Daniela C. Dieterich, Ph.D. - Publications

Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany 

47 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2022 Prabhakar P, Pielot R, Landgraf P, Wissing J, Bayrhammer A, van Ham M, Gundelfinger ED, Jänsch L, Dieterich DC, Müller A. Monitoring regional astrocyte diversity by cell type-specific proteomic labeling in vivo. Glia. PMID 36401581 DOI: 10.1002/glia.24304  0.338
2019 Marter K, Kobler O, Erdmann I, Soleimanpour E, Landgraf P, Müller A, Abele J, Thomas U, Dieterich DC. Click Chemistry (CuAAC) and Detection of Tagged Synthesized Proteins in . Bio-Protocol. 9: e3142. PMID 33654887 DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.3142  0.74
2019 Koopmans F, van Nierop P, Andres-Alonso M, Byrnes A, Cijsouw T, Coba MP, Cornelisse LN, Farrell RJ, Goldschmidt HL, Howrigan DP, Hussain NK, Imig C, de Jong APH, Jung H, Kohansalnodehi M, ... ... Dieterich DC, et al. SynGO: An Evidence-Based, Expert-Curated Knowledge Base for the Synapse. Neuron. PMID 31171447 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2019.05.002  0.498
2018 Nossol C, Landgraf P, Kahlert S, Oster M, Isermann B, Dieterich DC, Wimmers K, Dänicke S, Rothkötter HJ. Deoxynivalenol Affects Cell Metabolism and Increases Protein Biosynthesis in Intestinal Porcine Epithelial Cells (IPEC-J2): DON Increases Protein Biosynthesis. Toxins. 10. PMID 30423940 DOI: 10.3390/Toxins10110464  0.34
2017 Erdmann I, Marter K, Kobler O, Niehues S, Bussmann J, Müller A, Abele J, Storkebaum E, Thomas U, Dieterich DC. Cell Type-specific Metabolic Labeling of Proteins with Azidonorleucine in . Bio-Protocol. 7: e2397. PMID 34541130  0.743
2017 Alvarez-Castelao B, Schanzenbächer CT, Hanus C, Glock C, Tom Dieck S, Dörrbaum AR, Bartnik I, Nassim-Assir B, Ciirdaeva E, Mueller A, Dieterich DC, Tirrell DA, Langer JD, Schuman EM. Cell-type-specific metabolic labeling of nascent proteomes in vivo. Nature Biotechnology. PMID 29106408 DOI: 10.1038/Nbt.4016  0.5
2017 Erdmann I, Marter K, Kobler O, Niehues S, Bussmann J, Müller A, Abele J, Storkebaum E, Thomas U, Dieterich D. Cell Type-specific Metabolic Labeling of Proteins with Azidonorleucine in Drosophila Bio-Protocol. 7. DOI: 10.21769/bioprotoc.2397  0.339
2016 Kolodziej A, Smalla KH, Richter S, Engler A, Pielot R, Dieterich DC, Tischmeyer W, Naumann M, Kähne T. High Resolution Quantitative Synaptic Proteome Profiling of Mouse Brain Regions After Auditory Discrimination Learning. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove. PMID 28060347 DOI: 10.3791/54992  0.358
2016 Kähne T, Richter S, Kolodziej A, Smalla KH, Pielot R, Engler A, Ohl FW, Dieterich DC, Seidenbecher C, Tischmeyer W, Naumann M, Gundelfinger ED. Proteome rearrangements after auditory learning: high-resolution profiling of synapse-enriched protein fractions from mouse brain. Journal of Neurochemistry. PMID 27062398 DOI: 10.1111/Jnc.13636  0.411
2016 Rosenberg T, Elkobi A, Dieterich DC, Rosenblum K. NMDAR-dependent Proteasome Activity in the Gustatory Cortex is Necessary for Conditioned Taste Aversion. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. PMID 26785229 DOI: 10.1016/J.Nlm.2016.01.002  0.326
2015 Müller A, Stellmacher A, Freitag CE, Landgraf P, Dieterich DC. Monitoring Astrocytic Proteome Dynamics by Cell Type-Specific Protein Labeling. Plos One. 10: e0145451. PMID 26690742 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0145451  0.497
2015 Dieterich DC, Kreutz MR. Proteomics of the synapse - A quantitative approach to neuronal plasticity. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : McP. PMID 26307175 DOI: 10.1074/Mcp.R115.051482  0.586
