Nathan A. Kimbrel, Ph.D. - Publications

2009 College of Arts & Sciences: Psychology The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Personality Psychology

129 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Kimbrel NA, Blakey SM, Miller DR, Patel TA, Mann AJD, Pugh MJ, Beckham JC, Calhoun PS. Evaluation of the critical warzone experiences scale among Gulf War I-era veterans: Associations with PTSD symptoms, depressive symptoms, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Military Psychology : the Official Journal of the Division of Military Psychology, American Psychological Association. 1-9. PMID 38847761 DOI: 10.1080/08995605.2024.2357993  0.317
2023 Aurora P, LoSavio ST, Kimbrel NA, Beckham JC, Calhoun PS, Dillon KH. Examining the daily relationship between guilt, shame, and substance use among veterans with psychiatric disorders. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports. 8: 100174. PMID 37753347 DOI: 10.1016/j.dadr.2023.100174  0.301
2023 Patel TA, Blakey SM, Halverson TF, Mann AJD, Calhoun PS, Beckham JC, Pugh MJ, Kimbrel NA. Experiential Avoidance, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors: A Moderation Analysis in a National Veteran Sample. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy. 1. PMID 37360585 DOI: 10.1007/s41811-023-00164-2  0.345
2023 Halverson TF, Dillon KH, Weber DM, Dennis PA, Beckham JC, Calhoun PS, Kimbrel NA. Interpersonal stress and nonsuicidal self-injury disorder in veterans: An ecological momentary assessment study. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. PMID 37052380 DOI: 10.1111/sltb.12963  0.317
2023 Blessing A, Russell PD, DeBeer BB, Kimbrel NA, Meyer EC, Morissette SB. The influence of cannabis use disorder on post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, depression symptoms, and non-suicidal self-injury among college students. Journal of American College Health : J of Ach. 1-5. PMID 36595655 DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2022.2155471  0.302
2022 Blakey SM, Griffin SC, Grove JL, Peter SC, Levi RD, Calhoun PS, Elbogen EB, Beckham JC, Pugh MJ, Kimbrel NA. Comparing psychosocial functioning, suicide risk, and nonsuicidal self-injury between veterans with probable posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol use disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders. 308: 10-18. PMID 35398395 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.04.006  0.314
2021 Dillon KH, Glenn JJ, Dennis PA, LoSavio ST, Cassiello-Robbins C, Gromatsky MA, Beckham JC, Calhoun PS, Kimbrel NA. Anger precedes and predicts nonsuicidal self-injury in veterans: Findings from an ecological momentary assessment study. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 135: 47-51. PMID 33445060 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.01.011  0.31
2020 Meyer EC, Zimering RT, Knight J, Morissette SB, Kamholz BW, Coe E, Carpenter TP, Keane TM, Kimbrel NA, Gulliver SB. Negative Emotionality Interacts with Trauma Exposure to Prospectively Predict Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms During Firefighters' First 3 Years of Service. Journal of Traumatic Stress. PMID 33247974 DOI: 10.1002/jts.22632  0.302
2020 Morey RA, Garrett ME, Stevens JS, Clarke EK, Haswell CC, van Rooij SJH, Fani N, Lori A, Mirecc Workgroup VM, Kimbrel NA, Dennis MF, Marx CE, Beckham JC, McCarthy G, Hauser MA, et al. Genetic predictors of hippocampal subfield volume in PTSD cases and trauma-exposed controls. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. 11: 1785994. PMID 33029326 DOI: 10.1080/20008198.2020.1785994  0.343
2020 Dedert EA, LoSavio ST, Wells SY, Steel AL, Reinhardt K, Deming CA, Ruffin RA, Berlin KL, Kimbrel NA, Wilson SM, Boeding SE, Clancy CP. Clinical effectiveness study of a treatment to prepare for trauma-focused evidence-based psychotherapies at a veterans affairs specialty posttraumatic stress disorder clinic. Psychological Services. PMID 32852996 DOI: 10.1037/Ser0000425  0.754
2020 Gromatsky M, Sullivan SR, Spears AP, Mitchell E, Walsh S, Kimbrel NA, Goodman M. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) of mental health outcomes in veterans and servicemembers: A scoping review. Psychiatry Research. 292: 113359. PMID 32777594 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2020.113359  0.343
2020 Glenn JJ, Dillon KH, Dennis PA, Patel TA, Mann AJ, Calhoun PS, Kimbrel NA, Beckham JC, Elbogen EB. Post-traumatic symptom severity mediates the association between combat exposure and suicidal ideation in veterans. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. PMID 32770773 DOI: 10.1111/Sltb.12678  0.416
2020 Mann AJD, Van Voorhees EE, Patel TA, Wilson SM, Gratz KL, Calhoun PS, Beckham JC, Kimbrel NA. Nail-biting, scab-picking, and tattooing as nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI): A deviant case series analysis of the proposed NSSI disorder diagnostic criteria. Journal of Clinical Psychology. PMID 32567695 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.23008  0.346
