James V. Cordova - Publications

Psychology Clark University, Worcester, MA, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology

37 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Lenger KA, Mitchell EA, Roberson PNE, Schubert O, Gray T, Cordova JV, Gordon KC. Comparative efficacy of the relationship checkup for same-gender couples. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). PMID 38573699 DOI: 10.1037/fam0001208  0.349
2023 Engelkamp E, Lindberg E, Córdova JV. "We Felt Emotionally Closer:" A Qualitative Study of Couples' Communication about Pornography Use. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 1-19. PMID 37867385 DOI: 10.1080/0092623X.2023.2267546  0.328
2023 Crasta D, Funderburk JS, Gray TD, Cordova JV, Britton PC. Brief relationship support as a selective suicide prevention intervention: Piloting the Relationship Checkup in veteran couples with relationship and mental health concerns. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. PMID 37594162 DOI: 10.1111/sltb.12983  0.344
2022 Rice J, McTernan M, Cordova J. The influence of relationship pattern labeling on intimacy, acceptance, and relationship satisfaction. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. PMID 36478392 DOI: 10.1111/jmft.12623  0.412
2022 Mitchell EA, Roberson PNE, Amer Z, Garcia DJ, Cordova JV, Gordon KC. Couple variables predicting retention in a brief intervention and research. Family Process. e12783. PMID 35605638 DOI: 10.1111/famp.12783  0.327
2020 Roberson PNE, Lenger KA, Gray T, Cordova J, Gordon KC. Are marital relationships a barrier to health care utilization in Southern Appalachia?: A dyadic examination of the link between marital quality and individual health care usage. Families, Systems & Health : the Journal of Collaborative Family Healthcare. PMID 32584063 DOI: 10.1037/Fsh0000499  0.408
2020 Roberson PNE, Lenger KA, Gray T, Cordova J, Gordon KC. Dyadic latent profile analyses and multilevel modeling to examine differential response to couple relationship education. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). PMID 32378927 DOI: 10.1037/Fam0000667  0.407
2020 Lenger KA, Roberson PNE, Amer Z, Gray T, Cordova JV, Gordon KC. Your place or mine?: Examining the accessibility and efficacy of a brief, home-based, couple intervention. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). PMID 31944803 DOI: 10.1037/Fam0000622  0.393
2020 Wischkaemper KC, Fleming CJE, Lenger KA, Roberson PNE, Gray TD, Cordova JV, Gordon KC. Attitudes toward relationship treatment among underserved couples. Couple and Family Psychology. 9: 156-166. DOI: 10.1037/Cfp0000142  0.372
2019 Gray TD, Hawrilenko M, Cordova JV. Randomized Controlled Trial of the Marriage Checkup: Depression Outcomes. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. PMID 31584721 DOI: 10.1111/Jmft.12411  0.325
2019 Reyes LM, Lenger KA, Rauer A, Roberson PNE, Cordova JV, Gray T, Gordon KC. Consensus and relationship distress before and after a brief couples' intervention. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). PMID 31380691 DOI: 10.1037/Fam0000577  0.457
2019 Maher EL, Cordova JV. Evaluating equanimity: Mindfulness, intimate safety, and relationship satisfaction among meditators. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice. 8: 77-89. DOI: 10.1037/Cfp0000119  0.361
2018 Coop Gordon K, Cordova JV, Roberson PNE, Miller M, Gray T, Lenger KA, Hawrilenko M, Martin K. An Implementation Study of Relationship Checkups as Home Visitations for Low-Income At-Risk Couples. Family Process. PMID 30311218 DOI: 10.1111/Famp.12396  0.47
2018 Gray TD, Cordova JV, Hawrilenko M, Dovala T, Sollenberger JW. The Path of Emotional Least Resistance: Developing Theory Based on the Self-Reported Strengths of Happy and Distressed Couples in the Marriage Checkup Journal of Relationships Research. 9. DOI: 10.1017/JRR.2018.4  0.303
2017 Cordova JV, Cigrang JA, Gray TD, Najera E, Havrilenko M, Pinkley C, Nielsen M, Tatum J, Redd K. Addressing Relationship Health Needs in Primary Care: Adapting the Marriage Checkup for Use in Medical Settings with Military Couples. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. PMID 29170878 DOI: 10.1007/S10880-017-9517-8  0.413
2016 Trillingsgaard T, Fentz HN, Hawrilenko M, Cordova JV. A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Marriage Checkup Adapted for Private Practice. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. PMID 27599227 DOI: 10.1037/Ccp0000141  0.467
2015 Morrill MI, Hawrilenko M, Córdova JV. A Longitudinal Examination of Positive Parenting Following an Acceptance-Based Couple Intervention. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). PMID 26551659 DOI: 10.1037/Fam0000162  0.362
2015 Hawrilenko M, Gray TD, Cordova JV. The Heart of Change: Acceptance and Intimacy Mediate Treatment Response in a Brief Couples Intervention. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). PMID 26524618 DOI: 10.1037/Fam0000160  0.415
