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Marc Caron - Publications

Cell Biology Duke University, Durham, NC 

409 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Singhal SM, Zell V, Faget L, Slosky LM, Barak LS, Caron MG, Pinkerton AB, Hnasko TS. Neurotensin receptor 1-biased ligand attenuates neurotensin-mediated excitation of ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons and dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens. Neuropharmacology. 109544. PMID 37055008 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2023.109544  0.772
2023 Krumm BE, DiBerto JF, Olsen RHJ, Kang HJ, Slocum ST, Zhang S, Strachan RT, Huang XP, Slosky LM, Pinkerton AB, Barak LS, Caron MG, Kenakin T, Fay JF, Roth BL. Neurotensin Receptor Allosterism Revealed in Complex with a Biased Allosteric Modulator. Biochemistry. PMID 36917754 DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.3c00029  0.824
2022 Slosky LM, Pires A, Bai Y, Clark NB, Hauser ER, Gross JD, Porkka F, Zhou Y, Chen X, Pogorelov VM, Toth K, Wetsel WC, Barak LS, Caron MG. Establishment of multi-stage intravenous self-administration paradigms in mice. Scientific Reports. 12: 21422. PMID 36503898 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-24740-2  0.712
2022 Hornburg KJ, Slosky LM, Cofer G, Cook J, Qi Y, Porkka F, Clark NB, Pires A, Petrella JR, White LE, Wetsel WC, Barak L, Caron MG, Johnson GA. Prenatal Heroin Exposure Alters Brain Morphology and Connectivity in Adolescent Mice. Nmr in Biomedicine. e4842. PMID 36259728 DOI: 10.1002/nbm.4842  0.704
2022 Zheng K, Smith JS, Eiger DS, Warman A, Choi I, Honeycutt CC, Boldizsar N, Gundry JN, Pack TF, Inoue A, Caron MG, Rajagopal S. Biased agonists of the chemokine receptor CXCR3 differentially signal through Gα:β-arrestin complexes. Science Signaling. 15: eabg5203. PMID 35316095 DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.abg5203  0.537
2021 Turu G, Soltész-Katona E, Tóth AD, Juhász C, Cserző M, Misák Á, Balla A, Caron MG, Hunyady L. Biased Coupling to β-Arrestin of Two Common Variants of the CB Cannabinoid Receptor. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 12: 714561. PMID 34484125 DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2021.714561  0.372
2021 Martini ML, Ray C, Yu X, Liu J, Pogorelov VM, Wetsel WC, Huang XP, McCorvy JD, Caron MG, Jin J. Addition to "Designing Functionally Selective Noncatechol Dopamine D Receptor Agonists with Potent In Vivo Antiparkinsonian Activity". Acs Chemical Neuroscience. PMID 33830725 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.1c00186  0.305
2021 Slosky LM, Caron MG, Barak LS. Biased Allosteric Modulators: New Frontiers in GPCR Drug Discovery. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. PMID 33581873 DOI: 10.1016/  0.787
2021 Smith JS, Pack TF, Inoue A, Lee C, Zheng K, Choi I, Eiger DS, Warman A, Xiong X, Ma Z, Viswanathan G, Levitan IM, Rochelle LK, Staus DP, Snyder JC, ... ... Caron MG, et al. Noncanonical scaffolding of G and β-arrestin by G protein-coupled receptors. Science (New York, N.Y.). PMID 33479120 DOI: 10.1126/science.aay1833  0.806
2020 Favier M, Janickova H, Justo D, Kljakic O, Runtz L, Natsheh JY, Pascoal TA, Germann J, Gallino D, Kang JI, Meng XQ, Antinora C, Raulic S, Jacobsen JP, Moquin L, ... ... Caron MG, et al. Cholinergic dysfunction in the dorsal striatum promotes habit formation and maladaptive eating. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. PMID 33164988 DOI: 10.1172/JCI138532  0.558
2020 Slosky LM, Bai Y, Toth K, Ray C, Rochelle LK, Badea A, Chandrasekhar R, Pogorelov VM, Abraham DM, Atluri N, Peddibhotla S, Hedrick MP, Hershberger P, Maloney P, Yuan H, ... ... Caron MG, et al. β-Arrestin-Biased Allosteric Modulator of NTSR1 Selectively Attenuates Addictive Behaviors. Cell. PMID 32470395 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cell.2020.04.053  0.77
2020 Zheng K, Smith JS, Choi I, Warman A, Gundry JN, Pack TF, Inoue A, Caron M, Rajagopal S. Biased agonists of the chemokine receptor CXCR3 differentially drive formation of Gαi and β‐arrestin complexes The Faseb Journal. 34: 1-1. DOI: 10.1096/Fasebj.2020.34.S1.03543  0.733
2019 Toth K, Nagi K, Slosky LM, Rochelle L, Ray C, Kaur S, Shenoy SK, Caron MG, Barak LS. Encoding the β-Arrestin Trafficking Fate of Ghrelin Receptor GHSR1a: C-Tail-Independent Molecular Determinants in GPCRs. Acs Pharmacology & Translational Science. 2: 230-246. PMID 32259059 DOI: 10.1021/acsptsci.9b00018  0.838
2019 Pinkerton AB, Peddibhotla S, Yamamoto F, Slosky L, Bai Y, Maloney PR, Hershberger P, Hedrick MP, Falter B, Ardecky RJ, Smith LH, Chung TD, Jackson M, Caron MG, Barak LS. Discovery of b-Arrestin Biased, Orally Bioavailable and CNS Penetrant Neurotensin Receptor 1 (NTR1) Allosteric Modulators. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. PMID 31390201 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jmedchem.9B00340  0.793
2019 Martini ML, Ray C, Yu X, Liu J, Pogorelov V, Wetsel WC, Huang XP, McCorvy J, Caron MG, Jin J. Designing Functionally Selective Non-Catechol Dopamine D1 Receptor Agonists with Potent In Vivo Antiparkinsonian Activity. Acs Chemical Neuroscience. PMID 31387346 DOI: 10.1021/Acschemneuro.9B00410  0.315
2019 Martini ML, Liu J, Ray C, Yu X, Huang XP, Urs A, Urs NM, McCorvy J, Caron MG, Roth BL, Jin J. Defining Structure-Functional Selectivity Relationships (SFSR) for a Class of Non-Catechol Dopamine D1 Receptor Agonists. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. PMID 30875219 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jmedchem.9B00351  0.337
2019 Beaulieu J, Borrelli E, Carlsson A, Caron MG, Civelli O, Espinoza S, Fisone G, Gainetdinov RR, Grandy DK, Kebabian JW, Langer SZ, Missale MC, Neve KA, Scatton B, Schwartz J, et al. Dopamine receptors (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database Iuphar/Bps Guide to Pharmacology Cite. 2019. DOI: 10.2218/gtopdb/f20/2019.4  0.515
2018 Mackie DI, Al Mutairi F, Davis RB, Kechele DO, Nielsen NR, Snyder JC, Caron MG, Kliman HJ, Berg JS, Simms J, Poyner DR, Caron KM. h mutation causes autosomal recessive nonimmune hydrops fetalis with lymphatic dysplasia. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. PMID 30115739 DOI: 10.1084/Jem.20180528  0.355
2017 Toth K, Slosky LM, Pack TF, Urs NM, Boone P, Mao L, Abraham D, Caron MG, Barak LS. Ghrelin receptor antagonism of hyperlocomotion in cocaine-sensitized mice requires βarrestin-2. Synapse (New York, N.Y.). PMID 28941296 DOI: 10.1002/Syn.22012  0.78
2017 Zhu L, Rossi M, Cui Y, Lee RJ, Sakamoto W, Perry NA, Urs NM, Caron MG, Gurevich VV, Godlewski G, Kunos G, Chen M, Chen W, Wess J. Hepatic β-arrestin 2 is essential for maintaining euglycemia. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. PMID 28650340 DOI: 10.1172/Jci92913  0.438
2017 Snyder JC, Rochelle LK, Ray C, Pack TF, Bock CB, Lubkov V, Lyerly HK, Waggoner AS, Barak LS, Caron MG. Inhibiting clathrin-mediated endocytosis of the leucine-rich G protein-coupled Receptor-5 diminishes cell fitness. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. PMID 28275053 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M116.756635  0.302
2017 Le Gonidec S, Chaves-Almagro C, Bai Y, Kang HJ, Smith A, Wanecq E, Huang XP, Prats H, Knibiehler B, Roth BL, Barak LS, Caron MG, Valet P, Audigier Y, Masri B. Protamine is an antagonist of apelin receptor, and its activity is reversed by heparin. Faseb Journal : Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies For Experimental Biology. PMID 28242772 DOI: 10.1096/fj.201601074R  0.358
2016 Urs NM, Gee SM, Pack TF, McCorvy JD, Evron T, Snyder JC, Yang X, Rodriguiz RM, Borrelli E, Wetsel WC, Jin J, Roth BL, O'Donnell P, Caron MG. Distinct cortical and striatal actions of a β-arrestin-biased dopamine D2 receptor ligand reveal unique antipsychotic-like properties. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PMID 27911814 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1614347113  0.321
2016 Barak LS, Bai Y, Peterson S, Evron T, Urs N, Peddibhotla S, Hedrick MP, Hershberger P, Maloney PR, Chung TD, Rodriguiz RM, Wetsel WC, Thomas JB, Hanson GR, Pinkerton AB, ... Caron MG, et al. ML314: A Biased Neurotensin Receptor Ligand for Methamphetamine Abuse. Acs Chemical Biology. PMID 27119457 DOI: 10.1021/Acschembio.6B00291  0.377
2015 Park SM, Chen M, Schmerberg CM, Dulman RS, Rodriguiz RM, Caron MG, Jin J, Wetsel WC. Effects of β-Arrestin-Biased Dopamine D2 Receptor Ligands on Schizophrenia-like Behavior in Hypoglutamatergic Mice. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. PMID 26129680 DOI: 10.1038/Npp.2015.196  0.472
2015 Urs NM, Bido S, Peterson SM, Daigle TL, Bass CE, Gainetdinov RR, Bezard E, Caron MG. Targeting β-arrestin2 in the treatment of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: E2517-26. PMID 25918399 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1502740112  0.665
2015 Burczyk M, Burkhalter MD, Blätte T, Matysik S, Caron MG, Barak LS, Philipp M. Phenotypic regulation of the sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor miles apart by G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2. Biochemistry. 54: 765-75. PMID 25555130 DOI: 10.1021/bi501061h  0.386
2014 Evron T, Peterson SM, Urs NM, Bai Y, Rochelle LK, Caron MG, Barak LS. G Protein and β-arrestin signaling bias at the ghrelin receptor. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 289: 33442-55. PMID 25261469 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M114.581397  0.312
2014 Daigle TL, Ferris MJ, Gainetdinov RR, Sotnikova TD, Urs NM, Jones SR, Caron MG. Selective deletion of GRK2 alters psychostimulant-induced behaviors and dopamine neurotransmission. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 39: 2450-62. PMID 24776686 DOI: 10.1038/Npp.2014.97  0.816
2014 Marion S, Urs NM, Peterson SM, Sotnikova TD, Beaulieu JM, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Dopamine D2 receptor relies upon PPM/PP2C protein phosphatases to dephosphorylate huntingtin protein. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 289: 11715-24. PMID 24619418 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M113.544312  0.604
2014 Calipari E, Ferris M, Salahpour A, Caron M, Roberts D, Jones S. Methylphenidate self-administration increases the potency and reinforcing effects of releasers through a dopamine transporter mechanism Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 140: e24-e25. DOI: 10.1016/J.Drugalcdep.2014.02.088  0.777
2013 Calipari ES, Ferris MJ, Salahpour A, Caron MG, Jones SR. Methylphenidate amplifies the potency and reinforcing effects of amphetamines by increasing dopamine transporter expression. Nature Communications. 4: 2720. PMID 24193139 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms3720  0.783
2013 Jørgensen CV, Jacobsen JP, Caron MG, Klein AB, Knudsen GM, Mikkelsen JD. Cerebral 5-HT2A receptor binding, but not mGluR2, is increased in tryptophan hydroxylase 2 decrease-of-function mice. Neuroscience Letters. 555: 118-22. PMID 24055299 DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2013.08.073  0.349
2013 Min C, Zheng M, Zhang X, Caron MG, Kim KM. Novel roles for β-arrestins in the regulation of pharmacological sequestration to predict agonist-induced desensitization of dopamine D3 receptors. British Journal of Pharmacology. 170: 1112-29. PMID 23992580 DOI: 10.1111/bph.12357  0.373
2013 Burkhalter MD, Fralish GB, Premont RT, Caron MG, Philipp M. Grk5l controls heart development by limiting mTOR signaling during symmetry breaking. Cell Reports. 4: 625-32. PMID 23972986 DOI: 10.1016/J.Celrep.2013.07.036  0.675
2013 Gregory KJ, Herman EJ, Ramsey AJ, Hammond AS, Byun NE, Stauffer SR, Manka JT, Jadhav S, Bridges TM, Weaver CD, Niswender CM, Steckler T, Drinkenburg WH, Ahnaou A, Lavreysen H, ... ... Caron MG, et al. N-aryl piperazine metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 positive allosteric modulators possess efficacy in preclinical models of NMDA hypofunction and cognitive enhancement. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 347: 438-57. PMID 23965381 DOI: 10.1124/Jpet.113.206623  0.784
2013 Barak LS, Bai Y, Snyder JC, Wang J, Chen W, Caron MG. Triphenylmethane dye activation of beta-arrestin. Biochemistry. 52: 5403-14. PMID 23865508 DOI: 10.1021/bi400217r  0.436
2013 Philipp M, Evron T, Caron MG. The role of arrestins in development. Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science. 118: 225-42. PMID 23764056 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-394440-5.00009-7  0.319
2013 Snyder JC, Rochelle LK, Lyerly HK, Caron MG, Barak LS. Constitutive internalization of the leucine-rich G protein-coupled receptor-5 (LGR5) to the trans-Golgi network. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 288: 10286-97. PMID 23439653 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M112.447540  0.307
2013 Siesser WB, Sachs BD, Ramsey AJ, Sotnikova TD, Beaulieu JM, Zhang X, Caron MG, Gainetdinov RR. Chronic SSRI treatment exacerbates serotonin deficiency in humanized Tph2 mutant mice. Acs Chemical Neuroscience. 4: 84-8. PMID 23336047 DOI: 10.1021/cn300127h  0.687
2013 Farrell MS, Pei Y, Wan Y, Yadav PN, Daigle TL, Urban DJ, Lee HM, Sciaky N, Simmons A, Nonneman RJ, Huang XP, Hufeisen SJ, Guettier JM, Moy SS, Wess J, ... Caron MG, et al. A Gαs DREADD mouse for selective modulation of cAMP production in striatopallidal neurons. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 38: 854-62. PMID 23303063 DOI: 10.1038/Npp.2012.251  0.687
2013 Hara MR, Sachs BD, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Pharmacological blockade of a β(2)AR-β-arrestin-1 signaling cascade prevents the accumulation of DNA damage in a behavioral stress model. Cell Cycle (Georgetown, Tex.). 12: 219-24. PMID 23287463 DOI: 10.4161/cc.23368  0.611
2013 Urs NM, Daigle TL, Ting J, Caron MG. Targeting Beta-Arrestin Dependent Signaling in the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease Catecholamine Research in the 21st Century: Abstracts and Graphical Abstracts, 10th International Catecholamine Symposium, 2012. 103-104. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-800044-1.00090-8  0.66
2012 Daigle TL, Caron MG. Elimination of GRK2 from cholinergic neurons reduces behavioral sensitivity to muscarinic receptor activation. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 32: 11461-6. PMID 22895728 DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2234-12.2012  0.725
2012 Frankowski KJ, Hedrick MP, Gosalia P, Li K, Shi S, Whipple D, Ghosh P, Prisinzano TE, Schoenen FJ, Su Y, Vasile S, Sergienko E, Gray W, Hariharan S, Milan L, ... ... Caron MG, et al. Discovery of Small Molecule Kappa Opioid Receptor Agonist and Antagonist Chemotypes through a HTS and Hit Refinement Strategy. Acs Chemical Neuroscience. 3: 221-236. PMID 22737280 DOI: 10.1021/Cn200128X  0.602
2012 Kile BM, Walsh PL, McElligott ZA, Bucher ES, Guillot TS, Salahpour A, Caron MG, Wightman RM. Optimizing the Temporal Resolution of Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry. Acs Chemical Neuroscience. 3: 285-292. PMID 22708011 DOI: 10.1021/Cn200119U  0.777
2012 Revel FG, Moreau JL, Gainetdinov RR, Ferragud A, Velázquez-Sánchez C, Sotnikova TD, Morairty SR, Harmeier A, Groebke Zbinden K, Norcross RD, Bradaia A, Kilduff TS, Biemans B, Pouzet B, Caron MG, et al. Trace amine-associated receptor 1 partial agonism reveals novel paradigm for neuropsychiatric therapeutics. Biological Psychiatry. 72: 934-42. PMID 22705041 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2012.05.014  0.31