2020 Logue MW, Miller MW, Wolf EJ, Huber BR, Morrison FG, Zhou Z, Zheng Y, Smith AK, Daskalakis NP, Ratanatharathorn A, Uddin M, Nievergelt CM, Ashley-Koch AE, Baker DG, Beckham JC, ... ... Kimbrel NA, et al. An epigenome-wide association study of posttraumatic stress disorder in US veterans implicates several new DNA methylation loci. Clinical Epigenetics. 12: 46. PMID 32171335 DOI: 10.1186/S13148-020-0820-0  0.328
2020 Blessing A, DeBeer BB, Meyer EC, Riggs S, Kimbrel NA, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. Deployment preparation, family functioning, and PTSD in returning veterans Military Behavioral Health. 8: 130-138. DOI: 10.1080/21635781.2020.1713265  0.38
2020 Wilson LC, Newins AR, Wilson SM, Elbogen EB, Dedert EA, Calhoun PS, Beckham JC, MIRECC Workgroup VM, Kimbrel NA. Self- and Other-Directed Violence as Outcomes of Deployment-Based Military Sexual Assault Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 29: 714-724. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2020.1725213  0.322
2019 Crabtree MA, Meyer EC, Kimbrel NA, DeBeer BB, Kruse MI, Gulliver SB, Telch M, Morissette SB. Factor Structure and Initial Validation of a Brief Measure of Perceived Emotional and Physical Distress Tolerance in Post-9/11 US Veterans. Military Psychology : the Official Journal of the Division of Military Psychology, American Psychological Association. 31. PMID 31660019 DOI: 10.1080/08995605.2019.1637210  0.339
2019 Nievergelt CM, Maihofer AX, Klengel T, Atkinson EG, Chen CY, Choi KW, Coleman JRI, Dalvie S, Duncan LE, Gelernter J, Levey DF, Logue MW, Polimanti R, Provost AC, Ratanatharathorn A, ... ... Kimbrel NA, et al. International meta-analysis of PTSD genome-wide association studies identifies sex- and ancestry-specific genetic risk loci. Nature Communications. 10: 4558. PMID 31594949 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-019-12576-W  0.361
2019 Elbogen EB, Molloy K, Wagner HR, Kimbrel NA, Beckham JC, Van Male L, Leinbach J, Bradford DW. Psychosocial protective factors and suicidal ideation: Results from a national longitudinal study of veterans. Journal of Affective Disorders. 260: 703-709. PMID 31561113 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2019.09.062  0.343
2019 Bovin MJ, Meyer EC, Kimbrel NA, Kleiman SE, Green JD, Morissette SB, Marx BP. Using the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 to assess disability in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Plos One. 14: e0220806. PMID 31390376 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0220806  0.393
2019 Kumpula MJ, Wagner HR, Dedert EA, Crowe CM, Day KT, Powell K, Batdorf WH, Shabana H, Kim E, Kimbrel NA. An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for Depression to Reduce Suicidal Ideation among Male and Female Veterans. Women's Health Issues : Official Publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health. 29: S103-S111. PMID 31253233 DOI: 10.1016/J.Whi.2019.04.013  0.315
2019 Elliott TR, Hsiao YY, Kimbrel NA, DeBeer BB, Gulliver SB, Kwok OM, Morissette SB, Meyer EC. Resilience facilitates adjustment through greater psychological flexibility among iraq/afghanistan war veterans with and without mild traumatic brain injury. Rehabilitation Psychology. PMID 31246043 DOI: 10.1037/Rep0000282  0.355
2019 Morissette SB, Ryan-Gonzalez C, Yufik T, DeBeer BB, Kimbrel NA, Sorrells AM, Holleran-Steiker L, Penk WE, Gulliver SB, Meyer EC. The effects of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms on educational functioning in student veterans. Psychological Services. PMID 31192672 DOI: 10.1037/Ser0000356  0.365
2019 Creech SK, Benzer JK, Meyer EC, DeBeer BB, Kimbrel NA, Morissette SB. Longitudinal associations in the direction and prediction of PTSD symptoms and romantic relationship impairment over one year in post 9/11 veterans: A comparison of theories and exploration of potential gender differences. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 128: 245-255. PMID 30920234 DOI: 10.1037/Abn0000420  0.407
2019 Cunningham KC, Grossmann JL, Seay KB, Dennis PA, Clancy CP, Hertzberg MA, Berlin K, Ruffin RA, Dedert EA, Gratz KL, Calhoun PS, Beckham JC, Kimbrel NA. Nonsuicidal Self-Injury and Borderline Personality Features as Risk Factors for Suicidal Ideation Among Male Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of Traumatic Stress. PMID 30694575 DOI: 10.1002/Jts.22369  0.766
2019 Meyer EC, Szabo YZ, Frankfurt SB, Kimbrel NA, DeBeer BB, Morissette SB. Predictors of recovery from post-deployment posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in war veterans: The contributions of psychological flexibility, mindfulness, and self-compassion. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 114: 7-14. PMID 30658166 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brat.2019.01.002  0.437
2019 Wilson LC, Newins AR, Kimbrel NA. An examination of the interactive effects of different types of childhood abuse and perceived social support on suicidal ideation Children's Health Care. 48: 394-409. DOI: 10.1080/02739615.2019.1630282  0.326
2019 Newins AR, Wilson LC, Kimbrel NA. Child maltreatment and suicidal ideation: The role of PTSD symptoms and alcohol misuse Current Psychology. 1-7. DOI: 10.1007/S12144-019-00436-1  0.387
