Patricia K. Kerig - Publications

Psychology University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 
Clinical Psychology

76 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Modrowski CA, Chaplo SD, Kerig PK. Youth Dually-Involved in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems: Varying Definitions and Their Associations with Trauma Exposure, Posttraumatic Stress, & Offending. Children and Youth Services Review. 150. PMID 37745625 DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.106998  0.375
2023 Kerig PK. Introduction to the Special Section: Developmental Perspectives on Trauma Exposure and Posttraumatic Stress. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. 16: 381-390. PMID 37234830 DOI: 10.1007/s40653-023-00557-7  0.329
2021 Kerig PK. Introduction to the Special Issue on Posttraumatic Stress and Suicide. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 34: 1073-1079. PMID 34905654 DOI: 10.1002/jts.22776  0.308
2020 Mendez L, Mozley MM, Kerig PK. Beyond Trauma Exposure: Discrimination and Posttraumatic Stress, Internalizing, and Externalizing Problems Among Detained Youth. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260520926314. PMID 32515294 DOI: 10.1177/0886260520926314  0.44
2020 Ross J, Armour C, Kerig PK, Kidwell MC, Kilshaw RE. A network analysis of posttraumatic stress disorder and dissociation in trauma-exposed adolescents. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 72: 102222. PMID 32272318 DOI: 10.1016/J.Janxdis.2020.102222  0.411
2020 Lin B, Kidwell MC, Kerig PK, Crowell SE, Fortuna AJ. Profiles of autonomic stress responsivity in a sample of justice-involved youth: Associations with childhood trauma exposure and emotional and behavioral functioning. Developmental Psychobiology. PMID 32181498 DOI: 10.1002/Dev.21968  0.39
2020 Mendez L, Mozley MM, Kerig PK. Associations among Trauma Exposure, Callous-Unemotionality, Race or Ethnicity, and Gang Involvement in Justice-Involved Youth: Criminal Justice and Behavior. 47: 457-469. DOI: 10.1177/0093854819897940  0.361
2019 Modrowski CA, Kerig PK. Investigating the Association Between Posttraumatic Risky Behavior and Offending in Adolescents Involved in the Juvenile Justice System. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. PMID 31485985 DOI: 10.1007/S10964-019-01120-0  0.406
2019 Chaplo SD, Kerig PK, Wainryb C. Development and Validation of the Moral Injury Scales for Youth. Journal of Traumatic Stress. PMID 31162746 DOI: 10.1002/Jts.22408  0.315
2019 Litz BT, Kerig PK. Introduction to the Special Issue on Moral Injury: Conceptual Challenges, Methodological Issues, and Clinical Applications. Journal of Traumatic Stress. PMID 31162737 DOI: 10.1002/Jts.22405  0.31
2019 Mozley MM, Modrowski CA, Kerig PK. Intimate Partner Violence in Adolescence: Associations With Perpetration Trauma, Rumination, and Posttraumatic Stress. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260519848782. PMID 31068053 DOI: 10.1177/0886260519848782  0.422
2019 Modrowski CA, Chaplo SD, Kerig PK, Mozley MM. Trauma exposure, posttraumatic overmodulation and undermodulation, and nonsuicidal self-injury in traumatized justice-involved adolescents. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. PMID 31045410 DOI: 10.1037/Tra0000469  0.43
2019 Kerig PK. Linking childhood trauma exposure to adolescent justice involvement: The concept of posttraumatic risk‐seeking Clinical Psychology-Science and Practice. 26. DOI: 10.1111/Cpsp.12280  0.403
2018 Lin B, Kerig PK, Adkins DE. Cross-validation of the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits across reporters and genders in a sample of detained youth. Psychological Assessment. PMID 30080064 DOI: 10.1037/Pas0000636  0.342
2018 Charak R, Ford JD, Modrowski CA, Kerig PK. Polyvictimization, Emotion Dysregulation, Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Behavioral Health Problems among Justice-Involved Youth: a Latent Class Analysis. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. PMID 29654539 DOI: 10.1007/S10802-018-0431-9  0.457
2018 Kerig PK, Modrowski CA. Testing gender-differentiated models of the mechanisms linking polyvictimization and youth offending: Numbing and callousness versus dissociation and borderline traits. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation : the Official Journal of the International Society For the Study of Dissociation (Issd). 19: 347-361. PMID 29547077 DOI: 10.1080/15299732.2018.1441355  0.423
2018 Ford JD, Charak R, Modrowski CA, Kerig PK. PTSD and dissociation symptoms as mediators of the relationship between polyvictimization and psychosocial and behavioral problems among justice-involved adolescents. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation : the Official Journal of the International Society For the Study of Dissociation (Issd). 19: 325-346. PMID 29547076 DOI: 10.1080/15299732.2018.1441354  0.421