2012 Managò F, Espinoza S, Salahpour A, Sotnikova TD, Caron MG, Premont RT, Gainetdinov RR. The role of GRK6 in animal models of Parkinson's disease and L-DOPA treatment. Scientific Reports. 2: 301. PMID 22393477 DOI: 10.1038/Srep00301  0.796
2012 Salahpour A, Caron MG. Food for thought: the physiological relevance of ghrelin and dopamine D2 receptor heterodimerization in the regulation of appetite. Neuron. 73: 210-1. PMID 22284175 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2012.01.004  0.725
2012 Evron T, Daigle TL, Caron MG. GRK2: multiple roles beyond G protein-coupled receptor desensitization. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 33: 154-64. PMID 22277298 DOI: 10.1016/  0.761
2012 Meck WH, Cheng RK, MacDonald CJ, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG, Cevik MÖ. Gene-dose dependent effects of methamphetamine on interval timing in dopamine-transporter knockout mice. Neuropharmacology. 62: 1221-9. PMID 21296093 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropharm.2011.01.042  0.507
2012 Peterson SM, Urs N, Caron MG. Dopamine Receptors Primer On the Autonomic Nervous System. 67-70. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-386525-0.00013-5  0.343
2011 Daigle TL, Wetsel WC, Caron MG. Opposite function of dopamine D1 and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in striatal cannabinoid-mediated signaling. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 34: 1378-89. PMID 22034973 DOI: 10.1111/J.1460-9568.2011.07874.X  0.733
2011 Espinoza S, Salahpour A, Masri B, Sotnikova TD, Messa M, Barak LS, Caron MG, Gainetdinov RR. Functional interaction between trace amine-associated receptor 1 and dopamine D2 receptor. Molecular Pharmacology. 80: 416-25. PMID 21670104 DOI: 10.1124/Mol.111.073304  0.733
2011 Evron T, Philipp M, Lu J, Meloni AR, Burkhalter M, Chen W, Caron MG. Growth Arrest Specific 8 (Gas8) and G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) cooperate in the control of Smoothened signaling. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286: 27676-86. PMID 21659505 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M111.234666  0.342
2011 Jocoy EL, André VM, Cummings DM, Rao SP, Wu N, Ramsey AJ, Caron MG, Cepeda C, Levine MS. Dissecting the contribution of individual receptor subunits to the enhancement of N-methyl-d-aspartate currents by dopamine D1 receptor activation in striatum. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 5: 28. PMID 21617735 DOI: 10.3389/Fnsys.2011.00028  0.696
2011 Kotsikorou E, Madrigal KE, Hurst DP, Sharir H, Lynch DL, Heynen-Genel S, Milan LB, Chung TD, Seltzman HH, Bai Y, Caron MG, Barak L, Abood ME, Reggio PH. Identification of the GPR55 agonist binding site using a novel set of high-potency GPR55 selective ligands. Biochemistry. 50: 5633-47. PMID 21534610 DOI: 10.1021/bi200010k  0.316
2011 Ramsey AJ, Milenkovic M, Oliveira AF, Escobedo-Lozoya Y, Seshadri S, Salahpour A, Sawa A, Yasuda R, Caron MG. Impaired NMDA receptor transmission alters striatal synapses and DISC1 protein in an age-dependent manner. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108: 5795-800. PMID 21436042 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1012621108  0.784
2011 Mathurin K, Gallant MA, Germain P, Allard-Chamard H, Brisson J, Iorio-Morin C, de Brum Fernandes A, Caron MG, Laporte SA, Parent JL. An interaction between L-prostaglandin D synthase and arrestin increases PGD2 production. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286: 2696-706. PMID 21112970 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M110.178277  0.576
2011 Urs NM, Daigle TL, Caron MG. A dopamine D1 receptor-dependent β-arrestin signaling complex potentially regulates morphine-induced psychomotor activation but not reward in mice. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 36: 551-8. PMID 20980993 DOI: 10.1038/Npp.2010.186  0.698
2010 Sotnikova TD, Beaulieu JM, Espinoza S, Masri B, Zhang X, Salahpour A, Barak LS, Caron MG, Gainetdinov RR. The dopamine metabolite 3-methoxytyramine is a neuromodulator. Plos One. 5: e13452. PMID 20976142 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0013452  0.753
2010 Kenakin T, Agnati LF, Caron M, Fredholm B, Guidoli D, Kobilka B, Lefkowitz RW, Lohse M, Woods A, Fuxe K. International Workshop at the Nobel Forum, Karolinska Institutet on G protein-coupled receptors: finding the words to describe monomers, oligomers, and their molecular mechanisms and defining their meaning. Can a consensus be reached? Journal of Receptor and Signal Transduction Research. 30: 284-6. PMID 20858022 DOI: 10.3109/10799893.2010.512438  0.592
2010 Zhao P, Sharir H, Kapur A, Cowan A, Geller EB, Adler MW, Seltzman HH, Reggio PH, Heynen-Genel S, Sauer M, Chung TD, Bai Y, Chen W, Caron MG, Barak LS, et al. Targeting of the orphan receptor GPR35 by pamoic acid: a potent activator of extracellular signal-regulated kinase and β-arrestin2 with antinociceptive activity. Molecular Pharmacology. 78: 560-8. PMID 20826425 DOI: 10.1124/Mol.110.066746  0.315
2010 Dzirasa K, Phillips HW, Sotnikova TD, Salahpour A, Kumar S, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG, Nicolelis MA. Noradrenergic control of cortico-striato-thalamic and mesolimbic cross-structural synchrony. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 30: 6387-97. PMID 20445065 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.0764-10.2010  0.612
2010 Sotnikova TD, Beaulieu J, Espinoza S, Masri B, Zhang X, Salahpour A, Barak LS, Caron MG, Gainetdinov RR. Correction: The Dopamine Metabolite 3-Methoxytyramine Is a Neuromodulator Plos One. 5. DOI: 10.1371/Annotation/A2019934-B1Cc-4781-80Cb-9E09Fc7Ff6Dc  0.592
2009 Chen M, Philipp M, Wang J, Premont RT, Garrison TR, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Chen W. G Protein-coupled receptor kinases phosphorylate LRP6 in the Wnt pathway. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 284: 35040-8. PMID 19801552 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M109.047456  0.846
2009 Kapur A, Zhao P, Sharir H, Bai Y, Caron MG, Barak LS, Abood ME. Atypical responsiveness of the orphan receptor GPR55 to cannabinoid ligands. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 284: 29817-27. PMID 19723626 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M109.050187  0.465
2009 Dzirasa K, Ramsey AJ, Takahashi DY, Stapleton J, Potes JM, Williams JK, Gainetdinov RR, Sameshima K, Caron MG, Nicolelis MA. Hyperdopaminergia and NMDA receptor hypofunction disrupt neural phase signaling. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 29: 8215-24. PMID 19553461 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.1773-09.2009  0.666
2009 Caron MG, Wightman RM. "To learn, you must pay attention." Molecular insights into teachers' wisdom. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106: 7267-8. PMID 19416916 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0903306106  0.393
2009 Sotnikova TD, Caron MG, Gainetdinov RR. Trace amine-associated receptors as emerging therapeutic targets. Molecular Pharmacology. 76: 229-35. PMID 19389919 DOI: 10.1124/mol.109.055970  0.361
2009 Ferré S, Baler R, Bouvier M, Caron MG, Devi LA, Durroux T, Fuxe K, George SR, Javitch JA, Lohse MJ, Mackie K, Milligan G, Pfleger KD, Pin JP, Volkow ND, et al. Building a new conceptual framework for receptor heteromers. Nature Chemical Biology. 5: 131-4. PMID 19219011 DOI: 10.1038/Nchembio0309-131  0.621
2009 Kocerha J, Faghihi MA, Lopez-Toledano MA, Huang J, Ramsey AJ, Caron MG, Sales N, Willoughby D, Elmen J, Hansen HF, Orum H, Kauppinen S, Kenny PJ, Wahlestedt C. MicroRNA-219 modulates NMDA receptor-mediated neurobehavioral dysfunction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106: 3507-12. PMID 19196972 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0805854106  0.663
2009 Ghisi V, Ramsey AJ, Masri B, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG, Salahpour A. Reduced D2-mediated signaling activity and trans-synaptic upregulation of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors in mice overexpressing the dopamine transporter. Cellular Signalling. 21: 87-94. PMID 18929645 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cellsig.2008.09.011  0.808
2009 Beaulieu JM, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Akt/GSK3 signaling in the action of psychotropic drugs. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology. 49: 327-47. PMID 18928402 DOI: 10.1146/annurev.pharmtox.011008.145634  0.566
2008 Beaulieu JM, Caron MG. Looking at lithium: molecular moods and complex behaviour. Molecular Interventions. 8: 230-41. PMID 19015387 DOI: 10.1124/mi.8.5.8  0.539
2008 Philipp M, Fralish GB, Meloni AR, Chen W, MacInnes AW, Barak LS, Caron MG. Smoothened signaling in vertebrates is facilitated by a G protein-coupled receptor kinase. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 19: 5478-89. PMID 18815277 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.E08-05-0448  0.363
2008 Masri B, Salahpour A, Didriksen M, Ghisi V, Beaulieu JM, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Antagonism of dopamine D2 receptor/beta-arrestin 2 interaction is a common property of clinically effective antipsychotics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: 13656-61. PMID 18768802 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0803522105  0.755
2008 Barak LS, Salahpour A, Zhang X, Masri B, Sotnikova TD, Ramsey AJ, Violin JD, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG, Gainetdinov RR. Pharmacological characterization of membrane-expressed human trace amine-associated receptor 1 (TAAR1) by a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer cAMP biosensor. Molecular Pharmacology. 74: 585-94. PMID 18524885 DOI: 10.1124/Mol.108.048884  0.827
2008 Salahpour A, Ramsey AJ, Medvedev IO, Kile B, Sotnikova TD, Holmstrand E, Ghisi V, Nicholls PJ, Wong L, Murphy K, Sesack SR, Wightman RM, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Increased amphetamine-induced hyperactivity and reward in mice overexpressing the dopamine transporter. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: 4405-10. PMID 18347339 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0707646105  0.792
2008 Murphy KL, Zhang X, Gainetdinov RR, Beaulieu JM, Caron MG. A regulatory domain in the N terminus of tryptophan hydroxylase 2 controls enzyme expression. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283: 13216-24. PMID 18339632 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M706749200  0.623
2008 Beaulieu JM, Zhang X, Rodriguiz RM, Sotnikova TD, Cools MJ, Wetsel WC, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Role of GSK3 beta in behavioral abnormalities induced by serotonin deficiency. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: 1333-8. PMID 18212115 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0711496105  0.471
2008 Beaulieu JM, Marion S, Rodriguiz RM, Medvedev IO, Sotnikova TD, Ghisi V, Wetsel WC, Lefkowitz RJ, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. A beta-arrestin 2 signaling complex mediates lithium action on behavior. Cell. 132: 125-36. PMID 18191226 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cell.2007.11.041  0.657
2008 Ramsey AJ, Laakso A, Cyr M, Sotnikova TD, Salahpour A, Medvedev IO, Dykstra LA, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Genetic NMDA receptor deficiency disrupts acute and chronic effects of cocaine but not amphetamine. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 33: 2701-14. PMID 18185498 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Npp.1301663  0.786
2008 Kim KM, Caron MG. Complementary roles of the DRY motif and C-terminus tail of GPCRS for G protein coupling and beta-arrestin interaction. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 366: 42-7. PMID 18036556 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2007.11.055  0.39
2008 Beaulieu JM, Zhang X, Rodriguiz RM, Sotnikova TD, Wetsel WC, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Reply to Belmaker et al.: GSK3β haploinsufficiency results in lithium-like effects in the forced-swim test Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: E24. DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0803026105  0.407
2008 Caron M, Masri B, Beaulieu J, Salahpour A, Ramsey A, Sotnikova T, Gainetdinov R. S.20.03 β-Arrestin-dependent DAD2R/Akt/GSK3β signaling: relationship to mood stabilisers and antipsychotics European Neuropsychopharmacology. 18: S184. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-977X(08)70190-1  0.745
2007 Cho EY, Cho DI, Park JH, Kurose H, Caron MG, Kim KM. Roles of protein kinase C and actin-binding protein 280 in the regulation of intracellular trafficking of dopamine D3 receptor. Molecular Endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.). 21: 2242-54. PMID 17536008 DOI: 10.1210/me.2007-0202  0.561
2007 Marion S, Fralish GB, Laporte S, Caron MG, Barak LS. N-terminal tyrosine modulation of the endocytic adaptor function of the beta-arrestins. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 282: 18937-44. PMID 17456469 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M700090200  0.705
2007 Zhang J, Vinuela A, Neely MH, Hallett PJ, Grant SG, Miller GM, Isacson O, Caron MG, Yao WD. Inhibition of the dopamine D1 receptor signaling by PSD-95. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 282: 15778-89. PMID 17369255 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M611485200  0.316
2007 Beaulieu JM, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. The Akt-GSK-3 signaling cascade in the actions of dopamine. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 28: 166-72. PMID 17349698 DOI: 10.1016/  0.625
2007 Beaulieu JM, Tirotta E, Sotnikova TD, Masri B, Salahpour A, Gainetdinov RR, Borrelli E, Caron MG. Regulation of Akt signaling by D2 and D3 dopamine receptors in vivo. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 27: 881-5. PMID 17251429 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.5074-06.2007  0.763
2007 Salahpour A, Medvedev IO, Beaulieu JM, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Local knockdown of genes in the brain using small interfering RNA: a phenotypic comparison with knockout animals. Biological Psychiatry. 61: 65-9. PMID 16712807 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2006.03.020  0.702
2006 Cho DI, Beom S, Van Tol HH, Caron MG, Kim KM. Characterization of the desensitization properties of five dopamine receptor subtypes and alternatively spliced variants of dopamine D2 and D4 receptors. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 350: 634-40. PMID 17022946 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2006.09.090  0.4
2006 Beaulieu JM, Sotnikova TD, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Paradoxical striatal cellular signaling responses to psychostimulants in hyperactive mice. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281: 32072-80. PMID 16954211 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M606062200  0.532
2006 Prado VF, Martins-Silva C, de Castro BM, Lima RF, Barros DM, Amaral E, Ramsey AJ, Sotnikova TD, Ramirez MR, Kim HG, Rossato JI, Koenen J, Quan H, Cota VR, Moraes MF, ... ... Caron MG, et al. Mice deficient for the vesicular acetylcholine transporter are myasthenic and have deficits in object and social recognition. Neuron. 51: 601-12. PMID 16950158 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2006.08.005  0.704
2006 Meloni AR, Fralish GB, Kelly P, Salahpour A, Chen JK, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Smoothened signal transduction is promoted by G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 26: 7550-60. PMID 16908539 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.00546-06  0.748