2018 Meyer EC, Kotte A, Kimbrel NA, DeBeer BB, Elliott TR, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. Predictors of lower-than-expected posttraumatic symptom severity in war veterans: The influence of personality, self-reported trait resilience, and psychological flexibility. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 113: 1-8. PMID 30553859 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brat.2018.12.005  0.45
2018 Kelly MM, DeBeer BB, Meyer EC, Kimbrel NA, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. Experiential avoidance as a mediator of the association between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and social support: A longitudinal analysis. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. PMID 30525774 DOI: 10.1037/Tra0000375  0.422
2018 Ryan-Gonzalez C, Kimbrel N, Meyer EC, Gordon EM, DeBeer BB, Gulliver SB, Elliott TR, Mosissette S. Differences in PTSD Symptoms among Post-9/11 Veterans with Blast- and Non-blast Mild TBI. Journal of Neurotrauma. PMID 30511882 DOI: 10.1089/Neu.2017.5590  0.377
2018 Frankfurt SB, DeBeer BB, Morissette SB, Kimbrel NA, La Bash H, Meyer EC. Mechanisms of Moral Injury Following Military Sexual Trauma and Combat in Post-9/11 U.S. War Veterans. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 9: 520. PMID 30450058 DOI: 10.3389/Fpsyt.2018.00520  0.344
2018 Meyer EC, Walser R, Hermann B, La Bash H, DeBeer BB, Morissette SB, Kimbrel NA, Kwok OM, Batten SV, Schnurr PP. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Co-Occurring Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorders in Veterans: Pilot Treatment Outcomes. Journal of Traumatic Stress. PMID 30338561 DOI: 10.1002/Jts.22322  0.421
2018 Cunningham KC, LoSavio ST, Dennis PA, Farmer C, Clancy CP, Hertzberg MA, Kimbrel NA, Calhoun PS, Beckham JC. Shame as a mediator between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and suicidal ideation among veterans. Journal of Affective Disorders. 243: 216-219. PMID 30248631 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2018.09.040  0.756
2018 Gross GM, Cunningham KC, Moore DA, Naylor JC, Brancu M, Wagner HR, Elbogen EB, Calhoun PS, Kimbrel NA. Does Deployment-Related Military Sexual Assault Interact with Combat Exposure to Predict Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Female Veterans? Traumatology. PMID 30202245 DOI: 10.1037/Trm0000165  0.407
2018 Meyer EC, La Bash H, DeBeer BB, Kimbrel NA, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. Psychological inflexibility predicts PTSD symptom severity in war veterans after accounting for established PTSD risk factors and personality. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. PMID 30148370 DOI: 10.1037/Tra0000358  0.433
2018 Woodward MJ, Morissette SB, Kimbrel NA, Meyer EC, DeBeer BB, Gulliver SB, Gayle Beck J. A Cross-Lagged Panel Approach to Understanding Social Support and Chronic Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Veterans: Assessment Modality Matters. Behavior Therapy. 49: 796-808. PMID 30146145 DOI: 10.1016/J.Beth.2018.01.004  0.431
2018 Kimbrel NA, Garrett ME, Dennis MF, Hauser MA, Ashley-Koch AE, Beckham JC. A genome-wide association study of suicide attempts and suicidal ideation in U.S. military veterans. Psychiatry Research. 269: 64-69. PMID 30145303 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2018.07.017  0.329
2018 Adkisson K, Cunningham KC, Dedert EA, Dennis MF, Calhoun PS, Elbogen EB, Beckham JC, Kimbrel NA. Cannabis Use Disorder and Post-Deployment Suicide Attempts in Iraq/Afghanistan-Era Veterans. Archives of Suicide Research : Official Journal of the International Academy For Suicide Research. 1-18. PMID 29952737 DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2018.1488638  0.346
2018 Gulliver SB, Zimering R, Knight J, Morissette S, Kamholz B, Meyer E, Keane T, Pennington M, Denman T, Carpenter T, Kimbrel N. Tobacco and alcohol use among firefighters during their first 3 years of service. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 32: 255-263. PMID 29771556 DOI: 10.1037/Adb0000366  0.388
2018 Meyer EC, Konecky B, Kimbrel NA, DeBeer BB, Marx BP, Schumm J, Penk WE, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. Gender differences in associations between DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters and functional impairment in war veterans. Psychological Services. 15: 230-237. PMID 29723025 DOI: 10.1037/Ser0000171  0.395
2018 Dillon KH, Cunningham KC, Neal JM, Wilson SM, Dedert EA, Elbogen EB, Calhoun PS, Beckham JC, Kimbrel NA. Examination of the indirect effects of combat exposure on suicidal behavior in veterans. Journal of Affective Disorders. 235: 407-413. PMID 29677605 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2018.04.031  0.415
2018 Van Voorhees EE, Moore DA, Kimbrel NA, Dedert EA, Dillon KH, Elbogen EB, Calhoun PS. Association of posttraumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury with aggressive driving in Iraq and Afghanistan combat veterans. Rehabilitation Psychology. 63: 160-166. PMID 29553791 DOI: 10.1037/Rep0000178  0.359
2018 Elbogen EB, Wagner HR, Brancu M, Kimbrel NA, Naylor JC, Swinkels CM, Fairbank JA. Psychosocial Risk Factors and Other Than Honorable Military Discharge: Providing Healthcare to Previously Ineligible Veterans. Military Medicine. PMID 29547949 DOI: 10.1093/Milmed/Usx128  0.343
