Randy M. Page - Publications

University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, United States 
Health Education, Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Public Health

54 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2019 Berki T, Piko BF, Page RM. The Relationship Between the Models of Sport Commitment and Self-Determination among Adolescent Athletes Acta Facultatis Educationis Physicae Universitatis Comenianae. 59: 79-95. DOI: 10.2478/Afepuc-2019-0007  0.342
2013 Foulger L, Page RM, Hall PC, Crookston BT, West JH. Health risk behaviors in urban and rural Guatemalan adolescents. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 25: 97-105. PMID 23314522 DOI: 10.1515/Ijamh-2013-0014  0.464
2013 Page RM, Saumweber J, Hall PC, Crookston BT, West JH. Multi-country, cross-national comparison of youth suicide ideation: Findings from Global School-based Health Surveys School Psychology International. 34: 540-555. DOI: 10.1177/0143034312469152  0.379
2012 Page RM, Romero YH. Analysis of smoking by South Korean middle school students: shifting preferences in brand choice and rising popularity of Marlboro cigarettes. International Quarterly of Community Health Education. 33: 289-303. PMID 23896037 DOI: 10.2190/Iq.33.3.E  0.356
2012 Page RM, West JH. The Philippines is Marlboro country for youth smoking: results from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS). Journal of Drug Education. 42: 159-76. PMID 23185836 DOI: 10.2190/De.42.2.C  0.362
2012 West JH, Hall PC, Page RM, Trinidad DR, Lindsay GB. Tobacco brand preference among Mexican adolescents. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 24: 143-8. PMID 22909923 DOI: 10.1515/Ijamh.2012.021  0.37
2012 Page RM, Park S, Suwanteerangkul J, Park H, Kemeny M, Philips L. Cross-cultural analysis of cognitive attributions of smoking in thai and South Korean adolescents. The Journal of School Health. 82: 57-64. PMID 22239130 DOI: 10.1111/J.1746-1561.2011.00667.X  0.387
2012 Page RM, Huong NT, Chi HK, Tien TQ. Social normative beliefs about smoking among Vietnamese adolescents. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health / Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium For Public Health. 24: 68-81. PMID 20498122 DOI: 10.1177/1010539510370993  0.394
2012 Page RM, Suwanteerangkul J, Sloan A, Kironde J, West J. Thai Adolescents' Normative Beliefs of the Popularity of Smoking Among Peers, Adults, the Successful and Elite, and Parents Social Development. 21: 849-867. DOI: 10.1111/J.1467-9507.2011.00641.X  0.4
2012 Page RM. Marlboro and other usual brand choices by youth smokers in Middle Eastern countries Journal of Youth Studies. 15: 519-539. DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2012.663899  0.347
2011 Page RM, Suwanteerangkul J, Ricks R, Kemeny M. Meanings of smoking among adolescents in Chiang Mai, Thailand. International Quarterly of Community Health Education. 32: 23-39. PMID 22547495 DOI: 10.2190/Iq.32.1.D  0.409
2011 Page RM, Piko BF, Balazs MA, Struk T. Social normative beliefs regarding cigarette smoking in Hungarian adolescents. Pediatrics International : Official Journal of the Japan Pediatric Society. 53: 662-8. PMID 21342356 DOI: 10.1111/J.1442-200X.2011.03336.X  0.379
2011 Page RM, Danielson M. Multi-country, cross-national comparison of youth tobacco use: findings from global school-based health surveys. Addictive Behaviors. 36: 470-8. PMID 21324609 DOI: 10.1016/J.Addbeh.2011.01.008  0.427
2011 Page RM, West JH. Suicide ideation and psychosocial distress in sub-Saharan African youth. American Journal of Health Behavior. 35: 129-41. PMID 21204676 DOI: 10.5993/Ajhb.35.2.1  0.341
2011 Page RM, Huong NT, Chi HK, Tien TQ. Smoking media literacy in Vietnamese adolescents. The Journal of School Health. 81: 34-41. PMID 21158864 DOI: 10.1111/J.1746-1561.2010.00555.X  0.393
2011 Page RM, West JH, Hall PC. Psychosocial distress and suicide ideation in Chinese and Philippine adolescents. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health / Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium For Public Health. 23: 774-91. PMID 21118858 DOI: 10.1177/1010539509353113  0.366