2006 Sotnikova TD, Beaulieu JM, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Molecular biology, pharmacology and functional role of the plasma membrane dopamine transporter. Cns & Neurological Disorders Drug Targets. 5: 45-56. PMID 16613553 DOI: 10.2174/187152706784111579  0.504
2006 Zhang X, Beaulieu JM, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Functional polymorphisms of the brain serotonin synthesizing enzyme tryptophan hydroxylase-2. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences : Cmls. 63: 6-11. PMID 16378243 DOI: 10.1007/s00018-005-5417-4  0.439
2006 Marion S, Oakley RH, Kim KM, Caron MG, Barak LS. A beta-arrestin binding determinant common to the second intracellular loops of rhodopsin family G protein-coupled receptors. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281: 2932-8. PMID 16319069 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M508074200  0.458
2005 Beaulieu JM, Caron MG. Beta-arrestin goes nuclear. Cell. 123: 755-7. PMID 16325568 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2005.11.010  0.592
2005 Beaulieu JM, Sotnikova TD, Marion S, Lefkowitz RJ, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. An Akt/beta-arrestin 2/PP2A signaling complex mediates dopaminergic neurotransmission and behavior. Cell. 122: 261-73. PMID 16051150 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2005.05.012  0.694
2005 Sotnikova TD, Beaulieu JM, Barak LS, Wetsel WC, Caron MG, Gainetdinov RR. Dopamine-independent locomotor actions of amphetamines in a novel acute mouse model of Parkinson disease. Plos Biology. 3: e271. PMID 16050778 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pbio.0030271  0.501
2005 Medvedev IO, Gainetdinov RR, Sotnikova TD, Bohn LM, Caron MG, Dykstra LA. Characterization of conditioned place preference to cocaine in congenic dopamine transporter knockout female mice. Psychopharmacology. 180: 408-13. PMID 15719221 DOI: 10.1007/S00213-005-2173-Y  0.539
2005 Kim KM, Gainetdinov RR, Laporte SA, Caron MG, Barak LS. G protein-coupled receptor kinase regulates dopamine D3 receptor signaling by modulating the stability of a receptor-filamin-beta-arrestin complex. A case of autoreceptor regulation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280: 12774-80. PMID 15687500 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M408901200  0.751
2005 Zhang X, Gainetdinov RR, Beaulieu JM, Sotnikova TD, Burch LH, Williams RB, Schwartz DA, Krishnan KR, Caron MG. Loss-of-function mutation in tryptophan hydroxylase-2 identified in unipolar major depression. Neuron. 45: 11-6. PMID 15629698 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2004.12.014  0.431
2004 Wilbanks AM, Fralish GB, Kirby ML, Barak LS, Li YX, Caron MG. Beta-arrestin 2 regulates zebrafish development through the hedgehog signaling pathway. Science (New York, N.Y.). 306: 2264-7. PMID 15618520 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1104193  0.813
2004 Torres GE, Sweeney AL, Beaulieu JM, Shashidharan P, Caron MG. Effect of torsinA on membrane proteins reveals a loss of function and a dominant-negative phenotype of the dystonia-associated DeltaE-torsinA mutant. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101: 15650-5. PMID 15505207 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0308088101  0.51
2004 Sotnikova TD, Budygin EA, Jones SR, Dykstra LA, Caron MG, Gainetdinov RR. Dopamine transporter-dependent and -independent actions of trace amine beta-phenylethylamine. Journal of Neurochemistry. 91: 362-73. PMID 15447669 DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2004.02721.x  0.714
2004 Zhang X, Beaulieu JM, Sotnikova TD, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Tryptophan hydroxylase-2 controls brain serotonin synthesis. Science (New York, N.Y.). 305: 217. PMID 15247473 DOI: 10.1126/science.1097540  0.457
2004 Gainetdinov RR, Premont RT, Bohn LM, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Desensitization of G protein-coupled receptors and neuronal functions. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 27: 107-44. PMID 15217328 DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Neuro.27.070203.144206  0.843
2004 Bohn LM, Dykstra LA, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG, Barak LS. Relative opioid efficacy is determined by the complements of the G protein-coupled receptor desensitization machinery. Molecular Pharmacology. 66: 106-12. PMID 15213301 DOI: 10.1124/Mol.66.1.106  0.747
2004 Xu M, Petraschka M, McLaughlin JP, Westenbroek RE, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Czyzyk TA, Pintar JE, Terman GW, Chavkin C. Neuropathic pain activates the endogenous kappa opioid system in mouse spinal cord and induces opioid receptor tolerance. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 24: 4576-84. PMID 15140929 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.5552-03.2004  0.414
2004 Quan H, Athirakul K, Wetsel WC, Torres GE, Stevens R, Chen YT, Coffman TM, Caron MG. Hypertension and impaired glycine handling in mice lacking the orphan transporter XT2. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 24: 4166-73. PMID 15121838 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.24.10.4166-4173.2004  0.439
2004 Beaulieu JM, Sotnikova TD, Yao WD, Kockeritz L, Woodgett JR, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Lithium antagonizes dopamine-dependent behaviors mediated by an AKT/glycogen synthase kinase 3 signaling cascade. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101: 5099-104. PMID 15044694 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0307921101  0.541
2004 Bohn LM, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. G protein-coupled receptor kinase/beta-arrestin systems and drugs of abuse: psychostimulant and opiate studies in knockout mice. Neuromolecular Medicine. 5: 41-50. PMID 15001811 DOI: 10.1385/Nmm:5:1:041  0.667
2004 Yao WD, Gainetdinov RR, Arbuckle MI, Sotnikova TD, Cyr M, Beaulieu JM, Torres GE, Grant SG, Caron MG. Identification of PSD-95 as a regulator of dopamine-mediated synaptic and behavioral plasticity. Neuron. 41: 625-38. PMID 14980210 DOI: 10.1016/S0896-6273(04)00048-0  0.483
2004 Vroon A, Heijnen CJ, Lombardi MS, Cobelens PM, Mayor F, Caron MG, Kavelaars A. Reduced GRK2 level in T cells potentiates chemotaxis and signaling in response to CCL4 Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 75: 901-909. PMID 14761932 DOI: 10.1189/Jlb.0403136  0.6
2004 Terman GW, Jin W, Cheong YP, Lowe J, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Chavkin C. G-protein receptor kinase 3 (GRK3) influences opioid analgesic tolerance but not opioid withdrawal. British Journal of Pharmacology. 141: 55-64. PMID 14662727 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Bjp.0705595  0.477
2004 Marion S, Weiner DM, Caron MG. RNA Editing Induces Variation in Desensitization and Trafficking of 5-Hydroxytryptamine 2c Receptor Isoforms Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279: 2945-2954. PMID 14602721 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M308742200  0.389
2004 McLaughlin JP, Myers LC, Zarek PE, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Czyzyk TA, Pintar JE, Chavkin C. Prolonged kappa opioid receptor phosphorylation mediated by G-protein receptor kinase underlies sustained analgesic tolerance. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279: 1810-8. PMID 14597630 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M305796200  0.516
2004 Walker JK, Gainetdinov RR, Feldman DS, McFawn PK, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Premont RT, Fisher JT. G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5 regulates airway responses induced by muscarinic receptor activation. American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. 286: L312-9. PMID 14565944 DOI: 10.1152/Ajplung.00255.2003  0.784
2004 Ferguson SS, Caron MG. Green fluorescent protein-tagged beta-arrestin translocation as a measure of G protein-coupled receptor activation. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 237: 121-6. PMID 14501044  0.626
2003 Barak LS, Wilbanks AM, Caron MG. Constitutive desensitization: a new paradigm for g protein-coupled receptor regulation. Assay and Drug Development Technologies. 1: 339-46. PMID 15090199 DOI: 10.1089/15406580360545152  0.843
2003 Bohn LM, Gainetdinov RR, Sotnikova TD, Medvedev IO, Lefkowitz RJ, Dykstra LA, Caron MG. Enhanced rewarding properties of morphine, but not cocaine, in beta(arrestin)-2 knock-out mice. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 23: 10265-73. PMID 14614085  0.722
2003 Johnson EC, Bohn LM, Barak LS, Birse RT, Nässel DR, Caron MG, Taghert PH. Identification of Drosophila neuropeptide receptors by G protein-coupled receptors-beta-arrestin2 interactions. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278: 52172-8. PMID 14555656 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M306756200  0.723
2003 Chen W, ten Berge D, Brown J, Ahn S, Hu LA, Miller WE, Caron MG, Barak LS, Nusse R, Lefkowitz RJ. Dishevelled 2 recruits beta-arrestin 2 to mediate Wnt5A-stimulated endocytosis of Frizzled 4. Science (New York, N.Y.). 301: 1391-4. PMID 12958364 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1082808  0.84
2003 Cyr M, Beaulieu JM, Laakso A, Sotnikova TD, Yao WD, Bohn LM, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Sustained elevation of extracellular dopamine causes motor dysfunction and selective degeneration of striatal GABAergic neurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100: 11035-40. PMID 12958210 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1831768100  0.679
2003 Gainetdinov RR, Bohn LM, Sotnikova TD, Cyr M, Laakso A, Macrae AD, Torres GE, Kim KM, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG, Premont RT. Dopaminergic supersensitivity in G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6-deficient mice. Neuron. 38: 291-303. PMID 12718862 DOI: 10.1016/S0896-6273(03)00192-2  0.831
2003 Tohgo A, Choy EW, Gesty-Palmer D, Pierce KL, Laporte S, Oakley RH, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Luttrell LM. The stability of the G protein-coupled receptor-beta-arrestin interaction determines the mechanism and functional consequence of ERK activation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278: 6258-67. PMID 12473660 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M212231200  0.849
2003 Loebbe S, Gilsbach R, Bruss M, Caron M, Bonisch H. 11th Meeting on Adrenergic Mechanisms: Porto, Portugal 25-27 September 2003. Noradrenaline transporter knockout-mediated regulation of serotonin receptors in mice brain. Please note that the authors were incorrectly listed in Abstract P24 (Sandra et al., 2003). The corrected text appears below in full. P24 Autonomic and Autacoid Pharmacology. 23: 335-336. DOI: 10.1111/J.1474-8673.2004.00307.X  0.348
2002 Bohn LM, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Differential mechanisms of morphine antinociceptive tolerance revealed in (beta)arrestin-2 knock-out mice. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 22: 10494-500. PMID 12451149 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.22-23-10494.2002  0.692
2002 Barbosa J, Ferreira LT, Martins-Silva C, Santos MS, Torres GE, Caron MG, Gomez MV, Ferguson SS, Prado MA, Prado VF. Trafficking of the vesicular acetylcholine transporter in SN56 cells: a dynamin-sensitive step and interaction with the AP-2 adaptor complex. Journal of Neurochemistry. 82: 1221-8. PMID 12358769 DOI: 10.1046/J.1471-4159.2002.01068.X  0.472
2002 Wilbanks AM, Laporte SA, Bohn LM, Barak LS, Caron MG. Apparent loss-of-function mutant GPCRs revealed as constitutively desensitized receptors. Biochemistry. 41: 11981-9. PMID 12356298 DOI: 10.1021/Bi020275M  0.85
2002 Carneiro AM, Ingram SL, Beaulieu JM, Sweeney A, Amara SG, Thomas SM, Caron MG, Torres GE. The multiple LIM domain-containing adaptor protein Hic-5 synaptically colocalizes and interacts with the dopamine transporter. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 22: 7045-54. PMID 12177201 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.22-16-07045.2002  0.53
2002 Naga Prasad SV, Laporte SA, Chamberlain D, Caron MG, Barak L, Rockman HA. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase regulates beta2-adrenergic receptor endocytosis by AP-2 recruitment to the receptor/beta-arrestin complex. The Journal of Cell Biology. 158: 563-75. PMID 12163475 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.200202113  0.742
2002 Savelieva KV, Caudle WM, Findlay GS, Caron MG, Miller GW. Decreased ethanol preference and consumption in dopamine transporter female knock-out mice. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 26: 758-64. PMID 12068242 DOI: 10.1097/00000374-200206000-00003  0.659
2002 Claing A, Laporte SA, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Endocytosis of G protein-coupled receptors: roles of G protein-coupled receptor kinases and beta-arrestin proteins. Progress in Neurobiology. 66: 61-79. PMID 11900882 DOI: 10.1016/S0301-0082(01)00023-5  0.837
2002 Kim YM, Barak LS, Caron MG, Benovic JL. Regulation of arrestin-3 phosphorylation by casein kinase II. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 277: 16837-46. PMID 11877451 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M201379200  0.593
2002 Laporte SA, Miller WE, Kim KM, Caron MG. beta-Arrestin/AP-2 interaction in G protein-coupled receptor internalization: identification of a beta-arrestin binging site in beta 2-adaptin. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 277: 9247-54. PMID 11777907 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M108490200  0.773
2002 Seachrist JL, Laporte SA, Dale LB, Babwah AV, Caron MG, Anborgh PH, Ferguson SS. Rab5 association with the angiotensin II type 1A receptor promotes Rab5 GTP binding and vesicular fusion. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 277: 679-85. PMID 11682489 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M109022200  0.692
2001 Miller GW, Wang YM, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Dopamine transporter and vesicular monoamine transporter knockout mice : implications for Parkinson's disease. Methods in Molecular Medicine. 62: 179-90. PMID 21318776 DOI: 10.1385/1-59259-142-6:179  0.478
2001 Gu HH, Wu X, Giros B, Caron MG, Caplan MJ, Rudnick G. The NH(2)-terminus of norepinephrine transporter contains a basolateral localization signal for epithelial cells. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 12: 3797-807. PMID 11739781 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.12.12.3797  0.48
2001 Mundorf ML, Joseph JD, Austin CM, Caron MG, Wightman RM. Catecholamine release and uptake in the mouse prefrontal cortex. Journal of Neurochemistry. 79: 130-42. PMID 11595765 DOI: 10.1046/J.1471-4159.2001.00554.X  0.428
2001 Gainetdinov RR, Mohn AR, Bohn LM, Caron MG. Glutamatergic modulation of hyperactivity in mice lacking the dopamine transporter. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98: 11047-54. PMID 11572967 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.191353298  0.616
2001 Premont RT, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Following the trace of elusive amines Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98: 9474-9475. PMID 11504935 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.181356198  0.684
2001 Kim KM, Valenzano KJ, Robinson SR, Yao WD, Barak LS, Caron MG. Differential regulation of the dopamine D2 and D3 receptors by G protein-coupled receptor kinases and beta-arrestins. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 276: 37409-14. PMID 11473130 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M106728200  0.319