2018 Blakey SM, Wagner HR, Naylor J, Brancu M, Lane I, Sallee M, Kimbrel NA, Elbogen EB. Chronic Pain, TBI, and PTSD in Military Veterans: a Link to Suicidal Ideation and Violent Impulses? The Journal of Pain : Official Journal of the American Pain Society. PMID 29526669 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpain.2018.02.012  0.341
2018 Meyer EC, Frankfurt SB, Kimbrel NA, DeBeer BB, Gulliver SB, Morrisette SB. The influence of mindfulness, self-compassion, psychological flexibility, and posttraumatic stress disorder on disability and quality of life over time in war veterans. Journal of Clinical Psychology. PMID 29488629 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.22596  0.408
2018 Dedert EA, Dennis PA, Cunningham KC, Ulmer CS, Calhoun PS, Kimbrel N, Hicks TA, Neal JM, Beckham JC. Roles of Guilt Cognitions in Trauma-Related Sleep Disturbance in Military Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 1-10. PMID 29482385 DOI: 10.1080/15402002.2018.1435544  0.329
2018 Gregg J, Deming C, Libman C, Clancy C, Calhoun P, Beckham J, Kimbrel N. Nonsuicidal Self-Injury In Older Versus Middle-Aged/Younger Veterans Seeking Treatment For Posttraumatic Stress Innovation in Aging. 2: 972-972. DOI: 10.1093/Geroni/Igy031.3600  0.712
2017 Morissette SB, DeBeer BB, Kimbrel NA, Meyer EC, Gulliver SB. Deployment characteristics and long-term PTSD symptoms. Journal of Clinical Psychology. PMID 28940473 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.22535  0.382
2017 Kimbrel NA, Thomas SP, Hicks TA, Hertzberg MA, Clancy CP, Elbogen EB, Meyer EC, DeBeer BB, Gross GM, Silvia PJ, Morissette SB, Gratz KL, Calhoun PS, Beckham JC. Wall/Object Punching: An Important but Under-Recognized Form of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. PMID 28925016 DOI: 10.1111/Sltb.12371  0.745
2017 Stein MB, Ware EB, Mitchell C, Chen CY, Borja S, Cai T, Dempsey CL, Fullerton CS, Gelernter J, Heeringa SG, Jain S, Kessler RC, Naifeh JA, Nock MK, Ripke S, ... ... Kimbrel NA, et al. Genomewide association studies of suicide attempts in US soldiers. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics : the Official Publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics. PMID 28902444 DOI: 10.1002/Ajmg.B.32594  0.328
2017 DeBeer BB, Meyer EC, Kimbrel NA, Kittel JA, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. Psychological Inflexibility Predicts of Suicidal Ideation Over Time in Veterans of the Conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. PMID 28891193 DOI: 10.1111/Sltb.12388  0.368
2017 Bryan CJ, Grove JL, Kimbrel NA. Theory-driven models of self-directed violence among individuals with PTSD. Current Opinion in Psychology. 14: 12-17. PMID 28813309 DOI: 10.1016/J.Copsyc.2016.09.007  0.381
2017 Martindale SL, Farrell-Carnahan LV, Ulmer CS, Kimbrel NA, McDonald SD, Rowland JA. Sleep Quality in Returning Veterans: The Influence of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Rehabilitation Psychology. PMID 28703617 DOI: 10.1037/Rep0000159  0.343
2017 Ratanatharathorn A, Boks MP, Maihofer AX, Aiello AE, Amstadter AB, Ashley-Koch AE, Baker DG, Beckham JC, Bromet E, Dennis M, Garrett ME, Geuze E, Guffanti G, Hauser MA, Kilaru V, ... Kimbrel NA, et al. Epigenome-wide association of PTSD from heterogeneous cohorts with a common multi-site analysis pipeline. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics : the Official Publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics. PMID 28691784 DOI: 10.1002/Ajmg.B.32568  0.35
2017 Elbogen EB, Wagner HR, Kimbrel NA, Brancu M, Naylor J, Graziano R, Crawford E. Risk Factors for Concurrent Suicidal Ideation and Violent Impulses in Military Veterans. Psychological Assessment. PMID 28627921 DOI: 10.1037/Pas0000490  0.412
2017 Dennis PA, Kimbrel NA, Sherwood A, Calhoun PS, Watkins LL, Dennis MF, Beckham JC. Trauma and Autonomic Dysregulation: Episodic-Versus Systemic-Negative Affect Underlying Cardiovascular Risk in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Psychosomatic Medicine. 79: 496-505. PMID 28570433 DOI: 10.1097/Psy.0000000000000438  0.39
2017 Duncan LE, Ratanatharathorn A, Aiello AE, Almli LM, Amstadter AB, Ashley-Koch AE, Baker DG, Beckham JC, Bierut LJ, Bisson J, Bradley B, Chen CY, Dalvie S, Farrer LA, Galea S, ... ... Kimbrel NA, et al. Largest GWAS of PTSD (N=20 070) yields genetic overlap with schizophrenia and sex differences in heritability. Molecular Psychiatry. PMID 28439101 DOI: 10.1038/Mp.2017.77  0.332
2017 Kimbrel NA, Meyer EC, DeBeer BB, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. The Impact of Cannabis Use Disorder on Suicidal and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Iraq/Afghanistan-Era Veterans with and without Mental Health Disorders. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. PMID 28295524 DOI: 10.1111/Sltb.12345  0.389
2017 Kimbrel NA, Wilson LC, Mitchell JT, Meyer EC, DeBeer BB, Silvia PJ, Gratz KL, Calhoun PS, Beckham JC, Morissette SB. ADHD and nonsuicidal self-injury in male veterans with and without PTSD. Psychiatry Research. 252: 161-163. PMID 28279896 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2017.02.015  0.397