2011 Page RM, Piko BF, Balazs MA, Struk T. Media literacy and cigarette smoking in Hungarian adolescents Health Education Journal. 70: 446-457. DOI: 10.1177/0017896910379692  0.407
2010 Piko B, Balázs MA, Page RM. The significance of media literacy in adolescent smoking and drinking Lege Artis Medicinae. 20: 143-147.  0.342
2009 Page RM, Hall CP. Psychosocial distress and alcohol use as factors in adolescent sexual behavior among sub-Saharan African adolescents. The Journal of School Health. 79: 369-79. PMID 19630871 DOI: 10.1111/J.1746-1561.2009.00423.X  0.433
2009 Page RM, Suwanteerangkul J. Self-rated health, psychosocial functioning, and health-related behavior among Thai adolescents. Pediatrics International : Official Journal of the Japan Pediatric Society. 51: 120-5. PMID 19371291 DOI: 10.1111/J.1442-200X.2008.02660.X  0.398
2009 Page RM, Simonek J, Ihász F, Hantiu I, Uvacsek M, Kalabiska I, Klarova R. Self-rated health, psychosocial functioning, and other dimensions of adolescent health in central and Eastern European adolescents European Journal of Psychiatry. 23: 101-114. DOI: 10.4321/S0213-61632009000200004  0.412
2008 Page RM, Zarco EP, Ihasz F, Suwanteerangkul J, Uvacsek M, Mei-Lee C, Miao NF, Simonek J, Klarova R, Hantiu I, Kalabiska I. Cigarette smoking and indicators of psychosocial distress in Southeast Asian and Central-Eastern European adolescents. Journal of Drug Education. 38: 307-28. PMID 19438065 DOI: 10.2190/De.38.4.A  0.405
2008 Page RM, Ihasz F, Hantiu I, Simonek J, Klarova R. Social normative perceptions of alcohol use and episodic heavy drinking among Central and Eastern European adolescents. Substance Use & Misuse. 43: 361-73. PMID 18365937 DOI: 10.1080/10826080701202866  0.387
2008 Keresztes N, Piko BF, Pluhar ZF, Page RM. Social influences in sports activity among adolescents. The Journal of the Royal Society For the Promotion of Health. 128: 21-5. PMID 18274326 DOI: 10.1177/1466424007085228  0.365
2006 Page RM, Ihász F, Uvacsek M, Kalabiska I, Johnson E, Hantiu I, Klarova R, Simonek J. Self-perception of body weight, weight management practices and goals, and other weight-related factors in central and eastern European adolescents. International Quarterly of Community Health Education. 27: 39-58. PMID 18039628 DOI: 10.2190/Iq.27.1.D  0.356
2006 Page RM, Ihasz F, Simonek J, Klarova R, Hantiu I. Cigarette smoking, friendship factors, and social norm perceptions among central and Eastern European high school students. Journal of Drug Education. 36: 213-31. PMID 17345915 DOI: 10.2190/P00L-2061-461X-336Q  0.417
2006 Page RM, O'Hegarty M. Type of student residence as a factor in college students' alcohol consumption and social normative perceptions regarding alcohol use Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 15: 15-31. DOI: 10.1300/J029V15N03_02  0.316
2006 Page RM, Yanagishita J, Suwanteerangkul J, Zarco EP, Mei-Lee C, Miao NF. Hopelessness and loneliness among suicide attempters in school-based samples of Taiwanese, Philippine and Thai adolescents School Psychology International. 27: 583-598. DOI: 10.1177/0143034306073415  0.353
2005 Page RM, Zarco EP, Suwanteerangkul J, Ching ML, Miao NF, Taylor J. Perceptions of the prevalence of cigarette smoking by peers: a study of Taiwanese, Filipino, and Thai high school students. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 36: 1346-52. PMID 16438169  0.342
2005 Page RM, Taylor J, Suwanteerangkul J, Novilla L. Self-perception of body weight among secondary students in Chiang Mai, Thailand International Quarterly of Community Health Education. 23: 263-277. DOI: 10.2190/Q1Wl-Bybm-D5U9-Xtqv  0.353
2005 Hill SC, Thomsen SR, Page RM, Parrott N. Alcohol advertisements in youth-oriented magazines: Persuasive themes and responsibility messages American Journal of Health Education. 36: 258-265. DOI: 10.1080/19325037.2005.10608194  0.387
2004 Page RM, Lee CM, Miao NF. Assessing prevalence of overweight and obesity through self-reports of height and weight by high school students in Taipei, Taiwan. The Journal of School Health. 74: 401-7. PMID 15724567 DOI: 10.1111/J.1746-1561.2004.Tb06606.X  0.347