2001 Pifl C, Zezula J, Spittler A, Kattinger A, Reither H, Caron MG, Hornykiewicz O. Antiproliferative action of dopamine and norepinephrine in neuroblastoma cells expressing the human dopamine transporter. Faseb Journal : Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies For Experimental Biology. 15: 1607-9. PMID 11427501 DOI: 10.1096/Fj.00-0738Fje  0.679
2001 Torres GE, Yao WD, Mohn AR, Quan H, Kim KM, Levey AI, Staudinger J, Caron MG. Functional interaction between monoamine plasma membrane transporters and the synaptic PDZ domain-containing protein PICK1. Neuron. 30: 121-34. PMID 11343649 DOI: 10.1016/S0896-6273(01)00267-7  0.589
2001 Oakley RH, Laporte SA, Holt JA, Barak LS, Caron MG. Molecular determinants underlying the formation of stable intracellular G protein-coupled receptor-beta-arrestin complexes after receptor endocytosis*. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 276: 19452-60. PMID 11279203 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M101450200  0.475
2001 Naga Prasad SV, Barak LS, Rapacciuolo A, Caron MG, Rockman HA. Agonist-dependent recruitment of phosphoinositide 3-kinase to the membrane by β-adrenergic receptor kinase 1: A role in receptor sequestration Journal of Biological Chemistry. 276: 18953-18959. PMID 11259422 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M102376200  0.398
2001 Hobson JP, Rosenfeldt HM, Barak LS, Olivera A, Poulton S, Caron MG, Milstien S, Spiegel S. Role of the sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor EDG-1 in PDGF-induced cell motility. Science (New York, N.Y.). 291: 1800-3. PMID 11230698 DOI: 10.1126/science.1057559  0.374
2001 Zhuang X, Oosting RS, Jones SR, Gainetdinov RR, Miller GW, Caron MG, Hen R. Hyperactivity and impaired response habituation in hyperdopaminergic mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98: 1982-7. PMID 11172062 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.98.4.1982  0.585
2001 Shetzline MA, Curtin BM, Caron MG. Secretin receptor tyrosine phosphorylation site mutation decreases receptor internalization Gastroenterology. 120: A510. DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(08)82532-2  0.336
2000 Bohn LM, Gainetdinov RR, Lin FT, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Mu-opioid receptor desensitization by beta-arrestin-2 determines morphine tolerance but not dependence. Nature. 408: 720-3. PMID 11130073 DOI: 10.1038/35047086  0.715
2000 Bohn LM, Xu F, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Potentiated opioid analgesia in norepinephrine transporter knock-out mice. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 20: 9040-5. PMID 11124980 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.20-24-09040.2000  0.596
2000 Ciliax BJ, Nash N, Heilman C, Sunahara R, Hartney A, Tiberi M, Rye DB, Caron MG, Niznik HB, Levey AI. Dopamine D(5) receptor immunolocalization in rat and monkey brain. Synapse (New York, N.Y.). 37: 125-45. PMID 10881034 DOI: 10.1002/1098-2396(200008)37:2<125::Aid-Syn7>3.0.Co;2-7  0.492
2000 Spielewoy C, Gonon F, Roubert C, Fauchey V, Jaber M, Caron MG, Roques BP, Hamon M, Betancur C, Maldonado R, Giros B. Increased rewarding properties of morphine in dopamine-transporter knockout mice. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 12: 1827-37. PMID 10792459 DOI: 10.1046/J.1460-9568.2000.00063.X  0.784
2000 Laporte SA, Oakley RH, Holt JA, Barak LS, Caron MG. The interaction of beta-arrestin with the AP-2 adaptor is required for the clustering of beta 2-adrenergic receptor into clathrin-coated pits. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 275: 23120-6. PMID 10770944 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M002581200  0.38
2000 Xu F, Gainetdinov RR, Wetsel WC, Jones SR, Bohn LM, Miller GW, Wang YM, Caron MG. Mice lacking the norepinephrine transporter are supersensitive to psychostimulants. Nature Neuroscience. 3: 465-71. PMID 10769386 DOI: 10.1038/74839  0.727
2000 Oakley RH, Laporte SA, Holt JA, Caron MG, Barak LS. Differential affinities of visual arrestin, beta arrestin1, and beta arrestin2 for G protein-coupled receptors delineate two major classes of receptors. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 275: 17201-10. PMID 10748214 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M910348199  0.434
2000 Carman CV, Barak LS, Chen C, Liu-Chen LY, Onorato JJ, Kennedy SP, Caron MG, Benovic JL. Mutational analysis of Gbetagamma and phospholipid interaction with G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 275: 10443-52. PMID 10744734 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.275.14.10443  0.618
2000 Dumartin B, Jaber M, Gonon F, Caron MG, Giros B, Bloch B. Dopamine tone regulates D1 receptor trafficking and delivery in striatal neurons in dopamine transporter-deficient mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 97: 1879-84. PMID 10677550 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.97.4.1879  0.587
2000 Travis ER, Wang YM, Michael DJ, Caron MG, Wightman RM. Differential quantal release of histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine from mast cells of vesicular monoamine transporter 2 knockout mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 97: 162-7. PMID 10618388 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.97.1.162  0.39
2000 Bliziotes M, McLoughlin S, Gunness M, Fumagalli F, Jones SR, Caron MG. Bone histomorphometric and biomechanical abnormalities in mice homozygous for deletion of the dopamine transporter gene. Bone. 26: 15-9. PMID 10617152 DOI: 10.1016/S8756-3282(99)00232-X  0.383
2000 Shetzline MA, Walker JK, Curtin BM, Premont RT, Caron MG. The role of protein kinase a (PKA) dependent phosphorylation of the secretin receptor in receptor internalization Gastroenterology. 118: A309. DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(00)83325-9  0.376
2000 Shetzline MA, Walker JK, Curtin BM, Premont RT, Caron MG. G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) specificity of endogenous type 1 vasoactive intestinal polvpeptide (VIP) receptor expressed on the surface of HEK 293 cells Gastroenterology. 118: A309. DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(00)83324-7  0.743
1999 Walker JKL, Peppel K, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG, Fisher JT. Altered airway and cardiac responses in mice lacking G protein-coupled receptor kinase 3. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 276: R1214-R1221. PMID 29592499 DOI: 10.1152/ajpregu.1999.276.4.R1214  0.742
1999 Barak LS, Zhang J, Ferguson SS, Laporte SA, Caron MG. Signaling, desensitization, and trafficking of G protein-coupled receptors revealed by green fluorescent protein conjugates. Methods in Enzymology. 302: 153-71. PMID 12876769 DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(99)02016-9  0.55
1999 Gainetdinov RR, Bohn LM, Walker JK, Laporte SA, Macrae AD, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Premont RT. Muscarinic supersensitivity and impaired receptor desensitization in G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5-deficient mice. Neuron. 24: 1029-36. PMID 10624964 DOI: 10.1016/S0896-6273(00)81048-X  0.84
1999 Bohn LM, Lefkowitz RJ, Gainetdinov RR, Peppel K, Caron MG, Lin FT. Enhanced morphine analgesia in mice lacking beta-arrestin 2. Science (New York, N.Y.). 286: 2495-8. PMID 10617462 DOI: 10.1126/Science.286.5449.2495  0.834
1999 Jones SR, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Application of microdialysis and voltammetry to assess dopamine functions in genetically altered mice: correlation with locomotor activity. Psychopharmacology. 147: 30-2. PMID 10591864 DOI: 10.1007/s002130051137  0.396
1999 Jones SR, Joseph JD, Barak LS, Caron MG, Wightman RM. Dopamine neuronal transport kinetics and effects of amphetamine. Journal of Neurochemistry. 73: 2406-14. PMID 10582600 DOI: 10.1046/J.1471-4159.1999.0732406.X  0.543
1999 Jaber M, Dumartin B, Sagné C, Haycock JW, Roubert C, Giros B, Bloch B, Caron MG. Differential regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase in the basal ganglia of mice lacking the dopamine transporter. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 11: 3499-511. PMID 10564358 DOI: 10.1046/J.1460-9568.1999.00764.X  0.759
1999 Oakley RH, Laporte SA, Holt JA, Barak LS, Caron MG. Association of beta-arrestin with G protein-coupled receptors during clathrin-mediated endocytosis dictates the profile of receptor resensitization. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 274: 32248-57. PMID 10542263 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.274.45.32248  0.447
1999 Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG. Delineating muscarinic receptor functions Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 96: 12222-12223. PMID 10535900 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.96.22.12222  0.357
1999 Walker JK, Premont RT, Barak LS, Caron MG, Shetzline MA. Properties of secretin receptor internalization differ from those of the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 274: 31515-23. PMID 10531354 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.274.44.31515  0.781
1999 Miller GW, Gainetdinov RR, Levey AI, Caron MG. Dopamine transporters and neuronal injury. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 20: 424-9. PMID 10498956 DOI: 10.1016/S0165-6147(99)01379-6  0.562
1999 Mohn AR, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG, Koller BH. Mice with reduced NMDA receptor expression display behaviors related to schizophrenia Cell. 98: 427-436. PMID 10481908 DOI: 10.1016/S0092-8674(00)81972-8  0.553
1999 Gainetdinov RR, Jones SR, Caron MG. Functional hyperdopaminergia in dopamine transporter knock-out mice. Biological Psychiatry. 46: 303-11. PMID 10435196 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3223(99)00122-5  0.428
1999 Jones SR, Gainetdinov RR, Hu XT, Cooper DC, Wightman RM, White FJ, Caron MG. Loss of autoreceptor functions in mice lacking the dopamine transporter. Nature Neuroscience. 2: 649-55. PMID 10404198 DOI: 10.1038/10204  0.565
1999 Zhang J, Barak LS, Anborgh PH, Laporte SA, Caron MG, Ferguson SS. Cellular trafficking of G protein-coupled receptor/beta-arrestin endocytic complexes. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 274: 10999-1006. PMID 10196181 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.274.16.10999  0.661
1999 Laporte SA, Oakley RH, Zhang J, Holt JA, Ferguson SS, Caron MG, Barak LS. The beta2-adrenergic receptor/betaarrestin complex recruits the clathrin adaptor AP-2 during endocytosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 96: 3712-7. PMID 10097102 DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.96.7.3712  0.642
1999 Fumagalli F, Gainetdinov RR, Wang YM, Valenzano KJ, Miller GW, Caron MG. Increased methamphetamine neurotoxicity in heterozygous vesicular monoamine transporter 2 knock-out mice. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 19: 2424-31. PMID 10087057 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.19-07-02424.1999  0.449
1999 Zhang J, Ferguson SS, Law PY, Barak LS, Caron MG. Agonist-specific regulation of delta-opioid receptor trafficking by G protein-coupled receptor kinase and beta-arrestin. Journal of Receptor and Signal Transduction Research. 19: 301-13. PMID 10071766 DOI: 10.3109/10799899909036653  0.589
1999 Barak LS, Warabi K, Feng X, Caron MG, Kwatra MM. Real-time visualization of the cellular redistribution of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 and beta-arrestin 2 during homologous desensitization of the substance P receptor. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 274: 7565-9. PMID 10066824 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.274.11.7565  0.425
1999 Mhaouty-Kodja S, Barak LS, Scheer A, Abuin L, Diviani D, Caron MG, Cotecchia S. Constitutively active alpha-1b adrenergic receptor mutants display different phosphorylation and internalization features. Molecular Pharmacology. 55: 339-47. PMID 9927627 DOI: 10.1124/MOL.55.2.339  0.639
1999 Luttrell LM, Ferguson SS, Daaka Y, Miller WE, Maudsley S, Della Rocca GJ, Lin F, Kawakatsu H, Owada K, Luttrell DK, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Beta-arrestin-dependent formation of beta2 adrenergic receptor-Src protein kinase complexes. Science (New York, N.Y.). 283: 655-61. PMID 9924018 DOI: 10.1126/Science.283.5402.655  0.858
1999 Gainetdinov RR, Wetsel WC, Jones SR, Levin ED, Jaber M, Caron MG. Role of serotonin in the paradoxical calming effect of psychostimulants on hyperactivity. Science (New York, N.Y.). 283: 397-401. PMID 9888856 DOI: 10.1126/Science.283.5400.397  0.391
1998 Rocha BA, Fumagalli F, Gainetdinov RR, Jones SR, Ator R, Giros B, Miller GW, Caron MG. Cocaine self-administration in dopamine-transporter knockout mice. Nature Neuroscience. 1: 132-7. PMID 10195128 DOI: 10.1038/381  0.66
1998 Cases O, Lebrand C, Giros B, Vitalis T, De Maeyer E, Caron MG, Price DJ, Gaspar P, Seif I. Plasma membrane transporters of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine mediate serotonin accumulation in atypical locations in the developing brain of monoamine oxidase A knock-outs. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 18: 6914-27. PMID 9712661 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.18-17-06914.1998  0.456
1998 Rockman HA, Choi DJ, Akhter SA, Jaber M, Giros B, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG, Koch WJ. Control of myocardial contractile function by the level of beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1 in gene-targeted mice. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 273: 18180-4. PMID 9660778 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.273.29.18180  0.79
1998 Gainetdinov RR, Jones SR, Fumagalli F, Wightman RM, Caron MG. Re-evaluation of the role of the dopamine transporter in dopamine system homeostasis. Brain Research. Brain Research Reviews. 26: 148-53. PMID 9651511 DOI: 10.1016/S0165-0173(97)00063-5  0.552
1998 Zhang J, Ferguson SS, Barak LS, Bodduluri SR, Laporte SA, Law PY, Caron MG. Role for G protein-coupled receptor kinase in agonist-specific regulation of mu-opioid receptor responsiveness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 95: 7157-62. PMID 9618555 DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.95.12.7157  0.56
1998 Ferguson SS, Caron MG. G protein-coupled receptor adaptation mechanisms. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. 9: 119-27. PMID 9599406 DOI: 10.1006/scdb.1997.0216  0.635
1998 Ferguson SS, Zhang J, Barak LS, Caron MG. Molecular mechanisms of G protein-coupled receptor desensitization and resensitization. Life Sciences. 62: 1561-5. PMID 9585136 DOI: 10.1016/S0024-3205(98)00107-6  0.611
1998 Pitcher JA, Hall RA, Daaka Y, Zhang J, Ferguson SS, Hester S, Miller S, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Barak LS. The G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 is a microtubule-associated protein kinase that phosphorylates tubulin. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 273: 12316-24. PMID 9575184 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.273.20.12316  0.832
1998 Gainetdinov RR, Fumagalli F, Wang YM, Jones SR, Levey AI, Miller GW, Caron MG. Increased MPTP neurotoxicity in vesicular monoamine transporter 2 heterozygote knockout mice. Journal of Neurochemistry. 70: 1973-8. PMID 9572281 DOI: 10.1046/J.1471-4159.1998.70051973.X  0.636