2018 Kerig PK. Polyvictimization and Girls' Involvement in the Juvenile Justice System: Investigating Gender-Differentiated Patterns of Risk, Recidivism, and Resilience. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 33: 789-809. PMID 29411692 DOI: 10.1177/0886260517744843  0.424
2018 Mozley MM, Modrowski CA, Kerig PK. The roles of trauma exposure, rejection sensitivity, and callous-unemotional traits in the aggressive behavior of justice-involved youth: A moderated mediation model. Aggressive Behavior. PMID 29315619 DOI: 10.1002/Ab.21749  0.395
2018 Mozley MM, Lin B, Kerig PK. Posttraumatic Overmodulation, Callous–Unemotional Traits, and Offending Among Justice-Involved Youth Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 27: 744-758. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2017.1420724  0.399
2018 Stellwagen KK, Kerig PK. Theory of Mind Deficits and Reactive Aggression in Child Psychiatric Inpatients: Indirect Effects Through Emotion Dysregulation Journal of Child and Family Studies. 27: 3385-3394. DOI: 10.1007/S10826-018-1161-X  0.362
2017 Dierkhising CB, Kerig PK. Pilot Evaluation of a University-Based Training in Trauma-Informed Services for Gang Intervention Workers Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 27: 291-308. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2017.1382634  0.337
2017 Modrowski CA, Kerig PK. Investigating Factors Associated with PTSD Dissociative Subtype Membership in a Sample of Traumatized Justice-Involved Youth Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. 10: 343-351. DOI: 10.1007/S40653-017-0153-0  0.441
2017 Wekerle C, Kerig PK. Sexual and Non-sexual Violence Against Children and Youth: Continuing Conversations Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. 10: 95-96. DOI: 10.1007/S40653-017-0149-9  0.369
2017 Wekerle C, Kerig PK. Sexual and Non-Sexual Violence Against Children and Youth: Current Issues in Gender, Trauma and Resilience Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. 10: 3-8. DOI: 10.1007/S40653-017-0130-7  0.335
2017 Chaplo SD, Kerig PK, Modrowski CA, Bennett DC. Gender Differences in the Associations Among Sexual Abuse, Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, and Delinquent Behaviors in a Sample of Detained Adolescents Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. 10: 29-39. DOI: 10.1007/S40653-016-0122-Z  0.408
2016 Modrowski CA, Bennett DC, Chaplo SD, Kerig PK. Screening for PTSD Among Detained Adolescents: Implications of the Changes in the DSM-5. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. PMID 27213679 DOI: 10.1037/Tra0000156  0.382
2016 Kerig PK, Charak R, Chaplo SD, Bennett DC, Armour C, Modrowski CA, McGee AB. Validation of the Factor Structure of the Adolescent Dissociative Experiences Scale in a Sample of Trauma-Exposed Detained Youth. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. PMID 27100173 DOI: 10.1037/Tra0000140  0.414
2016 Kerig PK, Bennett DC, Chaplo SD, Modrowski CA, McGee AB. Numbing of Positive, Negative, and General Emotions: Associations With Trauma Exposure, Posttraumatic Stress, and Depressive Symptoms Among Justice-Involved Youth. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 29: 111-9. PMID 27077492 DOI: 10.1002/Jts.22087  0.386
2016 Kerig PK, Chaplo SD, Bennett DC, Modrowski CA. “Harm as Harm”: Gang Membership, Perpetration Trauma, and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Youth in the Juvenile Justice System Criminal Justice and Behavior. 43: 635-652. DOI: 10.1177/0093854815607307  0.421
2016 Bennett DC, Modrowski CA, Chaplo SD, Kerig PK. Facets of emotion dysregulation as mediators of the association between trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress symptoms in justice-involved adolescents Traumatology. 22: 174-183. DOI: 10.1037/Trm0000085  0.466
2015 Bennett DC, Modrowski CA, Kerig PK, Chaplo SD. Investigating the Dissociative Subtype of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in a Sample of Traumatized Detained Youth. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. PMID 26010107 DOI: 10.1037/Tra0000057  0.434
2015 Kobak RR, Kerig PK. Introduction to the special issue: attachment-based treatments for adolescents. Attachment & Human Development. 17: 111-8. PMID 25833287 DOI: 10.1080/14616734.2015.1006382  0.342
2015 Chaplo SD, Kerig PK, Bennett DC, Modrowski CA. The roles of emotion dysregulation and dissociation in the association between sexual abuse and self-injury among juvenile justice-involved youth. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation : the Official Journal of the International Society For the Study of Dissociation (Issd). 16: 272-85. PMID 25759937 DOI: 10.1080/15299732.2015.989647  0.393
2014 Bennett DC, Kerig PK. Investigating the construct of trauma-related acquired callousness among delinquent youth: differences in emotion processing. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 27: 415-22. PMID 25079943 DOI: 10.1002/Jts.21931  0.353
2014 Kerig PK. Introduction: For better or worse: Intimate relationships as sources of risk or resilience for girls' delinquency Journal of Research On Adolescence. 24: 1-11. DOI: 10.1111/Jora.12076  0.391