2017 Kimbrel NA, Newins AR, Dedert EA, Van Voorhees EE, Elbogen EB, Naylor JC, Ryan Wagner H, Brancu M, Beckham JC, Calhoun PS. Cannabis use disorder and suicide attempts in Iraq/Afghanistan-era veterans. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 89: 1-5. PMID 28129565 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpsychires.2017.01.002  0.406
2017 Young KA, Morissette SB, Jamroz R, Meyer EC, Stanford MS, Wan L, Kimbrel NA. 5-HTTLPR and DISC1 risk genotypes for elevated PTSD symptoms in US military veterans. World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (Wpa). 16: 109-110. PMID 28127926 DOI: 10.1002/Wps.20359  0.344
2017 Naylor JC, Ryan Wagner H, Brancu M, Shepherd-Banigan M, Elbogen E, Kelley M, Fecteau T, Goldstein K, Kimbrel NA, Marx CE, Strauss JL. Self-Reported Pain in Male and Female Iraq/Afghanistan-Era Veterans: Associations with Psychiatric Symptoms and Functioning. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). PMID 28122941 DOI: 10.1093/Pm/Pnw308  0.314
2017 DeBeer BB, Davidson D, Meyer EC, Kimbrel NA, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. The Association Between Toxic Exposures and Chronic Multisymptom Illness in Veterans of the Wars of Iraq and Afghanistan. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 59: 54-60. PMID 28045798 DOI: 10.1097/Jom.0000000000000922  0.312
2017 Lootens CM, Robertson CD, Mitchell JT, Kimbrel NA, Hundt NE, Nelson-Gray RO. Factors of Impulsivity and Cluster B Personality Dimensions Journal of Individual Differences. 38: 203-210. DOI: 10.1027/1614-0001/A000237  0.722
2016 Kimbrel NA, Meyer EC, DeBeer BB, Mitchell JT, Kimbrel AD, Nelson-Gray RO, Morissette SB. Reinforcement Sensitivity and Social Anxiety in Combat Veterans. Personality and Individual Differences. 98: 171-175. PMID 28966424 DOI: 10.1016/J.Paid.2016.04.008  0.66
2016 DeBeer BB, Kittel JA, Cook A, Davidson D, Kimbrel NA, Meyer EC, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. Predicting Suicide Risk in Trauma Exposed Veterans: The Role of Health Promoting Behaviors. Plos One. 11: e0167464. PMID 28002490 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0167464  0.415
2016 Calhoun PS, Van Voorhees EE, Elbogen EB, Dedert EA, Clancy CP, Hair LP, Hertzberg M, Beckham JC, Kimbrel NA. Nonsuicidal self-injury and interpersonal violence in U.S. veterans seeking help for posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychiatry Research. 247: 250-256. PMID 27930966 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2016.11.032  0.768
2016 Stanley IH, Boffa JW, Hom MA, Kimbrel NA, Joiner TE. Differences in psychiatric symptoms and barriers to mental health care between volunteer and career firefighters. Psychiatry Research. 247: 236-242. PMID 27930964 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2016.11.037  0.337
2016 Hauser MA, Garrett ME, Liu Y, Dennis MF, Kimbrel NA, Veterans Affairs Mid-Atlantic Mental Illness Research Education And Clinical Center Workgroup, Beckham JC, Ashley-Koch AE. Further evidence for a role of the ADRB2 gene in risk for posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 84: 59-61. PMID 27701011 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpsychires.2016.09.013  0.364
2016 Dixon LJ, Tull MT, Lee AA, Kimbrel NA, Gratz KL. The Role of Emotion-Driven Impulse Control Difficulties in the Relation Between Social Anxiety and Aggression. Journal of Clinical Psychology. PMID 27479300 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.22372  0.328
2016 Kittel JA, DeBeer BB, Kimbrel NA, Matthieu MM, Meyer EC, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. Does body mass index moderate the association between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and suicidal ideation in Iraq/Afghanistan veterans? Psychiatry Research. 244: 123-129. PMID 27479102 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2016.07.039  0.398
2016 Kimbrel NA, DeBeer BB, Meyer EC, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. Nonsuicidal self-injury and suicide attempts in Iraq/Afghanistan war veterans. Psychiatry Research. 243: 232-237. PMID 27419652 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2016.06.039  0.414
2016 Kimbrel NA, Meyer EC, DeBeer BB, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. A 12-Month prospective study of the effects of PTSD-depression comorbidity on suicidal behavior in Iraq/Afghanistan-era veterans. Psychiatry Research. 243: 97-99. PMID 27376669 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2016.06.011  0.402
2016 Kimbrel NA, Pennington ML, Cammarata CM, Leto F, Ostiguy WJ, Gulliver SB. Is Cumulative Exposure to Suicide Attempts and Deaths a Risk Factor for Suicidal Behavior Among Firefighters? A Preliminary Study. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. PMID 27371810 DOI: 10.1111/Sltb.12248  0.334
2016 Calhoun PS, Schry AR, Dennis PA, Wagner HR, Kimbrel NA, Bastian LA, Beckham JC, Kudler H, Straits-Tröster K. The Association Between Military Sexual Trauma and Use of VA and Non-VA Health Care Services Among Female Veterans With Military Service in Iraq or Afghanistan. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. PMID 26802046 DOI: 10.1177/0886260515625909  0.357