1998 Feng X, Zhang J, Barak LS, Meyer T, Caron MG, Hannun YA. Visualization of dynamic trafficking of a protein kinase C betaII/green fluorescent protein conjugate reveals differences in G protein-coupled receptor activation and desensitization. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 273: 10755-62. PMID 9553141 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.273.17.10755  0.372
1998 Jones SR, Gainetdinov RR, Jaber M, Giros B, Wightman RM, Caron MG. Profound neuronal plasticity in response to inactivation of the dopamine transporter. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 95: 4029-34. PMID 9520487 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.95.7.4029  0.674
1998 Shetzline MA, Premont RT, Walker JK, Vigna SR, Caron MG. A role for receptor kinases in the regulation of class II G protein-coupled receptors. Phosphorylation and desensitization of the secretin receptor. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 273: 6756-62. PMID 9506976 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.273.12.6756  0.77
1998 Jones SR, Gainetdinov RR, Wightman RM, Caron MG. Mechanisms of amphetamine action revealed in mice lacking the dopamine transporter. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 18: 1979-86. PMID 9482784 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.18-06-01979.1998  0.552
1998 Missale C, Nash SR, Robinson SW, Jaber M, Caron MG. Dopamine receptors: from structure to function. Physiological Reviews. 78: 189-225. PMID 9457173 DOI: 10.1152/PHYSREV.1998.78.1.189  0.359
1998 Daaka Y, Luttrell LM, Ahn S, Della Rocca GJ, Ferguson SS, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Essential role for G protein-coupled receptor endocytosis in the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 273: 685-8. PMID 9422717 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.273.2.685  0.847
1998 Ferguson SS, Zhang J, Barak LS, Caron MG. Role of beta-arrestins in the intracellular trafficking of G-protein-coupled receptors. Advances in Pharmacology (San Diego, Calif.). 42: 420-4. PMID 9327929 DOI: 10.1016/S1054-3589(08)60778-4  0.625
1998 Fumagalli F, Jones S, Bossé R, Jaber M, Giros B, Missale C, Wightman RM, Caron MG. Inactivation of the dopamine transporter reveals essential roles of dopamine in the control of locomotion, psychostimulant response, and pituitary function. Advances in Pharmacology (San Diego, Calif.). 42: 179-82. PMID 9327873 DOI: 10.1016/S1054-3589(08)60722-X  0.662
1998 Rocha B, Fumagalli F, Gainetdinov R, Jones S, Ator R, Giros B, Miller G, Caron M. Erratum: Cocaine self-administration in dopamine-transporter knockout mice Nature Neuroscience. 1: 330-330. DOI: 10.1038/1152  0.676
1998 Shetzline M, Walker J, Premont R, Vigna S, Caron M. Secretin receptor internalization involves a mechanism distinct from clathrin-coated dependent endocytosis Gastroenterology. 114: A1180. DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(98)84796-3  0.701
1998 Shetzline M, Vigna S, Caron M, Premont R. Demonstration of secretin receptor phosphorylation using a sensitive and specific receptor antisera Gastroenterology. 114: A1180. DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(98)84795-1  0.751
1997 Wang YM, Gainetdinov RR, Fumagalli F, Xu F, Jones SR, Bock CB, Miller GW, Wightman RM, Caron MG. Knockout of the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 gene results in neonatal death and supersensitivity to cocaine and amphetamine. Neuron. 19: 1285-96. PMID 9427251 DOI: 10.1016/S0896-6273(00)80419-5  0.647
1997 Jaber M, Jones S, Giros B, Caron MG. The dopamine transporter: a crucial component regulating dopamine transmission. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 12: 629-33. PMID 9380041 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.870120502  0.608
1997 Barak LS, Ferguson SS, Zhang J, Caron MG. A beta-arrestin/green fluorescent protein biosensor for detecting G protein-coupled receptor activation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 272: 27497-500. PMID 9346876 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.272.44.27497  0.643
1997 Zhang J, Barak LS, Winkler KE, Caron MG, Ferguson SS. A central role for beta-arrestins and clathrin-coated vesicle-mediated endocytosis in beta2-adrenergic receptor resensitization. Differential regulation of receptor resensitization in two distinct cell types. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 272: 27005-14. PMID 9341139 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.272.43.27005  0.63
1997 Peppel K, Boekhoff I, McDonald P, Breer H, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. G protein-coupled receptor kinase 3 (GRK3) gene disruption leads to loss of odorant receptor desensitization. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 272: 25425-8. PMID 9325250 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.272.41.25425  0.772
1997 Gainetdinov RR, Fumagalli F, Jones SR, Caron MG. Dopamine transporter is required for in vivo MPTP neurotoxicity: evidence from mice lacking the transporter. Journal of Neurochemistry. 69: 1322-5. PMID 9282960 DOI: 10.1046/J.1471-4159.1997.69031322.X  0.412
1997 Robinson SW, Caron MG. Selective inhibition of adenylyl cyclase type V by the dopamine D3 receptor. Molecular Pharmacology. 52: 508-14. PMID 9281614 DOI: 10.1124/MOL.52.3.508  0.354
1997 Bossé R, Fumagalli F, Jaber M, Giros B, Gainetdinov RR, Wetsel WC, Missale C, Caron MG. Anterior pituitary hypoplasia and dwarfism in mice lacking the dopamine transporter. Neuron. 19: 127-38. PMID 9247269 DOI: 10.1016/S0896-6273(00)80353-0  0.514
1997 Barak LS, Ferguson SS, Zhang J, Martenson C, Meyer T, Caron MG. Internal trafficking and surface mobility of a functionally intact beta2-adrenergic receptor-green fluorescent protein conjugate. Molecular Pharmacology. 51: 177-84. PMID 9203621 DOI: 10.1124/mol.51.2.177  0.599
1997 Bieniasz PD, Fridell RA, Aramori I, Ferguson SS, Caron MG, Cullen BR. HIV-1-induced cell fusion is mediated by multiple regions within both the viral envelope and the CCR-5 co-receptor. The Embo Journal. 16: 2599-609. PMID 9184207 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/16.10.2599  0.479
1997 Barak LS, Caron MG. Modeling of sequestration and down regulation in cells containing beta2-adrenergic receptors. Journal of Receptor and Signal Transduction Research. 15: 677-90. PMID 8903972 DOI: 10.3109/10799899509045248  0.464
1997 Ferguson S, Zhang J, Barak L, Caron M. Pleiotropic Role for GRKs and b-Arrestins in Receptor Regulation Physiology. 12: 145-152. DOI: 10.1152/Physiologyonline.1997.12.4.145  0.487
1997 Ménard L, Ferguson SSG, Zhang J, Lin F, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG, Barak LS. Synergistic Regulation of β2-Adrenergic Receptor Sequestration: Intracellular Complement of β-Adrenergic Receptor Kinase and β-Arrestin Determine Kinetics of Internalization Molecular Pharmacology. 51: 800-808. DOI: 10.1124/MOL.51.5.800  0.482
1996 Jaber M, Robinson SW, Missale C, Caron MG. Dopamine receptors and brain function. Neuropharmacology. 35: 1503-19. PMID 9025098 DOI: 10.1016/S0028-3908(96)00100-1  0.38
1996 Ferguson SS, Barak LS, Zhang J, Caron MG. G-protein-coupled receptor regulation: role of G-protein-coupled receptor kinases and arrestins. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 74: 1095-110. PMID 9022829 DOI: 10.1139/CJPP-74-10-1095  0.627
1996 Ferguson SS, Zhang J, Barak LS, Caron MG. G-protein-coupled receptor kinases and arrestins: regulators of G-protein-coupled receptor sequestration. Biochemical Society Transactions. 24: 953-9. PMID 8968491 DOI: 10.1042/bst0240953  0.592
1996 Jaber M, Koch WJ, Rockman H, Smith B, Bond RA, Sulik KK, Ross J, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG, Giros B. Essential role of beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1 in cardiac development and function. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 93: 12974-9. PMID 8917529 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.93.23.12974  0.739
1996 Charpentier S, Jarvie KR, Severynse DM, Caron MG, Tiberi M. Silencing of the constitutive activity of the dopamine D1B receptor. Reciprocal mutations between D1 receptor subtypes delineate residues underlying activation properties. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 271: 28071-6. PMID 8910419 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.271.45.28071  0.426
1996 Fumagalli F, Jones SR, Caron MG, Seidler FJ, Slotkin TA. Expression of mRNA coding for the serotonin transporter in aged vs. young rat brain: differential effects of glucocorticoids. Brain Research. 719: 225-8. PMID 8782886 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(96)00119-9  0.343
1996 Zhang J, Ferguson SS, Barak LS, Ménard L, Caron MG. Dynamin and beta-arrestin reveal distinct mechanisms for G protein-coupled receptor internalization. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 271: 18302-5. PMID 8702465 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.271.31.18302  0.648
1996 Ménard L, Ferguson SS, Barak LS, Bertrand L, Premont RT, Colapietro AM, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Members of the G protein-coupled receptor kinase family that phosphorylate the beta2-adrenergic receptor facilitate sequestration. Biochemistry. 35: 4155-60. PMID 8672451 DOI: 10.1021/Bi952961+  0.819
1996 Robinson SW, Caron MG. Chimeric D2/D3 dopamine receptors efficiently inhibit adenylyl cyclase in HEK 293 cells. Journal of Neurochemistry. 67: 212-9. PMID 8666994 DOI: 10.1046/j.1471-4159.1996.67010212.x  0.332
1996 Tiberi M, Nash SR, Bertrand L, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Differential regulation of dopamine D1A receptor responsiveness by various G protein-coupled receptor kinases. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 271: 3771-8. PMID 8631993 DOI: 10.1074/JBC.271.7.3771  0.588
1996 Giros B, Jaber M, Jones SR, Wightman RM, Caron MG. Hyperlocomotion and indifference to cocaine and amphetamine in mice lacking the dopamine transporter. Nature. 379: 606-12. PMID 8628395 DOI: 10.1038/379606A0  0.68
1996 Ferguson SS, Downey WE, Colapietro AM, Barak LS, Ménard L, Caron MG. Role of beta-arrestin in mediating agonist-promoted G protein-coupled receptor internalization. Science (New York, N.Y.). 271: 363-6. PMID 8553074 DOI: 10.1126/science.271.5247.363  0.645
1996 Ferguson S, Barak LS, Zhang J, Caron MG. G-protein-coupled receptor regulation: role of G-protein-coupled receptor kinases and arrestins Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 74: 1095-1110. DOI: 10.1139/y96-124  0.593
1995 Kwatra MM, Schreurs J, Schwinn DA, Innis MA, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Immunoaffinity purification of epitope-tagged human beta 2-adrenergic receptor to homogeneity. Protein Expression and Purification. 6: 717-21. PMID 8746622 DOI: 10.1006/Prep.1995.0001  0.724
1995 Severynse DM, Colapietro AM, Box TL, Caron MG. The human D1A dopamine receptor gene promoter directs expression of a reporter gene to the central nervous system in transgenic mice. Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research. 30: 336-46. PMID 7637583 DOI: 10.1016/0169-328X(95)00023-L  0.31
1995 Freedman NJ, Liggett SB, Drachman DE, Pei G, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Phosphorylation and desensitization of the human beta 1-adrenergic receptor. Involvement of G protein-coupled receptor kinases and cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 270: 17953-61. PMID 7629102 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.270.30.17953  0.815
1995 Kingsmore SF, Peppel K, Suh D, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Seldin MF. Genetic mapping of the beta-arrestin 1 and 2 genes on mouse chromosomes 7 and 11 respectively. Mammalian Genome : Official Journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society. 6: 306-7. PMID 7613043 DOI: 10.1007/BF00352426  0.693
1995 Barak LS, Ménard L, Ferguson SS, Colapietro AM, Caron MG. The conserved seven-transmembrane sequence NP(X)2,3Y of the G-protein-coupled receptor superfamily regulates multiple properties of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor. Biochemistry. 34: 15407-14. PMID 7492540 DOI: 10.1021/BI00047A003  0.638
1995 Tiberi M, Caron MG. Constitutive Activity of Dopamine D1-Receptor Subtypes Clinical Neuropharmacology. 18: S43-S48. DOI: 10.1097/00002826-199501001-00006  0.313
1994 el Mestikawy S, Giros B, Pohl M, Hamon M, Kingsmore SF, Seldin MF, Caron MG. Characterization of an atypical member of the Na+/Cl(-)-dependent transporter family: chromosomal localization and distribution in GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons in the rat brain. Journal of Neurochemistry. 62: 445-55. PMID 8294906 DOI: 10.1046/J.1471-4159.1994.62020445.X  0.712
1994 Pei G, Tiberi M, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. An approach to the study of G-protein-coupled receptor kinases: An in vitro-purified membrane assay reveals differential receptor specificity and regulation by Gβγ subunits Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 91: 3633-3636. PMID 8170959 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.91.9.3633  0.677
1994 Scheinin M, Lomasney JW, Hayden-Hixson DM, Schambra UB, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Fremeau RT. Distribution of alpha 2-adrenergic receptor subtype gene expression in rat brain. Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research. 21: 133-49. PMID 8164514 DOI: 10.1016/0169-328X(94)90386-7  0.729
1994 Yang-Feng TL, Han H, Lomasney JW, Caron MG. Localization of the cDNA for an alpha 1-adrenergic receptor subtype (ADRA1D) to chromosome band 20p13. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics. 66: 170-1. PMID 8125015 DOI: 10.1159/000133693  0.635
1994 Kingsmore SF, Giros B, Suh D, Bieniarz M, Caron MG, Seldin MF. Glycine receptor beta-subunit gene mutation in spastic mouse associated with LINE-1 element insertion. Nature Genetics. 7: 136-41. PMID 7920630 DOI: 10.1038/Ng0694-136  0.571
1994 Snaprud P, Gerwins P, Caron MG, Libert F, Persson H, Fredholm BB, Fuxe K. A2a/D2 receptor interactions are not observed in COS-7 cells transiently transfected with dopamine D2 and adenosine A2a receptor cDNA. Biochemical Pharmacology. 48: 2043-7. PMID 7802693 DOI: 10.1016/0006-2952(94)90503-7  0.372
1994 Kwatra MM, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Partially Purified and Reconstituted G-Protein Coupled Receptors as Substrates of Specific Receptor Kinases Methods. 6: 11-17. DOI: 10.1006/METH.1994.1003  0.591
1993 Giros B, Caron MG. Molecular characterization of the dopamine transporter. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 14: 43-9. PMID 8480373 DOI: 10.1016/0165-6147(93)90029-J  0.509
1993 Gingrich JA, Caron MG. Recent advances in the molecular biology of dopamine receptors. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 16: 299-321. PMID 8460895 DOI: 10.1146/  0.318
1993 Jarvie KR, Tiberi M, Silvia C, Gingrich JA, Caron MG. Molecular cloning, stable expression and desensitization of the human dopamine D1b/D5 receptor. Journal of Receptor Research. 13: 573-90. PMID 8450505 DOI: 10.3109/10799899309073680  0.347
1993 Pifl C, Giros B, Caron MG. Dopamine transporter expression confers cytotoxicity to low doses of the parkinsonism-inducing neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 13: 4246-53. PMID 8410185 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.13-10-04246.1993  0.69
1993 Byerley W, Coon H, Hoff M, Holik J, Waldo M, Freedman R, Caron MG, Giros B. Human dopamine transporter gene not linked to schizophrenia in multigenerational pedigrees. Human Heredity. 43: 319-22. PMID 8406521 DOI: 10.1159/000154151  0.469
