W Michael Panneton - Publications

Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO, United States 
Neuroscience Biology

50 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Panneton WM, Gan Q. The Mammalian Diving Response: Inroads to Its Neural Control. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 14: 524. PMID 32581683 DOI: 10.3389/Fnins.2020.00524  0.379
2015 Panneton WM, Gan Q, Ariel M. Injections of Algesic Solutions into Muscle Activate the Lateral Reticular Formation: A Nociceptive Relay of the Spinoreticulothalamic Tract. Plos One. 10: e0130939. PMID 26154308 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0130939  0.502
2014 Panneton WM, Gan Q. Direct reticular projections of trigeminal sensory fibers immunoreactive to CGRP: potential monosynaptic somatoautonomic projections. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 8: 136. PMID 24926231 DOI: 10.3389/Fnins.2014.00136  0.468
2014 Panneton WM, Anch AM, Panneton WM, Gan Q. Parasympathetic preganglionic cardiac motoneurons labeled after voluntary diving. Frontiers in Physiology. 5: 8. PMID 24478721 DOI: 10.3389/Fphys.2014.00008  0.512
2014 Panneton WM, Gan Q. Direct reticular projections of trigeminal sensory fibers immunoreactive to CGRP: Potential monosynaptic somatoautonomic projections Frontiers in Neuroscience. DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2014.00136  0.393
2012 Panneton WM, Gan Q, Le J, Livergood RS, Clerc P, Juric R. Activation of brainstem neurons by underwater diving in the rat. Frontiers in Physiology. 3: 111. PMID 22563319 DOI: 10.3389/Fphys.2012.00111  0.514
2012 Panneton WM, Gan Q, Sun DW. Persistence of the nasotrigeminal reflex after pontomedullary transection. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 180: 230-6. PMID 22154693 DOI: 10.1016/J.Resp.2011.11.012  0.434
2011 Panneton WM, Gan Q, Livergood RS. A trigeminoreticular pathway: implications in pain. Plos One. 6: e24499. PMID 21957454 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0024499  0.491
2010 Panneton WM, Kumar VB, Gan Q, Burke WJ, Galvin JE. The neurotoxicity of DOPAL: behavioral and stereological evidence for its role in Parkinson disease pathogenesis. Plos One. 5: e15251. PMID 21179455 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0015251  0.417
2010 Panneton WM, Gan Q, Dahms TE. Central CO2 Chemoreception in cardiorespiratory control: Cardiorespiratory and neural consequences of rats brought past their aerobic dive limit Journal of Applied Physiology. 109: 1256-1269. PMID 20705947 DOI: 10.1152/Japplphysiol.00110.2010  0.444
2010 Panneton WM, Hsu H, Gan Q. Distinct central representations for sensory fibers innervating either the conjunctiva or cornea of the rat Experimental Eye Research. 90: 388-396. PMID 20004193 DOI: 10.1016/J.Exer.2009.11.018  0.475
2008 Panneton WM, Sun W, Gan Q. Pressor responses to nasal stimulation are unaltered after disrupting the CPA Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical. 144: 13-21. PMID 18809361 DOI: 10.1016/J.Autneu.2008.08.002  0.453
2008 Burke WJ, Kumar VB, Pandey N, Panneton WM, Gan Q, Franko MW, O'Dell M, Li SW, Pan Y, Chung HD, Galvin JE. Aggregation of alpha-synuclein by DOPAL, the monoamine oxidase metabolite of dopamine. Acta Neuropathologica. 115: 193-203. PMID 17965867 DOI: 10.1007/S00401-007-0303-9  0.307
2006 Panneton WM, Gan Q, Juric R. Brainstem projections from recipient zones of the anterior ethmoidal nerve in the medullary dorsal horn Neuroscience. 141: 889-906. PMID 16753263 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2006.04.055  0.431
2005 Sun W, Panneton WM. Defining projections from the caudal pressor area of the caudal ventrolateral medulla Journal of Comparative Neurology. 482: 273-293. PMID 15690490 DOI: 10.1002/Cne.20434  0.506
2003 McCulloch PF, Panneton WM. Activation of brainstem catecholaminergic neurons during voluntary diving in rats Brain Research. 984: 42-53. PMID 12932838 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(03)03051-8  0.416