2014 Bennett DC, Kerig PK, Chaplo SD, McGee AB, Baucom BR. Validation of the five-factor model of PTSD symptom structure among delinquent youth Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 6: 438-447. DOI: 10.1037/A0035303  0.419
2013 Stellwagen KK, Kerig PK. Ringleader bullying: association with psychopathic narcissism and theory of mind among child psychiatric inpatients. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 44: 612-20. PMID 23271677 DOI: 10.1007/S10578-012-0355-5  0.314
2013 Kerig PK, Schindler SR. Engendering the Evidence Base: A Critical Review of the Conceptual and Empirical Foundations of Gender-Responsive Interventions for Girls’ Delinquency Laws. 2: 1-39. DOI: 10.3390/Laws2030244  0.334
2013 Wainryb C, Kerig PK. The person and the social context: Future directions for research on the traumatic effects of child soldiering around the world Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 22: 887-895. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2013.823592  0.32
2013 Kerig PK, Wainryb C. Introduction to the special issue, Part II: Interventions to promote reintegration of traumatized youth conscripted as child soldiers Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 22: 797-802. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2013.823591  0.314
2013 Kerig PK, Wainryb C. Introduction to the special issue, part i: New research on trauma, psychopathology, and resilience among child soldiers around the world Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 22: 685-697. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2013.817816  0.368
2013 Kerig PK, Wainryb C, Twali MS, Chaplo SD. America's child soldiers: Toward a research agenda for studying gang-involved youth in the united states Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 22: 773-795. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2013.813883  0.441
2013 Kerig PK, Bennett DC. Beyond fear, helplessness, and horror: Peritraumatic reactions associated with posttraumatic stress symptoms among traumatized delinquent youth Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 5: 431-438. DOI: 10.1037/A0029609  0.404
2013 Stellwagen KK, Kerig PK. Dark triad personality traits and theory of mind among school-age children Personality and Individual Differences. 54: 123-127. DOI: 10.1016/J.Paid.2012.08.019  0.341
2012 Kerig PK, Bennett DC, Thompson M, Becker SP. "Nothing really matters": emotional numbing as a link between trauma exposure and callousness in delinquent youth. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 25: 272-9. PMID 22615202 DOI: 10.1002/Jts.21700  0.375
2012 Kerig PK, Alexander JF. Family Matters: Integrating Trauma Treatment into Functional Family Therapy for Traumatized Delinquent Youth Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma. 5: 205-223. DOI: 10.1080/19361521.2012.697103  0.357
2012 Kerig PK. Introduction to Part II: Trauma and Juvenile Delinquency: New Directions in Interventions Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma. 5: 187-190. DOI: 10.1080/19361521.2012.697023  0.393
2012 Becker SP, Kerig PK, Lim JY, Ezechukwu RN. Predictors of Recidivism among Delinquent Youth: Interrelations among Ethnicity, Gender, Age, Mental Health Problems, and Posttraumatic Stress Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma. 5: 145-160. DOI: 10.1080/19361521.2012.671798  0.357
2012 Kerig PK, Vanderzee KL, Becker SP, Ward RM. Deconstructing PTSD: Traumatic Experiences, Posttraumatic Symptom Clusters, and Mental Health Problems among Delinquent Youth Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma. 5: 129-144. DOI: 10.1080/19361521.2012.671796  0.396
2012 Kerig PK. Introduction to Part I: Trauma and Juvenile Delinquency: Dynamics and Developmental Mechanisms Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma. 5: 83-87. DOI: 10.1080/19361521.2012.671743  0.455
2012 Kerig PK, Becker SP. Trauma and girls' delinquency Delinquent Girls: Contexts, Relationships, and Adaptation. 2147483647: 119-143. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-0415-6_8  0.314
2011 Becker SP, Kerig PK. Posttraumatic stress symptoms are associated with the frequency and severity of delinquency among detained boys. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology : the Official Journal For the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53. 40: 765-71. PMID 21916694 DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2011.597091  0.411
2011 Kerig PK, Moeddel MA, Becker SP. Assessing the Sensitivity and Specificity of the MAYSI-2 for Detecting Trauma among Youth in Juvenile Detention Child and Youth Care Forum. 40: 345-362. DOI: 10.1007/S10566-010-9124-4  0.385
2010 Kerig PK, Sink HE, Cuellar RE, Vanderzee KL, Elfstrom JL. Implementing trauma-focused CBT with fidelity and flexibility: a family case study. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology : the Official Journal For the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53. 39: 713-22. PMID 20706923 DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2010.501291  0.368