1993 Duncan GE, Breese GR, Criswell HE, Johnson KB, Schambra UB, Mueller RA, Caron MG, Fremeau RT. D1 dopamine receptor binding and mRNA levels are not altered after neonatal 6-hydroxydopamine treatment: evidence against dopamine-mediated induction of D1 dopamine receptors during postnatal development. Journal of Neurochemistry. 61: 1255-62. PMID 8376983 DOI: 10.1111/J.1471-4159.1993.Tb13616.X  0.315
1993 Byerley W, Hoff M, Holik J, Caron MG, Giros B. VNTR polymorphism for the human dopamine transporter gene (DAT1). Human Molecular Genetics. 2: 335. PMID 8098980 DOI: 10.1093/Hmg/2.3.335  0.475
1993 Price DT, Schwinn DA, Lomasney JW, Allen LF, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Identification, quantification, and localization of mRNA for three distinct alpha 1 adrenergic receptor subtypes in human prostate. The Journal of Urology. 150: 546-51. PMID 7686987 DOI: 10.1016/S0022-5347(17)35544-1  0.732
1993 Lefkowitz RJ, Inglese J, Koch WJ, Pitcher J, Attramadal H, Caron MG. G-protein-coupled receptors: regulatory role of receptor kinases and arrestin proteins. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative Biology. 57: 127-33. PMID 1339651 DOI: 10.1101/Sqb.1992.057.01.016  0.842
1992 Dearry A, Falardeau P, Shores C, Caron MG. D2 dopamine receptors in the human retina: cloning of cDNA and localization of mRNA. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. 11: 437-53. PMID 1835903 DOI: 10.1007/BF00734808  0.339
1992 Roth NS, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Structure and function of the adrenergic receptor family. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 308: 223-38. PMID 1801586 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4684-6015-5_20  0.575
1992 Allen LF, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG, Cotecchia S. G-protein-coupled receptor genes as protooncogenes: constitutively activating mutation of the alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor enhances mitogenesis and tumorigenicity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 88: 11354-8. PMID 1662393 DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.88.24.11354  0.711
1992 Inglese J, Koch WJ, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Isoprenylation in regulation of signal transduction by G-protein-coupled receptor kinases. Nature. 359: 147-50. PMID 1522899 DOI: 10.1038/359147A0  0.654
1992 Luttrell DK, Hausdorff WP, Moyers JE, Gilmer TM, Parsons SJ, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Overexpression of pp60c-src is associated with altered regulation of adenylyl cyclase Cellular Signalling. 4: 531-541. PMID 1384635 DOI: 10.1016/0898-6568(92)90022-Z  0.475
1992 Hausdorff WP, Pitcher JA, Luttrell DK, Linder ME, Kurose H, Parsons SJ, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Tyrosine phosphorylation of G protein α subunits by pp60c-src Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 89: 5720-5724. PMID 1378615 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.89.13.5720  0.788
1992 Gingrich JA, Dearry A, Falardeau P, Bates MD, Fremeau RT, Caron MG. Location and molecular cloning of D1 dopamine receptor. Neurochemistry International. 20: 9S-15S. PMID 1365464 DOI: 10.1016/0197-0186(92)90204-5  0.385
1992 Pitcher J, Lohse MJ, Codina J, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Desensitization of the isolated beta 2-adrenergic receptor by beta-adrenergic receptor kinase, cAMP-dependent protein kinase, and protein kinase C occurs via distinct molecular mechanisms. Biochemistry. 31: 3193-7. PMID 1348186 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00127A021  0.787
1992 Pitcher JA, Inglese J, Higgins JB, Arriza JL, Casey PJ, Kim C, Benovic JL, Kwatra MM, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Role of beta gamma subunits of G proteins in targeting the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase to membrane-bound receptors. Science (New York, N.Y.). 257: 1264-7. PMID 1325672 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1325672  0.811
1992 Ostrowski J, Kjelsberg MA, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Mutagenesis of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor: how structure elucidates function. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology. 32: 167-83. PMID 1318669 DOI: 10.1146/ANNUREV.PA.32.040192.001123  0.576
1992 Collins S, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. From ligand binding to gene expression: new insights into the regulation of G-protein-coupled receptors. Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 17: 37-9. PMID 1316650 DOI: 10.1016/0968-0004(92)90425-9  0.729
1992 Giros B, El Mestikawy S, Godinot N, Yang-Feng T, Caron MG. Molecular cloning, pharmacological characterization and genetic studies of the human dopamine transporter European Neuropsychopharmacology. 2: 268-269. DOI: 10.1016/0924-977X(92)90103-F  0.663
1991 Bates MD, Caron MG, Raymond JR. Desensitization of DA1 dopamine receptors coupled to adenylyl cyclase in opossum kidney cells American Journal of Physiology - Renal Fluid and Electrolyte Physiology. 260. PMID 2058712 DOI: 10.1152/AJPRENAL.1991.260.6.F937  0.373
1991 Collins S, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Regulation of adrenergic receptor responsiveness through modulation of receptor gene expression. Annual Review of Physiology. 53: 497-508. PMID 2042970 DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Ph.53.030191.002433  0.74
1991 Benovic JL, Stone WC, Huebner K, Croce C, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. cDNA cloning and chromosomal localization of the human α-adrenergic receptor kinase Febs Letters. 283: 122-126. PMID 2037065 DOI: 10.1016/0014-5793(91)80568-N  0.612
1991 Hausdorff WP, Campbell PT, Ostrowski J, Yu SS, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. A small region of the beta-adrenergic receptor is selectively involved in its rapid regulation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 88: 2979-83. PMID 1849641 DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.88.8.2979  0.78
1991 Kurose H, Regan JW, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Functional interactions of recombinant alpha 2 adrenergic receptor subtypes and G proteins in reconstituted phospholipid vesicles. Biochemistry. 30: 3335-41. PMID 1849000 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00227A024  0.75
1991 Gingrich JA, Dearry A, Falardeau P, Fremeau RT, Bates MD, Caron MG. Molecular characterization of G-protein coupled receptors: isolation and cloning of a D1 dopamine receptor. Journal of Receptor Research. 11: 521-34. PMID 1832189 DOI: 10.3109/10799899109066425  0.375
1991 Tiberi M, Jarvie KR, Silvia C, Falardeau P, Gingrich JA, Godinot N, Bertrand L, Yang-Feng TL, Fremeau RT, Caron MG. Cloning, molecular characterization, and chromosomal assignment of a gene encoding a second D1 dopamine receptor subtype: differential expression pattern in rat brain compared with the D1A receptor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 88: 7491-5. PMID 1831904 DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.88.17.7491  0.398
1991 Fargin A, Yamamoto K, Cotecchia S, Goldsmith PK, Spiegel AM, Lapetina EG, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Dual coupling of the cloned 5-HT1A receptor to both adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C is mediated via the same Gi protein. Cellular Signalling. 3: 547-57. PMID 1786205 DOI: 10.1016/0898-6568(91)90031-O  0.728
1991 Giros B, el Mestikawy S, Bertrand L, Caron MG. Cloning and functional characterization of a cocaine-sensitive dopamine transporter. Febs Letters. 295: 149-54. PMID 1765147 DOI: 10.1016/0014-5793(91)81406-X  0.683
1991 Oakey RJ, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Seldin MF. Genomic organization of adrenergic and serotonin receptors in the mouse: linkage mapping of sequence-related genes provides a method for examining mammalian chromosome evolution. Genomics. 10: 338-44. PMID 1676978 DOI: 10.1016/0888-7543(91)90317-8  0.424
1991 Collins S, Lohse MJ, O'Dowd B, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Structure and regulation of G protein-coupled receptors: the beta 2-adrenergic receptor as a model. Vitamins and Hormones. 46: 1-39. PMID 1660639 DOI: 10.1016/S0083-6729(08)60681-0  0.812
1991 Lomasney JW, Cotecchia S, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Molecular biology of alpha-adrenergic receptors: implications for receptor classification and for structure-function relationships. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1095: 127-39. PMID 1657194 DOI: 10.1016/0167-4889(91)90075-9  0.805
1991 Lorenz W, Inglese J, Palczewski K, Onorato JJ, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. The receptor kinase family: primary structure of rhodopsin kinase reveals similarities to the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 88: 8715-9. PMID 1656454 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.88.19.8715  0.568
1991 Dohlman HG, Thorner J, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Model systems for the study of seven-transmembrane-segment receptors. Annual Review of Biochemistry. 60: 653-88. PMID 1652922 DOI: 10.1146/  0.659
1991 Yang SD, Benovic JL, Fong YL, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Cyclic phosphorylation-dephosphorylation of rhodopsin in retina by protein kinase FA (the activator of ATP.Mg-dependent protein phosphatase) Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 178: 1306-1311. PMID 1651717 DOI: 10.1016/0006-291X(91)91036-C  0.571
1991 Roth NS, Campbell PT, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Lohse MJ. Comparative rates of desensitization of beta-adrenergic receptors by the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase and the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 88: 6201-4. PMID 1648731 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.88.14.6201  0.581
1991 Onorato JJ, Palczewski K, Regan JW, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Benovic JL. Role of acidic amino acids in peptide substrates of the β-adrenergic receptor kinase and rhodopsin kinase Biochemistry®. 30: 5118-5125. PMID 1645191 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00235A002  0.701
1991 Schwinn D, Page S, Cotecchia S, Caron M, Lefkowitz R. THE α1-ADRENERGIC RECEPTOR SUBTYPE COUPLES TO PHOSPHOLIPASE C Anesthesiology. 75: A629-A629. DOI: 10.1097/00000542-199109001-00628  0.759
1990 Andersen PH, Gingrich JA, Bates MD, Dearry A, Falardeau P, Senogles SE, Caron MG. Dopamine receptor subtypes: beyond the D1/D2 classification. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 11: 231-6. PMID 2200181 DOI: 10.1016/0165-6147(90)90249-8  0.347
1990 Lefkowitz RJ, Hausdorff WP, Caron MG. Role of phosphorylation in desensitization of the beta-adrenoceptor. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 11: 190-4. PMID 2188401 DOI: 10.1016/0165-6147(90)90113-M  0.578
1990 Collins S, Bouvier M, Lohse MJ, Benovic JL, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Mechanisms involved in adrenergic receptor desensitization. Biochemical Society Transactions. 18: 541-4. PMID 2177406 DOI: 10.1042/Bst0180541  0.828
1990 Benovic JL, Onorato J, Lohse MJ, Dohlman HG, Staniszewski C, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Synthetic peptides of the hamster beta 2-adrenoceptor as substrates and inhibitors of the beta-adrenoceptor kinase. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 30: 3S-12S. PMID 2176526 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2125.1990.Tb05462.X  0.758
1990 King K, Dohlman HG, Thorner J, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Control of yeast mating signal transduction by a mammalian beta 2-adrenergic receptor and Gs alpha subunit. Science (New York, N.Y.). 250: 121-3. PMID 2171146 DOI: 10.1126/Science.2171146  0.842
1990 Lomasney JW, Lorenz W, Allen LF, Klng K, Regan JW, Yang-Fengh TL, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Expansion of the α2-adrenergic receptor family: Cloning and characterization of a human α2-adrenergic receptor subtype, the gene for which is located on chromosome 2 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 87: 5094-5098. PMID 2164221 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.87.13.5094  0.79
1990 Valiquette M, Bonin H, Hnatowich M, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Bouvier M. Involvement of tyrosine residues located in the carboxyl tail of the human beta 2-adrenergic receptor in agonist-induced down-regulation of the receptor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 87: 5089-93. PMID 2164220 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.87.13.5089  0.858
1990 Lohse MJ, Benovic JL, Codina J, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. beta-Arrestin: a protein that regulates beta-adrenergic receptor function. Science (New York, N.Y.). 248: 1547-50. PMID 2163110 DOI: 10.1126/Science.2163110  0.689
1990 Dohlman HG, Caron MG, DeBlasi A, Frielle T, Lefkowitz RJ. Role of extracellular disulfide-bonded cysteines in the ligand binding function of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor. Biochemistry. 29: 2335-42. PMID 2159799 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00461A018  0.819
1990 Cotecchia S, Exum S, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Regions of the alpha 1-adrenergic receptor involved in coupling to phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis and enhanced sensitivity of biological function. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 87: 2896-900. PMID 2158097 DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.87.8.2896  0.729
1990 Yang-Feng TL, Xue F, Zhong W, Cotecchia S, Frielle T, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Francke U. Chromosomal organization of adrenergic receptor genes Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 87: 1516-1520. PMID 2154750 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.87.4.1516  0.814
1990 Dearry A, Gingrich JA, Falardeau P, Fremeau RT, Bates MD, Caron MG. Molecular cloning and expression of the gene for a human D1 dopamine receptor. Nature. 347: 72-6. PMID 2144334 DOI: 10.1038/347072a0  0.375
1990 Bates MD, Gingrich JA, Bunzow JR, Falardeau P, Dearry A, Senogles SE, Civelli O, Caron MG. Molecular characterization of dopamine receptors. American Journal of Hypertension. 3: 29S-33S. PMID 2143386 DOI: 10.1093/Ajh/3.6.29S  0.361
1990 Raymond JR, Hnatowich M, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Adrenergic receptors. Models for regulation of signal transduction processes. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979). 15: 119-31. PMID 2105909 DOI: 10.1161/01.HYP.15.2.119  0.587
1990 Seuwen K, Magnaldo I, Kobilka BK, Caron MG, Regan JW, Lefkowitz RJ, Pouysségur J. Alpha 2-adrenergic agonists stimulate DNA synthesis in Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts transfected with a human alpha 2-adrenergic receptor gene. Cell Regulation. 1: 445-51. PMID 1981685 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.1.6.445  0.732
1990 Schwinn DA, Cotecchia S, Lomasney J, Caron M, Lefkowitz RJ. MOLECULAR CLONING AND EXPRESSION OF A NEW ALPHA-1-ADRENERGIC RECEPTOR SUBTYPE Anesthesia & Analgesia. 70: S359. DOI: 10.1213/00000539-199002001-00359  0.817
1990 Hausdorff WP, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Turning off the signal: desensitization of β‐adrenergic receptor function The Faseb Journal. 4: 2881-2889. DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.4.11.2165947  0.58