2016 Kimbrel NA, Meyer EC, DeBeer BB, Mitchell JT, Kimbrel AD, Nelson-Gray RO, Morissette SB. Reinforcement sensitivity and social anxiety in combat veterans Personality and Individual Differences. 98: 171-175. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.04.008  0.629
2015 Schry AR, Hibberd R, Wagner HR, Turchik JA, Kimbrel NA, Wong M, Elbogen EE, Strauss JL, Brancu M. Functional correlates of military sexual assault in male veterans. Psychological Services. 12: 384-93. PMID 26524280 DOI: 10.1037/Ser0000053  0.406
2015 Dahm KA, Meyer EC, Neff KD, Kimbrel NA, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, and Functional Disability in U.S. Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 28: 460-4. PMID 26426991 DOI: 10.1002/Jts.22045  0.401
2015 Konecky B, Meyer EC, Kimbrel NA, Morissette SB. The structure of DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in war veterans. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping. 1-10. PMID 26275127 DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2015.1081178  0.408
2015 Elliott TR, Hsiao YY, Kimbrel NA, Meyer EC, DeBeer BB, Gulliver SB, Kwok OM, Morissette SB. Resilience, traumatic brain injury, depression, and posttraumatic stress among Iraq/Afghanistan war veterans. Rehabilitation Psychology. 60: 263-76. PMID 26214528 DOI: 10.1037/Rep0000050  0.409
2015 Wilson LC, Simmons BL, Leheney EK, Ballman AD, Meyer EC, DeBeer BB, Morissette SB, Kimbrel NA. Does military sexual trauma moderate the impact of critical warzone experiences? Psychiatry Research. PMID 26210649 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2015.07.023  0.314
2015 Kimbrel NA, Garrett ME, Dennis MF, Liu Y, Patanam I, Workgroup VM, Ashley-Koch AE, Hauser MA, Beckham JC. Effect of genetic variation in the nicotinic receptor genes on risk for posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychiatry Research. PMID 26184988 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2015.07.002  0.351
2015 Calhoun PS, Schry AR, Wagner HR, Kimbrel NA, Dennis P, McDonald SD, Beckham JC, Dedert EA, Kudler H, Straits-Troster K. The prevalence of binge drinking and receipt of provider drinking advice among US veterans with military service in Iraq or Afghanistan. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 1-9. PMID 26154366 DOI: 10.3109/00952990.2015.1051185  0.302
2015 Ashley-Koch AE, Garrett ME, Gibson J, Liu Y, Dennis MF, Kimbrel NA, Beckham JC, Hauser MA. Genome-wide association study of posttraumatic stress disorder in a cohort of Iraq-Afghanistan era veterans. Journal of Affective Disorders. 184: 225-234. PMID 26114229 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2015.03.049  0.391
2015 Kimbrel NA, Flynn EJ, Carpenter GS, Cammarata CM, Leto F, Ostiguy WJ, Kamholz BW, Zimering RT, Gulliver SB. Internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and predictive validity for a Likert-based version of the Sources of occupational stress-14 (SOOS-14) scale. Psychiatry Research. 228: 961-2. PMID 26073282 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2015.05.031  0.336
2015 Kimbrel NA, Meyer EC, Beckham JC. A clinician's perspective on memory reconsolidation as the primary basis for psychotherapeutic change in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 38: e8. PMID 26050699 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X1400017X  0.317
2015 Kimbrel NA, Gratz KL, Tull MT, Morissette SB, Meyer EC, DeBeer BB, Silvia PJ, Calhoun PC, Beckham JC. Non-suicidal self-injury as a predictor of active and passive suicidal ideation among Iraq/Afghanistan war veterans. Psychiatry Research. 227: 360-2. PMID 25858799 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2015.03.026  0.333
2015 Hiraoka R, Meyer EC, Kimbrel NA, DeBeer BB, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. Self-Compassion as a prospective predictor of PTSD symptom severity among trauma-exposed U.S. Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 28: 127-33. PMID 25808565 DOI: 10.1002/Jts.21995  0.403
2015 Liu Y, Garrett ME, Dennis MF, Green KT, Ashley-Koch AE, Hauser MA, Beckham JC, Kimbrel NA. An examination of the association between 5-HTTLPR, combat exposure, and PTSD diagnosis among U.S. veterans. Plos One. 10: e0119998. PMID 25793742 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0119998  0.366
2015 Kimbrel NA, Hauser MA, Garrett M, Ashley-Koch A, Liu Y, Dennis MF, Klein RC, Beckham JC. EFFECT OF THE APOE ε4 ALLELE AND COMBAT EXPOSURE ON PTSD AMONG IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN-ERA VETERANS. Depression and Anxiety. 32: 307-15. PMID 25709077 DOI: 10.1002/Da.22348  0.339
2015 Carpenter GS, Carpenter TP, Kimbrel NA, Flynn EJ, Pennington ML, Cammarata C, Zimering RT, Kamholz BW, Gulliver SB. Social support, stress, and suicidal ideation in professional firefighters. American Journal of Health Behavior. 39: 191-6. PMID 25564831 DOI: 10.5993/Ajhb.39.2.5  0.322
2015 Kimbrel NA, DeBeer BB, Meyer EC, Silvia PJ, Beckham JC, Young KA, Morissette SB. An examination of the broader effects of warzone experiences on returning Iraq/Afghanistan veterans' psychiatric health. Psychiatry Research. 226: 78-83. PMID 25541538 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2014.12.007  0.407