2004 Page RM, Roland M. Misperceptions of the prevalence of marijuana use among college students: Athletes and non-athletes Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 14: 61-75. DOI: 10.1300/J029V14N01_04  0.365
2003 Page RM, Lee C, Miao N, Dearden K, Carolan A. Physical Activity and Psychosocial Discomfort among High School Students in Taipei, Taiwan The International Quarterly of Community Health Education. 22: 215-228. DOI: 10.2190/2Tpf-Lpvq-R2T5-Rvcq  0.377
2002 Page RM, Hammermeister J, Roland M. Are high school students accurate or clueless in estimating substance use among peers? Adolescence. 37: 567-73. PMID 12458693  0.648
2001 Page RM, Zarco EP. Relationship between television viewing frequency and scores on shyness among Philippine high school students Psychological Reports. 89: 366-368. PMID 11783564 DOI: 10.2466/Pr0.2001.89.2.366  0.353
2000 Page RM, Zarco EP. Physical Activity and Television Viewing Linked to Body Mass Index among Philippine High School Students: Signaling of an Emerging Epidemic of Obesity? The International Quarterly of Community Health Education. 20: 145-156. DOI: 10.2190/Jxwg-Y1Af-Fqc2-P3L0  0.312
1999 Page RM, Scanlan A. Perceptions of the Prevalence of Marijuana Use among College Students: A Comparison between Current Users and Nonusers Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 9: 1-12. DOI: 10.1300/J029V09N02_01  0.362
1998 Page RM. College students' distorted perception of the prevalence of smoking Psychological Reports. 82: 474. PMID 9621721 DOI: 10.2466/Pr0.1998.82.2.474  0.362
1998 Page RM, Hammermeister J, Scanlan A, Gilbert L. Is school sports participation a protective factor against adolescent health risk behaviors Journal of Health Education. 29: 186-192. DOI: 10.1080/10556699.1998.10603332  0.447
1997 Page RM, Hammermeister J. Weapon-carrying and youth violence Adolescence. 32.  0.314
1995 Page RM, Allen O. Adolescent perceptions of body weight and weight satisfaction Perceptual and Motor Skills. 81: 81-82. PMID 8532486 DOI: 10.2466/Pms.1995.81.1.81  0.321
1995 Page RM, Scanlan A, Allen O. Adolescent Perceptions of Body Weight and Attractiveness: Important Issues in Alcoholm and Illicit Drug Use? Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 4: 43-55. DOI: 10.1300/J029V04N04_03  0.376
1994 Allen O, Page RM. Variance in substance use between rural black and white Mississippi high school students Adolescence. 29: 401-404. PMID 8085490  0.315
1993 Page RM, Allen O, Moore L, Hewitt C. Co‐Occurrence of Substance Use and Loneliness as a Risk Factor for Adolescent Hopelessness Journal of School Health. 63: 104-108. PMID 8479158 DOI: 10.1111/J.1746-1561.1993.Tb06090.X  0.411
1993 Page RM, Allen O, Moore L, Hewitt C. Weight-related concerns and practices of male and female adolescent cigarette smokers and nonsmokers Journal of Health Education. 24: 339-346. DOI: 10.1080/10556699.1993.10616415  0.377
1992 Page RM, Kitchin-Becker S, Solovan D, Golec TL, Hebert DL. Interpersonal violence: A priority issue for health education Journal of Health Education. 23: 286-292. DOI: 10.1080/10556699.1992.10610032  0.301
1991 Page RM. Loneliness as a risk factor in adolescent hopelessness Journal of Research in Personality. 25: 189-195. DOI: 10.1016/0092-6566(91)90014-H  0.461
1990 Page RM. Shyness and sociability: a dangerous combination for illicit substance use in adolescent males? Adolescence. 25: 803-806. PMID 2275435  0.322
1990 Page RM. Loneliness and adolescent health behavior Health Education. 21: 14-17. DOI: 10.1080/00970050.1990.10614567  0.454
1989 Page RM. Shyness as a risk factor for adolescent substance use The Journal of School Health. 59: 432-435. PMID 2615330 DOI: 10.1111/J.1746-1561.1989.Tb04658.X  0.368
1988 Page RM. Adolescent loneliness: A priority for school health education Health Education. 19: 20-21. PMID 3152378 DOI: 10.1080/00970050.1988.10610167  0.407
1987 Page RM. Perceived consequences of drinking caffeinated beverages Perceptual and Motor Skills. 65: 765-766. PMID 3438120 DOI: 10.2466/Pms.1987.65.3.765  0.314
1984 Page RM. Seatbelt use among preadolescent children: Implications for school health education Health Education. 15: 35-38. PMID 6444041 DOI: 10.1080/00970050.1984.10615752  0.355
Show low-probability matches.