2002 Sun W, Panneton WM. The caudal pressor area of the rat: its precise location and projections to the ventrolateral medulla American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 283. PMID 12185012 DOI: 10.1152/Ajpregu.00184.2002  0.518
2001 Sun W, Panneton WM. Negative chronotropism of the heart is inhibited with lesions of the caudal medulla in the rat. Brain Research. 908: 208-212. PMID 11454332 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(01)02614-2  0.427
2000 Panneton WM, McCulloch PF, Sun W. Trigemino-autonomic connections in the muskrat: The neural substrate for the diving response Brain Research. 874: 48-65. PMID 10936223 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(00)02549-X  0.495
1999 McCulloch PF, Faber KM, Panneton WM. Electrical stimulation of the anterior ethmoidal nerve produces the diving response Brain Research. 830: 24-31. PMID 10350556 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(99)01374-8  0.358
1999 McCulloch PF, Panneton WM, Guyenet PG. The rostral ventrolateral medulla mediates the sympathoactivation produced by chemical stimulation of the rat nasal mucosa. The Journal of Physiology. 516: 471-84. PMID 10087346 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-7793.1999.0471V.X  0.501
1997 McCulloch PF, Panneton WM. Fos immunohistochemical determination of brainstem neuronal activation in the muskrat after nasal stimulation Neuroscience. 78: 913-925. PMID 9153669 DOI: 10.1016/S0306-4522(96)00633-1  0.437
1996 Panneton WM, McCulloch PF, Tan Y, Yavari P. Brainstem origin of preganglionic cardiac motoneurons in the muskrat Brain Research. 738: 342-346. PMID 8955533 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(96)01048-7  0.493
1996 Yavari P, McCulloch PF, Panneton WM. Trigeminally-mediated alteration of cardiorespiratory rhythms during nasal application of carbon dioxide in the rat Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System. 61: 195-200. PMID 8946342 DOI: 10.1016/S0165-1838(96)00072-0  0.357
1995 Panneton WM, Yavari P. A medullary dorsal horn relay for the cardiorespiratory responses evoked by stimulation of the nasal mucosa in the muskrat Ondatra zibethicus: evidence for excitatory amino acid transmission Brain Research. 691: 37-45. PMID 8590063 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(95)00597-J  0.508
1994 Panneton WM, Johnson SN, Christensen ND. Trigeminal projections to the peribrachial region in the muskrat Neuroscience. 58: 605-625. PMID 7513388 DOI: 10.1016/0306-4522(94)90085-X  0.441
1991 Panneton WM, Klein BG, Jacquin MF. Trigeminal projections to contralateral dorsal horn originate in midline hairy skin Somatosensory &Amp; Motor Research. 8: 165-173. PMID 1887727 DOI: 10.3109/08990229109144741  0.352
1991 Panneton WM, Watson BJ. Stereotaxic atlas of the brainstem of the muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus Brain Research Bulletin. 26: 479-509. PMID 1868351 DOI: 10.1016/0361-9230(91)90087-Z  0.316
1991 Panneton WM. Trigeminal mediation of the diving response in the muskrat Brain Research. 560: 321-325. PMID 1760738 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(91)91251-U  0.447
1991 Panneton WM. Primary afferent projections from the upper respiratory tract in the muskrat Journal of Comparative Neurology. 308: 51-65. PMID 1714922 DOI: 10.1002/Cne.903080106  0.471
1990 Panneton WM. Controlled bradycardia induced by nasal stimulation in the muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus. Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System. 30: 253-263. PMID 2229892 DOI: 10.1016/0165-1838(90)90257-J  0.397
1988 Maley BE, Panneton WM. Enkephalin-immunoreactive neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarius project to the parabrachial nucleus of the cat Brain Research. 442: 340-344. PMID 3370450 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(88)91521-1  0.503
1988 Jacquin MF, Golden J, Panneton WM. Structure and function of barrel 'precursor' cells in trigeminal nucleus principalis Brain Research. 471: 309-314. PMID 3179756 DOI: 10.1016/0165-3806(88)90109-5  0.358