2015 Erdmann I, Marter K, Kobler O, Niehues S, Abele J, Müller A, Bussmann J, Storkebaum E, Ziv T, Thomas U, Dieterich DC. Cell-selective labelling of proteomes in Drosophila melanogaster. Nature Communications. 6: 7521. PMID 26138272 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms8521  0.739
2015 Niehues S, Bussmann J, Steffes G, Erdmann I, Köhrer C, Sun L, Wagner M, Schäfer K, Wang G, Koerdt SN, Stum M, RajBhandary UL, Thomas U, Aberle H, Burgess RW, ... ... Dieterich D, et al. Impaired protein translation in Drosophila models for Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy caused by mutant tRNA synthetases. Nature Communications. 6: 7520. PMID 26138142 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms8520  0.355
2015 Reichenbach N, Herrmann U, Kähne T, Schicknick H, Pielot R, Naumann M, Dieterich DC, Gundelfinger ED, Smalla KH, Tischmeyer W. Differential effects of dopamine signalling on long-term memory formation and consolidation in rodent brain. Proteome Science. 13: 13. PMID 25852303 DOI: 10.1186/S12953-015-0069-2  0.315
2015 Landgraf P, Antileo ER, Schuman EM, Dieterich DC. BONCAT: metabolic labeling, click chemistry, and affinity purification of newly synthesized proteomes. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1266: 199-215. PMID 25560077 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2272-7_14  0.48
2015 Dieterich DC, Rossner MJ. Dissecting the regional diversity of glial cells by applying -omic technologies E-Neuroforum. 6: 63-68. DOI: 10.1007/S13295-015-0009-8  0.323
2014 Fu T, Stellmacher A, Znalesniak EB, Dieterich DC, Kalbacher H, Hoffmann W. Tff3 is expressed in neurons and microglial cells. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry : International Journal of Experimental Cellular Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology. 34: 1912-9. PMID 25504043 DOI: 10.1159/000366389  0.327
2014 Rosenberg T, Gal-Ben-Ari S, Dieterich DC, Kreutz MR, Ziv NE, Gundelfinger ED, Rosenblum K. The roles of protein expression in synaptic plasticity and memory consolidation. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 7: 86. PMID 25429258 DOI: 10.3389/Fnmol.2014.00086  0.531
2013 Hinz FI, Dieterich DC, Schuman EM. Teaching old NCATs new tricks: using non-canonical amino acid tagging to study neuronal plasticity. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology. 17: 738-46. PMID 23938204 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cbpa.2013.07.021  0.476
2013 Cohen LD, Zuchman R, Sorokina O, Müller A, Dieterich DC, Armstrong JD, Ziv T, Ziv NE. Metabolic turnover of synaptic proteins: kinetics, interdependencies and implications for synaptic maintenance. Plos One. 8: e63191. PMID 23658807 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0063191  0.456
2013 Howden AJ, Geoghegan V, Katsch K, Efstathiou G, Bhushan B, Boutureira O, Thomas B, Trudgian DC, Kessler BM, Dieterich DC, Davis BG, Acuto O. QuaNCAT: quantitating proteome dynamics in primary cells. Nature Methods. 10: 343-6. PMID 23474466 DOI: 10.1038/Nmeth.2401  0.402
2012 Tom Dieck S, Müller A, Nehring A, Hinz FI, Bartnik I, Schuman EM, Dieterich DC. Metabolic labeling with noncanonical amino acids and visualization by chemoselective fluorescent tagging. Current Protocols in Cell Biology / Editorial Board, Juan S. Bonifacino ... [Et Al.]. Unit7.11. PMID 22968844 DOI: 10.1002/0471143030.Cb0711S56  0.465
2012 Hodas JJ, Nehring A, Höche N, Sweredoski MJ, Pielot R, Hess S, Tirrell DA, Dieterich DC, Schuman EM. Dopaminergic modulation of the hippocampal neuropil proteome identified by bioorthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging (BONCAT). Proteomics. 12: 2464-76. PMID 22744909 DOI: 10.1002/Pmic.201200112  0.477