1990 COTECCHIA S, CARON M, LEFKOWITZ R. The molecular basis of adrenergic receptor function Cell Biology International Reports. 14: 34. DOI: 10.1016/0309-1651(90)90244-S  0.715
1989 Frielle T, Daniel KW, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Structural basis of beta-adrenergic receptor subtype specificity studied with chimeric beta 1/beta 2-adrenergic receptors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 85: 9494-8. PMID 2849109 DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.85.24.9494  0.825
1989 Kwatra MM, Benovic JL, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Hosey MM. Phosphorylation of chick heart muscarinic cholinergic receptors by the β-adrenergic receptor kinase Biochemistry. 28: 4543-4547. PMID 2765501 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00437A005  0.673
1989 O'Dowd BF, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Structure of the adrenergic and related receptors. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 12: 67-83. PMID 2648960 DOI: 10.1146/ANNUREV.NE.12.030189.000435  0.572
1989 Liggett SB, Bouvier M, O'Dowd BF, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, DeBlasi A. Substitution of an extracellular cysteine in the beta 2-adrenergic receptor enhances agonist-promoted phosphorylation and receptor desensitization. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 165: 257-63. PMID 2556136 DOI: 10.1016/0006-291X(89)91063-2  0.834
1989 Benovic JL, DeBlasi A, Stone WC, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Β-adrenergic receptor kinase: Primary structure delineates a multigene family Science. 246: 235-240. PMID 2552582 DOI: 10.1126/Science.2552582  0.678
1989 Lefkowitz RJ, Kobilka BK, Caron MG. The new biology of drug receptors. Biochemical Pharmacology. 38: 2941-8. PMID 2551299 DOI: 10.1016/0006-2952(89)90001-4  0.604
1989 Matsui H, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG, Regan JW. Localization of the fourth membrane spanning domain as a ligand binding site in the human platelet α2-adrenergic receptor Biochemistry. 28: 4125-4130. PMID 2546589 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00435A075  0.772
1989 Palacios JM, O'Dowd BF, Cotecchia S, Hnatowich M, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Adrenergic receptor homologies in vertebrate and invertebrate species examined by DNA hybridization. Life Sciences. 44: 2057-65. PMID 2545987 DOI: 10.1016/0024-3205(89)90352-4  0.826
1989 Lohse MJ, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG, Benovic JL. Inhibition of beta-adrenergic receptor kinase prevents rapid homologous desensitization of beta 2-adrenergic receptors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 86: 3011-5. PMID 2541428 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.86.9.3011  0.666
1989 Collins S, Bolanowski MA, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Genetic regulation of beta-adrenergic receptors. Annual Review of Physiology. 51: 203-15. PMID 2540696 DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Ph.51.030189.001223  0.85
1989 Collins S, Bouvier M, Bolanowski MA, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. cAMP stimulates transcription of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor gene in response to short-term agonist exposure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 86: 4853-7. PMID 2472635 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.86.13.4853  0.822
1989 Frielle T, Kobilka B, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Human beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic receptors: structurally and functionally related receptors derived from distinct genes. Trends in Neurosciences. 11: 321-4. PMID 2465637 DOI: 10.1016/0166-2236(88)90095-1  0.848
1989 Frielle T, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Properties of the beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic receptor subtypes revealed by molecular cloning. Clinical Chemistry. 35: 721-725. DOI: 10.1093/CLINCHEM/35.5.721  0.828
1989 Matsui H, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG, Regan JW. Localization of the fourth membrane spanning domain as a ligand binding site in the human platelet .alpha.2-adrenergic receptor [Erratum to document cited in CA110(21):187980z] Biochemistry. 28: 5702-5702. DOI: 10.1021/Bi00439A054  0.743
1988 Gingrich JA, Amlaiky N, Senogles SE, Chang WK, McQuade RD, Berger JG, Caron MG. Affinity chromatography of the D1 dopamine receptor from rat corpus striatum. Biochemistry. 27: 3907-12. PMID 3415962 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00411A003  0.377
1988 Agui T, Amlaiky N, Caron MG, Kebabian JW. Agonist-induced desensitization of the D-2 dopamine receptor in the intermediate lobe of the rat pituitary gland. Journal of Biochemistry. 103: 436-41. PMID 3391998 DOI: 10.1093/OXFORDJOURNALS.JBCHEM.A122288  0.318
1988 Fargin A, Raymond JR, Lohse MJ, Kobilka BK, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. The genomic clone G-21 which resembles a beta-adrenergic receptor sequence encodes the 5-HT1A receptor. Nature. 335: 358-60. PMID 3138543 DOI: 10.1038/335358A0  0.704
1988 McQuade RD, Chipkin R, Amlaiky N, Caron M, Iorio L, Barnett A. Characterization of the radioiodinated analogue of SCH 23390: in vitro and in vivo D-1 dopamine receptor binding studies. Life Sciences. 43: 1151-1160. PMID 3050344 DOI: 10.1016/0024-3205(88)90474-2  0.382
1988 Senogles SE, Amlaiky N, Berger JG, Caron MG. Biochemical properties of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 235: 33-41. PMID 2976252  0.376
1988 Lefkowitz RJ, Kobilka BK, Benovic JL, Bouvier M, Cotecchia S, Hausdorff WP, Dohlman HG, Regan JW, Caron MG. Molecular biology of adrenergic receptors. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative Biology. 53: 507-14. PMID 2855490 DOI: 10.1101/Sqb.1988.053.01.058  0.834
1988 Benovic JL, Bouvier M, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Regulation of adenylyl cyclase-coupled beta-adrenergic receptors. Annual Review of Cell Biology. 4: 405-28. PMID 2848553 DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Cb.04.110188.002201  0.765
1988 Cotecchia S, Schwinn DA, Randall RR, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG, Kobilka BK. Molecular cloning and expression of the cDNA for the hamster alpha 1-adrenergic receptor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 85: 7159-63. PMID 2845398 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.85.19.7159  0.812
1988 Strasser RH, Benovic JL, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. The beta-adrenergic receptor kinase: role in homologous desensitization in S49 lymphoma cells Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 231: 503-517. PMID 2843012 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4684-9042-8_43  0.745
1988 Regan JW, Kobilka TS, Yang-Feng TL, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Kobilka BK. Cloning and expression of a human kidney cDNA for an alpha 2-adrenergic receptor subtype. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 85: 6301-5. PMID 2842764 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.85.17.6301  0.741
1988 Caron MG, Kobilka BK, Frielle T, Bolanowski MA, Benovic JL, Lefkowitz RJ. Cloning of the cDNA and genes for the hamster and human beta 2-adrenergic receptors. Journal of Receptor Research. 8: 7-21. PMID 2838630 DOI: 10.3109/10799898809048975  0.847
1988 Collins S, Quarmby VE, French FS, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Regulation of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor and its mRNA in the rat ventral prostate by testosterone. Febs Letters. 233: 173-6. PMID 2838324 DOI: 10.1016/0014-5793(88)81378-4  0.678
1988 Dohlman HG, Caron MG, Strader CD, Amlaiky N, Lefkowitz RJ. Identification and sequence of a binding site peptide of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor. Biochemistry. 27: 1813-7. PMID 2837273 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00406A002  0.727
1988 Kobilka BK, Kobilka TS, Daniel K, Regan JW, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Chimeric alpha 2-,beta 2-adrenergic receptors: delineation of domains involved in effector coupling and ligand binding specificity. Science (New York, N.Y.). 240: 1310-6. PMID 2836950 DOI: 10.1126/Science.2836950  0.78
1988 Bouvier M, Hausdorff WP, De Blasi A, O'Dowd BF, Kobilka BK, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Removal of phosphorylation sites from the beta 2-adrenergic receptor delays onset of agonist-promoted desensitization. Nature. 333: 370-3. PMID 2836733 DOI: 10.1038/333370A0  0.759
1988 Sibley DR, Benovic JL, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Phosphorylation of cell surface receptors: a mechanism for regulating signal transduction pathways. Endocrine Reviews. 9: 38-56. PMID 2836188 DOI: 10.1210/Edrv-9-1-38  0.754
1988 Dohlman HG, Caron MG, Strader CD, Amlaiky N, Lefkowitz RJ. Identification and sequence of a binding site peptide of the .beta.2-adrenergic receptor [Erratum to document cited in CA108(15):126956h] Biochemistry. 27: 8508-8508. DOI: 10.1021/Bi00422A034  0.667
1987 Kobilka BK, Frielle T, Collins S, Yang-Feng T, Kobilka TS, Francke U, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. An intronless gene encoding a potential member of the family of receptors coupled to guanine nucleotide regulatory proteins. Nature. 329: 75-9. PMID 3041227 DOI: 10.1038/329075A0  0.853
1987 Dohlman HG, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. A family of receptors coupled to guanine nucleotide regulatory proteins. Biochemistry. 26: 2657-64. PMID 3038163 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00384A001  0.687
1987 Yoshimasa T, Sibley DR, Bouvier M, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Cross-talk between cellular signalling pathways suggested by phorbol-ester-induced adenylate cyclase phosphorylation. Nature. 327: 67-70. PMID 3033513 DOI: 10.1038/327067A0  0.783
1987 Cerione RA, Gierschik P, Staniszewski C, Benovic JL, Codina J, Somers R, Birnbaumer L, Spiegel AM, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Functional differences in the beta gamma complexes of transducin and the inhibitory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein. Biochemistry. 26: 1485-91. PMID 3032251 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00379A041  0.69
1987 Sibley DR, Benovic JL, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Regulation of transmembrane signaling by receptor phosphorylation. Cell. 48: 913-22. PMID 3030559 DOI: 10.1016/0092-8674(87)90700-8  0.776
1987 Kobilka BK, Dixon RA, Frielle T, Dohlman HG, Bolanowski MA, Sigal IS, Yang-Feng TL, Francke U, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. cDNA for the human beta 2-adrenergic receptor: a protein with multiple membrane-spanning domains and encoded by a gene whose chromosomal location is shared with that of the receptor for platelet-derived growth factor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 84: 46-50. PMID 3025863 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.84.1.46  0.834
1987 Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Regulation of adrenergic receptor function by phosphorylation. Current Topics in Cellular Regulation. 28: 209-31. PMID 3024910 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-152828-7.50007-X  0.593
1987 Benovic JL, Staniszewski C, Cerione RA, Codina J, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. The mammalian βadrenergic receptor: Structural and functional characterization of the carbohydrate moiety Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction. 7: 257-281. PMID 2887651 DOI: 10.3109/10799898709054989  0.747
1987 Sibley DR, Benovic JL, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Molecular mechanisms of beta-adrenergic receptor desensitization. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 221: 253-73. PMID 2829583 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4684-7618-7_19  0.78
1987 Benovic JL, Kühn H, Weyand I, Codina J, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Functional desensitization of the isolated beta-adrenergic receptor by the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase: potential role of an analog of the retinal protein arrestin (48-kDa protein) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 84: 8879-8882. PMID 2827157 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.84.24.8879  0.708
1987 Frielle T, Collins S, Daniel KW, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Kobilka BK. Cloning of the cDNA for the human beta 1-adrenergic receptor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 84: 7920-4. PMID 2825170 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.84.22.7920  0.828
1987 Kobilka BK, Matsui H, Kobilka TS, Yang-Feng TL, Francke U, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Regan JW. Cloning, sequencing, and expression of the gene coding for the human platelet alpha 2-adrenergic receptor. Science (New York, N.Y.). 238: 650-6. PMID 2823383 DOI: 10.1126/Science.2823383  0.828
1987 Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Molecular and regulatory properties of adrenergic receptors. Recent Progress in Hormone Research. 43: 469-97. PMID 2819998 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-571143-2.50018-6  0.569
1986 Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Ciba-Geigy award for outstanding research. Regulation of adrenergic receptor function by phosphorylation. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 18: 885-95. PMID 3023644 DOI: 10.1016/S0022-2828(86)80003-7  0.571
1986 Strasser RH, Benovic JL, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. β-Agonist- and prostaglandin E1-induced translocation of the β-adrenergic receptor kinase: Evidence that the kinase may act on multiple adenylate cyclase-coupled receptors Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 83: 6362-6366. PMID 3018728 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.83.17.6362  0.738
1986 Benovic JL, Mayor F, Somers RL, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Light-dependent phosphorylation of rhodopsin by β-adrenergic receptor kinase Nature. 321: 869-872. PMID 3014340 DOI: 10.1038/321869A0  0.752
1986 Dixon RA, Kobilka BK, Strader DJ, Benovic JL, Dohlman HG, Frielle T, Bolanowski MA, Bennett CD, Rands E, Diehl RE, Mumford RA, Slater EE, Sigal IS, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, et al. Cloning of the gene and cDNA for mammalian beta-adrenergic receptor and homology with rhodopsin. Nature. 321: 75-9. PMID 3010132 DOI: 10.1038/321075A0  0.846
1986 Dickinson KE, Leeb-Lundberg LM, Strasser RH, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Identification of the subunit structure of rat pineal adrenergic receptors by photoaffinity labeling. Journal of Neurochemistry. 46: 1153-60. PMID 3005506 DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.1986.tb00630.x  0.789
1986 Cotecchia S, Leeb-Lundberg LM, Hagen PO, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Phorbol ester effects on alpha 1-adrenoceptor binding and phosphatidylinositol metabolism in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. Life Sciences. 37: 2389-98. PMID 3001461 DOI: 10.1016/0024-3205(85)90106-7  0.777
1986 Senogles SE, Amlaiky N, Johnson AL, Caron MG. Affinity chromatography of the anterior pituitary D2-dopamine receptor Biochemistry. 25: 749-753. PMID 2938619  0.359
1986 Benovic JL, Strasser RH, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. β-Adrenergic receptor kinase: Identification of a novel protein kinase that phosphorylates the agonist-occupied form of the receptor Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 83: 2797-2801. PMID 2871555 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.83.9.2797  0.734