2015 Kimbrel NA, Morissette SB, Meyer EC, Chrestman R, Jamroz R, Silvia PJ, Beckham JC, Young KA. Effect of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism on posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and quality of life among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping. 28: 456-66. PMID 25314020 DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2014.973862  0.354
2014 Kimbrel NA, Evans LD, Patel AB, Wilson LC, Meyer EC, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. The critical warzone experiences (CWE) scale: initial psychometric properties and association with PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Psychiatry Research. 220: 1118-24. PMID 25238984 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2014.08.053  0.389
2014 Gentes EL, Dennis PA, Kimbrel NA, Rissling MB, Beckham JC, Calhoun PS. DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder: factor structure and rates of diagnosis. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 59: 60-7. PMID 25213835 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpsychires.2014.08.014  0.427
2014 Kimbrel NA, Calhoun PS, Elbogen EB, Brancu M, Beckham JC. The factor structure of psychiatric comorbidity among Iraq/Afghanistan-era veterans and its relationship to violence, incarceration, suicide attempts, and suicidality. Psychiatry Research. 220: 397-403. PMID 25169889 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2014.07.064  0.421
2014 Grosso JA, Kimbrel NA, Dolan S, Meyer EC, Kruse MI, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. A test of whether coping styles moderate the effect of PTSD symptoms on alcohol outcomes. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 27: 478-82. PMID 25158641 DOI: 10.1002/Jts.21943  0.393
2014 Konecky B, Meyer EC, Marx BP, Kimbrel NA, Morissette SB. Using the WHODAS 2.0 to assess functional disability associated with DSM-5 mental disorders. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 171: 818-20. PMID 25082488 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ajp.2014.14050587  0.336
2014 Kimbrel NA, Johnson ME, Clancy C, Hertzberg M, Collie C, Van Voorhees EE, Dennis MF, Calhoun PS, Beckham JC. Deliberate self-harm and suicidal ideation among male Iraq/Afghanistan-era veterans seeking treatment for PTSD. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 27: 474-7. PMID 25066891 DOI: 10.1002/Jts.21932  0.76
2014 Stock EM, Kimbrel NA, Meyer EC, Copeland LA, Monte R, Zeber JE, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. A Bayesian model averaging approach to examining changes in quality of life among returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. 23: 345-58. PMID 24942672 DOI: 10.1002/Mpr.1442  0.338
2014 Debeer BB, Kimbrel NA, Meyer EC, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. Combined PTSD and depressive symptoms interact with post-deployment social support to predict suicidal ideation in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans. Psychiatry Research. 216: 357-62. PMID 24612971 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2014.02.010  0.417
2014 Kimbrel NA, Morissette SB, Gulliver SB, Langdon KJ, Zvolensky MJ. The effect of social anxiety on urge and craving among smokers with and without anxiety disorders. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 135: 59-64. PMID 24331637 DOI: 10.1016/J.Drugalcdep.2013.11.002  0.312
2014 Kimbrel NA, Calhoun PS, Elbogen EB, Brancu M, Beckham JC, Green KT, Kirby AC, Dennis MF, Hoerle J, Wagner HR, Runnals J, Van Voorhees E, Fairbank JA, Moore SD, Weiner RD, et al. The factor structure of psychiatric comorbidity among Iraq/Afghanistan-era veterans and its relationship to violence, incarceration, suicide attempts, and suicidality Psychiatry Research. 220: 397-403. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2014.07.064  0.309
2013 Robertson CD, Kimbrel NA, Nelson-Gray RO. The Invalidating Childhood Environment Scale (ICES): psychometric properties and relationship to borderline personality symptomatology. Journal of Personality Disorders. 27: 402-10. PMID 22984861 DOI: 10.1521/Pedi_2012_26_062  0.63
2013 Meyer EC, Morissette SB, Kimbrel NA, Kruse MI, Gulliver SB. Acceptance and action questionnaire - II scores as a predictor of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among war veterans Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 5: 521-528. DOI: 10.1037/A0030178  0.433
2013 Hundt NE, Brown LH, Kimbrel NA, Walsh MA, Nelson-Gray R, Kwapil TR. Reinforcement sensitivity theory predicts positive and negative affect in daily life Personality and Individual Differences. 54: 350-354. DOI: 10.1016/J.Paid.2012.09.021  0.733
2013 Mitchell JT, Benson JW, Knouse LE, Kimbrel NA, Anastopoulos AD. Are negative automatic thoughts associated with adhd in adulthood? Cognitive Therapy and Research. 37: 851-859. DOI: 10.1007/S10608-013-9525-4  0.307
2012 Kimbrel NA, Mitchell JT, Hundt NE, Robertson CD, Nelson-Gray RO. BIS and BAS interact with perceived parental affectionless control to predict personality disorder symptomatology. Journal of Personality Disorders. 26: 203-12. PMID 22486450 DOI: 10.1521/Pedi.2012.26.2.203  0.77