2012 Pielot R, Smalla KH, Müller A, Landgraf P, Lehmann AC, Eisenschmidt E, Haus UU, Weismantel R, Gundelfinger ED, Dieterich DC. SynProt: A Database for Proteins of Detergent-Resistant Synaptic Protein Preparations. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience. 4: 1. PMID 22737123 DOI: 10.3389/Fnsyn.2012.00001  0.402
2012 Hinz FI, Dieterich DC, Tirrell DA, Schuman EM. Non-canonical amino acid labeling in vivo to visualize and affinity purify newly synthesized proteins in larval zebrafish. Acs Chemical Neuroscience. 3: 40-49. PMID 22347535 DOI: 10.1021/Cn2000876  0.475
2010 Szychowski J, Mahdavi A, Hodas JJ, Bagert JD, Ngo JT, Landgraf P, Dieterich DC, Schuman EM, Tirrell DA. Cleavable biotin probes for labeling of biomolecules via azide-alkyne cycloaddition. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132: 18351-60. PMID 21141861 DOI: 10.1021/Ja1083909  0.42
2010 Dieterich DC. Chemical reporters for the illumination of protein and cell dynamics. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 20: 623-30. PMID 20650631 DOI: 10.1016/J.Conb.2010.06.011  0.456
2010 Dieterich DC, Hodas JJ, Gouzer G, Shadrin IY, Ngo JT, Triller A, Tirrell DA, Schuman EM. In situ visualization and dynamics of newly synthesized proteins in rat hippocampal neurons. Nature Neuroscience. 13: 897-905. PMID 20543841 DOI: 10.1038/Nn.2580  0.476
2010 Taylor AM, Dieterich DC, Ito HT, Kim SA, Schuman EM. Microfluidic local perfusion chambers for the visualization and manipulation of synapses. Neuron. 66: 57-68. PMID 20399729 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2010.03.022  0.327
2009 Ngo JT, Champion JA, Mahdavi A, Tanrikulu IC, Beatty KE, Connor RE, Yoo TH, Dieterich DC, Schuman EM, Tirrell DA. Cell-selective metabolic labeling of proteins. Nature Chemical Biology. 5: 715-7. PMID 19668194 DOI: 10.1038/Nchembio.200  0.479
2009 Kindler S, Dieterich DC, Schütt J, Sahin J, Karpova A, Mikhaylova M, Schob C, Gundelfinger ED, Kreienkamp HJ, Kreutz MR. Dendritic mRNA targeting of Jacob and N-methyl-d-aspartate-induced nuclear translocation after calpain-mediated proteolysis. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 284: 25431-40. PMID 19608740 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M109.022137  0.55
2009 Dieterich DC, Karpova A, Mikhaylova M, Zdobnova I, König I, Landwehr M, Kreutz M, Smalla KH, Richter K, Landgraf P, Reissner C, Boeckers TM, Zuschratter W, Spilker C, Seidenbecher CI, et al. Correction: Caldendrin-Jacob: A protein liaison that couples NMDA receptor signalling to the nucleus (PLoS Biology (2008) 6, 2, (e34) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0060034) Plos Biology. 7. DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pbio.1000022  0.508
2009 Dieterich D. Probing neuronal and astroglial proteome dynamics during synaptogenesis and synaptic plasticity with a click Neuroscience Research. 65: S24. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neures.2009.09.1627  0.327
2008 Dieterich DC, Karpova A, Mikhaylova M, Zdobnova I, König I, Landwehr M, Kreutz M, Smalla KH, Richter K, Landgraf P, Reissner C, Boeckers TM, Zuschratter W, Spilker C, Seidenbecher CI, et al. Caldendrin-Jacob: a protein liaison that couples NMDA receptor signalling to the nucleus. Plos Biology. 6: e34. PMID 18303947 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pbio.0060034  0.536
2007 Dieterich DC, Lee JJ, Link AJ, Graumann J, Tirrell DA, Schuman EM. Labeling, detection and identification of newly synthesized proteomes with bioorthogonal non-canonical amino-acid tagging. Nature Protocols. 2: 532-40. PMID 17406607 DOI: 10.1038/Nprot.2007.52  0.496
