genichi Sugihara, Kenji J. Tsuchiya, Nori Takei, letter to the editor: Broad autism phenotype from schizophrenia-spectrum disorders Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 38: 2000-2001. DOI: 10.1007/S10803-008-0595-1  0.466
2007 Sasson N, Tsuchiya N, Hurley R, Couture SM, Penn DL, Adolphs R, Piven J. Orienting to social stimuli differentiates social cognitive impairment in autism and schizophrenia. Neuropsychologia. 45: 2580-8. PMID 17459428 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropsychologia.2007.03.009  0.535
2007 Ciçek M, Gitelman D, Hurley RS, Nobre A, Mesulam M. Anatomical physiology of spatial extinction. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 17: 2892-8. PMID 17344206 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/Bhm014  0.654
2007 Hurley RS, Losh M, Parlier M, Reznick JS, Piven J. The broad autism phenotype questionnaire. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 37: 1679-90. PMID 17146701 DOI: 10.1007/S10803-006-0299-3  0.456
2007 Spezio ML, Adolphs R, Hurley RS, Piven J. Abnormal use of facial information in high-functioning autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 37: 929-39. PMID 17006775 DOI: 10.1007/S10803-006-0232-9  0.484
2007 Spezio ML, Adolphs R, Hurley RS, Piven J. Analysis of face gaze in autism using "Bubbles". Neuropsychologia. 45: 144-51. PMID 16824559 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropsychologia.2006.04.027  0.503
Show low-probability matches.