Year |
Citation |
Score |
2012 |
Friedman WA, Zeigler HP, Keller A. Vibrissae motor cortex unit activity during whisking. Journal of Neurophysiology. 107: 551-63. PMID 21994257 DOI: 10.1152/jn.01132.2010 |
0.59 |
2010 |
Khatri V, Bermejo R, Brumberg JC, Zeigler HP. Whisking in air: encoding of kinematics by VPM neurons in awake rats. Somatosensory & Motor Research. 27: 111-20. PMID 20722492 DOI: 10.3109/08990220.2010.502381 |
0.554 |
2009 |
Khatri V, Bermejo R, Brumberg JC, Keller A, Zeigler HP. Whisking in air: encoding of kinematics by trigeminal ganglion neurons in awake rats. Journal of Neurophysiology. 101: 1836-46. PMID 19109457 DOI: 10.1152/jn.90655.2008 |
0.566 |
2008 |
Hadlock T, Kowaleski J, Lo D, Bermejo R, Zeigler HP, Mackinnon S, Heaton JT. Functional assessments of the rodent facial nerve: a synkinesis model. The Laryngoscope. 118: 1744-9. PMID 18641527 DOI: 10.1097/Mlg.0B013E31817F5255 |
0.302 |
2006 |
Friedman WA, Jones LM, Cramer NP, Kwegyir-Afful EE, Zeigler HP, Keller A. Anticipatory activity of motor cortex in relation to rhythmic whisking. Journal of Neurophysiology. 95: 1274-7. PMID 16251259 DOI: 10.1152/jn.00945.2005 |
0.527 |
2005 |
Bermejo R, Friedman W, Zeigler HP. Topography of whisking II: interaction of whisker and pad. Somatosensory & Motor Research. 22: 213-20. PMID 16338829 DOI: 10.1080/08990220500262505 |
0.474 |
2004 |
Bermejo R, Szwed M, Friedman W, Ahissar E, Zeigler HP. One whisker whisking: unit recording during conditioned whisking in rats. Somatosensory & Motor Research. 21: 183-7. PMID 15763903 DOI: 10.1080/08990220400012430 |
0.392 |
2003 |
Gao P, Hattox AM, Jones LM, Keller A, Zeigler HP. Whisker motor cortex ablation and whisker movement patterns. Somatosensory & Motor Research. 20: 191-8. PMID 14675958 DOI: 10.1080/08990220310001622924 |
0.487 |
2003 |
Gao P, Ploog BO, Zeigler HP. Whisking as a "voluntary" response: operant control of whisking parameters and effects of whisker denervation. Somatosensory & Motor Research. 20: 179-89. PMID 14675957 DOI: 10.1080/08990220310001623031 |
0.347 |
2002 |
Bermejo R, Vyas A, Zeigler HP. Topography of rodent whisking--I. Two-dimensional monitoring of whisker movements. Somatosensory & Motor Research. 19: 341-6. PMID 12590835 DOI: 10.1080/0899022021000037809 |
0.433 |
2001 |
Harvey MA, Sachdev RN, Zeigler HP. Cortical barrel field ablation and unconditioned whisking kinematics. Somatosensory & Motor Research. 18: 223-7. PMID 11562085 DOI: 10.1080/01421590120072213 |
0.426 |
2001 |
Harvey MA, Bermejo R, Zeigler HP. Discriminative whisking in the head-fixed rat: optoelectronic monitoring during tactile detection and discrimination tasks. Somatosensory & Motor Research. 18: 211-22. PMID 11562084 DOI: 10.1080/01421590120072204 |
0.368 |
2001 |
Gao P, Bermejo R, Zeigler HP. Whisker deafferentation and rodent whisking patterns: behavioral evidence for a central pattern generator. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 21: 5374-80. PMID 11438614 |
0.43 |
1999 |
Bermejo R, Zeigler HP. Trigeminal deafferentation and conditioned pecking in pigeons. Behavioural Brain Research. 99: 181-9. PMID 10512584 DOI: 10.1016/S0166-4328(98)00103-X |
0.386 |
1998 |
Gao P, Harvey M, Mook DG, Zeigler HP. A "pre-satiety sequence" in rats drinking sucrose solutions. Physiology & Behavior. 65: 355-9. PMID 9855487 DOI: 10.1016/S0031-9384(98)00177-2 |
0.338 |
1998 |
Bermejo R, Houben D, Zeigler HP. Optoelectronic monitoring of individual whisker movements in rats. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 83: 89-96. PMID 9765121 DOI: 10.1016/S0165-0270(98)00050-8 |
0.336 |
1997 |
Zeigler HP. Behavioral morphology of the pigeon's peck: ingestion, prehension and cognition. European Journal of Morphology. 35: 255-68. PMID 9290934 DOI: 10.1076/ejom. |
0.346 |
1996 |
Bermejo R, Harvey M, Gao P, Zeigler HP. Conditioned whisking in the rat. Somatosensory & Motor Research. 13: 225-33. PMID 9110425 |
0.413 |
1994 |
Bout R, Zeigler HP. Drinking behavior and jaw muscle (EMG) activity in the pigeon (Columba livia). Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 174: 443-50. PMID 8182562 DOI: 10.1007/BF00191710 |
0.314 |
1993 |
Remy M, Zeigler HP. Classical conditioning of jaw movements in the pigeon: Acquisition and response topography Animal Learning & Behavior. 21: 131-137. DOI: 10.3758/BF03213392 |
0.349 |
1989 |
Bermejo R, Zeigler HP. Trigeminal deafferentation and prehension in the pigeon. Behavioural Brain Research. 35: 55-61. PMID 2803544 DOI: 10.1016/S0166-4328(89)80008-7 |
0.346 |
1989 |
Bermejo R, Zeigler HP. Prehension in the pigeon. II. Kinematic analysis. Experimental Brain Research. 75: 577-85. PMID 2744115 DOI: 10.1007/BF00249909 |
0.368 |
1989 |
Bermejo R, Allan RW, Houben AD, Deich JD, Zeigler HP. Prehension in the pigeon. I. Descriptive analysis. Experimental Brain Research. 75: 569-76. PMID 2744114 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00249908 |
0.452 |
1985 |
Deich JD, Houben D, Allan RW, Zeigler HP. "On-line" monitoring of jaw movements in the pigeon. Physiology & Behavior. 35: 307-11. PMID 4070401 DOI: 10.1016/0031-9384(85)90354-3 |
0.383 |
1982 |
Berkhoudt H, Klein BG, Zeigler HP. Afferents to the trigeminal and facial motor nuclei in pigeon (Columba livia L.): central connections of jaw motoneurons. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 209: 301-12. PMID 7130458 DOI: 10.1002/cne.902090308 |
0.323 |
1980 |
Zeigler HP, Levitt PW, Levine RR. Eating in the pigeon (Columba livia): Movement patterns, stereotypy, and stimulus control Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 94: 783-794. |
0.33 |
Show low-probability matches. |