2015 Hawrilenko M, Eubanks Fleming CJ, Goldstein AS, Cordova JV. Motivating Action and Maintaining Change: The Time-Varying Role of Homework Following a Brief Couples' Intervention. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. PMID 26456167 DOI: 10.1111/Jmft.12142  0.36
2015 Cigrang JA, Cordova JV, Gray TD, Najera E, Hawrilenko M, Pinkley C, Nielsen M, Tatum JL, Redd K. The Marriage Checkup: Adapting and Implementing a Brief Relationship Intervention for Military Couples Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbpra.2016.01.002  0.385
2014 Cordova JV, Fleming CJ, Morrill MI, Hawrilenko M, Sollenberger JW, Harp AG, Gray TD, Darling EV, Blair JM, Meade AE, Wachs K. The Marriage Checkup: a randomized controlled trial of annual relationship health checkups. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 82: 592-604. PMID 24932565 DOI: 10.1037/A0037097  0.502
2012 Fleming CJ, Córdova JV. Predicting Relationship Help Seeking Prior to a Marriage Checkup. Family Relations. 61: 90-100. PMID 22577242 DOI: 10.1111/J.1741-3729.2011.00686.X  0.421
2011 Morrill MI, Eubanks-Fleming C, Harp AG, Sollenberger JW, Darling EV, Cördova JV. The marriage checkup: increasing access to marital health care. Family Process. 50: 471-85. PMID 22145720 DOI: 10.1111/J.1545-5300.2011.01372.X  0.486
2010 Ippolito Morrill M, Hines DA, Mahmood S, Córdova JV. Pathways between marriage and parenting for wives and husbands: the role of coparenting. Family Process. 49: 59-73. PMID 20377635 DOI: 10.1111/J.1545-5300.2010.01308.X  0.315
2009 Blair JM, Córdova JV. Commitment as a predictor of participation in premarital education Family Journal. 17: 118-125. DOI: 10.1177/1066480709332634  0.521
2009 Mansfield AK, Addis ME, Cordova JV, Dowd L. Emotional skillfulness as a key mediator of aggression Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 18: 221-247. DOI: 10.1080/10926770902809811  0.43
2007 Wachs K, Cordova JV. Mindful relating: exploring mindfulness and emotion repertoires in intimate relationships. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 33: 464-81. PMID 17935530 DOI: 10.1111/J.1752-0606.2007.00032.X  0.64
2007 Mirgain SA, Cordova JV. Emotion skills and marital health: The association between observed and self-reported emotion skills, intimacy, and marital satisfaction Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 26: 983-1009. DOI: 10.1521/Jscp.2007.26.9.983  0.503
2005 Fals-Stewart W, O'Farrell TJ, Birchler GR, Córdova J, Kelley ML. Behavioral couples therapy for alcoholism and drug abuse: Where we've been, where we are, and where we're going Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 19: 229-246. DOI: 10.1891/088983905780907504  0.35
2005 Cordova JV, Gee CB, Warren LZ. Emotional skillfulness in marriage: Intimacy as a mediator of the relationship between emotional skillfulness and marital satisfaction Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 24: 218-235. DOI: 10.1521/Jscp.  0.745
2005 Cordova JV, Scott RL, Dorian M, Mirgain S, Yaeger D, Groot A. The marriage checkup: An indicated preventive intervention for treatment-avoidant couples at risk for marital deterioration Behavior Therapy. 36: 301-309. DOI: 10.1016/S0005-7894(05)80112-1  0.343
2003 Cordova JV. Behavior analysis and the scientific study of couples. The Behavior Analyst Today. 3: 412-420. DOI: 10.1037/H0099999  0.33
2002 Gee CB, Scott RL, Castellani AM, Cordova JV. Predicting 2-year marital satisfaction from partners' discussion of their marriage checkup. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 28: 399-407. PMID 12382549 DOI: 10.1111/J.1752-0606.2002.Tb00365.X  0.703
2001 Cordova JV, Warren LZ, Gee CB. Motivational interviewing as an intervention for at-risk couples Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 27: 315-326. PMID 11436424 DOI: 10.1111/J.1752-0606.2001.Tb00327.X  0.724
2000 Jacobson NS, Christensen A, Prince SE, Cordova J, Eldridge K. Integrative behavioral couple therapy: an acceptance-based, promising new treatment for couple discord. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 68: 351-5. PMID 10780137 DOI: 10.1037/0022-006X.68.2.351  0.389
1998 Cordova JV, Jacobson NS, Christensen A. Acceptance versus change interventions in behavioral couple therapy: impact on couples' in-session communication. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 24: 437-55. PMID 9802004 DOI: 10.1111/J.1752-0606.1998.Tb01099.X  0.396
1993 Cordova JV, Jacobson NS, Gottman JM, Rushe R, Cox G. Negative reciprocity and communication in couples with a violent husband. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 102: 559-64. PMID 8282924 DOI: 10.1037/0021-843X.102.4.559  0.387
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