2012 Dolan S, Martindale S, Robinson J, Kimbrel NA, Meyer EC, Kruse MI, Morissette SB, Young KA, Gulliver SB. Neuropsychological sequelae of PTSD and TBI following war deployment among OEF/OIF veterans. Neuropsychology Review. 22: 21-34. PMID 22350690 DOI: 10.1007/S11065-012-9190-5  0.401
2012 Kimbrel NA, Nelson-Gray RO, Mitchell JT. BIS, BAS, and bias: The role of personality and cognitive bias in social anxiety Personality and Individual Differences. 52: 395-400. DOI: 10.1016/J.Paid.2011.10.041  0.642
2011 Morissette SB, Woodward M, Kimbrel NA, Meyer EC, Kruse MI, Dolan S, Gulliver SB. Deployment-related TBI, persistent postconcussive symptoms, PTSD, and depression in OEF/OIF veterans. Rehabilitation Psychology. 56: 340-50. PMID 22121940 DOI: 10.1037/A0025462  0.371
2011 Greenawalt DS, Tsan JY, Kimbrel NA, Meyer EC, Kruse MI, Tharp DF, Gulliver SB, Morissette SB. Mental Health Treatment Involvement and Religious Coping among African American, Hispanic, and White Veterans of the Wars of Iraq and Afghanistan. Depression Research and Treatment. 2011: 192186. PMID 21785719 DOI: 10.1155/2011/192186  0.329
2011 Kimbrel NA, Steffen LE, Meyer EC, Kruse MI, Knight JA, Zimering RT, Gulliver SB. A revised measure of occupational stress for firefighters: Psychometric properties and relationship to posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and substance abuse Psychological Services. 8: 294-306. DOI: 10.1037/A0025845  0.343
2011 Tsan JY, Day SX, Schwartz JP, Kimbrel NA. Restrictive Emotionality, BIS, BAS, and Psychological Help-Seeking Behavior Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 12: 260-274. DOI: 10.1037/A0021636  0.37
2011 Mitchell JT, Robertson CD, Kimbrel NA, Nelson-Gray RO. An evaluation of behavioral approach in adults with ADHD Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 33: 430-437. DOI: 10.1007/S10862-011-9253-6  0.647
2010 Kimbrel NA, Mitchell JT, Nelson-Gray RO. An examination of the relationship between behavioral approach system (BAS) sensitivity and social interaction anxiety. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 24: 372-8. PMID 20197227 DOI: 10.1016/J.Janxdis.2010.02.002  0.643
2010 Silvia PJ, Kimbrel NA. A Dimensional Analysis of Creativity and Mental Illness: Do Anxiety and Depression Symptoms Predict Creative Cognition, Creative Accomplishments, and Creative Self-Concepts? Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 4: 2-10. DOI: 10.1037/A0016494  0.383
2010 Tull MT, Gratz KL, Latzman RD, Kimbrel NA, Lejuez CW. Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory and emotion regulation difficulties: A multimodal investigation Personality and Individual Differences. 49: 989-994. DOI: 10.1016/J.Paid.2010.08.010  0.348
2010 Hundt NE, Mitchell JT, Kimbrel NA, Nelson-Gray RO. The effect of behavioral inhibition and approach on normal social functioning Individual Differences Research. 8: 246-256.  0.716
2009 Nelson-Gray RO, Lootens CM, Mitchell JT, Robertson CD, Hundt NE, Kimbrel NA. Assessment and treatment of personality disorders: A behavioral perspective. The Behavior Analyst Today. 10: 7-46. DOI: 10.1037/H0100662  0.745
2008 Kimbrel NA, Cobb AR, Mitchell JT, Hundt NE, Nelson-Gray RO. Sensitivity to punishment and low maternal care account for the link between bulimic and social anxiety symptomology. Eating Behaviors. 9: 210-7. PMID 18329600 DOI: 10.1016/J.Eatbeh.2007.09.005  0.781
2008 Kimbrel NA. A model of the development and maintenance of generalized social phobia. Clinical Psychology Review. 28: 592-612. PMID 17959288 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cpr.2007.08.003  0.307
2008 Hundt NE, Kimbrel NA, Mitchell JT, Nelson-Gray RO. High BAS, but not low BIS, predicts externalizing symptoms in adults Personality and Individual Differences. 44: 565-575. DOI: 10.1016/J.Paid.2007.09.018  0.773
2007 Nelson-Gray RO, Mitchell JT, Kimbrel NA, Hurst RM. The development and maintenance of personality disorders: A behavioral perspective. The Behavior Analyst Today. 8: 443-482. DOI: 10.1037/H0100633  0.658
2007 Hurst RM, Mitchell JT, Kimbrel NA, Kwapil TK, Nelson-Gray RO. Examination of the reliability and factor structure of the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) in a non-clinical sample Personality and Individual Differences. 43: 1938-1949. DOI: 10.1016/J.Paid.2007.06.012  0.652
2007 Hundt NE, Nelson-Gray RO, Kimbrel NA, Mitchell JT, Kwapil TR. The interaction of reinforcement sensitivity and life events in the prediction of anhedonic depression and mixed anxiety-depression symptoms Personality and Individual Differences. 43: 1001-1012. DOI: 10.1016/J.Paid.2007.02.021  0.756
2007 Kimbrel NA, Nelson-Gray RO, Mitchell JT. Reinforcement sensitivity and maternal style as predictors of psychopathology Personality and Individual Differences. 42: 1139-1149. DOI: 10.1016/J.Paid.2006.06.028  0.654
2007 Mitchell JT, Kimbrel NA, Hundt NE, Cobb AR, Nelson-Gray RO, Lootens CM. An analysis of reinforcement sensitivity theory and the five-factor model European Journal of Personality. 21: 869-887. DOI: 10.1002/Per.644  0.716
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