1986 Lefkowitz RJ, Benovic JL, Kobilka B, Caron MG. β-Adrenergic receptors and rhodopsin: shedding new light on an old subject Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 7: 444-448. DOI: 10.1016/0165-6147(86)90417-7  0.734
1985 Cerione RA, Codina J, Kilpatrick BF, Staniszewski C, Gierschik P, Somers RL, Spiegel AM, Birnbaumer L, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Transducin and the inhibitory nucleotide regulatory protein inhibit the stimulatory nucleotide regulatory protein mediated stimulation of adenylate cyclase in phospholipid vesicle systems. Biochemistry. 24: 4499-503. PMID 3933556 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00338A002  0.563
1985 Cerione RA, Staniszewski C, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Codina J, Birnbaumer L. A role for Ni in the hormonal stimulation of adenylate cyclase. Nature. 318: 293-5. PMID 2999605 DOI: 10.1038/318293a0  0.669
1985 Birnbaumer L, Codina J, Mattera R, Cerione RA, Hildebrandt JD, Sunyer T, Rojas FJ, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ, Iyengar R. Regulation of hormone receptors and adenylyl cyclases by guanine nucleotide binding N proteins. Recent Progress in Hormone Research. 41: 41-99. PMID 2996090 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-571141-8.50006-8  0.682
1985 Leeb-Lundberg LM, Cotecchia S, Lomasney JW, DeBernardis JF, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Phorbol esters promote alpha 1-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation and receptor uncoupling from inositol phospholipid metabolism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 82: 5651-5. PMID 2994039 DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.82.17.5651  0.836
1985 Lefkowitz RJ, Cerione RA, Codina J, Birnbaumer L, Caron MG. Reconstitution of the beta-adrenergic receptor. The Journal of Membrane Biology. 87: 1-12. PMID 2865370 DOI: 10.1007/BF01870694  0.688
1984 Kilpatrick BF, Caron MG. Dopamine receptor of the porcine anterior pituitary gland. Solubilization and characterization. Biochemical Pharmacology. 33: 1981-8. PMID 6547344 DOI: 10.1016/0006-2952(84)90559-8  0.354
1984 McDonald WM, Sibley DR, Kilpatrick BF, Caron MG. Dopaminergic inhibition of adenylate cyclase correlates with high affinity agonist binding to anterior pituitary D2 dopamine receptors. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 36: 201-9. PMID 6540722 DOI: 10.1016/0303-7207(84)90037-6  0.568
1984 DeMarinis RM, Krog AJ, Shah DH, Lafferty J, Holden KG, Hieble JP, Matthews WD, Regan JW, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Development of an affinity ligand for purification of α2-adrenoceptors from human platelet membranes Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 27: 918-921. PMID 6330361 DOI: 10.1002/Chin.198448242  0.615
1984 Heinsimer JA, Davies AO, Downs RW, Levine MA, Spiegel AM, Drezner MK, De Lean A, Wreggett KA, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Impaired formation of beta-adrenergic receptor-nucleotide regulatory protein complexes in pseudohypoparathyroidism. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 73: 1335-43. PMID 6325502 DOI: 10.1172/Jci111336  0.481
1984 Sibley DR, Peters JR, Nambi P, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Photoaffinity labeling of turkey erythrocyte beta-adrenergic receptors: degradation of the Mr = 49,000 protein explains apparent heterogeneity. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 119: 458-64. PMID 6324763 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-291X(84)80271-5  0.745
1984 Cerione RA, Codina J, Benovic JL, Lefkowitz RJ, Birnbaumer L, Caron MG. The mammalian β2-adrenergic receptor: Reconstitution of functional interactions between pure receptor and pure stimulatory nucleotide binding protein of the adenylate cyclase system Biochemistry. 23: 4519-4525. PMID 6149763 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00315A003  0.746
1984 Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG, Stiles GL. Mechanisms of membrane-receptor regulation. Biochemical, physiological, and clinical insights derived from studies of the adrenergic receptors. The New England Journal of Medicine. 310: 1570-9. PMID 6145093 DOI: 10.1056/Nejm198406143102406  0.731
1984 Stiles GL, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Beta-adrenergic receptors: biochemical mechanisms of physiological regulation. Physiological Reviews. 64: 661-743. PMID 6143332 DOI: 10.1152/Physrev.1984.64.2.661  0.748
1984 Nambi P, Sibley DR, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Photoaffinity labeling of beta-adrenergic receptors in mammalian tissues. Biochemical Pharmacology. 33: 3813-22. PMID 6095862 DOI: 10.1016/0006-2952(84)90045-5  0.74
1984 Caron MG, Leeb-Lundberg LM, Strader CD, Dickinson KE, Pickel VM, Joh T, Lefkowitz RJ. Molecular biology of adrenergic receptors in the rat and frog central nervous system. Hypertension. 6: II22-7. PMID 6094345 DOI: 10.1161/01.Hyp.6.5_Pt_2.Ii22  0.766
1984 Benovic JL, Shorr RGL, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. The mammalian β2-adrenergic receptor: Purification and characterization Biochemistry. 23: 4510-4518. PMID 6093858 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00315A002  0.647
1984 Strulovici B, Cerione RA, Kilpatrick BF, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Direct demonstration of impaired functionality of a purified desensitized beta-adrenergic receptor in a reconstituted system. Science (New York, N.Y.). 225: 837-40. PMID 6089331 DOI: 10.1126/Science.6089331  0.714
1984 DeMarinis R, Krog A, Shah D, Lafferty J, Holden K, Hieble J, Matthews W, Regan J, Lefkowitz R, Caron M. Additions and Corrections-Development of an Affinity Ligand for Purification of Adrenoceptors from Human Platelet Membranes Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 27: 1753-1753. DOI: 10.1021/Jm00378A603  0.617
1984 Shorr RGL, Kempner ES, Strohsacker MW, Nambi P, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Determination of the molecular size of frog and turkey erythrocyte .beta.-adrenergic receptors by radiation inactivation Biochemistry. 23: 747-753. DOI: 10.1021/Bi00299A025  0.693
1984 HEALD SL, JEFFS PW, LAVIN TN, NAMBI P, LEFKOWITZ RJ, CARON MG. ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Iodine-125 Labeled (±)-15-(4-Azidobenzyl)carazolol: A Potent β-Adrenergic Photoaffinity Probe. Chemischer Informationsdienst. 15. DOI: 10.1002/chin.198408322  0.574
1983 Caron MG, Kilpatrick BF, Sibley DR. Direct radioligand measurement of dopamine receptors in the anterior pituitary gland. Methods in Enzymology. 103: 557-90. PMID 6669043 DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(83)03041-4  0.595
1983 Cerione RA, Strulovici B, Benovic JL, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Pure β-adrenergic receptor: the single polypeptide confers catecholamine responsiveness to adenylate cyclase Nature. 306: 562-566. PMID 6316161 DOI: 10.1038/306562A0  0.738
1983 Leeb-Lundberg LM, Dickinson KE, Heald SL, Wikberg JE, DeBernardis JF, Winn M, Arendsen DL, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Covalent labeling of the cerebral cortex alpha 1-adrenergic receptor with a new high affinity radioiodinated photoaffinity probe. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 115: 946-51. PMID 6313003 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-291X(83)80026-6  0.724
1983 Cerione RA, Strulovici B, Benovic JL, Strader CD, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Reconstitution of beta-adrenergic receptors in lipid vesicles: affinity chromatography-purified receptors confer catecholamine responsiveness on a heterologous adenylate cyclase system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 80: 4899-903. PMID 6308659 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.80.16.4899  0.778
1983 Stadel JM, Nambi P, Shorr RG, Sawyer DF, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Catecholamine-induced desensitization of turkey erythrocyte adenylate cyclase is associated with phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 80: 3173-7. PMID 6304694 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.80.11.3173  0.749
1983 Heald SL, Jeffs PW, Lavin TN, Nambi P, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Synthesis of iodine-125 labeled (+/-)-15-(4-azidobenzyl)carazolol: a potent beta-adrenergic photoaffinity probe. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 26: 832-8. PMID 6304313 DOI: 10.1021/Jm00360A009  0.692
1983 Benovic JL, Stiles GL, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Photoaffinity labelling of mammalian beta-adrenergic receptors: Metal-dependent proteolysis explains apparent heterogeneity Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 110: 504-511. PMID 6301455 DOI: 10.1016/0006-291X(83)91178-6  0.741
1983 Strader CD, Pickel VM, Joh TH, Strohsacker MW, Shorr RG, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Antibodies to the beta-adrenergic receptor: attenuation of catecholamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase and demonstration of postsynaptic receptor localization in brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 80: 1840-4. PMID 6300875 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.80.7.1840  0.559
1983 Stiles GL, Hoffman BB, Hubbard M, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Guanine nucleotides and alpha 1 adrenergic receptors in the heart. Biochemical Pharmacology. 32: 69-71. PMID 6299299 DOI: 10.1016/0006-2952(83)90654-8  0.723
1983 Wikberg JE, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Solubilization of rat liver alpha 1-adrenergic receptors. Agonist specific alteration in receptor binding affinity. Biochemical Pharmacology. 32: 3171-8. PMID 6139112 DOI: 10.1016/0006-2952(83)90200-9  0.541
1983 Wikberg JE, Akers M, Caron MG, Hagen PO. Norepinephrine-induced down regulation of alpha 1 adrenergic receptors in cultured rabbit aorta smooth muscle cells. Life Sciences. 33: 1409-17. PMID 6137750 DOI: 10.1016/0024-3205(83)90824-X  0.314
1983 Lefkowitz RJ, Stadel JM, Caron MG. Adenylate cyclase-coupled beta-adrenergic receptors: structure and mechanisms of activation and desensitization. Annual Review of Biochemistry. 52: 159-86. PMID 6137187 DOI: 10.1146/ANNUREV.BI.52.070183.001111  0.554
1982 De Lean A, Kilpatrick BF, Caron MG. Guanine nucleotides regulate both dopaminergic agonist and antagonist binding in porcine anterior pituitary. Endocrinology. 110: 1064-6. PMID 7056223 DOI: 10.1210/ENDO-110-3-1064  0.378
1982 Shorr RG, Heald SL, Jeffs PW, Lavin TN, Strohsacker MW, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. The beta-adrenergic receptor: rapid purification and covalent labeling by photoaffinity crosslinking. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 79: 2778-82. PMID 6283543 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.79.9.2778  0.578
1982 Caron MG, Shorr RG, Lavin TN, Lefkowitz RJ. Molecular characterization of the beta-adrenergic receptor of frog erythrocytes. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental. 31: 658-63. PMID 6283304 DOI: 10.1016/0026-0495(82)90195-0  0.564
1982 Regan JW, Barden N, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG, DeMarinis RM, Krog AJ, Holden KG, Matthews WD, Hieble JP. Affinity chromatography of human platelet α 2-adrenergic receptors Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 79: 7223-7227. PMID 6130523 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.79.23.7223  0.66
1981 Michel T, Hoffman BB, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Different sedimentation properties of agonist- and antagonist-labelled platelet alpha 2 adrenergic receptors. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 100: 1131-6. PMID 6268079 DOI: 10.1016/0006-291X(81)91941-0  0.682
1981 Pitha J, Zjawiony J, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Die Makromolekulare Chemie. 182: 1945-1950. DOI: 10.1002/MACP.1981.021820707  0.431
1980 Pitha J, Zjawiony J, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Macromolecular β-adrenergic antagonists discriminating between receptor and antibody Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 77: 2219-2223. PMID 6154947 DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.77.4.2219  0.459
1980 Pitha J, Zjawiony J, Nasrin N, Lefkowitz RJ, Caron MG. Potent beta-adrenergic antagonist possessing chemically reactive group Life Sciences. 27: 1791-1798. PMID 6110155 DOI: 10.1016/0024-3205(80)90447-6  0.578
1980 Schocken DD, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. The human placenta--a rich source of beta-adrenergic receptors: characterization of the receptors in particulate and solubilized preparations. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 50: 1082-8. PMID 6103009 DOI: 10.1210/JCEM-50-6-1082  0.577
1979 Caron MG, Limbird LE, Lefkowitz RJ. Biochemical characterization of the beta-adrenergic receptor of the frog erythrocyte. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 28: 45-66. PMID 231201 DOI: 10.1007/BF00223359  0.737
1979 Wood CL, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Separation of solubilized alpha and beta adrenergic receptors by affinity chromatography. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 88: 1-8. PMID 222278 DOI: 10.1016/0006-291X(79)91688-7  0.559
1979 Caron MG, Srinivasan Y, Snyderman R, Lefkowitz RJ. Antibodies raised against purified beta-adrenergic receptors specifically bind beta-adrenergic ligands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 76: 2263-7. PMID 36615 DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.76.5.2263  0.542
1978 Bukowiecki LJ, Caron MG, Vallieres J, LeBlanc J. beta-adrenergic receptors in brown adipose tissue: identification by (-)[3H]dihydroalprenolol binding. Experientia. Supplementum. 32: 55-9. PMID 206459 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-0348-5559-4_5  0.307
1977 Caron MG, Gagne B, De Lean A. Identification of beta adrenergic receptors in rat hypothalamus. Canadian Journal of Biochemistry. 55: 693-9. PMID 19139 DOI: 10.1139/o77-100  0.321
1976 Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Beta-Adrenergic receptors: solubilization of (-)(3H)alprenolol binding sites from frog erythrocyte membranes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 68: 315-22. PMID 1082747 DOI: 10.1016/0006-291X(76)91145-1  0.496
1976 Mukherjee C, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Regulation of adenylate cyclase coupled beta-adrenergic receptors by beta-adrenergic catecholamines. Endocrinology. 99: 347-57. PMID 954636 DOI: 10.1210/endo-99-2-347  0.593
1976 Lefkowitz RJ, Limbird LE, Mukherjee C, Caron MG. The beta-adrenergic receptor and adenylate cyclase. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 457: 1-39. PMID 769837 DOI: 10.1016/0304-4157(76)90012-5  0.724
1976 Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Biological activity of agarose-immobilized catecholamines. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 444: 472-86. PMID 9146 DOI: 10.1016/0304-4165(76)90391-3  0.486
1975 Mukherjee C, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ. Catecholamine-induced subsensitivity of adenylate cyclase associated with loss of beta-adrenergic receptor binding sites. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 72: 1945-9. PMID 1057183 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.72.5.1945  0.525
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