2006 Beatty KE, Liu JC, Xie F, Dieterich DC, Schuman EM, Wang Q, Tirrell DA. Fluorescence visualization of newly synthesized proteins in mammalian cells. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). 45: 7364-7. PMID 17036290 DOI: 10.1002/Anie.200602114  0.481
2006 Dieterich DC, Link AJ, Graumann J, Tirrell DA, Schuman EM. Selective identification of newly synthesized proteins in mammalian cells using bioorthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging (BONCAT). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103: 9482-7. PMID 16769897 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0601637103  0.41
2004 Seidenbecher CI, Landwehr M, Smalla KH, Kreutz M, Dieterich DC, Zuschratter W, Reissner C, Hammarback JA, Böckers TM, Gundelfinger ED, Kreutz MR. Caldendrin but not calmodulin binds to light chain 3 of MAP1A/B: an association with the microtubule cytoskeleton highlighting exclusive binding partners for neuronal Ca(2+)-sensor proteins. Journal of Molecular Biology. 336: 957-70. PMID 15095872 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jmb.2003.12.054  0.538
2004 Kreutz MR, Weise J, Dieterich DC, Kreutz M, Balczarek P, Böckers TM, Wittkowski W, Gundelfinger ED, Sabel BA. Rearrangement of the retino-collicular projection after partial optic nerve crush in the adult rat. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 19: 247-57. PMID 14725618 DOI: 10.1111/J.1460-9568.2004.03087.X  0.625
2003 Landwehr M, Redecker P, Dieterich DC, Richter K, Böckers TM, Gundelfinger ED, Kreutz MR. Association of Caldendrin splice isoforms with secretory vesicles in neurohypophyseal axons and the pituitary. Febs Letters. 547: 189-92. PMID 12860411 DOI: 10.1016/S0014-5793(03)00713-0  0.541
2003 Dieterich DC, Landwehr M, Reissner C, Smalla KH, Richter K, Wolf G, Böckers TM, Gundelfinger ED, Kreutz MR. Gliap--a novel untypical L-asparaginase localized to rat brain astrocytes. Journal of Neurochemistry. 85: 1117-25. PMID 12753071 DOI: 10.1046/J.1471-4159.2003.01766.X  0.509
2002 Dieterich DC, Trivedi N, Engelmann R, Gundelfinger ED, Gordon-Weeks PR, Kreutz MR. Partial regeneration and long-term survival of rat retinal ganglion cells after optic nerve crush is accompanied by altered expression, phosphorylation and distribution of cytoskeletal proteins. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 15: 1433-43. PMID 12028353 DOI: 10.1046/J.1460-9568.2002.01977.X  0.561
2002 Laube G, Seidenbecher CI, Richter K, Dieterich DC, Hoffmann B, Landwehr M, Smalla KH, Winter C, Böckers TM, Wolf G, Gundelfinger ED, Kreutz MR. The neuron-specific Ca2+-binding protein caldendrin: gene structure, splice isoforms, and expression in the rat central nervous system. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. 19: 459-75. PMID 11906216 DOI: 10.1006/Mcne.2001.1078  0.553
2002 Dieterich DC, Böckers TM, Gundelfinger ED, Kreutz MR. Screening for differentially expressed genes in the rat inner retina and optic nerve after optic nerve crush. Neuroscience Letters. 317: 29-32. PMID 11750989 DOI: 10.1016/S0304-3940(01)02418-1  0.503
2001 Kreutz MR, Langnaese K, Dieterich DC, Seidenbecher CI, Zuschratter W, Beesley PW, Gundelfinger ED. Distribution of transcript and protein isoforms of the synaptic glycoprotein neuroplastin in rat retina. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 42: 1907-14. PMID 11431460  0.507
2001 Engelmann R, Dieterich DC, Bien A, Kreutz MR. A different retinal glia response to optic nerve injury/lipopolysaccharide administration in hooded and albino rats. Brain Research. 889: 251-5. PMID 11166714 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(00)03145-0  0.502
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