2010 Stellwagen KK, Kerig PK. Relation of callous-unemotional traits to length of stay among youth hospitalized at a state psychiatric inpatient facility. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 41: 251-61. PMID 19949974 DOI: 10.1007/S10578-009-0164-7  0.312
2010 Volz AR, Kerig PK. Relational dynamics associated with adolescent dating violence: The roles of rejection sensitivity and relational insecurity Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 19: 587-602. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2010.502088  0.388
2010 Kerig PK, Volz AR, Moeddel MA, Cuellar RE. Implementing dating violence prevention programs with flexibility, fidelity, and sensitivity to diversity: Lessons learned from expect respect Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 19: 661-680. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2010.502079  0.353
2010 Kerig PK. Relational dynamics as sources of risk and resilience in adolescent dating violence: Introduction and overview Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 19: 585-586. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2010.502074  0.389
2010 Kerig PK. Adolescent dating violence in context: Introduction and overview Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 19: 465-468. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2010.495033  0.391
2010 Kerig PK, Stellwagen KK. Roles of callous-unemotional traits, narcissism, and machiavellianism in childhood aggression Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 32: 343-352. DOI: 10.1007/S10862-009-9168-7  0.366
2010 Stellwagen KK, Kerig PK. Relating Callous-Unemotional Traits to Physically Restrictive Treatment Measures Among Child Psychiatric Inpatients Journal of Child and Family Studies. 19: 588-595. DOI: 10.1007/S10826-009-9337-Z  0.336
2009 Kerig PK, Ward RM, Vanderzee KL, Arnzen Moeddel M. Posttraumatic stress as a mediator of the relationship between trauma and mental health problems among juvenile delinquents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 38: 1214-25. PMID 19669901 DOI: 10.1007/S10964-008-9332-5  0.373
2009 Ball B, Kerig PK, Rosenbluth B. "Like a family but better because you can actually trust each other": the Expect Respect dating violence prevention program for at-risk youth. Health Promotion Practice. 10: 45S-58S. PMID 19136445 DOI: 10.1177/1524839908322115  0.33
2003 Kerig PK. In search of protective processes for children exposed to interparental violence Journal of Emotional Abuse. 3: 149-181. DOI: 10.1300/J135V03N03_01  0.355
2002 McConnell MC, Kerig PK. Assessing coparenting in families of school-age children: Validation of the Coparenting and Family Rating System Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 34: 44-58. DOI: 10.1037/H0087154  0.348
2000 Kerig PK, Fedorowicz AE, Brown CA, Warren M. Assessment and intervention for PTSD in children exposed to violence Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 3: 161-184. DOI: 10.1300/J146V03N01_11  0.416
1999 Kerig PK. Gender issues in the effects of exposure to violence on children Journal of Emotional Abuse. 1: 87-105. DOI: 10.1300/J135V01N03_05  0.403
1999 Kerig PK, Fedorowicz AE. Assessing maltreatment of children of battered women: Methodological and ethical considerations Child Maltreatment. 4: 103-115. DOI: 10.1177/1077559599004002003  0.309
1998 Kerig PK. Moderators and mediators of the effects of interparental conflict on children's adjustment Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 26: 199-212. PMID 9650626 DOI: 10.1023/A:1022672201957  0.369
1998 Kerig PK, Fedorowicz AE, Brown CA, Patenaude RL, Warren M. When Warriors Are Worriers: Gender and Children's Coping with Interparental Violence Journal of Emotional Abuse. 1: 89-114. DOI: 10.1300/J135V01N02_05  0.348
1998 Kerig PK. Gender and appraisals as mediators of adjustment in children exposed to interparental violence Journal of Family Violence. 13: 345-363. DOI: 10.1023/A:1022871102437  0.413
1996 Kerig PK. Assessing the links between interparental conflict and child adjustment: The conflicts and problem-solving scales Journal of Family Psychology. 10: 454-473. DOI: 10.1037/0893-3200.10.4.454  0.357
1995 Kerig PK. Triangles in the Family Circle: Effects of Family Structure on Marriage, Parenting, and Child Adjustment Journal of Family Psychology. 9: 28-43. DOI: 10.1037/0893-3200.9.1.28  0.309
1993 Kerig PK, Cowan PA, Cowan CP. Marital Quality and Gender Differences in Parent-Child Interaction Developmental Psychology. 29: 931-939. DOI: 10.1037/0012-1649.29.6.931  0.308
1988 Pratt MW, Kerig P, Cowan PA, Cowan CP. Mothers and Fathers Teaching 3-Year-Olds: Authoritative Parenting and Adult Scaffolding of Young Children's Learning Developmental Psychology. 24: 832-839. DOI: 10.1037/0012-1649.24.6.832  0.307
Show low-probability matches.