1986 Panneton WM. The persistence of a normally transient cerebrocerebellar pathway in the cat Brain Research. 395: 133-139. PMID 3779430 DOI: 10.1016/0165-3806(86)90143-4  0.355
1986 Martin JW, Panneton WM. Organization of sensory neurons to the muscles of mastication in the cat Neuroscience Letters. 70: 336-341. PMID 3490640 DOI: 10.1016/0304-3940(86)90575-6  0.311
1985 Tolbert DL, Panneton WM. The transience of cerebrocerebellar projections is due to selective elimination of axon collaterals and not neuronal death. Brain Research. 318: 301-6. PMID 6208975 DOI: 10.1016/0165-3806(84)90034-8  0.399
1985 Tolbert DL, Panneton WM. The transience of cerebrocerebellar projections is due to selective elimination of axon collaterals and not neuronal death. Brain Research. 318: 301-6. PMID 6208975 DOI: 10.1016/0165-3806(84)90034-8  0.399
1985 Panneton WM, Burton H. Projections from the paratrigeminal nucleus and the medullary and spinal dorsal horns to the peribrachial area in the cat. Neuroscience. 15: 779-97. PMID 4069355 DOI: 10.1016/0306-4522(85)90078-8  0.455
1984 Somers D, Panneton WM. Heterogeneity of neurons in the subnucleus interpolaris of the cat Brain Research. 309: 335-340. PMID 6478226 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(84)90599-7  0.423
1984 Panneton WM, Tolbert DL. The collateral origin of a transient cerebrocerebellar pathway in kittens. A study using fluorescent double-labeling techniques Brain Research. 316: 247-254. PMID 6467015 DOI: 10.1016/0165-3806(84)90309-2  0.462
1984 Panneton WM, Tolbert DL. The collateral origin of a transient cerebrocerebellar pathway in kittens. A study using fluorescent double-labeling techniques Developmental Brain Research. 14: 247-254. DOI: 10.1016/0165-3806(84)90309-2  0.394
1983 Tolbert DL, Panneton WM. Transient cerebrocerebellar projections in kittens: Postnatal development and topography Journal of Comparative Neurology. 221: 216-228. PMID 6655083 DOI: 10.1002/Cne.902210209  0.452
1983 Panneton WM, Martin GF. Brainstem projections to the facial nucleus of the opossum. A study using axonal transport techniques Brain Research. 267: 19-33. PMID 6190536 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(83)91036-3  0.398
1982 Panneton WM, Burton H. Origin of ascending intratrigeminal pathways in the cat. Brain Research. 236: 463-70. PMID 7066691 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(82)90728-4  0.434
1981 Panneton WM, Burton H. Corneal and periocular representation within the trigeminal sensory complex in the cat studied with transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 199: 327-44. PMID 7263952 DOI: 10.1002/cne.901990303  0.351
1981 Martin GF, Cabana T, Humbertson AO, Laxson LC, Panneton WM. Spinal projections from the medullary reticular formation of the North American opossum: Evidence for connectional heterogeneity Journal of Comparative Neurology. 196: 663-682. PMID 6110678 DOI: 10.1002/cne.901960411  0.418
1980 Panneton WM, Loewy AD. Projections of the carotid sinus nerve to the nucleus of the solitary tract in the cat. Brain Research. 191: 239-44. PMID 7378754 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(80)90326-1  0.321
1979 Martin GF, Humbertson AO, Laxson LC, Panneton WM, Tschismadia I. Spinal projections from the mesencephalic and pontine reticular formation in the north american opossum:A study using axonal transport techniques Journal of Comparative Neurology. 187: 373-399. PMID 489785 DOI: 10.1002/cne.901870208  0.401
1979 Panneton WM, Martin GF. Midbrain projections to the trigeminal, facial and hypoglossal nuclei in the opossum. A study using axonal transport techniques Brain Research. 168: 493-511. PMID 86379 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(79)90305-6  0.387
1978 Panneton WM, Martin GF. Midbrain projections to the facial nucleus in the oppossum Brain Research. 145: 355-359. PMID 638793 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(78)90868-5  0.302
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