Aharon Ravia - Publications

2016- Neurobiology Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel 

14 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2022 Snitz K, Honigstein D, Weissgross R, Ravia A, Mishor E, Perl O, Karagach S, Medhanie A, Harel N, Shushan S, Roth Y, Iravani B, Arshamian A, Ernst G, Okamoto M, et al. An olfactory self-test effectively screens for COVID-19. Communications Medicine. 2: 34. PMID 35603293 DOI: 10.1038/s43856-022-00095-7  0.738
2021 Mishor E, Amir D, Weiss T, Honigstein D, Weissbrod A, Livne E, Gorodisky L, Karagach S, Ravia A, Snitz K, Karawani D, Zirler R, Weissgross R, Soroka T, Endevelt-Shapira Y, et al. Sniffing the human body volatile hexadecanal blocks aggression in men but triggers aggression in women. Science Advances. 7: eabg1530. PMID 34797713 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg1530  0.721
2020 Ravia A, Snitz K, Honigstein D, Finkel M, Zirler R, Perl O, Secundo L, Laudamiel C, Harel D, Sobel N. A measure of smell enables the creation of olfactory metamers. Nature. PMID 33177711 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2891-7  0.804
2020 Rozenkrantz L, Weissgross R, Weiss T, Ravreby I, Frumin I, Shushan S, Gorodisky L, Reshef N, Holzman Y, Pinchover L, Endevelt-Shapira Y, Mishor E, Soroka T, Finkel M, Tagania L, ... Ravia A, et al. Unexplained repeated pregnancy loss is associated with altered perceptual and brain responses to men's body-odor. Elife. 9. PMID 32988456 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.55305  0.713
2020 Arzi A, Rozenkrantz L, Gorodisky L, Rozenkrantz D, Holtzman Y, Ravia A, Bekinschtein TA, Galperin T, Krimchansky BZ, Cohen G, Oksamitni A, Aidinoff E, Sacher Y, Sobel N. Olfactory sniffing signals consciousness in unresponsive patients with brain injuries. Nature. 581: 428-433. PMID 32461641 DOI: 10.1038/S41586-020-2245-5  0.749
2020 Iravani B, Arshamian A, Ravia A, Mishor E, Snitz K, Shushan S, Roth Y, Perl O, Honigstein D, Weissgross R, Karagach S, Ernst G, Okamoto M, Mainen Z, Monteleone E, et al. Relationship between odor intensity estimates and COVID-19 prevalence prediction in a Swedish population. Chemical Senses. PMID 32441744 DOI: 10.1093/Chemse/Bjaa034  0.74
2020 Perl O, Mishor E, Ravia A, Ravreby I, Sobel N. Are humans constantly but subconsciously smelling themselves? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 375: 20190372. PMID 32306875 DOI: 10.1098/Rstb.2019.0372  0.75
2020 Iravani B, Arshamian A, Ravia A, Mishor E, Snitz K, Shushan S, Roth Y, Perl O, Honigstein D, Weissgross R, Karagach S, Ernst G, Okamoto M, Mainen Z, Monteleone E, et al. Corrigendum to: Relationship Between Odor Intensity Estimates and COVID-19 Prevalence Prediction in a Swedish Population Chemical Senses. 45: 491-492. DOI: 10.1093/Chemse/Bjaa042  0.732
2019 Perl O, Ravia A, Rubinson M, Eisen A, Soroka T, Mor N, Secundo L, Sobel N. Human non-olfactory cognition phase-locked with inhalation. Nature Human Behaviour. 3: 501-512. PMID 31089297 DOI: 10.1038/S41562-019-0556-Z  0.769
2019 Snitz K, Perl O, Honigstein D, Secundo L, Ravia A, Yablonka A, Endevelt-Shapira Y, Sobel N. SmellSpace: An Odor-Based Social Network as a Platform for Collecting Olfactory Perceptual Data. Chemical Senses. PMID 30873534 DOI: 10.1093/Chemse/Bjz014  0.799
2018 Endevelt-Shapira Y, Perl O, Ravia A, Amir D, Eisen A, Bezalel V, Rozenkrantz L, Mishor E, Pinchover L, Soroka T, Honigstein D, Sobel N. Altered responses to social chemosignals in autism spectrum disorder. Nature Neuroscience. 21: 111-119. PMID 29180748 DOI: 10.1038/S41593-017-0024-X  0.733
2016 Weiss T, Shushan S, Ravia A, Hahamy A, Secundo L, Weissbrod A, Ben-Yakov A, Holtzman Y, Cohen-Atsmoni S, Roth Y, Sobel N. From Nose to Brain: Un-Sensed Electrical Currents Applied in the Nose Alter Activity in Deep Brain Structures. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). PMID 27591145 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/Bhw222  0.659
2015 Frumin I, Perl O, Endevelt-Shapira Y, Eisen A, Eshel N, Heller I, Shemesh M, Ravia A, Sela L, Arzi A, Sobel N. A social chemosignaling function for human handshaking. Elife. 4. PMID 25732039 DOI: 10.7554/Elife.05154  0.736
2015 Frumin I, Perl O, Endevelt-Shapira Y, Eisen A, Eshel N, Heller I, Shemesh M, Ravia A, Sela L, Arzi A, Sobel N. Author response: A social chemosignaling function for human handshaking Elife. DOI: 10.7554/Elife.05154.016  0.719
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